Maybe Q and/or devolution also promote plan 3. Devolution concept, keep the country recoverable, Q promotes community organizing and growing the we the people army, awakening our brother and sisters. Q and devolution has never promoted sitting and waiting to be saved. That is a misconception.

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IMO, Q disseminated information and ideas. Information we needed to learn about corruption in our country and the DC elites, that caused it, and many other international issues and topics. Devolution provides nothing valuable for us. PatelPatriots theory, or better stated, hypothesis is created by someone who doesn’t understand the term Devolution in the context he puts it in, doesn’t understand COG or Military structures programs and functions.

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PatelPatriot got the idea of devolution from Thomas Wictor, who was thinking about tthe stolen election that didn't make sense. First, Trump knew the uniparty was going to steal 2020 for years, yet he allowed it to happen.

The hypothesis came about in reconciling that the election was stolen despite foreknowledge and the great resources of the Presidency. Knowing Trump is a never give up kind of guy who loves America he came up with devolution. Wictor has no military experience, but he has studied the military and his mind allows him to make connections few others are able to.

It would be great if Wictor and your team could work together. I have no idea what happened to him, he vanished because of his pay pal main income source being interrupted because of his devolution ideas.

PP took Wictor;s ideas and ran with them (with his approval I believe) developing them in a way far beyond the original concept. PP's writing is very convoluted and disorganized and he is riding on a wave of popularity and donations that make it hard to give up. Combine income stream with new girl friend, grabbed tiger by the tail and can't let go.

Just my two cents.

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Totally agree. And we knew about the backstory. But if I remember correctly, Wictor admitted that devolution would not be a very strong argument before he vanished. And we know now that it is not even possible. COOP and COG, doesn't give the military authority in the way PP indicates. Not even close. Its a StoryWeapon, and it seems to be working unfortunately. Not to say that Wictor did that purposely or even PP did it intentionally. But it sure does distract from real issues and real solutions. Devolution makes people think that someone, or some entity like the military is going to save them. That's dangerous and unconstitutional ideology to spread around. Check out this article, its very interesting and something I think everyone needs to be aware of.


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By the 8th PP article I sensed something ... I can’t tell you exactly what but I couldn’t read through/listen to the content any longer.

Off the the subject but...

Was He raised on a Farm?

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I have no idea

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Yeah, but that doesn't make sense. You don't allow 5M illegals & the dismantling of your military & expect to be recoverable by the end of all that. By the end of Xiden's tenure that number will easily be 15-20M. Equivalent to the population size of Australia. Two things a nation needs for NS: borders & a military to protect those borders. If someone purposely planned that, then they're malfeasant or totally incompetent. We have to ground ourselves in reality or you won't be prepared when it hist you like a bus. Remember that insurance commercial? "Life comes at you fast..."😉

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In war there are costs and yes, the open border is a big one. Maybe in the future we will pay more attention about the level of corruption in our government and the lack of integrity in our elections. Yes, Americans are paying a price for our complacency. Americans need to take some hits, we need everyone to wake up. We can repair the damage which has been done, hey, I know 87,000 IRS agents that can begin tracking the illegals in our country. Seriously if you think we’d come out of this (if we come out of this) without damages, you’re not thinking straight. We could be in concentration camps, we could be dead from an unleashed bio weapon. We still can save our country. Let’s not fight over terms like devolution or COG. It doesn’t matter what we call it. All that matters is waking people up so we can build a citizen army. We all need to be on the side.

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I disagree with you on COG and devolution. Aren’t we truth seekers after all? Debate isn’t fighting, disagreements is not division. Waking people up I agree 100%. I would suggest that waking people up that’s physically around you within your community is a great place to start. What we really need to be careful with IMO, is labeling debate as fighting, or disagreements as division. Ofer 350 millions Americans, majority are free thinking individuals with independent thought. The real division is what’s distracting and discouraging us from being proactive in our communities in some fashion and understanding where we are truly United.

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While I don't totally disagree with you, I never thought it my job to wake folks up & like some suggest, ease them thru awakening & ensure they don't bump their head on the ceiling when they wake up. I'm not a social worker.

Lol, I had an interesting conversation with a clerk at the liquor store last night. It all started when I noted that the price on my favored Bourbon doubled in price since last month. He started telling me that COVID messed up the supply chains. I had to curtly correct him that COVID was sent to us by way of China & had a 99.7% recovery/survival rate. And that it was because China wanted to avoid a disastrous trade deal DJT gave them because of their constant tech thievery & other nefarious doings. He then went onto say something along the lines about the security of Apple. I had to curtly remind him that Tim Cook sold China the keys to the kingdom & they can get into any Apple device they want. And how they sold Americans down the river for market share of 1.4B people vs. 300M. How do you even begin with that? Dude was at least in his 40s but so disconnected from planet earth & the issues at hand. Oh, they're in for a wake up. The kind you got the first day of basic when you got a bucket of cold water thrown on you, lol.

That's just me. I'm not a people person. I don't like people much & they don't like me. Just my wiring. "Know thyself." My sphere of influence is immediate family & the friends I can count on 4 fingers. All others will come on a case-by-case basis. I've talked to my neighbors across the street probably 3 times in over 10 years. The others to the left & right, I've never interfaced with since they moved in. I really don't want to, lol.

