Sep 18, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I'm definitely looking forward to more. I also read/watch all of Patel Patriot's Devolution series. His power hour tonight had two of my recent favorite thinkers and writers, Chris Paul and Burning Bright.

Regarding the Patel Patriot "rebuttal", I though he was a little dismissive of your work. And I am aware there were some unpleasantries that took place early on. In the chat on a Duane Cates show someone told me that they thought it was mishandled at the beginning, and was caused by one person of your group, and they thought it unfortunate. That's all I know, and all I care to know, it's the work and info that matter, since we truly are all in this together. Thanks.

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This is a pretty awesome breakdown of what happened. There is more to come but this is a good start.


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Thanks for posting this!

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Thank You!! Checking this out…10 min in and I like it so far.

Is it just me or has PatelPatriot’s character “devolved” (not to be confused with ”devolution” in PP context) when legitimate and well-researched theories come along and raise doubts about Devolution? What turned me off awhile back was PP admitting that he never followed/read any Q posts, like that somehow gave him more standing, credibility?

Secondly, I don’t like Pence. I disliked him before the election.

If he turns out he has played a white hat part ( which I personally doubt) that doesn’t then make him a white hat! (Maybe he cut a deal for crimes we are not fully aware of?) I don’t know.

Judging by character, I am so glad I found 17sog!

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Yes! SOG is an amazing source. Patel Patriot is too! For new people. But as you go up the information food chain you will find you need more sophisticated sources. You will never be on the inside circle but you can at least get close by listening to those who truly understand how things work. I don't really care what happened with Biernutz and Patel because I have been known to be a bitch a time or two so I get it. I care more about the info. Jula stays in the center so be prepared for that. But he has been in meetings and understands intel outside the wire and how it all works...so he is an incredible resource. He currently works as an aeronautical engineer for one of the DOD companies. Crazy as the costume seems he keeps his identity hidden but I think you will come to appreciate the info regardless.

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I appreciate your comment and your thoughts! I likely would not have found Jula on my own…grateful.

I wish PP would be right about his certainty but I don’t think he is (yes, I admire the extensive research he has done and was following his posts from the start…until continuing to do so was by paid subscription only, and then 17sog came along and free subscribers were suddenly throw some access)

Thanks much for your reply

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

You are most welcome. Anytime!

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Your statement that Patel's work (at any point) was for "for paid subscribers only" is an outright UNTRUTH. Yes, a LIE.

If you meant being able to "comment" on his work is for "paid subscribers" you would have said that. And I don't blame him one bit for that in this InfoWar.

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You have to be a paying customer to comment. Reading is free.

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I just posted a pic from snipping tool that shows you have to pay to comment. So at the "point" you want to comment you do have to be a paid subscriber. He hides behind a paywall or blocks people with opposing opinions.

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I signed up as a free subscriber back around Sept 2021 and read all of PP Devolution posts.

Then on July 3, 2022 I had an email which stated that I had only a 24 hour window to access his post at that time…

I didn’t see that until many days later and had already encountered buzz about paid vs free subscribers.

I unsubscribed.

I interpreted that last email as limited access because I was not a paid subscriber. Maybe I misinterpreted that last email.

Hey, he has his faithful staunch believers and I do not begrudge him that.

IMO, after that first interview he did with Gregg Philips, PP seemed to change.

Maybe he is right about Trump coming back any day now (before the Nov election). I would love it.

I don’t believe that will happen though. This is a time for transparency …for open discussion. Having to pay to participate in open discussion seems contrary to the goal but to each his own. I simply don’t follow PP anymore.

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Your statement, "following his posts...continuing to do so was by paid subscription only" is an out and out lie. Patel does NOT require a paid subscription to his Substack work. You can read EVERY article and listen to every podcast for free. Do some research before you choose to smear and demean a true patriot. Thanks.

