I don't know if you follow Anna Reitz or have read any of her info but there may be something to Option 2.
Didn't Trump do something with the Vatican/Pope when he was in office. I remember something happening but it escapes me at this time. I need to dig it up.
Didn't Trump do something with the Vatican/Pope when he was in office. I remember something happening but it escapes me at this time. I need to dig it up.
Concrete proof is still hard to come by, but right now it sure seems as if all the options I mentioned are in play. Yes I know about Anna. She does great work, but it has become a huge thing to deal with. I just checked and she now has 3816 articles posted on her site alone, nearly all of which are poorly labeled. There is a search tool that offers some help, but overall most of her material is caught in that quagmire of 3816 articles and beyond reasonable usefulness for most people. She really needs a well designed and maintained online knowledge base to make her body of work fully accessible.
Trump and the Vatican, now that's interesting!!!
What do we know about this strange meeting?
Fact 1: Trump is Republican and therefore represents the British Empire (Sea jurisdiction).
Fact 2: The Pontiff/Vatican represent the Roman Empire (Air jurisdiction).
Fact 3: That meeting was one of old enemies meeting face to face (but for what purpose?).
Fact 4: Trump came away from this meeting happy, like a winner.
Fact 5: Francis came away from this meeting looking very unhappy, like a loser (and he was most irritated when Trump fondled his hand).
Fact 6: Some time after this meeting, at the Independence Day celebration on the Washington Mall, Trump proclaimed "we have the cleanest air ever!" as the military was flying jets and spewing tons of filthy exhaust fumes overhead and onto the massive crowd below. WHAT A CONTRADICTION!
So what did that clean air statement actually mean? Again concrete evidence is hard to come by, but to me it indicates that Trump, during his Vatican visit, wrestled control of the Air jurisdiction (at least the American part of it) away from the Vatican. He was able to do this because of this bankruptcy that no one seems to have paid any attention to.
2013-16: The MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES, INC. and cohort MUNICIPAL "governmental services corporations" enter involuntary bankruptcy liquidation.
In May 2015, Barack Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES —
The MUNICIPAL Corporation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and the UNITED STATES, INC. together with all the three letter Agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ...) entered bankruptcy and in Chapter 7 Involuntary Liquidation in 2015.
Also comprised of 10,000 INCORPORATED Franchises operating as MUNICIPAL Oligarchies: “STATE OF,” “CITY OF,” “TOWN OF, ” “TOWNSHIP OF,” “BOROUGH OF”.
The UNITED STATES, INC. and all its MUNICIPAL franchises dba CHINA (INC.), JAPAN (INC.), INDIA (INC.) , STATE OF OREGON (INC.), JOHN MICHAEL SMITH (INC.), CITY OF OMAHA (INC.), UNITED KINGDOM (INC.), FLORIDA (INC.), CANADA (INC.), AUSTRALIA (INC.)…..ad infinitum, entered Chapter 7 Liquidation in 2015.
Everything listed above in that bankruptcy summary pertains to the AIR jurisdiction, aka the Vatican parent franchise. If that info is true then in essence when Trump went to see the Pontiff, the Vatican was already massively bankrupted and probably in recision thus making it extremely vulnerable, and the ideal time for Trump to go for the jugular!
Trump's subsequent announcement that "we have the cleanest air ever!" seems to be a confirmation that he did indeed go for the jugular and won.
If anyone has a better explanation of these facts I would really love to hear it.
That is a great explanation, and ever since then I have noticed things. Things most people don't pay attention to like the flag. The eagle on top was removed and the tassels went from gold to red, white, and blue. That has significance but I don't know exactly. The gold fringe is still there and means admiralty but never could figure out the tassels.
Did you ever follow War Castles and Sergeant Robert Horton and Russel J Gould?
I always thought that was great baseline that explained how we got here but it goes off into the now time jurisdiction and wasn't deep enough into Maritime and land jurisdictions. I don't think anything is going to come of that work though.
Yes I am familiar with Sergeant Robert Horton and Russel J Gould's work. There is some merit to their work but it is fundamentally flawed. They believe in the concept of: 1 + 2 = 3 ... 3 - 2 = 1
While that is indeed correct mathematically, it is in fact wrong when they apply it to jurisdictions. When it comes to jurisdictions, as in the planetary jurisdictions of Soil Land Sea and Air which they speak extensively about, this is the only concept that applies: 1 2 3 4 ... 4 3 2 1
To explain it another way. Jurisdictions cannot be added or subtracted, they can only flow from one to the other in linear fashion: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 ... 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
Or.... Soil Land Sea Air ... Air Sea Land Soil
That flow has everything to do with the distribution of authority which is expressed as Sovereignty.
The American civilian peace flag is the one few Americans know about, and it should be used by all peaceful Americans.
I don't know if you follow Anna Reitz or have read any of her info but there may be something to Option 2.