I was many years ago involved locally in politics, but decided to drop out when seeing a perpetually broke system totally corrupted & inhabited by permanent cuckholds. I used to like people, but not anymore. Doesn't seem to be enough folks that have sentient IQs that you can have a conversation with & that give me faith. Yeah, sad situation. This is long before Q even arrived on the scene. I more or less practice the Benedictine option.

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Understood. Fair enough. Your right, It isn’t our duty to wake people up. Perhaps our families and close friends. It wasn’t the duty of patriots to wake people up to the tyranny England imposed before our revolutionary war. Some tried, some didn’t. IMO, I think there’s more options to try before people give up, or encourage kinetic warfare. I have seen and been in war. It’s not pleasant in any way.

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Don't mistake my assessment as encouragement for kinetic warfare. It's just how I see the natural course of things moving. You can't get change in a system which the two primary avenues are "locked up." Elections & justice. It's equivalent to swinging at windmills. It could be done with parallel systems of governance, justice & administration. This is why I said study the Irish War for Independence. It was far more involved that just a military guerilla movement. Throughout Ireland at the time they (Sinn Fein) had established a parallel guerilla system of administration & courts of justice & resolution to arbitrate & defuse local disputes & proved more successful at running the machinery of local government themselves. Cutting the British & local puppets out of the equation. Meanwhile, Britain could only watch as a ground swell of people supported this. Politics is downstream from culture. Study the civic lesson side of this as well. You'll see that cultural & patriotic clubs & orgs were key to sparking nationalist sentiment. I'd say they had an easier rallying point because theirs was centered around preserving their language: Gaelic.

Americans will have to find non-sectarian anchor points to which Americans are naturally attracted to & will defend. However, this won't come w/o a fight. The occupying power will use force to try & stop it, which will then lead to kinetic clashes out of self-defense. That's why I said earlier, violence will go side by side but not hand in hand. It will be inevitable.

The prospect of hoping & trying to change a hopelessly deadlocked & rigged system is just fighting under the enemy's Marquis de Queensbury rules that they establish & make up as they go along. Think "parallel systems" but don't expect that that will go magically & peacefully. No one waves a magic wand with "My Little Pony" playing in the background & voila you have political & legal solutions & we live happily ever after. The only way to take back our nation is to set up parallel systems locally: by city & county. I wouldn't even look at the state level yet. Acquire the cities & counties & you secure the state. Secure the states & you secure the country. This will not happen overnight.

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Again, some damages will be irreparable. Who is it that determined we must take hits. If it's a chastisement from God, yeah, I could see that. Lincoln at his 2nd Inaugural address said that all of God's judgements are just. We've earned it. 87K IRS agents are not here to track illegals down who don't pay taxes. They're being hired to track you & I down who do pay taxes. The reason we're not in camps is because we have too many guns in private hands. As far as unleashing a bioweapon they already have. The vaxx. Not my job to "wake people up." I'm not a social worker. In other words, this will be probably moving in directions that will upset many people's psychological security blanket.

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I’m sick and tired of people fighting over devolution. It reeks of jealousy. If you have something good to offer you wouldn’t be trying to bring other people’s ideas down. And no, reading about and following devolution does not detract one iota from our mission. Whether it’s true or a “psyop”. With it without devolution I would be doing the exact same thing. It doesn’t provide a security blanket. It’s disingenuous to say that devolution hurts us to such a degree that we need to focus ALL of our energy trying to “debunk” it. People are not stupid and they can think for themselves and they don’t need some special ops to teach them otherwise.

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No one ever said to focus all energy on debunking it. But it is a huge distraction, it’s wrong, and it gives people a sense of false security and hope. You can get mad all day long because devolution theory is being contested. Ideas and theories are to be contested, debated and argued. That’s how theories become fact. What you see as fighting is really disagreement and factual data the disproves devolution. And I have nothing to be jealous about. Not one thing. I’ve done plenty in my life, I had a great military career with three combat tours and I retired with honor. I have a great career now. We don’t do this for fame, popularity or money. We do this for truth. And sometimes, the truth hurts. It is what it is.

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It is not disingenuous. Not one bit. It does distract, it does minimize sense of urgency. And no one called anyone or thinks anyone is stupid.

And it’s not about stupidity, it’s about ignorance of how the government works relating to National emergencies, and COG. And Military Operations, their capabilities, policies and how they operate nationally and internationally. And you can bash us special ops veterans all day long. That’s only going to backfire on you.

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Hog wash. They have phones, and a pattern of life (tracking) we can find them and send them back.

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No darling it doesn't work that easy. The incredible amount of manpower to do that not to mention the money & years required to find that many would be astronomical. You don't take two steps backward from the start of your "plan" then hope to make one forward. This is just reality.

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Jan 5, 2023Edited
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I haven't the slightest of what you're talking about, nor do I care to know. 🤷‍♂️

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Right on! we are being fed false equivalency.

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Best comment. Simms it up really well

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Salvation is by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone was a major theme of the 1st 2 great awakenings. Read Ian Murray's Revival & Revivalism for example.

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Well said..

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Jan 7, 2023
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My Scots-Irish grandmother always said "people will pray when they have a tooth ache, but they better well do it on the way to a dentist."