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I am not lying. I’m sorry I don’t remember exactly the couple times that happened to me via an email but I do remember feeling quite bad about it as I had twice donated to PatelPatriot, not as a subscriber but as a donation. And it wasn’t the same as ‘comments allowed by paid subscribers only’ - it was clearly: this post for paid subscribers only. I wondered why the email notification was even sent out to a non-paid subscriber!? I unsubscribed after that and maybe since then everything is freely available again - which would make my statement you quoted as somewhat false - but for me , it was my experience when merely donating didn’t get me access.

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Listening now. I don’t know if Patel ever looked at the Law of War manual that NZ Carl ( magicQ eyes only rumble channel that was updated in 2015 or 2016. This seems to be a really important. Does Jula Wren discuss this? And can you point me into anything else that would be interesting! Thanks for turning me onto the stuff

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He not only looks at it, he points out the importance of understanding that this is not a textbook war. There will be out of the box methods. It's how they know people are not expecting AT. ALL how it is going to go down. With that said, it helpful to keep the law of war manual on your desktop at all times and have a copy of The Art of War on hand AND...DJT's books. It helps to know how he thinks. Those of us who do knew immediately what Elon's "best and final offer" really was.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

So glad I came upon your work, I love how you analyzed The deception it’s very important and I just do it in a kind of gut feeling way but it’s really nice to have more resources have you ever thought of writing a book?

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I have written books....but not about word analysis. We can talk about that on Twitter in private messaging but not here. (@WordShark1) It's not the place. One thing about word analysis that is so interesting is that it truly gives you some serious insight as to what a person might be up to. It isn't always about deception. Sometimes it is about whether they are trying to pass off their beliefs as fact...and that is when it is important to understand exactly what it is you are hearing. I think in this Part 1 video, I laughed out loud because Jula is JUST as crazy about exactly what was said as I am. Not many people catch that stuff. In fact, unless I'm actually looking for it, I don't many times. But once a flag goes off in my head...it's all for the shout. And that "Fan Fiction" bullshit Jon turned out sunk his ship. I don't care WHY he did it. It's the fact that he did. I mean...if you are going to write and article like that...at least make sure there are no snipers like Jula waiting on the rooftop....

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Exactly. He did a great analysis. And, it had to come from someone else. Not us. 😉 Our hope is that others do the same. With any theory. Including ours…

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Awesome is right! Finally had time to quietly listen to JulaWren’s part one. It got very exciting for me when he started (towards the end of the hour) talking about Constitutional crisis (Q used the words Constitutional crisis several times) and it reminded me of Q post 964 when Q wrote, in all caps:


And Q post 22:

Q asked: What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Jula points out: how can COG exist when the government has been compromised, when the authority of Congress has been compromised?

And mentions the Commander in Chief clause, Article 2, Section 3 (I think) …a line that Lincoln used: requiring the CIC to:

“take care that the laws be faithfully executed “

That definitely sounds like Trump, in our time.

Jula points out that in a Constitutional crisis, the COG can’t operate because the government has been corrupted - the military has to take over.

Thanks again for the link…super interesting insights and questions!

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If you liked that, you will love this round table with he and his friends from last night!


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Excellent. I’ll check it out. Thanks much

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Totally agreed with what you said!

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Thanks, you guys rock

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I never doubted it. There is no shortage of topics to explore. The war is complex and involves ever-shifting foci. Keep digging. I'm listening.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Please keep them coming...these are what I love...being former/retired mil!!!!!!

You guys rock!!!!!!

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Right...those "retirees" will be who saves us in the end.

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Loved your latest article!! 🤜🏻🤛🏻

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Actually, I am eager to see your response to Patel Patriot's detailed review of your work.

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It was far from detailed. He only reviewed one part. Which is very unfortunate and disappointing. He is known for his in depth research yet only critiques one part of our series. His claims that our sole source of proving COG has been in place since 2001 is one article. He is completely wrong. Read Into The Shadows. There are multiple sources that prove that COG has been in play since 2001. We are highly disappointed with his so called "review." See for yourself.


