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I appreciate your comment and your thoughts! I likely would not have found Jula on my own…grateful.

I wish PP would be right about his certainty but I don’t think he is (yes, I admire the extensive research he has done and was following his posts from the start…until continuing to do so was by paid subscription only, and then 17sog came along and free subscribers were suddenly throw some access)

Thanks much for your reply

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You are most welcome. Anytime!

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Your statement that Patel's work (at any point) was for "for paid subscribers only" is an outright UNTRUTH. Yes, a LIE.

If you meant being able to "comment" on his work is for "paid subscribers" you would have said that. And I don't blame him one bit for that in this InfoWar.

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You have to be a paying customer to comment. Reading is free.

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I just posted a pic from snipping tool that shows you have to pay to comment. So at the "point" you want to comment you do have to be a paid subscriber. He hides behind a paywall or blocks people with opposing opinions.

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I signed up as a free subscriber back around Sept 2021 and read all of PP Devolution posts.

Then on July 3, 2022 I had an email which stated that I had only a 24 hour window to access his post at that time…

I didn’t see that until many days later and had already encountered buzz about paid vs free subscribers.

I unsubscribed.

I interpreted that last email as limited access because I was not a paid subscriber. Maybe I misinterpreted that last email.

Hey, he has his faithful staunch believers and I do not begrudge him that.

IMO, after that first interview he did with Gregg Philips, PP seemed to change.

Maybe he is right about Trump coming back any day now (before the Nov election). I would love it.

I don’t believe that will happen though. This is a time for transparency …for open discussion. Having to pay to participate in open discussion seems contrary to the goal but to each his own. I simply don’t follow PP anymore.

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I’m with you!

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Your statement, "following his posts...continuing to do so was by paid subscription only" is an out and out lie. Patel does NOT require a paid subscription to his Substack work. You can read EVERY article and listen to every podcast for free. Do some research before you choose to smear and demean a true patriot. Thanks.

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I am not lying. I’m sorry I don’t remember exactly the couple times that happened to me via an email but I do remember feeling quite bad about it as I had twice donated to PatelPatriot, not as a subscriber but as a donation. And it wasn’t the same as ‘comments allowed by paid subscribers only’ - it was clearly: this post for paid subscribers only. I wondered why the email notification was even sent out to a non-paid subscriber!? I unsubscribed after that and maybe since then everything is freely available again - which would make my statement you quoted as somewhat false - but for me , it was my experience when merely donating didn’t get me access.

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Best not to engage. I have had the same thing happen right up to last night. Yes you can read for free but to comment you have to pay. Pretty cowardly way to keep dissenters or anyone who disagrees with you off of his thread. He doesn't like that people now believe he is a paytriot...but when you do stuff like that, it kinda makes you look like one. He is NOT as open to discussion as he claims. I think he is a patriot...but when money gets involved your loyalties do get clouded. I also believe he has doubled down on his arrogance since being invited to the PIT. What I will say in his defense is at least he sat through the entire thing without blowing it off and letting his peons report to him like Patrick did. God that just blows my mind.

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Thank you. Good advice

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