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Jan 7, 2023
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Yes, they do. Her family were all Ulster (Orange Men) too. However, she never had a bone of animosity in her body, even though we were raised as Catholics on the insistence by my Welsh Irish grandmother on my mother's side. She always encouraged us children to learn our faith, despite being Episcopalian. I think she thought having faith was more important than not having any. She was also a woman that knew right & wrong & saw the Irish plight. I took my confirmation name "Patrick" in honor of her. Our cousin, her 2nd, my 3rd, was captured at Dunkirk & held as a German POW for 5 years. Robert the Bruce is the 5th Great Grandfather of our 15th Great Aunt. So, independence was always rooted deeply in her. She was our favorite & I miss every day though it's been almost 50 years since her passing.

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Jan 7, 2023
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That's why I think it very important to study the Irish conflict. It was a unified front by all aspects of their society. Especially, the civic. The people were actively boycotting, striking, protesting & mobilizing. The policy of ostracism against the RIC did more to help win the conflict than any other action. If you could call it a win. They never did achieve the Republic status but were granted a "Free State" status under the Canadian model.

The Irish were dealt a bad hand under Henry II. Invaded via a Papal Bull in 1144 AD by the only "Englishman" to occupy the papacy, Andrian IV, from a document which the Vatican to this day says they have no record. Talk about suspect.

The Irish peasantry were reduced to mere animals in the countryside, living in hovels, reduced to starvation while many Irish nobles & landed classes cozied up to England to gain or keep their lands. Truley a tragic event in history to a great people. It was their Catholicism that preserved them thru ought the ages. There's an old inside joke about the IRA & how they would conduct a raid, ambush or targeted assassination & then would go to confession & Mass afterwards.

The IRA man would confess to the priest "Forgive me Fadder for I have sinned. I keeled a maan today." The priest would ask "Did you keele or morda my son?" "I keeled Fadder in self-defense." "Aye my son, you're forgiven your sins."

"Sunday is the only day an Irishman wakes before an Englishman."

-Michael Collins

"Gen Collins you're 7 minutes late!" "Aye, we've waited 700 years for this, you can have your 7 minutes!"

- Gen. Michael Collins, to the British Lord General at the official handover of Dublin Castle to the Irish Free State.

Now, I can't say where she is in her faith, but that applies to the faith the world over now. It's run by Apostates & heretics. Different conversation though.

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No. Never will I temper the gospel truth. Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 4:5. Though a common saying, the bible never says anywhere God helps those who helps themselves. The great awakenings hundreds of years ago, in large part, were revivals that were going back to the biblical truth that God justifies the ungodly apart from works through faith in Jesus the messiah. Mankind is unable to save themselves because we have all fallen short God's standards and consequently need a savior (Rom. 3:10-12, 23; Eph. 2:1-3). That savior is Jesus Christ and it is through a repentant faith in Him that we are forgiven and saved. One must come to Christ 'poor in Spirit' and like the underserving publican cry out Lord forgive me , atone my sin (Luke 17:11-14). We are not saved any self-help-good works; we are saved, however, for good works (Eph 2:10). However, outside of salvation, yes, we must all diligent work to do what we can, with prayer, to save our countries and protect our liberty.

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Jan 7, 2023
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Agreed. Absolutely.

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Jan 7, 2023
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Excellent, Yes. Trying by example and words to teach this to my kids.

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So much great stuff to review, I always enjoy your articles regardless of who is writing them. Its refreshing, real and you never apologize for your position. I personally will never understand the attacks and ugliness some spew, if you don't agree state your position and move on. I don't agree with some of what i read ( not referring to here) and allot of what i hear but i don't go around bashing people for it, I do understand calling out people for lies and such but again, stating your position is not bashing or attacking imho. I greatly appreciate you all and thank you !

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I agree with this heartily.

Stand not, plan not, act not based upon precedent or practice. Take action based on what is possible, prudent, and effective.

The Constitution is a limiting tool for government, but a liberating, enabling tool for individuals.

We have ALL of the rights, prerogatives, options, powers (etc.) that are not specifically granted by the Constitution to our government(s). That we have not used ALL of these to peacefully bring about the change required to secure liberty and prosperity for the next 20 generations is OUR FAULT.

Let's remedy this fault with dispatch and enthusiasm.

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Glad to see another post from 17SOG! Just found this today, I've been checking back from time to time.

I think the most effective thing we can do right now is help with the disclosure/exposure operation. Be there to help Normies who have finally gotten to the point they can no longer ignore what is happening, and be ready to help them take the red pill and join the fight. With everything that is going on, the pace of awakening is accelerating.

I do believe that a lot has happened since your post on Jan 5, and the speed of the disclosures is accelerating too. The bad guys are on the run and starting to turn on each other. Leftie MSM talking heads starting to ask deep staters about what is going on, going rogue against Brandon, Tucker talking publicly about Nixon, CIA, JFK assassination -- what will come next? A show for the ages.

The Overton Window for what's allowed on the news has made a major shift in the past few weeks, and I think it will continue. Look at all the strangeness from the WEF summit. They certainly don't look like the masters of the universe anymore, Jacinda's out and the bookies are laying odds on who's next.

That said there is going to be a huge mess to clean up, once the Normies are all (or mostly anyway) awake and the rats are deserting their sinking, stinking ships.

Carry on, and thanks for what you do.