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You are amazing!!! And it is pretty evident to me that you guys have been careful and that You are coming from a very pure place! From what I can tell Patel is a lovely person, but Sometimes when people get a bit of fame and Noteriety it can cloud things a bit. I’m pretty sure that in the future but Patel will regret his Article, it was not kind. All voices need to be heard and Looked at in the spirit in which they are offered. I think you have offered something very wonderful that has helped me to Make more sense in how we got to now! That is what you guys have been doing a wonderful job of and the way you write is very easy to read and helps to the context which is super important at this time! Keep up the amazing work!

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what a lovely comment and so very true! I second this whole heartedly, I cannot add because it is so perfectly stated!!!

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I could not agree more. I loved his work overall and still appreciate the long hours that must have gone into it. However, this is something that could have been easily repaired with humility and not panic over money. Faith and kindness go a very long way. And I have to admit I am not always kind....but I am working on it.

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Yeah, Jula destroyed his argument. He already is no fan of people who treat others like shit over money to begin with and make no mistake; that is exactly what he is doing and at this point it could not be more obvious.

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Thank you!!!! I posted a link in PP's Spitballers chat on Telegram to Biernutz's article and the 1st 17SOG article when they released it just to start a discussion and the admins in that chat group deleted my comment and booted me from the group. I do not follow PP any longer. I didn't think much about him being able to quit his job to podcast full time but now I know why he wants to silence anyone with any other theories that may question Devolution. I have and will continue to broadcast what they did to me anywhere I can because I am so angry over it. Patrick Gunnels isn't much better. Having said that, aren't we all supposed to be on the same team?

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No. No we are not. When people show you who they are, believe them. You don't have to watch the show again or anything but I did a quick write up on it here:https://substack.com/inbox/post/73880502

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Not to sound like a box of rocks, but we aren't on the same team? I am listening to JulaWren now.

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No my only point was that just because these guys all call themselves patriots and want people to sit at their feet....doesn't make them good people. People who are in this for money turn over differing opinions as you have well experienced. You and I are definitely on the same team. :)

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You go girls!!!

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I smell what you’re cooking fren, but response is unnecessary in my thinking. Patel did his rebuttal, but so be it. Patel has volumes of research from .gov links that are to be trusted.

I’m interested in open dialogue from different perspectives from independent writers, a number of them, and consume what’s digestible.

Tit4tat don’t work for me, but hey, who am I to say. I’ll hang for some more 17 SOC.

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We are interested in this too. We are not the gatekeepers of knowledge that anyone can look up and research on their own. They keep claiming Trump initiated COG. He did not, he continued it. It’s right there, open source. History matters in our opinion.

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Clarifying. The termination of the state of emergency (9-11) was stated as having no documentation. But “surely was” and, and...These are two different beasts. One initiated cog, but even if declared emergency past, what would matter? Their mechanism for overreach is in place.

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My understanding the initial 9-11 COG has no documentation of being terminated. Wouldn’t there have been something issued in regards to termination? This is most important point in the initiation COG and whether it remains active!

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It is active. Look into Mount Weather and other govt COG bunkers. It is always active to date. During covid/Ukraine war start-- the watch rotation was changed to 24/7. Outside of emergencies such as covid and 911. They are on stand-by and or various watch rotations that allow those that fulfill this COG -to have time with family.

There is talk of movement from DC to bunkers during the beginning of the Ukraine war.

If the govt or POTUS cabinet were ever incapacitated. i e....nuclear war, an attack. There is a COG all set to take over and possibly move those alive to the various mountain bunkers. There are bunkers for cabinet & high ranking congress, The IC, The military...and so on. There is a team ready to run govt in case of extreme situations of loss of life.

This was done because of Cheney in the WH bunker and GWBush so vulnerable in air on 911. They found the communications were so siloed that no one knew what they were doing.

This has nothing to do with anything specific to Trump being President or any military running things covertly to place Trump. or run tribunals. It seems as if both Patel Patriot and 17th SOG are blowing smoke. Prove me wrong.

