It was far from detailed. He only reviewed one part. Which is very unfortunate and disappointing. He is known for his in depth research yet only critiques one part of our series. His claims that our sole source of proving COG has been in place since 2001 is one article. He is completely wrong. Read Into The Shadows. There are multiple sources that prove that COG has been in play since 2001. We are highly disappointed with his so called "review." See for yourself.
You are amazing!!! And it is pretty evident to me that you guys have been careful and that You are coming from a very pure place! From what I can tell Patel is a lovely person, but Sometimes when people get a bit of fame and Noteriety it can cloud things a bit. IтАЩm pretty sure that in the future but Patel will regret hisя┐╝ Article, it was not kind. All voices need to be heard and Looked at in the spirit in which they are offered. I think you have offered something very wonderful that has helped me to Make more sense in how we got to now! That is what you guys have been doing a wonderful job of and the way you write is very easy to read and helps to the context which is super important at this time! Keep up the amazing work!я┐╝я┐╝
I could not agree more. I loved his work overall and still appreciate the long hours that must have gone into it. However, this is something that could have been easily repaired with humility and not panic over money. Faith and kindness go a very long way. And I have to admit I am not always kind....but I am working on it.
Yeah, Jula destroyed his argument. He already is no fan of people who treat others like shit over money to begin with and make no mistake; that is exactly what he is doing and at this point it could not be more obvious.
Thank you!!!! I posted a link in PP's Spitballers chat on Telegram to Biernutz's article and the 1st 17SOG article when they released it just to start a discussion and the admins in that chat group deleted my comment and booted me from the group. I do not follow PP any longer. I didn't think much about him being able to quit his job to podcast full time but now I know why he wants to silence anyone with any other theories that may question Devolution. I have and will continue to broadcast what they did to me anywhere I can because I am so angry over it. Patrick Gunnels isn't much better. Having said that, aren't we all supposed to be on the same team?
No. No we are not. When people show you who they are, believe them. You don't have to watch the show again or anything but I did a quick write up on it here:
No my only point was that just because these guys all call themselves patriots and want people to sit at their feet....doesn't make them good people. People who are in this for money turn over differing opinions as you have well experienced. You and I are definitely on the same team. :)
I smell what youтАЩre cooking fren, but response is unnecessary in my thinking. Patel did his rebuttal, but so be it. Patel has volumes of research from .gov links that are to be trusted.
IтАЩm interested in open dialogue from different perspectives from independent writers, a number of them, and consume whatтАЩs digestible.
Tit4tat donтАЩt work for me, but hey, who am I to say. IтАЩll hang for some more 17 SOC.
We are interested in this too. We are not the gatekeepers of knowledge that anyone can look up and research on their own. They keep claiming Trump initiated COG. He did not, he continued it. ItтАЩs right there, open source. History matters in our opinion.
Clarifying. The termination of the state of emergency (9-11) was stated as having no documentation. But тАЬsurely wasтАЭ and, and...These are two different beasts. One initiated cog, but even if declared emergency past, what would matter? Their mechanism for overreach is in place.
My understanding the initial 9-11 COG has no documentation of being terminated. WouldnтАЩt there have been something issued in regards to termination? This is most important point in the initiation COG and whether it remains active!
It is active. Look into Mount Weather and other govt COG bunkers. It is always active to date. During covid/Ukraine war start-- the watch rotation was changed to 24/7. Outside of emergencies such as covid and 911. They are on stand-by and or various watch rotations that allow those that fulfill this COG -to have time with family.
There is talk of movement from DC to bunkers during the beginning of the Ukraine war.
If the govt or POTUS cabinet were ever incapacitated. i e....nuclear war, an attack. There is a COG all set to take over and possibly move those alive to the various mountain bunkers. There are bunkers for cabinet & high ranking congress, The IC, The military...and so on. There is a team ready to run govt in case of extreme situations of loss of life.
This was done because of Cheney in the WH bunker and GWBush so vulnerable in air on 911. They found the communications were so siloed that no one knew what they were doing.
This has nothing to do with anything specific to Trump being President or any military running things covertly to place Trump. or run tribunals. It seems as if both Patel Patriot and 17th SOG are blowing smoke. Prove me wrong.
17th Special Operation Group says it is 4 or was it 5? -people writing this series. They lead others in their bipolar comments- into thinking if they are not military-- They are in close proximation of insider knowledge. If you logically study 17th SOG's comments --They post heart emoji's and talk in chan frens talk. Then talk like they are in the military *or access to high ranking officials.