Didn't Trump do something with the Vatican/Pope when he was in office. I remember something happening but it escapes me at this time. I need to dig it up.
Concrete proof is still hard to come by, but right now it sure seems as if all the options I mentioned are in play. Yes I know about Anna. She does great work, but it has become a huge thing to deal with. I just checked and she now has 3816 articles posted on her site alone, nearly all of which are poorly labeled. There is a search tool that offers some help, but overall most of her material is caught in that quagmire of 3816 articles and beyond reasonable usefulness for most people. She really needs a well designed and maintained online knowledge base to make her body of work fully accessible.
Trump and the Vatican, now that's interesting!!!
What do we know about this strange meeting?
Fact 1: Trump is Republican and therefore represents the British Empire (Sea jurisdiction).
Fact 2: The Pontiff/Vatican represent the Roman Empire (Air jurisdiction).
Fact 3: That meeting was one of old enemies meeting face to face (but for what purpose?).
Fact 4: Trump came away from this meeting happy, like a winner.
Fact 5: Francis came away from this meeting looking very unhappy, like a loser (and he was most irritated when Trump fondled his hand).
Fact 6: Some time after this meeting, at the Independence Day celebration on the Washington Mall, Trump proclaimed "we have the cleanest air ever!" as the military was flying jets and spewing tons of filthy exhaust fumes overhead and onto the massive crowd below. WHAT A CONTRADICTION!
So what did that clean air statement actually mean? Again concrete evidence is hard to come by, but to me it indicates that Trump, during his Vatican visit, wrestled control of the Air jurisdiction (at least the American part of it) away from the Vatican. He was able to do this because of this bankruptcy that no one seems to have paid any attention to.
2013-16: The MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES, INC. and cohort MUNICIPAL "governmental services corporations" enter involuntary bankruptcy liquidation.
In May 2015, Barack Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES —
The MUNICIPAL Corporation of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and the UNITED STATES, INC. together with all the three letter Agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ...) entered bankruptcy and in Chapter 7 Involuntary Liquidation in 2015.
Also comprised of 10,000 INCORPORATED Franchises operating as MUNICIPAL Oligarchies: “STATE OF,” “CITY OF,” “TOWN OF, ” “TOWNSHIP OF,” “BOROUGH OF”.
The UNITED STATES, INC. and all its MUNICIPAL franchises dba CHINA (INC.), JAPAN (INC.), INDIA (INC.) , STATE OF OREGON (INC.), JOHN MICHAEL SMITH (INC.), CITY OF OMAHA (INC.), UNITED KINGDOM (INC.), FLORIDA (INC.), CANADA (INC.), AUSTRALIA (INC.)…..ad infinitum, entered Chapter 7 Liquidation in 2015.
Everything listed above in that bankruptcy summary pertains to the AIR jurisdiction, aka the Vatican parent franchise. If that info is true then in essence when Trump went to see the Pontiff, the Vatican was already massively bankrupted and probably in recision thus making it extremely vulnerable, and the ideal time for Trump to go for the jugular!
Trump's subsequent announcement that "we have the cleanest air ever!" seems to be a confirmation that he did indeed go for the jugular and won.
If anyone has a better explanation of these facts I would really love to hear it.
That is a great explanation, and ever since then I have noticed things. Things most people don't pay attention to like the flag. The eagle on top was removed and the tassels went from gold to red, white, and blue. That has significance but I don't know exactly. The gold fringe is still there and means admiralty but never could figure out the tassels.
Did you ever follow War Castles and Sergeant Robert Horton and Russel J Gould?
I always thought that was great baseline that explained how we got here but it goes off into the now time jurisdiction and wasn't deep enough into Maritime and land jurisdictions. I don't think anything is going to come of that work though.
Yes I am familiar with Sergeant Robert Horton and Russel J Gould's work. There is some merit to their work but it is fundamentally flawed. They believe in the concept of: 1 + 2 = 3 ... 3 - 2 = 1
While that is indeed correct mathematically, it is in fact wrong when they apply it to jurisdictions. When it comes to jurisdictions, as in the planetary jurisdictions of Soil Land Sea and Air which they speak extensively about, this is the only concept that applies: 1 2 3 4 ... 4 3 2 1
To explain it another way. Jurisdictions cannot be added or subtracted, they can only flow from one to the other in linear fashion: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 ... 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
Or.... Soil Land Sea Air ... Air Sea Land Soil
That flow has everything to do with the distribution of authority which is expressed as Sovereignty.
The American civilian peace flag is the one few Americans know about, and it should be used by all peaceful Americans.
Yes I fly a US civil flag at my house. I have for years.
Thinking back about your Option 1 I saw this.
It may in fact be happening...
Excellent link, thanks! Very unusual that a central bank would admit this openly. Certainly smells of something changing.
And don't neglect your state flag. That's where your real sovereignty resides.