17th Special Operation Group says it is 4 or was it 5? -people writing this series. They lead others in their bipolar comments- into thinking if they are not military-- They are in close proximation of insider knowledge. If you logically study 17th SOG's comments --They post heart emoji's and talk in chan frens talk. Then talk like they are in the military *or access to high ranking officials.

No real--in the know- or military have the time to play GI Joe Spec Op's on a blog. The beginning of this series starts by calling out Patel Patriots work. This premise screams that it is a chan pissing contest moving the goal posts-again. There are gullible people that will believe every word written because the front page claim is called the '17th Special Operation Group '----anonymously. They can never reveal their identity by the very title of this fan fiction.

The last time I spoke out on this 17th SOG in this forum in comments--With my opinion. I got a warning from a poster saying essentially---- do not speak to them ever again as they know all with facts and support 17th SOG & Q. My entire account was deactivated to any ability to sign on. It didn't exist anymore.

So someone will report me to someone and get this removed. But you will have to eventually answer to this not being a chan/great awakening pissing contest of anons.

Before I get nuked out of this place again. Can the 17th SOG explain how they have the time to play on a blog if they have insider special ops information or are special operators?. & comment in the comments with heart emoji's to "frens"? IOW's please post evidence you are no more than arrogant can't be wrong-- anons moving a goal post away from Patel Patriot, because you and Patel Patriot are yanking chains.

At least Patel Patriot shows his identity. I am not defending his work & he could be a provocateur; he could be anybody-just like 17th SOG anon kek frens?

There is nothing at all wrong with full uncensored discussion regarding Q, PP, or devolution and now the goal post moving new theme. But why post as if you are special operators/insiders blogging? Just rename it-- if you really want real discussion and not a pissing contest. It is obvious your posts in the series are spit-balling.

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Gazoo, thanks for the information above. I understood the process but not in this detail (first remarks), as I believe this info was for me. Got a little concerned your use of “you” is still directed at me toward the end. I don’t have a dog in this hunt. If things go sideways between these two entities, I’ll get out of the way as to not be collaterally damaged.

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A link to .gov does not lend itself to trust anyones interpretation. Devolution part 18 relies heavily on the work of another substack.

As it is, our work stands on its own merit. Its up to you to decide.

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I agree - don't get caught up in a pissing match as to who is right or wrong. Focus on the end goal. IMHO, it is good to have multiple perspectives.

Reading a book called Freedom by Sebastian Junger. He discusses conflicts in populations that are sparse and gives examples of early colonial times of violent confrontations between settlers and Indians.. That unresolved conflicts between men were usually settled with fistfights and once the fight was over, the men shook hands and forgot their differences because you didn't know if the next day you would be crouched next to each other fending off an attack.

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There is still plenty more to discover. There is room for 17th SOG to be corrected or for us to pivot if need be and it wont cost us a dime. Others are not so fortunate.

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THE smartest position to work from for obvious reasons. Also, just because there is no "sauce" on something or info comes from outside the wire doesn't mean it isn't happening. Open source is great for people who have info parts to the puzzle that the DOD wouldn't otherwise have access to (i.e.; Gregg Phillips work) but to think if it isn't open source it isn't valid is flawed thinking because I can tell you much goes on OUT of Patel Patriot's view. He was an idiot to go down this road.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I wanted to add something I just read on another SS that I think applies in the broader scope of things:

"As I began to see how differently others related to the world in comparison to me, I realized that for many, their identity is based upon projecting to others that they are “right” and “know.” This is particularly easy to see with individuals in positions of authority, as they will always dig their heels in to avoid admitting fault or ignorance so that they can protect their status.  

For example, throughout my life, I have seen many individuals within the alternative communities attract a following and then become trapped by the “truth” they created a following with, which prevents them from ever admitting a belief they had previously espoused was wrong. In recent times, I have seen many members of this movement (e.g. Alex Berenson refusing to consider ivermectin works, or leading virus debunkers refusing to consider evidence viruses exist) fall into this same trap. From the day I first observed this phenomena, I have always felt quite sad for these individuals and the shackles they had placed upon themselves."

