Across the board Public exposure is needed of the NGO's that are paid tremendous amounts of Gov. money's to directly implement and facilitate the mass Illegal entry unto American soil and sponsorship in the "sanctuary city's & States" all undercover and hidden in plain sight...!

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You have done your homework well. Lots of prayers needed for community and nation. Lots of work to do. I thank God for you and many others who love freedom. I’m old now but my grandkids will benefit. I’ve already seen much promising motion since 2016. When JFK was murdered in 1963 it felt like a unexpected gut punch. Regan gave me fresh air to help get through. Now we will see with God’s help what will happen.

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What a great rundown of the power of the NGOs! The details of the plan to destroy our country are most certainly implemented by NGOs through their unholy partnership with government. Now, add the corporations to the mix and we have a fascist regime here in the last country with an active constitution (for the most part) to protect the individual. Hence, the decades long attack against the constitutional republic brilliantly created by the founding fathers. We live in truly monumental times and it’s only by God’s grace and His gifting so many for this battle that I believe we will prevail (for our country as well as the world)! God bless you for educating us in what we must know to prevent a return of tyranny.


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Very informative I had no clue

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Seems more to it then told...lol

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There would be volumes of books. The key is to understand elements of power, domains of power, relashionships of power and influence of power.

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And the mechanisims to which they use.

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"they" use a fiat monetary scam to buy 80+% of whomever they install in "their" setup multi-level faux systems: Launch a global coup by financing Atheist MarXist[Communism] as "their" go to tool leading to and pushing worldwide "their" NWO+OWGov., as long Prophecied to end Natonal Sovereignty into a Globalist Polit-Buro -[UN/EU/WEF/WHO-CCP=role model]

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