No real--in the know- or military have the time to play GI Joe Spec Op's on a blog. The beginning of this series starts by calling out Patel Patriots work. This premise screams that it is a chan pissing contest moving the goal posts-again. There are gullible people that will believe every word written because the front page claim is called the '17th Special Operation Group '----anonymously. They can never reveal their identity by the very title of this fan fiction.
The last time I spoke out on this 17th SOG in this forum in comments--With my opinion. I got a warning from a poster saying essentially---- do not speak to them ever again as they know all with facts and support 17th SOG & Q. My entire account was deactivated to any ability to sign on. It didn't exist anymore.
So someone will report me to someone and get this removed. But you will have to eventually answer to this not being a chan/great awakening pissing contest of anons.
Before I get nuked out of this place again. Can the 17th SOG explain how they have the time to play on a blog if they have insider special ops information or are special operators?. & comment in the comments with heart emoji's to "frens"? IOW's please post evidence you are no more than arrogant can't be wrong-- anons moving a goal post away from Patel Patriot, because you and Patel Patriot are yanking chains.
At least Patel Patriot shows his identity. I am not defending his work & he could be a provocateur; he could be anybody-just like 17th SOG anon kek frens?
There is nothing at all wrong with full uncensored discussion regarding Q, PP, or devolution and now the goal post moving new theme. But why post as if you are special operators/insiders blogging? Just rename it-- if you really want real discussion and not a pissing contest. It is obvious your posts in the series are spit-balling.
Gazoo, thanks for the information above. I understood the process but not in this detail (first remarks), as I believe this info was for me. Got a little concerned your use of тАЬyouтАЭ is still directed at me toward the end. I donтАЩt have a dog in this hunt. If things go sideways between these two entities, IтАЩll get out of the way as to not be collaterally damaged.
I agree - don't get caught up in a pissing match as to who is right or wrong. Focus on the end goal. IMHO, it is good to have multiple perspectives.
Reading a book called Freedom by Sebastian Junger. He discusses conflicts in populations that are sparse and gives examples of early colonial times of violent confrontations between settlers and Indians.. That unresolved conflicts between men were usually settled with fistfights and once the fight was over, the men shook hands and forgot their differences because you didn't know if the next day you would be crouched next to each other fending off an attack.
There is still plenty more to discover. There is room for 17th SOG to be corrected or for us to pivot if need be and it wont cost us a dime. Others are not so fortunate.
THE smartest position to work from for obvious reasons. Also, just because there is no "sauce" on something or info comes from outside the wire doesn't mean it isn't happening. Open source is great for people who have info parts to the puzzle that the DOD wouldn't otherwise have access to (i.e.; Gregg Phillips work) but to think if it isn't open source it isn't valid is flawed thinking because I can tell you much goes on OUT of Patel Patriot's view. He was an idiot to go down this road.
I wanted to add something I just read on another SS that I think applies in the broader scope of things:
"As I began to see how differently others related to the world in comparison to me, I realized that for many, their identity is based upon projecting to others that they are тАЬrightтАЭ and тАЬknow.тАЭ This is particularly easy to see with individuals in positions of authority, as they will always dig their heels in to avoid admitting fault or ignorance so that they can protect their status.
For example, throughout my life, I have seen many individuals within the alternative communities attract a following and then become trapped by the тАЬtruthтАЭ they created a following with, which prevents them from ever admitting a belief they had previously espoused was wrong. In recent times, I have seen many members of this movement (e.g. Alex Berenson refusing to consider ivermectin works, or leading virus debunkers refusing to consider evidence viruses exist) fall into this same trap. From the day I first observed this phenomena, I have always felt quite sad for these individuals and the shackles they had placed upon themselves."
This is from Midwestern Doctor - highly recommended if you aren't already familiar with the SS.
Thanks for your very appropriate comment, I agree, and I just readя┐╝ read the How to spell that you pointed us towards. I think itтАЩs really important to be able to change your mind about something! I personally suffered a little bit from orange man bad syndrome for a while, Luckily my sister red pilled me, right before Covid began.