This is from Midwestern Doctor - highly recommended if you aren't already familiar with the SS.


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Thanks for your very appropriate comment, I agree, and I just read read the How to spell that you pointed us towards. I think it’s really important to be able to change your mind about something! I personally suffered a little bit from orange man bad syndrome for a while, Luckily my sister red pilled me, right before Covid began.

I actually sent a letter to the presidents website apologizing for Being so wildly mistaken. I am my mom’s medical power of attorney and luckily because of my sister and because of many patriots out there who are brave and fighting there medical tyranny I was able to not fall prey to some of the issues that happened to those described in the article. 

My brother is on the complete other side of the spectrum and luckily I was able with my sister to help my mother to stand up to him and she never got vaccinated. She recently got Covid she’s 91 years old and because we had all the therapeutics on board Even though I couldn’t prophylactically give them to her for over a year because of my brother, we were able to immediately get monoclonal antibodies and I put her on the formerly prescribed HCQ and budesonide.

After a slight fever for an hour and a half post monoclonal antibodies, For which she took Tylenol, she ended up the next morning feeling totally fine except for the fact that she had chest congestion and had to do the budesenide for a week along with the HCQ, She recovered quickly and easily. Thanks to patriots and courageous doctors I was able to walk to the research and the real science. It’s nice to have mental flexibility!

Also agreed about the whole virus thing. I don’t know that many people are able to really understand it I certainly don’t, But I think people that are so positive that they are right when they may not be is very dangerous.

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Wow. Patel Patriot seems spot on.

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Except when he is not. His assertion that Tom B is Antifa proves his shallow attempt at research...embarassing for him actually.

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Where is his review?

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I thought so once as well. There are many pieces to the puzzle. Either your open minded about researching or you’re narrow focused. I choose open mindedness. It just feels right. Besides God gave each one of us His Light. In that Light, I believe we are given the ability of discernment. In that discernment flows my intuition. That is my guide and how I utilize my intuition . . . I’ve been able to navigate in this crazy journey. I sense or know Truth through God’s Grace and His Gifts . . .

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On his substack Patel Patriot. If you’re not a paying customer, you are not allowed to make comments.

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I totally agree. I did attempt to make comments. No luck. It really limits his ability to get a fair sampling of thoughts from a broad range of researchers/Truthers . . .

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I subscribe to Patel Patriot's substack, but at the $2 level, and it does not let me leave a comment.

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This. Is very unfortunate. And wrong. I’m so sorry about that.

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Actually, I may have misspoken. The $2 may be for his Locals. I think I'm on the "free" sub on his substack. I apologize. I can only afford so many paid substacks per month.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Looking forward to more well researched and well written articles by the 17thSOG group. Thank you for all that you do to wake up more and more people. God bless!

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

For anyone wondering if it's Devolution or Reconstitution, go to ninoscorner.tv and watch his latest interview with Juan O'Savin. He explains it in a way you cannot unsee it and he mentions Patel Patriot's hard work with respect...but...You won't regret the $3 if all you do is listen to this interview. You will get a pretty darn good clue as to what comes next. Exciting!! Also fantastic support for 17 SOG's hard work here.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Here we go! JulaWren's Reading and Commentary of the Reconstitution Prologue! This is right around an hour and a half. I hope you all enjoy it!


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you guys dive deep, where the details that change everything often lay-waiting for discovery. i'll read whatever you write from here-on out. we're all in this together, and i don't just read, i act as well.

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I have read both Devolution and Reconstitution. I neither believe nor disbelieve either. Both are great efforts in making sense of what is going on and both have great points they bring up to back their claims. As far as information gathering goes, anyone who would be here or on PP's site is in search of the truth and that is where I am. I don't like the things I hear about people being banned for questioning and the pay wall for comments at PP. Money screws up everything and it is a shame that an army of truth seeking patriots are being split because of a disagreement. What should be happening is both sides should looking to reconcile their information and find a more true truth to the situation at hand.