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1000% on the money Bravo ! :)

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Doesn't our Military proclaim that their job is to protect our Country and it's People from evil powers both foreign and domestic? All my life I've heard them say that....and I'm old! So, why aren't they doing that? They don't see the Damage done by the WEF? The vaxxes? To our children? The Incentivized MURDER of the Elderly in Hospitals isn't enough? The Obvious FRAUD in all of our Elections,....even that isn't enough? WHY? WE SURE SEE IT!

OUR PEOPLE ARE UNDER ATTACK by a domestic TERROR GROUP which is funded and run by a foreign group called the WEF! It's not just here! IT's not just the "DEEP STATE",....they are just the puppets/Slaves of the Global Elite. And yes, WE SEE IT!

We have a government that is working for the CCP! When will it be enough for the very expensive MILITARY to protect us from the evil quickly destroying everything in our Country and killing the PEOPLE? They are burning our food plants, they are slaughtering our food animals, they have destroyed our Economy that President Trump had going so well!!! Isn't all of that DESTRUCTION enough to wake them up?

Sorry, but if that's not what the Military are there for, what's the point in having such a huge and insanely expensive club? They should be taking over the Country and running it until they find out exactly who and what are behind this monstrous take over!

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This article never implied that the military hasn’t or isn't doing anything. They have and are. This is their role. The point made in the article was that the military isn’t going to take over like some theorize. The military is serving its purpose and fulfilling their roles.

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Still doesn't logically compute. If the military is doing anything behind the scenes, you think the people should at least know to deconflict possible 2nd or 3rd order effects that could arise? It would be like the AF running its own separate bombing campaign w/o tie into the ground campaign. Somewhere along the lines fratricide is going to be committed. What are the "milestones" for this Reconstitution? How would the people know when they're accomplished?

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You wont see Special Forces or Special Operations anywhere in the US. Can they? Are they? I can answer yes to that with certainty. The military has done things and are doing things you'll never see or hear about. The way the military operates within the US is nothing close to a bombing campaign.

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Not talking about SF in America or not or military per say. The monumental operation of Reconstitution itself. Probably a bad analogy to use. My basic question is if DJT or the Military aren't in control, which I see more evidence of, then whose running this Reconstitution? Doesn't matter who it started under Bush, Trump etc. It just doesn't run itself on autopilot. I would think. Moreover, what are or would be possible milestones of progress, or indicators of success or completion? Are the people supposed to just mill around in the town square, kicking the dirt beneath their feet? Oh, they'll figure out what to do eventually, they always do & it would be along the lines of the type of scenario I described earlier. There wouldn't be any "Reconstruction" happening, unless that is the expected outcome in pursuit of Reconstitution.

Without leaders to galvanize the public, the people will choose their own. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but they'll figure out quite early in the absence of any institutions, i.e. Justice, elections, military that their options will be very limited to propel change peaceably. It usually erupts into conflict on some scale. America is too large & unwieldy to expect any less. Anyone who thinks that they can unleash chaos & then control it would be a sociopath & it would fail & bend back to bite them as it always does. Evil always eventually cannibalizes itself after it's eaten everyone else first.

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I don’t think you understand the process of reconstitution relating to COG or the concept we used that term in relating Trumps actions and policies . Not trying to be rude. Reconstitution as it relates to COG, and if it was actually needed during 9/11 attacks, already happened under the Bush admin. Furthermore, Reconstitution, in the context we use it in, refers to Trumps actions he already did while he was in office. Reconstitution isn’t a program per say, and does not require anyone to “run it”. Again I would refer you to Blacksheep7 substack where he does a much better job explaining Reconstitution function within COG. He has a degree in this exact subject matter.

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I understand COG very well. I worked in government circles for 30 years. COG doesn't run on autopilot. Someone has to plan it, sign off on it , order it, then implement it.

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They are doing their duties and always will. The issue with theories like Derek’s and PatelPatriots relating to the military and the role they play is absolutely wrong. First off, you don’t need PEADs or War Powers to operate inside the US. Furthermore, there are safe guards detailed in the constitution that prevents our military to take over the government, and ensures preservation of civilian leadership. From the constitutions directives of how the military is controlled and utilized, the President and SECDEF delegate directives that further detail the constitutions directives of leadership and control. The SECDEF/DoD, by direction of POTUS, and in accordance with the constitution, created military structure, organization, policy, doctrine, regulation, and chain of command that ensures the constitutional directives specific to who controls the military, how and when it’s used.

The chain of command is a safeguard that ensures the directives in the constitution are followed.

Combat Commands are another safe guard by using policy and doctrine passed down from SECDEF.

The delegation of authority is another safe guard.

This is all in detail, and highly enforced. The military cannot ever overthrow the government like Devolution theory claims. The military cannot employment laws of war inside the US. like Derek claims. Military doctrine, regulation and policy prevents either of those scenarios from occurring on every level. How does the military operate within the US? How does the military provide support to civil authorities inside the US?

Northern Command. That’s it’s primary role. There are 11 Combat Commands. Those combat commands are broken down by area of operations and by support specialties.

There are multiple ways the Military can operate within the US. And utilizing PEADs and Law of War is not one of those Way.

I can go in great detail on this subject alone. But apparently, somehow Derek is an expert on the DOD and the military’s organization, structure, policy, doctrine, regulation and law. He’s not. Otherwise he would not be using the War Manual and the Law of War as a way to justify and explain how the military is helping.

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I see the military finally doing their jobs and this article encourages us to do ours, by taking our individual parts in the "We The People" collective.