I actually sent a letter to the presidents website apologizing forя┐╝я┐╝я┐╝я┐╝ Being so wildly mistaken. I am my momтАЩs medical power of attorney and luckily because of my sister and because of many patriots out there who are brave and fighting there medical tyranny I was able to not fall prey to some of the issues that happened to those described in the article. я┐╝
My brother is on the complete other side of the spectrum and luckily I was able with my sister to help my mother to stand up to him and she never got vaccinated. She recently got Covid sheтАЩs 91 years old and because we had all the therapeutics on board Even though I couldnтАЩt prophylactically give them to her for over a year because of my brother, we were able to immediately get monoclonal antibodies and I put her on the formerly prescribed HCQ and budesonide.
After a slight fever for an hour and a half post monoclonal antibodiesя┐╝, For which she took Tylenol, she ended up the next morning feeling totally fine except for the fact that she had chest congestion and had to do the budesenide for a week along with the HCQ, She recovered quickly and easily. Thanks to patriots and courageous doctors I was able to walk to the research and the real scienceя┐╝я┐╝. ItтАЩs nice to have mental flexibility!
Also agreed about the whole virus thing. I donтАЩt know that many people are able to really understand it I certainly donтАЩt, But I think people that are so positive that they are right when they may not be is very dangerous.я┐╝
I thought so once as well. There are many pieces to the puzzle. Either your open minded about researching or youтАЩre narrow focused. I choose open mindedness. It just feels right. Besides God gave each one of us His Light. In that Light, I believe we are given the ability of discernment. In that discernment flows my intuition. That is my guide and how I utilize my intuition . . . IтАЩve been able to navigate in this crazy journey. I sense or know Truth through GodтАЩs Grace and His Gifts . . .
I totally agree. I did attempt to make comments. No luck. It really limits his ability to get a fair sampling of thoughts from a broad range of researchers/Truthers . . .
Actually, I may have misspoken. The $2 may be for his Locals. I think I'm on the "free" sub on his substack. I apologize. I can only afford so many paid substacks per month.
Actually, I am eager to see your response to Patel Patriot's detailed review of your work.
It was far from detailed. He only reviewed one part. Which is very unfortunate and disappointing. He is known for his in depth research yet only critiques one part of our series. His claims that our sole source of proving COG has been in place since 2001 is one article. He is completely wrong. Read Into The Shadows. There are multiple sources that prove that COG has been in play since 2001. We are highly disappointed with his so called "review." See for yourself.
You are amazing!!! And it is pretty evident to me that you guys have been careful and that You are coming from a very pure place! From what I can tell Patel is a lovely person, but Sometimes when people get a bit of fame and Noteriety it can cloud things a bit. IтАЩm pretty sure that in the future but Patel will regret hisя┐╝ Article, it was not kind. All voices need to be heard and Looked at in the spirit in which they are offered. I think you have offered something very wonderful that has helped me to Make more sense in how we got to now! That is what you guys have been doing a wonderful job of and the way you write is very easy to read and helps to the context which is super important at this time! Keep up the amazing work!я┐╝я┐╝
what a lovely comment and so very true! I second this whole heartedly, I cannot add because it is so perfectly stated!!!
I could not agree more. I loved his work overall and still appreciate the long hours that must have gone into it. However, this is something that could have been easily repaired with humility and not panic over money. Faith and kindness go a very long way. And I have to admit I am not always kind....but I am working on it.
Yeah, Jula destroyed his argument. He already is no fan of people who treat others like shit over money to begin with and make no mistake; that is exactly what he is doing and at this point it could not be more obvious.
Thank you!!!! I posted a link in PP's Spitballers chat on Telegram to Biernutz's article and the 1st 17SOG article when they released it just to start a discussion and the admins in that chat group deleted my comment and booted me from the group. I do not follow PP any longer. I didn't think much about him being able to quit his job to podcast full time but now I know why he wants to silence anyone with any other theories that may question Devolution. I have and will continue to broadcast what they did to me anywhere I can because I am so angry over it. Patrick Gunnels isn't much better. Having said that, aren't we all supposed to be on the same team?
No. No we are not. When people show you who they are, believe them. You don't have to watch the show again or anything but I did a quick write up on it here:
Not to sound like a box of rocks, but we aren't on the same team? I am listening to JulaWren now.
No my only point was that just because these guys all call themselves patriots and want people to sit at their feet....doesn't make them good people. People who are in this for money turn over differing opinions as you have well experienced. You and I are definitely on the same team. :)
You go girls!!!
I smell what youтАЩre cooking fren, but response is unnecessary in my thinking. Patel did his rebuttal, but so be it. Patel has volumes of research from .gov links that are to be trusted.