I believe the situation is a Constitutional Crisis and one that we are not going to find a way out of very easily. As long as the Vatican owned Municipal Corporation and British owned Corporations acting as our government are allowed to exist the profiteers will continue to subvert and destroy. We must bring back land jurisdiction and remove Admiralty (maritime) courts from the land and go back to Constitutional rule. Get the British off our land!

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We have tried reconciliation and it was rejected. Even though we don’t have anything to apologize for, we tried to. It was rejected. Multiple times. And not by us I might add.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Reconciliation cannot come with the enemy. The enemy seeks to kill and destroy. He has no interest in reconciliation. What I will say is that the fight to hang on to the Devolution theory is very telling. The truth does not need defending; it speaks volumes for itself. You are not only over the target, it's in the killbox and feeling the burn. The enemy is going to fight like a vicious snake; beware. We are with you.

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I didn't really mean reconciliation with the PP team as much as to reconcile both sets of information into one hypothesis. They do have good points in their info and you guys do as well. Even if PP's info has inaccuracies it doesn't mean it is all invalid. Many of the things he talks about did happen and they are points that need an explanation.

I guess that boat has sailed though.

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You understand! Well said. The latest development with Francis the Pontiff ordering all assets to be transferred to the Vatican bank is going largely unnoticed by the masses, but this is a move of staggering proportions! What exactly does it mean? I'm still trying to figure it out but several options are possible.

Option 1: The Roths central banks are in trouble or are no more?

Option 2: If assets are being consolidated all the way back to the Holy See then perhaps the Vatican parent MUNICIPAL franchise is being liquidated by the Holy See?

Option 3: The Roman Air (Municipal) jurisdiction is stopping its encroachment onto the Land and rolling itself back within its proper boundary?

Option 4: Any combination of the above?

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I don't know if you follow Anna Reitz or have read any of her info but there may be something to Option 2.


Didn't Trump do something with the Vatican/Pope when he was in office. I remember something happening but it escapes me at this time. I need to dig it up.

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Concrete proof is still hard to come by, but right now it sure seems as if all the options I mentioned are in play. Yes I know about Anna. She does great work, but it has become a huge thing to deal with. I just checked and she now has 3816 articles posted on her site alone, nearly all of which are poorly labeled. There is a search tool that offers some help, but overall most of her material is caught in that quagmire of 3816 articles and beyond reasonable usefulness for most people. She really needs a well designed and maintained online knowledge base to make her body of work fully accessible.

Trump and the Vatican, now that's interesting!!!

What do we know about this strange meeting?

Fact 1: Trump is Republican and therefore represents the British Empire (Sea jurisdiction).

Fact 2: The Pontiff/Vatican represent the Roman Empire (Air jurisdiction).

Fact 3: That meeting was one of old enemies meeting face to face (but for what purpose?).

Fact 4: Trump came away from this meeting happy, like a winner.

Fact 5: Francis came away from this meeting looking very unhappy, like a loser (and he was most irritated when Trump fondled his hand).

Fact 6: Some time after this meeting, at the Independence Day celebration on the Washington Mall, Trump proclaimed "we have the cleanest air ever!" as the military was flying jets and spewing tons of filthy exhaust fumes overhead and onto the massive crowd below. WHAT A CONTRADICTION!

So what did that clean air statement actually mean? Again concrete evidence is hard to come by, but to me it indicates that Trump, during his Vatican visit, wrestled control of the Air jurisdiction (at least the American part of it) away from the Vatican. He was able to do this because of this bankruptcy that no one seems to have paid any attention to.


2013-16: The MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES, INC. and cohort MUNICIPAL "governmental services corporations" enter involuntary bankruptcy liquidation.

In May 2015, Barack Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES —


The MUNICIPAL Corporation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and the UNITED STATES, INC. together with all the three letter Agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ...) entered bankruptcy and in Chapter 7 Involuntary Liquidation in 2015.