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Correct. Read my posts on the "civic/military or militia" angles.

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I think the same but the leaders are all captured and most don't know it.

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Perfectly summed up

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Yet your substack name is 17th Special Operation Group?

I’m open to change in paradigms but none of us REALLY know what’s transpiring.


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I'm still a Q follower. Doesn't change anything relating to what we need to do as citizens. And I'm not sure what your implying. The article didn't bash Q, only how certain things got misunderstood.

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Excellent and very informative article. A brief history 101. Just one comment: I would not quote Elon Musk. He is not a friend of the people. He is part of the power elite. He is "the brain chip dude". He also manufacturers of electric cars. It requires more resources to mine minerals for electric car batteries than it requires to make and operate gas powered vehicles. He was dispatched to restore trust and create a huge diversion. He is on board with The Great Reset. He is a member of the predator class.

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Elon is just an "enemy of my enemy." We have to stop all the senseless "decoding if they're WH or BH." It doesn't matter to us at our level anyhow, even if that stuff were remotely true. It's called our "lane of subsidiarity." Worry about what's in front of us.

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Well said!!

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An impressive article. Thank you for writing it. Have you considered how valuable you might be to TacticalCivics(.)com's efforts? TC is a 16 year old organization just at the foot of its exponential curve. It's NOT a political organization at all, but is a law enforcement (Art. VI, sec. 2 US Constitution) from the county level. All 50 states are now following TC guidelines to install county elected Grand Juries and Militias. {Don't misunderstand!}. Critical mass will be reached by no fewer than seven states with seven county chapters (Texas 8) having reached half of 1% of total county population. That is, seven counties per state will be ready, and Texas will have eight, so the total will be a nice, round 50 county chapters comprising the American People's second "shot heard 'round the world" without ever firing a gun!

I get giddy when I realize We The People living at this moment are the 1st to make AmericaAGAIN!™ Right now, as I started to say, we are in all 50 states, and enjoy just over 20% involvement of America's total counties! I mean to say, that we're not there yet, but I feel like I can taste it from here! I would encourage those with your mind set to join your own county chapter and pull the trigger on that second "shot (to soon to be) heard 'round the world."

The fine details are simple as they are genius. It costs $5 per month to join. BUT you may quit at any time and during your first month you have the opportunity to download .pdf's of all our literature including videos which is extensive. I want to offer you the most important of our works here by your clicking for a FREE .pdf download of David M. Zuniga's, "The Great WE-SET!™" https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf

Join us now before we're more popular that sliced bread!

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For sure, both "Devolution & Reconstitution" were great hypothesis, but since the midterms I'd say both of those ships left the harbor & could be considered equally dangerous. One, suggesting that DJT is some secret leader of a provisional government in exile & the other suggesting there is a "plan." Whose plan, no one knows. If there is one someone had to create it & implement it? But, have no fear, there's a plan. If the military or DJT Trump aren't in charge, then someone has to be. Who? So how is the "Reconstitution" theory supported.

The reality of the situation as I see it. Just MHO & assessment from years of prior service in top tier units & as a novice scholar & student of history: America is in a Mexican Standoff. We're stuck in the alley of OK Corral, each side waiting for the other to flinch or squint. 2023 I like to call the "Year of the Flinch."

We no longer have free elections nor equality before the law to petition those very grievances. We just saw this in AZ. The two most important things a nation needs to change course along political & legal lines. That leaves only two other options. The "civic" & or "military/militia" avenues. As of now, Americans are sitting on our asses, cheering the Brazilians, & then fretting over what may happen to us if we even attempt to protest. "Remember what happened to the j6'ers" is a common retort. Well, if we think that, then they've already won. Just gift wrap the Republic for them & hand it over. They may treat you nicer when their "extermination campaign" kicks into full swing. It's doubtful though.

This leaves a military avenue. I'm assessing it may be spark along those two major fault lines: "civic & or military/militia."

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Plans are real, they work, military has them, lots of them. On multiple levels. especially at levels we won’t ever see. They plan every day. They fulfill plans every day, they are now. I think you missed the whole point of that phrase. There’s always a plan. The problem is, you don’t have one. That’s the real issue. IMO. And we never, ever promoted that anyone is to wait on a plan. The whole point of those parts they do plan it’s pretty deep they use game theory, they use a lot of different techniques to conduct her planning operations. And honestly it’s really not the plan that matters is the process of the plan that’s what matters.

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Negative, reconstitution happened. Under Bush. Devolution is completely taken out of context and honestly, appears to be completely made up. See the substack by blacksheep7. It explains the COG role and how PatelPatriots theory isn’t even a theory.

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If you want a brain melting revelation, look at what they did in 1937 with the secret Declaration of interdependence of the governments of the United States. This, like many other secret legal tricks was another act of treason and we still don't have our Article IV Section IV protections from invasion by our Military. Or our law enforcement by the way.

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Negative, a constitution is a contract/debt agreement and no corporate puppet can change a contract with the American people, only the Principal to those debt agreements have that responsibility and power and that can only happen at the negotiating table to the ones who assume the debt for services rendered in good faith and the ones who that delegated power originates from which is the civilian government, not that corporate "Civil Government". Bush, Clinton, the Kenyan, Trump, none of them have the authority to amend or reconstitute anything on our behalf without our knowing consent and approval. Devolution I agree is also bunk because the American civilian government never approved of such a thing.

