Indeed an interesting article. It makes a very astute remark "The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:" but what the author doesn't say here is even more interesting. The Roths have also infiltrated the Vatican, as was clearly evidenc…
Indeed an interesting article. It makes a very astute remark "The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:" but what the author doesn't say here is even more interesting. The Roths have also infiltrated the Vatican, as was clearly evidenced when the photo of the pope kissing the hand of a Roth was deliberately shown to the world as a statement of who is really in charge of who.
Thanks for bringing this to the forefront Suzanne.
On Israel: seeing how the kM infiltrated the Jewish faith they professed to hold in the days of Sumerian life, I believe there are few purebred Jews, if you will, in existence. IMHO, The Armenian People are the closest to pure bloods & they underwent a genocide a century ago as I have read. There are only ~8million people left in their race. The KM does not want any pure bloods left on the planet save themselves. And they’re far from pure anything, except evil.
So my intuition says the real Jews aka Armenians, are victims here and they do represent God’s Holy Land. Putting the Palestinian People in the mix creates enough distraction to keep us from learning the real Truth.
I believe they created the Nation State of Israel, May 14, 1948, where it was to cause the warring factions between the Israelis and the Palestinians on purpose, therefore holding up the banner of anti semitism & hate speech to stop attacks against the KM because they were the creators of everything. The Palestinians are there conveniently to create hatred & division. It really muddies it up until you peel away the layers.
How convenient it is for Islam, Judaism & Christianity to all want to thrive in the same place . . .
One minor problem, we all worship the same God . . .
“These people are clever but they are not smart.” - Clif High
I learned an important lesson decades ago as I was preparing to make a career change from construction tradesman to farmer. I wanted to learn as much as I could about simple manual farming techniques as I was planning to move to an underdeveloped tropical island to start a fruit farm. So I started reading old farming books from the 18th and 19th centuries. That's when I discovered the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they contained. Knowledge that is almost entirely lost to modern farmers of today.
So now I always make an effort to seek out "old" knowledge, as well as new, when I undertake a new area of study, as it nearly always provides a much broader perspective, as well as offering long lost gems of knowledge and wisdom. So in that spirit I want to offer you one such "old" treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom from someone who had tremendous reach and resources and a desire to bring the truth to the surface. I'm referring to the great American industrialist Henry Ford and the 80 editorials he sponsored in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent. He was present at that time when the Km was going full steam ahead with their nefarious plans, and that made him a first hand witness to those catastrophic and world changing events of a century ago. Tremendous effort has been spent in recent years to discredit and disappear these articles, which should tell you clearly that HF was directly over the target! In my opinion it is still one of, if not the best source of info on the Km - Jewish connection. I posted a copy of all 80 articles as a single PDF document on my online archive. Here's the link for downloading your own copy.
It’s good to hear you have found your niche in farming learning critical information prior to launching into your dream. I’d love to learn more of what you do and the general region you’re in . . . Thank you for sharing this.
I have learned during WWII HF & Rockefeller were playing both sides providing tank manufacturing and fuel supplies for both Germans and Americans. (Much like the Vatican did) It’s also written that when the US/Allied Forces blew up the Ford plants, he sued them in American courts and won damages. Taxpayers paid for his losses. When I delve into the article, I’ll likely link more puzzle pieces together.
Indeed an interesting article. It makes a very astute remark "The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:" but what the author doesn't say here is even more interesting. The Roths have also infiltrated the Vatican, as was clearly evidenced when the photo of the pope kissing the hand of a Roth was deliberately shown to the world as a statement of who is really in charge of who.
Thanks for bringing this to the forefront Suzanne.
On Israel: seeing how the kM infiltrated the Jewish faith they professed to hold in the days of Sumerian life, I believe there are few purebred Jews, if you will, in existence. IMHO, The Armenian People are the closest to pure bloods & they underwent a genocide a century ago as I have read. There are only ~8million people left in their race. The KM does not want any pure bloods left on the planet save themselves. And they’re far from pure anything, except evil.
So my intuition says the real Jews aka Armenians, are victims here and they do represent God’s Holy Land. Putting the Palestinian People in the mix creates enough distraction to keep us from learning the real Truth.
I believe they created the Nation State of Israel, May 14, 1948, where it was to cause the warring factions between the Israelis and the Palestinians on purpose, therefore holding up the banner of anti semitism & hate speech to stop attacks against the KM because they were the creators of everything. The Palestinians are there conveniently to create hatred & division. It really muddies it up until you peel away the layers.
How convenient it is for Islam, Judaism & Christianity to all want to thrive in the same place . . .
One minor problem, we all worship the same God . . .
“These people are clever but they are not smart.” - Clif High
The Light is shining brighter each & every day.
Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Stand In Your Truth.
I learned an important lesson decades ago as I was preparing to make a career change from construction tradesman to farmer. I wanted to learn as much as I could about simple manual farming techniques as I was planning to move to an underdeveloped tropical island to start a fruit farm. So I started reading old farming books from the 18th and 19th centuries. That's when I discovered the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they contained. Knowledge that is almost entirely lost to modern farmers of today.
So now I always make an effort to seek out "old" knowledge, as well as new, when I undertake a new area of study, as it nearly always provides a much broader perspective, as well as offering long lost gems of knowledge and wisdom. So in that spirit I want to offer you one such "old" treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom from someone who had tremendous reach and resources and a desire to bring the truth to the surface. I'm referring to the great American industrialist Henry Ford and the 80 editorials he sponsored in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent. He was present at that time when the Km was going full steam ahead with their nefarious plans, and that made him a first hand witness to those catastrophic and world changing events of a century ago. Tremendous effort has been spent in recent years to discredit and disappear these articles, which should tell you clearly that HF was directly over the target! In my opinion it is still one of, if not the best source of info on the Km - Jewish connection. I posted a copy of all 80 articles as a single PDF document on my online archive. Here's the link for downloading your own copy.
It’s good to hear you have found your niche in farming learning critical information prior to launching into your dream. I’d love to learn more of what you do and the general region you’re in . . . Thank you for sharing this.
I have learned during WWII HF & Rockefeller were playing both sides providing tank manufacturing and fuel supplies for both Germans and Americans. (Much like the Vatican did) It’s also written that when the US/Allied Forces blew up the Ford plants, he sued them in American courts and won damages. Taxpayers paid for his losses. When I delve into the article, I’ll likely link more puzzle pieces together.
Thank you again. 🙏🏼
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