Also comprised of 10,000 INCORPORATED Franchises operating as MUNICIPAL Oligarchies: “STATE OF,” “CITY OF,” “TOWN OF, ” “TOWNSHIP OF,” “BOROUGH OF”.

The UNITED STATES, INC. and all its MUNICIPAL franchises dba CHINA (INC.), JAPAN (INC.), INDIA (INC.) , STATE OF OREGON (INC.), JOHN MICHAEL SMITH (INC.), CITY OF OMAHA (INC.), UNITED KINGDOM (INC.), FLORIDA (INC.), CANADA (INC.), AUSTRALIA (INC.)…..ad infinitum, entered Chapter 7 Liquidation in 2015.


Everything listed above in that bankruptcy summary pertains to the AIR jurisdiction, aka the Vatican parent franchise. If that info is true then in essence when Trump went to see the Pontiff, the Vatican was already massively bankrupted and probably in recision thus making it extremely vulnerable, and the ideal time for Trump to go for the jugular!

Trump's subsequent announcement that "we have the cleanest air ever!" seems to be a confirmation that he did indeed go for the jugular and won.

If anyone has a better explanation of these facts I would really love to hear it.

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That is a great explanation, and ever since then I have noticed things. Things most people don't pay attention to like the flag. The eagle on top was removed and the tassels went from gold to red, white, and blue. That has significance but I don't know exactly. The gold fringe is still there and means admiralty but never could figure out the tassels.

Did you ever follow War Castles and Sergeant Robert Horton and Russel J Gould?


I always thought that was great baseline that explained how we got here but it goes off into the now time jurisdiction and wasn't deep enough into Maritime and land jurisdictions. I don't think anything is going to come of that work though.

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Yes I am familiar with Sergeant Robert Horton and Russel J Gould's work. There is some merit to their work but it is fundamentally flawed. They believe in the concept of: 1 + 2 = 3 ... 3 - 2 = 1

While that is indeed correct mathematically, it is in fact wrong when they apply it to jurisdictions. When it comes to jurisdictions, as in the planetary jurisdictions of Soil Land Sea and Air which they speak extensively about, this is the only concept that applies: 1 2 3 4 ... 4 3 2 1

To explain it another way. Jurisdictions cannot be added or subtracted, they can only flow from one to the other in linear fashion: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 ... 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1

Or.... Soil Land Sea Air ... Air Sea Land Soil

That flow has everything to do with the distribution of authority which is expressed as Sovereignty.

The American civilian peace flag is the one few Americans know about, and it should be used by all peaceful Americans.


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Yes I fly a US civil flag at my house. I have for years.

Thinking back about your Option 1 I saw this.


It may in fact be happening...

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I have always considered both to be complementary to one another.

PP got his panties in a wad after Biernutz71 made some perhaps pointed criticisms. PP took it as attacking his now livelihood. So be it!

The description Paytriot is indeed in the lexicon now!

That said, PP did show that the original source on Reconstitution went on to publish on Antifa web pages. This proves NOTHING about the prior work, and as 17SOG has reported, there have been further confirmations which render the objection by PP moot.

But from PP's view, his mess kit is still being messed with, and he is testy about it.

I look forward to more revelations by both strands of approach!

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I too think that both are complementary. Just wish that egos Heart causing people to behave badly! I think that Patel is a genuinely good person but I think he got caught up in his ideas and it’s actually not doing himself a service by his last article! I love Biernutz71 Work and I think that hopefully cooler heads will prevail later on. Word shark made some great comments!

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I truly appreciate your research and sharing of info. I also follow Patel but am disappointed in both he and Patrick G's response to your teams research and posting. There's so much info to sift through, we are all fighting towards the same goal (or should be, ego's aside). Thank you for your efforts!

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Here’s a boatload of information:


After we all wrap our minds around this one, maybe we can begin the discussion on why Trump professes to love Israel so much. Also, consider the fact that he went to Israel right after SA to tell them “We have it all.”