IтАЩm interested in open dialogue from different perspectives from independent writers, a number of them, and consume whatтАЩs digestible.
Tit4tat donтАЩt work for me, but hey, who am I to say. IтАЩll hang for some more 17 SOC.
We are interested in this too. We are not the gatekeepers of knowledge that anyone can look up and research on their own. They keep claiming Trump initiated COG. He did not, he continued it. ItтАЩs right there, open source. History matters in our opinion.
Clarifying. The termination of the state of emergency (9-11) was stated as having no documentation. But тАЬsurely wasтАЭ and, and...These are two different beasts. One initiated cog, but even if declared emergency past, what would matter? Their mechanism for overreach is in place.
My understanding the initial 9-11 COG has no documentation of being terminated. WouldnтАЩt there have been something issued in regards to termination? This is most important point in the initiation COG and whether it remains active!
It is active. Look into Mount Weather and other govt COG bunkers. It is always active to date. During covid/Ukraine war start-- the watch rotation was changed to 24/7. Outside of emergencies such as covid and 911. They are on stand-by and or various watch rotations that allow those that fulfill this COG -to have time with family.
There is talk of movement from DC to bunkers during the beginning of the Ukraine war.
If the govt or POTUS cabinet were ever incapacitated. i e....nuclear war, an attack. There is a COG all set to take over and possibly move those alive to the various mountain bunkers. There are bunkers for cabinet & high ranking congress, The IC, The military...and so on. There is a team ready to run govt in case of extreme situations of loss of life.
This was done because of Cheney in the WH bunker and GWBush so vulnerable in air on 911. They found the communications were so siloed that no one knew what they were doing.
This has nothing to do with anything specific to Trump being President or any military running things covertly to place Trump. or run tribunals. It seems as if both Patel Patriot and 17th SOG are blowing smoke. Prove me wrong.
17th Special Operation Group says it is 4 or was it 5? -people writing this series. They lead others in their bipolar comments- into thinking if they are not military-- They are in close proximation of insider knowledge. If you logically study 17th SOG's comments --They post heart emoji's and talk in chan frens talk. Then talk like they are in the military *or access to high ranking officials.
No real--in the know- or military have the time to play GI Joe Spec Op's on a blog. The beginning of this series starts by calling out Patel Patriots work. This premise screams that it is a chan pissing contest moving the goal posts-again. There are gullible people that will believe every word written because the front page claim is called the '17th Special Operation Group '----anonymously. They can never reveal their identity by the very title of this fan fiction.
The last time I spoke out on this 17th SOG in this forum in comments--With my opinion. I got a warning from a poster saying essentially---- do not speak to them ever again as they know all with facts and support 17th SOG & Q. My entire account was deactivated to any ability to sign on. It didn't exist anymore.
So someone will report me to someone and get this removed. But you will have to eventually answer to this not being a chan/great awakening pissing contest of anons.
Before I get nuked out of this place again. Can the 17th SOG explain how they have the time to play on a blog if they have insider special ops information or are special operators?. & comment in the comments with heart emoji's to "frens"? IOW's please post evidence you are no more than arrogant can't be wrong-- anons moving a goal post away from Patel Patriot, because you and Patel Patriot are yanking chains.
At least Patel Patriot shows his identity. I am not defending his work & he could be a provocateur; he could be anybody-just like 17th SOG anon kek frens?
There is nothing at all wrong with full uncensored discussion regarding Q, PP, or devolution and now the goal post moving new theme. But why post as if you are special operators/insiders blogging? Just rename it-- if you really want real discussion and not a pissing contest. It is obvious your posts in the series are spit-balling.
Gazoo, thanks for the information above. I understood the process but not in this detail (first remarks), as I believe this info was for me. Got a little concerned your use of тАЬyouтАЭ is still directed at me toward the end. I donтАЩt have a dog in this hunt. If things go sideways between these two entities, IтАЩll get out of the way as to not be collaterally damaged.
A link to .gov does not lend itself to trust anyones interpretation. Devolution part 18 relies heavily on the work of another substack.
As it is, our work stands on its own merit. Its up to you to decide.
I agree - don't get caught up in a pissing match as to who is right or wrong. Focus on the end goal. IMHO, it is good to have multiple perspectives.
Reading a book called Freedom by Sebastian Junger. He discusses conflicts in populations that are sparse and gives examples of early colonial times of violent confrontations between settlers and Indians.. That unresolved conflicts between men were usually settled with fistfights and once the fight was over, the men shook hands and forgot their differences because you didn't know if the next day you would be crouched next to each other fending off an attack.
