Maybe Q and/or devolution also promote plan 3. Devolution concept, keep the country recoverable, Q promotes community organizing and growing the we the people army, awakening our brother and sisters. Q and devolution has never promoted sitting and waiting to be saved. That is a misconception.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Salvation is by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone was a major theme of the 1st 2 great awakenings. Read Ian Murray's Revival & Revivalism for example.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

So much great stuff to review, I always enjoy your articles regardless of who is writing them. Its refreshing, real and you never apologize for your position. I personally will never understand the attacks and ugliness some spew, if you don't agree state your position and move on. I don't agree with some of what i read ( not referring to here) and allot of what i hear but i don't go around bashing people for it, I do understand calling out people for lies and such but again, stating your position is not bashing or attacking imho. I greatly appreciate you all and thank you !

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I agree with this heartily.

Stand not, plan not, act not based upon precedent or practice. Take action based on what is possible, prudent, and effective.

The Constitution is a limiting tool for government, but a liberating, enabling tool for individuals.

We have ALL of the rights, prerogatives, options, powers (etc.) that are not specifically granted by the Constitution to our government(s). That we have not used ALL of these to peacefully bring about the change required to secure liberty and prosperity for the next 20 generations is OUR FAULT.

Let's remedy this fault with dispatch and enthusiasm.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Glad to see another post from 17SOG! Just found this today, I've been checking back from time to time.

I think the most effective thing we can do right now is help with the disclosure/exposure operation. Be there to help Normies who have finally gotten to the point they can no longer ignore what is happening, and be ready to help them take the red pill and join the fight. With everything that is going on, the pace of awakening is accelerating.

I do believe that a lot has happened since your post on Jan 5, and the speed of the disclosures is accelerating too. The bad guys are on the run and starting to turn on each other. Leftie MSM talking heads starting to ask deep staters about what is going on, going rogue against Brandon, Tucker talking publicly about Nixon, CIA, JFK assassination -- what will come next? A show for the ages.

The Overton Window for what's allowed on the news has made a major shift in the past few weeks, and I think it will continue. Look at all the strangeness from the WEF summit. They certainly don't look like the masters of the universe anymore, Jacinda's out and the bookies are laying odds on who's next.

That said there is going to be a huge mess to clean up, once the Normies are all (or mostly anyway) awake and the rats are deserting their sinking, stinking ships.

Carry on, and thanks for what you do.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

1000% on the money Bravo ! :)

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Doesn't our Military proclaim that their job is to protect our Country and it's People from evil powers both foreign and domestic? All my life I've heard them say that....and I'm old! So, why aren't they doing that? They don't see the Damage done by the WEF? The vaxxes? To our children? The Incentivized MURDER of the Elderly in Hospitals isn't enough? The Obvious FRAUD in all of our Elections,....even that isn't enough? WHY? WE SURE SEE IT!

OUR PEOPLE ARE UNDER ATTACK by a domestic TERROR GROUP which is funded and run by a foreign group called the WEF! It's not just here! IT's not just the "DEEP STATE",....they are just the puppets/Slaves of the Global Elite. And yes, WE SEE IT!

We have a government that is working for the CCP! When will it be enough for the very expensive MILITARY to protect us from the evil quickly destroying everything in our Country and killing the PEOPLE? They are burning our food plants, they are slaughtering our food animals, they have destroyed our Economy that President Trump had going so well!!! Isn't all of that DESTRUCTION enough to wake them up?

Sorry, but if that's not what the Military are there for, what's the point in having such a huge and insanely expensive club? They should be taking over the Country and running it until they find out exactly who and what are behind this monstrous take over!

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Yet your substack name is 17th Special Operation Group?

I’m open to change in paradigms but none of us REALLY know what’s transpiring.


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Excellent and very informative article. A brief history 101. Just one comment: I would not quote Elon Musk. He is not a friend of the people. He is part of the power elite. He is "the brain chip dude". He also manufacturers of electric cars. It requires more resources to mine minerals for electric car batteries than it requires to make and operate gas powered vehicles. He was dispatched to restore trust and create a huge diversion. He is on board with The Great Reset. He is a member of the predator class.

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An impressive article. Thank you for writing it. Have you considered how valuable you might be to TacticalCivics(.)com's efforts? TC is a 16 year old organization just at the foot of its exponential curve. It's NOT a political organization at all, but is a law enforcement (Art. VI, sec. 2 US Constitution) from the county level. All 50 states are now following TC guidelines to install county elected Grand Juries and Militias. {Don't misunderstand!}. Critical mass will be reached by no fewer than seven states with seven county chapters (Texas 8) having reached half of 1% of total county population. That is, seven counties per state will be ready, and Texas will have eight, so the total will be a nice, round 50 county chapters comprising the American People's second "shot heard 'round the world" without ever firing a gun!

I get giddy when I realize We The People living at this moment are the 1st to make AmericaAGAIN!™ Right now, as I started to say, we are in all 50 states, and enjoy just over 20% involvement of America's total counties! I mean to say, that we're not there yet, but I feel like I can taste it from here! I would encourage those with your mind set to join your own county chapter and pull the trigger on that second "shot (to soon to be) heard 'round the world."

The fine details are simple as they are genius. It costs $5 per month to join. BUT you may quit at any time and during your first month you have the opportunity to download .pdf's of all our literature including videos which is extensive. I want to offer you the most important of our works here by your clicking for a FREE .pdf download of David M. Zuniga's, "The Great WE-SET!™" https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf

Join us now before we're more popular that sliced bread!