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld? Serious puppets?

This rabbit hole just got about 10 miles deeper . . . For me at least.

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Indeed an interesting article. It makes a very astute remark "The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:" but what the author doesn't say here is even more interesting. The Roths have also infiltrated the Vatican, as was clearly evidenced when the photo of the pope kissing the hand of a Roth was deliberately shown to the world as a statement of who is really in charge of who.

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront Suzanne.

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On Israel: seeing how the kM infiltrated the Jewish faith they professed to hold in the days of Sumerian life, I believe there are few purebred Jews, if you will, in existence. IMHO, The Armenian People are the closest to pure bloods & they underwent a genocide a century ago as I have read. There are only ~8million people left in their race. The KM does not want any pure bloods left on the planet save themselves. And they’re far from pure anything, except evil.

So my intuition says the real Jews aka Armenians, are victims here and they do represent God’s Holy Land. Putting the Palestinian People in the mix creates enough distraction to keep us from learning the real Truth.

I believe they created the Nation State of Israel, May 14, 1948, where it was to cause the warring factions between the Israelis and the Palestinians on purpose, therefore holding up the banner of anti semitism & hate speech to stop attacks against the KM because they were the creators of everything. The Palestinians are there conveniently to create hatred & division. It really muddies it up until you peel away the layers.

How convenient it is for Islam, Judaism & Christianity to all want to thrive in the same place . . .

One minor problem, we all worship the same God . . .

“These people are clever but they are not smart.” - Clif High

The Light is shining brighter each & every day.

Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Stand In Your Truth.





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I learned an important lesson decades ago as I was preparing to make a career change from construction tradesman to farmer. I wanted to learn as much as I could about simple manual farming techniques as I was planning to move to an underdeveloped tropical island to start a fruit farm. So I started reading old farming books from the 18th and 19th centuries. That's when I discovered the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they contained. Knowledge that is almost entirely lost to modern farmers of today.

So now I always make an effort to seek out "old" knowledge, as well as new, when I undertake a new area of study, as it nearly always provides a much broader perspective, as well as offering long lost gems of knowledge and wisdom. So in that spirit I want to offer you one such "old" treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom from someone who had tremendous reach and resources and a desire to bring the truth to the surface. I'm referring to the great American industrialist Henry Ford and the 80 editorials he sponsored in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent. He was present at that time when the Km was going full steam ahead with their nefarious plans, and that made him a first hand witness to those catastrophic and world changing events of a century ago. Tremendous effort has been spent in recent years to discredit and disappear these articles, which should tell you clearly that HF was directly over the target! In my opinion it is still one of, if not the best source of info on the Km - Jewish connection. I posted a copy of all 80 articles as a single PDF document on my online archive. Here's the link for downloading your own copy.


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It’s good to hear you have found your niche in farming learning critical information prior to launching into your dream. I’d love to learn more of what you do and the general region you’re in . . . Thank you for sharing this.

I have learned during WWII HF & Rockefeller were playing both sides providing tank manufacturing and fuel supplies for both Germans and Americans. (Much like the Vatican did) It’s also written that when the US/Allied Forces blew up the Ford plants, he sued them in American courts and won damages. Taxpayers paid for his losses. When I delve into the article, I’ll likely link more puzzle pieces together.

Thank you again. 🙏🏼


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This is not the place for sharing personal info. If you go to my web site and use the Contact page you can contact me directly. http://planetaryjurisdiction.org/index.html

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That is an excellent article, came across it a couple months ago.

I love seeing someone else posting it!

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Could not stop reading. Great job capturing the history and unlimited bravery of these warriors. Keep it coming. God bless these men and women. God bless America.🇺🇸

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I look forward to your future articles! I cannot wait to see what you take it all. Your talent has been well established.

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This is wonderful news! I was looking forward each week to Friday -Mondays and was so disappointed to see your threads come to an end.

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