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COOP and is an emergency action plan. All agencies and military has those plans. Devolution is someone else’s thought, that some one took, ran with it, made shit tons of money and still to this day is fooling people.

What I think is crazy is that everything was focus on COOP and not the real issue, the National Emergency. That’s the real abuse of power. All of our executive branch useless agencies.

And that’s another great point you made, civilian government people don’t bother to look at doctrine or regulation or law. They just look in the military manuals and see what they want to see. But civilian leader ship of our Armed Forces is protected in multiple different ways, chain and command, command and control and military doctrine it’s passed down from the highest level, and that’s the constitution. I really hate those theories now man military in control or some shit like that it’s all Ludacris.

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Whose running or managing this Reconstitution?" Furthermore, why would a president like DJT reconstitute anything under an old regime? Especially, a corrupted system. Doesn't make much logical sense to me. It all comes down to "show us the money Jerry."

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Again, reconstitution already happened Before Trump. Under Bush. The other meaning that we explained in our series of reconstitution is the actions Trump took. Implementing policy into the executive, Judicial branch’s and other areas of government, as we describe throughout our series, that started to steer them back towards its constitutional principles. Hence the name, reconstitution. Show you the money? Actually research what COG is and what Trump did relating to it. The link to Blacksheet7's Substack that details all this, the "money" as you put it, is in the article.

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I honor the efforts of individual Americans who love their country. I pray the unite in bond and in spirit and do everything they can to remove the rot in all areas that matter. If I weren't so situated, I'd probably part of a Ghost operation as well but my job is what it is. Operations of Law. I pray for the good men and women in service to make it home to America, as Americans and receive the honors due for honorable soldiery on behalf of America. I also know it takes three commissioned officers to try and execute traitors on the spot. For that you have my blessing. Or, take over their private, for profit prison systems they built for us, and lock them all up and try them under the UCMJ as is required by law. For that too, you have my blessing. I wish I were younger and so situated.

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We all try and do what we can do. Educate ourselves about what’s going on the local level man, like the local level government is where people need to focus and learn in my opinion. that’s the only place we can do any type of impact, but that won’t be easy either.

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Clearly from the comments this is your most divisive article. Bash Devolution? Unsure of the value of Q? Military isn't going to 'save us' and yet, your previous articles say certain groups are working in the background and "so brave". What did you hope to accomplish with this writing?

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Divisive, that's funny. Devolution is complete trash. I'm not sure you even read the article because no where does it implicate we do not value Q. And as we have said in our previous articles and this one, The military has always, and is working as they should. Did you even read the article??

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Jan 5, 2023Edited
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How about you write a substack. Your making zero sense here fren.

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I would say the points on Q are valid. I followed from beginning to end. Somewhere along the line it was compromised. We have every whack a doodle theory being promoted by anyone w/ an internet connection & microphone. Theories that were never mentioned or even remotely espoused by "Q." This means that as we revisit theories of "Devolution or Reconstitution" we need to ground ourselves in reality.

If a sitting president who warned us that they were going to steal the election & how they'd do it almost a year in advance just shrugged his shoulders & didn't issue a COG order outgoing knowing the fatal ramifications, then that makes them one of two things: derelict or criminally complicit.

I'm not saying DJT is ether, but we would really have to start to ask ourselves the hard question as much as we don't like it. Right now, DJT is not galvanizing the people. He's held big rallies, endorsed some very bad candidates, didn't even create any grassroots orgs or Super PACs, which would be needed in to fight & fund legal challenges in the steal of 2022 & gave us Comic Book Digital Trading cards. He's either disconnected or has very bad advisors, like really young types fresh out of college, to suggest the last maneuver. It was pretty insulting. Because apparently were now looked at as if we're 8 year olds. Totally "obtuse."

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These theories are meaningless towards our role as citizens.

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And what points about Q did I make? Specifically?

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Your earlier points I was referring to.

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Plan 3 is not in conflict with either Q or Devolution. Think synthetically.

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I'm thinking logically. devolution is trash and a lie. Devolution theory as Patel Patriot claims has been debunked with provable facts that its a total grift trash theory. And Q has nothing to do with option 3.

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Suit yourself. Devolution is about maintaining essential functions while things get resolved. Q is mostly about information, BUT the military role comes in when it's tribunal time. Not a coup!

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Under what program are you referring to Devolution maintaining essential functions? And how do you think it’s initiated?

When can military tiribunals happen? What initiates those trials?

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If i may give a little pushback; I believe both things can be and are true with regards to "A Plan" . Yes we the people are integral in seeing this thing all the way through , but the military has to do the heavy lifting i.e. take down tunnels, take down politicians , cut the head of the snake ( 13 families, rothschilds, black pope etc.) those are all things we cant do but they can and did. and we are in some form of COG i would direct u to derek johnson telegram channel rattletrap1776, he lays out the blueprint militarily following laws , rules and regulations using the law of war manual and military code . he lays out going all the way back to 2015 and walks one through each E.O. , code , Act etc. right up until present day . this is a military operation and theres no denying it cause its objective proof . like a math problem theres only 1 answer . Proven by military law , rules and regulations . its really quite simple to see once u read the blueprint

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Military operations, yes, and as I mention in this article, they have and are doing what is needed. Things we will never see, and never know. We also wrote about military capability in detail and with historical insight.