There is still plenty more to discover. There is room for 17th SOG to be corrected or for us to pivot if need be and it wont cost us a dime. Others are not so fortunate.
THE smartest position to work from for obvious reasons. Also, just because there is no "sauce" on something or info comes from outside the wire doesn't mean it isn't happening. Open source is great for people who have info parts to the puzzle that the DOD wouldn't otherwise have access to (i.e.; Gregg Phillips work) but to think if it isn't open source it isn't valid is flawed thinking because I can tell you much goes on OUT of Patel Patriot's view. He was an idiot to go down this road.
I wanted to add something I just read on another SS that I think applies in the broader scope of things:
"As I began to see how differently others related to the world in comparison to me, I realized that for many, their identity is based upon projecting to others that they are тАЬrightтАЭ and тАЬknow.тАЭ This is particularly easy to see with individuals in positions of authority, as they will always dig their heels in to avoid admitting fault or ignorance so that they can protect their status.
For example, throughout my life, I have seen many individuals within the alternative communities attract a following and then become trapped by the тАЬtruthтАЭ they created a following with, which prevents them from ever admitting a belief they had previously espoused was wrong. In recent times, I have seen many members of this movement (e.g. Alex Berenson refusing to consider ivermectin works, or leading virus debunkers refusing to consider evidence viruses exist) fall into this same trap. From the day I first observed this phenomena, I have always felt quite sad for these individuals and the shackles they had placed upon themselves."
This is from Midwestern Doctor - highly recommended if you aren't already familiar with the SS.
Thanks for your very appropriate comment, I agree, and I just readя┐╝ read the How to spell that you pointed us towards. I think itтАЩs really important to be able to change your mind about something! I personally suffered a little bit from orange man bad syndrome for a while, Luckily my sister red pilled me, right before Covid began.
I actually sent a letter to the presidents website apologizing forя┐╝я┐╝я┐╝я┐╝ Being so wildly mistaken. I am my momтАЩs medical power of attorney and luckily because of my sister and because of many patriots out there who are brave and fighting there medical tyranny I was able to not fall prey to some of the issues that happened to those described in the article. я┐╝
My brother is on the complete other side of the spectrum and luckily I was able with my sister to help my mother to stand up to him and she never got vaccinated. She recently got Covid sheтАЩs 91 years old and because we had all the therapeutics on board Even though I couldnтАЩt prophylactically give them to her for over a year because of my brother, we were able to immediately get monoclonal antibodies and I put her on the formerly prescribed HCQ and budesonide.
After a slight fever for an hour and a half post monoclonal antibodiesя┐╝, For which she took Tylenol, she ended up the next morning feeling totally fine except for the fact that she had chest congestion and had to do the budesenide for a week along with the HCQ, She recovered quickly and easily. Thanks to patriots and courageous doctors I was able to walk to the research and the real scienceя┐╝я┐╝. ItтАЩs nice to have mental flexibility!
Also agreed about the whole virus thing. I donтАЩt know that many people are able to really understand it I certainly donтАЩt, But I think people that are so positive that they are right when they may not be is very dangerous.я┐╝
Wow. Patel Patriot seems spot on.
Except when he is not. His assertion that Tom B is Antifa proves his shallow attempt at research...embarassing for him actually.
Where is his review?
I thought so once as well. There are many pieces to the puzzle. Either your open minded about researching or youтАЩre narrow focused. I choose open mindedness. It just feels right. Besides God gave each one of us His Light. In that Light, I believe we are given the ability of discernment. In that discernment flows my intuition. That is my guide and how I utilize my intuition . . . IтАЩve been able to navigate in this crazy journey. I sense or know Truth through GodтАЩs Grace and His Gifts . . .
On his substack Patel Patriot. If youтАЩre not a paying customer, you are not allowed to make comments.
I totally agree. I did attempt to make comments. No luck. It really limits his ability to get a fair sampling of thoughts from a broad range of researchers/Truthers . . .
I subscribe to Patel Patriot's substack, but at the $2 level, and it does not let me leave a comment.
This. Is very unfortunate. And wrong. IтАЩm so sorry about that.
Actually, I may have misspoken. The $2 may be for his Locals. I think I'm on the "free" sub on his substack. I apologize. I can only afford so many paid substacks per month.