Aug 3, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Well said and beautifully written

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We need to hurry and do this, we the People…

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Nice allegory. And inspiring.

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This stirs my soul and gives me the strength at this time to fight on. I do not deny as we reach, what I believe to be the last battle against the 'foreign roots" with so little of the "original roots" still holding up the mighty Oak, (but they are the strongest tap roots and they are embedded in the stone not just the soil), I sometimes despair and feel exhausted and weary. It is connections such as this that inspires that keep me going. Thank you dear Patriot.

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My prayers to you patriot, strength comes in different forms and at different times. Today one may be the strong one, the next the other.... Its the ability to pass on the spirit of strength that God gives us!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I have, literally, white oak seedlings that I wish to gift to the mods of this group. They come from 250 year old stock. I believe they are special and would be appreciated by all of you. Contact me a proton.me.

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I am interested in the seedling! I subscribed but don’t see anything there...

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Amen I lost I thought my strongest root at such a young age~ I despaired and made bad choices~ But believe we are rebuilding our roots now~ faith, Family, America God Bless you all

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Wow! Embedded in Stone as well as soil! Well said!! That’s an impressive truth!!

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Bravo. This touches a concern I have: when the dark roots are eradicated, what roots will remain? The "light" is filled with such diametrically opposed spiritual groups. Like Israel in Jehu's time, if we replace baalism with a kinder, friendlier, golden calf, the tree will wither regardless. So few patriots follow the God of our ancestors that I fear our unconditional love for one another will not be recognized as such. Much of the confusion stems directly from that which was sown by the dying dark roots. So many think the Bible is incomprehensible. That is simply not so: it is very straightforward. It is the filters we have been taught since birth which make it difficult.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

To this end, I have elected to begin my own substack with the tall intention of tying together the fundamentals of the Bible, showing how the concepts presented are actually simpler the deeper one digs, and how they apply directly to the necessary structure of any republic intended to last.

I have no formal theological training, just what I have learned from hoovering up knowledge from many sources, my own focused studying over the last several years, a God-given inability to think inside the traditional box, and most importantly, God's prompting and guidance (I pray).

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Tag me when you drop your first article.

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Will do, just promise me you'll provide constructive criticism. Some of where I am going with it is fairly parallel to what I have seen Derek Johnson posting, but I feel he is off on several very key items. Namely that a) Military law ought only apply to people through contract (joining the military) or conquest, which would amount to high treason if applied to their own nation. b) Thus, the Constitution cannot be on hold, or there is no law. c) The military is, or ought to be, separate from the Federal government, because We The People (not me, William, or you, Joe Bob) are the sovereign authority beneath God and as such, as the Bible states, Caesar has the power of the sword to maintain law and order. Thus, the military of any republic ought to be contracted to WTP first, thus the reason all military personnel regardless of rank refer to civilians as sir/ma'am.

This means that, yes, the military could come to the rescue, but only under orders from WTP, typically expressed through Congress and the CIC, who is the "prime contractor". Issuing a direct order from WTP to the CIC or military at large requires an overwhelming majority of the people to demand it.

And that takes work and maximum engagement on all our parts to achieve.

Until, and if, that happens, "all" the military can do is essentially provide threat analysis and warnings.

Comprehension is one thing. If it is going to last, we need understanding in the biblical sense: "hypostasis", which is what I hope and pray to provide, starting with the ten commandments.

It's going to be a tall order for a former squid/bubblehead/nuc, but it seems to be a dire need and someone needs to step up.

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May I recommend a few things,

1. Research the law and processes. Even declaration of war, there’s a process, martial law, there’s a process, Continuity of government, there’s a process, none of which can be in secret.

2. Research the chain of command, I was in the Navy as well, EOD. And even I didn’t understand it’s strictness and safeguards in place, especially at the higher levels.

3. Research command and control. This to is significant as the Chain of command, relating to the combatant commanders, cannot be delegated outside the direct line to the President!, CIC isn’t mentioned. Combatant commanders, SECDEF, President.... see The Department of Defense Reorganization Act you're referring to is likely the Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986.

4. If you were a Nuc, you understand the importance of verbiage in publications, AND the Bible....

5. Don’t cherry pick, truth is truth.. I have debunked Derek Johnson’s theory multiple ways. And it’s not about debunking, it’s about truths and not providing false hope and lying. All the debunking I did with both devolution, and Dirk Johnson theory I used their own references. But believe me, I will give you an honest and constructive criticism. This is a crucial time in our country and we need people to be focused not full of false hope. I wish you the best of luck writing has been a blessing for me. I hope it is the same for you.

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I think, when I get to applying things to the current day, I will likely present it in terms of, what it should be like. After all, how can we see what is bad, if we don't know what good looks like? More importantly, we need some basic principles to support and enough understanding to lend backbone to those principles in order to prevent friendly fire between groups who literally see each other as controlled opposition. Specific to my experience, there seems to be a real lack of traditional Christians motivating themselves to move. "The world is a fallen world and we should expect troubles." or, "Bible says to render unto Caesar..." It makes me want to grab people by the collar and yell at them, "God judges rulers of nations harsher than the people they mislead, because the rulers are given the power and responsibility to lead correctly. Don't you realize that in the US, we, collectively, are Caesar?"