And there is no “we are in COG.” This is where PatelPatriot really confused thousands of people and has it absolutely wrong. The way PatelPatriot and his devolution theory implies is a total abouse of power. Devolution theory is absolutely debunked. Blacksheep7 substack on this exact topic has effectively detailed facts and explains in great detail how those programs function. If People are not willing to look at facts and listen to subject matter experts relating to COG, that’s on them.

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Im with ya on patel patriot his theory is flawed , im not basing anything off of him im drawing from derek johnsons " blueprint" which is all facts and he is an expert on the subject matter I would encourage u to check out said dox on the website "thedocuments.info" and judge for urself its all there pretty straightforward

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Derek is no way an expert in the subject matter his theory claims. Expert in what? Being in the Army? I was in the The Navy for 20 years as an EOD Technician. Naval Special Operations and Naval Special Warfare. So does that make me an expert with the War Manual and the Law of War? His claim that we are at war to the point that our county is under war powers is another outrageous narrative that gives followers like yourself a false sense of hope and security.

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I dont have a false sense of anything i just see data points and go from there .Furthermore his analysis doesnt convey this big "security" narrative anyways. If ur opinion is hes no expert then thats ur opinion doesnt really matter , everyones definition is different , rank , branch , degree no degree have nothin to do with one bein an expert or not imo hes layed out the most objective argument for what is really goin on. theres not a lot of opinion and conjecture... obviously u dont agree and thats fine im not here to try and convince u or anyone ... I just think everyone should read what he has to say , much like everyone should read what u have to say on it . doesnt mean one is completely right or wrong , hell nobody , outside of a handful at the top really know whats goin on . we dont have access to PEADS or certain NPSD's etc. so no one can say with 100% certainty. meanwhile people try and figure things out and agree to disagree and keep it movin

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It’s really not about knowing what’s going on. It’s about knowing government programs, agencies and the directives that regulate and guide them. That’s all open source. Understanding the role a program or agency plays will help with providing factual perspective of what they can and can’t do.

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totally agree

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Fair enough. And I agree, people has Every right to believe and read what they want.

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Eh, I wouldn't trust anything that dude says. He also said in one video that anyone who is not on board with the "plan" or it's possibility will find themselves left out in the cold with "favors or jobs" in the new administration. As if they're keeping a list & will be ostracized. 😂Because my whole life's ambition is to get a job in some future presidential administration. 🤦‍♂️Welcome to the new Chinese Cultural Revolution.

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ya i believe he was joking imo; I just used him as an example cause he has put it together the best but in reality one doesnt need him or anybody else to "say it" cause it speaks for itself thats the point its objective material , so its not a matter of believin what he says , its believin ones own eyes, its pretty black and white much like following SOP''s with a company , i dont have to believe what my boss tells me with regards to doing my job , i just go to the protocols.

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Yeah, but I think American's are in the "show me the money" phase of things. I don't care how well someone can quote or memorize a manual or policy. That's gobbledygook to me. I'm looking at outcomes or fruits. Tangible assets so to speak. I haven't seen any.

I do see people twist themselves in knots like pretzels to try to justify theories. Like with the Durham investigation. "He's losing in order to win." OK, that's a new process of law I guess when building RICO cases. "It has to be this way." By whose design & order. Who has placed themselves as "God" or a god above human souls? "No worries, when Trump gets elected (he first has to win in a broken & rigged system) he's going to wave a magic wand & straighten everything out." Right, once people's wealth is destroyed, they rarely get it back. Things have far reaching ramifications into the future for decades & sometime centuries.

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oh ya i get it, show me is definitely in order, i think a lot of questions will be answered this month

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These articles are the actual action plans and concepts. Let me know what you think.

https://17sog.substack.com/p/we-the-people Part 4. Political action planning

https://17sog.substack.com/p/the-17th-sog-solution Part 5. Problem Solving

https://17sog.substack.com/p/we-the-people-the-principles-of-political Part 6 The Principles of Political Action (My Favorite)

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We'll see. I think they were pretty much answered this past November.

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These articles are the actual action plans and concepts. Let me know what you think.

https://17sog.substack.com/p/we-the-people Part 4. Political action planning

https://17sog.substack.com/p/the-17th-sog-solution Part 5. Problem Solving

https://17sog.substack.com/p/we-the-people-the-principles-of-political Part 6 The Principles of Political Action (My Favorite)

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Hi Whistleblower77

I just re read 17th’s article above, for the 2d time, together with your dialogue with him. One thing, that 17th mentioned back to me that hit him hard was the “local” element in our country, which axiomatically IS where the power is. We only have to look at the ‘red map’ the “NY Times” published on the day after Trump was elected to realize why ‘We’ won. BUT it’s also where we can potentially lose for the rest of time. Why?

When we read David M. Zuniga’s book, “The Great WE-SET!” in Chapter 6 and Appendix A, it is clear that huge red area is NOT represented as the founders unanimously agreed in Article the First in the Original Bill of Rights. Congress’ crime of 1929 hijacked that amendment and Tactical Civics aim is to restore that right! FROM THE COUNTY LEVEL.

That’s where Tactical Civics has it over all others out there presenting their “plans.” ONLY Tactical Civics has a “Full Spectrum” PLAN that parrots the Constitution. David Zuniga did not invent our plan. He discovered it just like each and everyone of us discovers it when we actually read and contemplate the Constitution. So, with TC’s plan, every county moving their individual counties for a legal Grand Jury supported by a legal Militia (don’t misunderstand!) is what literally makes us the 1st people in America to actually make AmericaAGAIN!™ If we can see that our Constitution is the harbinger of the America to come, we shall last a lot longer than 500 years IF we the people join.