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For sure, both "Devolution & Reconstitution" were great hypothesis, but since the midterms I'd say both of those ships left the harbor & could be considered equally dangerous. One, suggesting that DJT is some secret leader of a provisional government in exile & the other suggesting there is a "plan." Whose plan, no one knows. If there is one someone had to create it & implement it? But, have no fear, there's a plan. If the military or DJT Trump aren't in charge, then someone has to be. Who? So how is the "Reconstitution" theory supported.

The reality of the situation as I see it. Just MHO & assessment from years of prior service in top tier units & as a novice scholar & student of history: America is in a Mexican Standoff. We're stuck in the alley of OK Corral, each side waiting for the other to flinch or squint. 2023 I like to call the "Year of the Flinch."

We no longer have free elections nor equality before the law to petition those very grievances. We just saw this in AZ. The two most important things a nation needs to change course along political & legal lines. That leaves only two other options. The "civic" & or "military/militia" avenues. As of now, Americans are sitting on our asses, cheering the Brazilians, & then fretting over what may happen to us if we even attempt to protest. "Remember what happened to the j6'ers" is a common retort. Well, if we think that, then they've already won. Just gift wrap the Republic for them & hand it over. They may treat you nicer when their "extermination campaign" kicks into full swing. It's doubtful though.

This leaves a military avenue. I'm assessing it may be spark along those two major fault lines: "civic & or military/militia."

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Clearly from the comments this is your most divisive article. Bash Devolution? Unsure of the value of Q? Military isn't going to 'save us' and yet, your previous articles say certain groups are working in the background and "so brave". What did you hope to accomplish with this writing?

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Plan 3 is not in conflict with either Q or Devolution. Think synthetically.

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If i may give a little pushback; I believe both things can be and are true with regards to "A Plan" . Yes we the people are integral in seeing this thing all the way through , but the military has to do the heavy lifting i.e. take down tunnels, take down politicians , cut the head of the snake ( 13 families, rothschilds, black pope etc.) those are all things we cant do but they can and did. and we are in some form of COG i would direct u to derek johnson telegram channel rattletrap1776, he lays out the blueprint militarily following laws , rules and regulations using the law of war manual and military code . he lays out going all the way back to 2015 and walks one through each E.O. , code , Act etc. right up until present day . this is a military operation and theres no denying it cause its objective proof . like a math problem theres only 1 answer . Proven by military law , rules and regulations . its really quite simple to see once u read the blueprint

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I'd say study the Irish War for Independence c 1916-1922. It was a unified front from all the sectors of society. "Military: (IRA/IRB/active secret Army& guerilla campaign surgically directed at British & RIC targets), political: (The Dial Eireann sweeping the 1918 Irish Parliamentary elections & declaring Ireland as a break away government), legal/political (Irish Republicans sweeping every county in Ireland/back channels with Washington DC/ & very active & prolific IRB press & publications locally & internationally), civic: (policy of ostracism against agents & employees of the RIC, boycotts & strikes refusing to sell, buy, or transport RIC/English goods or troops). The last was very effective. Agents of the RIC or Dublin Castle were literally reduced to armed robbery of Irish shops & merchants because no shop or store would sell them food or goods. This caused recruitments to plummet & defections to rise, which was a windfall for the IRA's intelligence wing run by the most brilliant, I must say, Michael Collins. In the final years of the war England was worn down, the English & Irish people as well as American & international sentiment was turned against Britain. The Coup de Grace came in one single night when Collins, luring the British/RIC intel agents into a trap by way of a double entendre.

The British were desperate for a break thru in the conflict. They knew as well as the IRB that arms & ammunition were nearly depleted. They'd gained a list of Irish subscribers to an IRB magazine & started a campaign of reprisal (arrest & assassination) on these soft targets. What they didn't know was that Collins had a very deep mole in the very "Lord Governor's" office. Who in turn was able to acquire the list of their deep cover agents activated for this very campaign. In one single night, using themselves as bait, they wiped out 13 RIC agents. The next day the British PM reached out to the IRB to start secret talks of a peace settlement. Their "eyes & ears" of Ireland were effectively poked out. The LG was sidelined & ceremonially demoted w/ a position of peerage.

Now, I'm not suggesting or advocating this strategy. I'm merely observing that when folks are forced into an alley in a standoff, It always usually ends in a gunfight. And violence along with talk usually the course. Talk, political, & or legal remedies won't win it alone, nor will violence alone. The two go side by side but not hand in hand in these unique situations. I'm a realist. That's based on observer & lived experiences. I've seen this very similar situation play out in many other nations

If somehow, we can achieve solely political or legal remedies, then all the better. However, in our present reality concerning legal election & recourse before the law to remedy the first & being the most heavily & privately armed citizenry on planet earth, something, somewhere is going to go "pop." Thus far, you're right in your assessment, we have been extremely reserved & stayed our hand which is a great testament to the American spirit & it's trust in bedrock institutions. However, the enemy now has absolute power, & we can trust that they will continue to abuse it in ever increasing methods. This is human nature. The great G.K. Chesterton wrote: " Your fathers talk about psychology. Mine talked about a knowledge of human nature."

Always hope for the best but stay prepared for the worst.

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Take local and state power? Shall we elect ourselves to office? HaHaHa! Sheer nonsense.

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