At the end, I hope to then say, okay, we see now what it should look like and why. What is the actual system? Yes, the military is contracted to WTP, but it isn't that simple: there's this law and that law, this internal regulation, etc...

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Very good points, looking forward to reading it. And i totally understand what your saying. To be fair, between the “two Groups” you may be referring, one of the groups has a much larger follower base that puts the narrative to that groups advantage. One group has been open, tried to make amens, but was denied and blocked. The one group with a smaller follower base only asked to debate and was mocked, belittled and lied about. For the smaller group, (who does not take donations as it’s not about that rather about saving this country) has not had an opportunity to tell their side of the story. But that’s not what this smaller groups cares about. What they care about is the thousands of votes that are not having a sense of urgency that is needed for this upcoming political battle. The military is not coming. Only we can save ourselves. I’ve been focused on content that’s actionable. This weekend we are releasing 9 articles, each one is a step of tasks that will glide people to get involved in their local communities.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Amen! Our own childhood upbringing can create those filters that keep us held captive...it is worthwhile to find the truth and fight to have the negative seeds in us replaced! At age 71, I am finally gaining ground!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic


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Aug 4, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I totally get that, Larry! God bless you! My husband passed last September—two days before his birthday—-now I am the Matriarch! Spiritually speaking, I carry that mantle for

My family. My husband and daughter and brother in law all served..so grateful!

I have a nephew entering service next month! My spouse died from complications caused by remdesivir!!! We fight battles today on MANY fronts! But we do not give up! Our descendants are counting on us!

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God bless you both Carol and Larry! I know you guys have had hard times and I could not imagine enduring the loses you have had. But I want to say thank you for sharing and your strength is an inspiration. God less you guys!!

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To clarify: I tend to take what I was taught to assume, and test it to see if I can prove it for myself. I often did the same in my career before this information war really kicked off: I would test certain assumptions our procedures were based on in a controlled environment. Usually I came away with a better understanding of why we did things that way. Occasionally, I proved an old assumption wrong. Of course, that's the sort of attitude that gets one fired for calling out coercion to vaccinate one's workers as illegal. So now I get to mine Bitcoin, poll watch, and dig into the Bible like there's no tomorrow.

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Yes and AMEN!! Sounds good to me!

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Very inspirational ~ love , Light and Blessings to all the root makers and caregivers. NCSWIC ~WWG1WGA

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Psalms 27:13

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.

Great article. Every day the substack writers bolster my hope for our American way of life. It’s no accident that “In God We Trust”. We ALL have divine appointments. Looking forward to meeting you All. And we will.

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I LOVE that verse!

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Love it's nostalgia for days of old (JFK and before), we miss you Ronnie Reagan,...!

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My favorite tree is an old oak on top of a granite boulder, that grew through the rock and split it as it grew so its roots are visible. It grew at least 30 feet through the boulder, then finally, into the soil underneath and Earth Mother. It is a picture of will, focus, intent, perseverance and strength, to me every time I visit it.

I think of it often these days as I struggle to find my place and my purpose alone and isolated since retirement and family and friends determined I was too dangerous to be around. The need to have a connection to my creator and be the best version of myself is my only desire and connection to ALL THAT IS will be my final affirmation of meeting this goal.

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Please post a photo of that mighty tree’s progression through that boulder—when you can!

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I am trying to post but I am sadly not talented nor learned in regards to this. I will get assistance as soon as I can for it is truly a magnificent tree! Thanx so much, Sharon

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I hear you!! I am the very same with this technology...my family got

Me a tablet for my birthday so I can lay my phone down and have a larger

Screen and keyboard...I haven’t even reached for it! Less is better for me right now...simple! I have a PAPER tablet near me that I am writing on by with a pen all the things I need help with when my

Daughter has time...it’s all to do with using that tablet! And they set it up. Other siblings of hers said mom it’s just a learning curve..after that you will love it.

I wish I had a five year old grandchild come to visit so they can show me!! Lol! So I bless you sharonmo that you have a visit from a kindergartener who can do what we struggle with! Lol!

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Yu are on my same page! I think the thought pervading message stimulated by this article describes us perfectly in my love of this trees struggles. I thank yu for your connection and understanding! I want so badly to show yu but I imagine yu can imagine it just as completely! Love andgratitude, Sharon

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It's funny, I did a bunch of research recently on the White Oak. I'll tell you what I found, with God's help.

1. The native Indian tribes used the White Oak for medicinal purposes. It was used as an astringent, antiseptic, curing skin issues, is an expectorant, tonic, settles coughs, diarrhea, mouth sores, etc.

2. The city of Albuquerque literally means "White Oak".

3. There is an annular solar eclipse coming to the US on October 14th of this year, and it will cross over the city of Albuquerque. Those who are there on that day will see the totality of the eclipse.

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What an encouraging message! Thanks.

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