I challenge you to keep all of this in mind as you read David’s book (with my compliments) and bring some of your friends or relatives to your local county’s Chapter of TacticalCivics(.)com immediately! The sooner we come to the 50 counties out of a total of only 7 states, David will announce that the criteria for “critical mass” has arrived and we’ll be inside our County Seats, all over America establishing the legal Grand Juries the very next day.

If you can imagine, the day following that, after we have visited our Plan with the local county powers that be, and with this happening all over America, Tactical Civics is going to be on the tips of everyone’s tongues and the media is going to be screaming to find David Zuniga. He’s our ’Tactical General.’ (That’s what I call him!) It will be the second shot heard ‘round the world, and we will have done it without even waving a gun around. We are not political. We are only law enforcers.

Like the mass of men enlisting after the attack on Pearl Harbor, all the “negative shock” from the MainScream Media will inescapably drive all America's ‘red' men and women to TacticalCivics(.)com to join up with their own local county. AND our Training Center is tested and ready to receive them.

For this reason I, as an 81 year old man, am more excited than I have ever been in my youth to move you to JOIN US.

David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-SET!" free pdf download. https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf

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These articles are the actual action plans and concepts. Let me know what you think.

https://17sog.substack.com/p/we-the-people Part 4. Political action planning

https://17sog.substack.com/p/the-17th-sog-solution Part 5. Problem Solving

https://17sog.substack.com/p/we-the-people-the-principles-of-political Part 6 The Principles of Political Action (My Favorite)

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Yes, they’re excellent!

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I'd say study the Irish War for Independence c 1916-1922. It was a unified front from all the sectors of society. "Military: (IRA/IRB/active secret Army& guerilla campaign surgically directed at British & RIC targets), political: (The Dial Eireann sweeping the 1918 Irish Parliamentary elections & declaring Ireland as a break away government), legal/political (Irish Republicans sweeping every county in Ireland/back channels with Washington DC/ & very active & prolific IRB press & publications locally & internationally), civic: (policy of ostracism against agents & employees of the RIC, boycotts & strikes refusing to sell, buy, or transport RIC/English goods or troops). The last was very effective. Agents of the RIC or Dublin Castle were literally reduced to armed robbery of Irish shops & merchants because no shop or store would sell them food or goods. This caused recruitments to plummet & defections to rise, which was a windfall for the IRA's intelligence wing run by the most brilliant, I must say, Michael Collins. In the final years of the war England was worn down, the English & Irish people as well as American & international sentiment was turned against Britain. The Coup de Grace came in one single night when Collins, luring the British/RIC intel agents into a trap by way of a double entendre.

The British were desperate for a break thru in the conflict. They knew as well as the IRB that arms & ammunition were nearly depleted. They'd gained a list of Irish subscribers to an IRB magazine & started a campaign of reprisal (arrest & assassination) on these soft targets. What they didn't know was that Collins had a very deep mole in the very "Lord Governor's" office. Who in turn was able to acquire the list of their deep cover agents activated for this very campaign. In one single night, using themselves as bait, they wiped out 13 RIC agents. The next day the British PM reached out to the IRB to start secret talks of a peace settlement. Their "eyes & ears" of Ireland were effectively poked out. The LG was sidelined & ceremonially demoted w/ a position of peerage.

Now, I'm not suggesting or advocating this strategy. I'm merely observing that when folks are forced into an alley in a standoff, It always usually ends in a gunfight. And violence along with talk usually the course. Talk, political, & or legal remedies won't win it alone, nor will violence alone. The two go side by side but not hand in hand in these unique situations. I'm a realist. That's based on observer & lived experiences. I've seen this very similar situation play out in many other nations

If somehow, we can achieve solely political or legal remedies, then all the better. However, in our present reality concerning legal election & recourse before the law to remedy the first & being the most heavily & privately armed citizenry on planet earth, something, somewhere is going to go "pop." Thus far, you're right in your assessment, we have been extremely reserved & stayed our hand which is a great testament to the American spirit & it's trust in bedrock institutions. However, the enemy now has absolute power, & we can trust that they will continue to abuse it in ever increasing methods. This is human nature. The great G.K. Chesterton wrote: " Your fathers talk about psychology. Mine talked about a knowledge of human nature."

Always hope for the best but stay prepared for the worst.

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Take local and state power? Shall we elect ourselves to office? HaHaHa! Sheer nonsense.

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Yeah, take local and state power. It’s how our government was designed. And no, that doesn’t mean you need to run for office.

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Ok. Just the corrupt lawyer downtown. Too late for elections anymore. It's been all sewn up since 1913. We must seek other lands to exercise political freedom.

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I'm not a quitter, I served this great nation and would rather die than leave it.

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Me too, in two wars. However, I could easily live in Thailand or Nairobi & watch a continent of fools tear itself apart no problem. "

"All of God's chastisements & judgements are just!"

- Abraham Lincoln, 2nd Inaugural Address.

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Me too general. The payback sucked.

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Or create a parallel system to the regimes.

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Yes. We need not be in thrall to history. We are always free to find our own way

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