Brings to mind the old movie ".Dr. Strangelove?" with Slim Pickens straddling the A Bomb in the Omaha based B 52 Bomber. I did Civil Defense Spotter duty in the 50's - from atop a high rise Hotel in Creston Iowa. No medals though! (Loosen up a little guys!)
Agree 💯 Jon puts out/shows the real info and then says if you don’t believe, go verify it for yourself. Never says “BELIEVE” all he says. Research for YOURSELF! He just provides info/path to figure out/confirm for YOURSELF!
Alright, Sue, let me understand your claim. Are you implying that you have not conducted any research on your own? Because I'm not urging you to believe blindly; I'm informing you that John's assertions are erroneous. There is no room for dispute. You cannot produce any government document that supports John's implications. It's an impossible task. I challenge you right now to prove me wrong. I don't want to hear your mere words; I want to see concrete evidence. Our findings, on the other hand, have presented the actual national continuity policy that the military uses, thst FEMA uses , and the executive branch used. Not a single document even remotely aligns with John's implications. Let alone Derek, who is nothing more than an utter fool. His theory holds no ground. Therefore, Sue, you are left with two options: either you are being compensated for your presence here, or you genuinely have not delved into the materials presented by patriots. If you had, you would comprehend that it truly is as simple as that. There is no other explanation. I'm making it clear to you. At this point, I don't care anymore. I am tired of it all. I am done with all of you, particularly you followers, who exhibit a reprehensible lack of responsibility. You simply did not read! I am telling you, you did not read. And if you claim otherwise, then you must be complicit in this deceitful scheme. That's the stark reality we face now. Either you are here receiving payment per post, or you are being paid by John to promote his deceitful agenda, or you simply did not read. So, which is it, Sue?
Maybe she, ot it, is one of those other news ? sources that call themselves : "Documenters" - funded by ??? to Hold Them Accountable? They are present at County and City level (Open?) "Public Meetings", in Omaha - but don't identify, and I never see anything in print!
You guys certainly posted this at an interesting time today as certain Twitter accounts have been going off about military activity around the nation ...which makes me think stuff is really actually going down right now.
My advice if your group is truly comprised of concerned patriots: Deprogram from MK Ultra/Delta mind control compartmentalization. Deal with your cognitive dissonance. Set aside your ego - no one is threatening the Local Government movement. We’re all in different levels of awakening. Don’t get trapped in the minutia, look at the big picture. This is a worldwide military operation. Think about your legacy.
Christine you cannot be that ignorant can you? Yeah that’s not flying here. So I’m telling everybody this you either didn’t read John’s research or he’s paying you to be here or someone else is paying you to be here what is the three options because we’ve shown that Jon’s theory is invalid there’s no documentation that you can get me and I challenge you go get it show me any part of Jon’s Theory in paper on government policy it doesn’t exist
Maybe part of the National Assn. of Independent News (reporters) - some called "Documenters"? And they don't identify themselves - but probably marxists, antifas'?
Executive Order 13912 refers to an order issued by President Donald Trump on March 18, 2020. This executive order invoked the authority granted to the Secretary of Defense under 10 U.S. Code § 12304a, specifically to order members of the Selected Reserve and certain members of the Individual Ready Reserve to active duty during a national emergency or when determined necessary to augment the active forces for operational requirements. This authority is used when deemed necessary to support operational requirements and augment the active forces during a national emergency. Executive Order 13912 was issued under the authority granted by the Stafford Act, not the National Emergencies Act (NEA).
The purpose of this executive order, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was to provide flexibility and additional resources to the Department of Defense to respond to the public health crisis and support the overall national response efforts. The Department of Defense (DoD) did not take the lead role in the overall national response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lead role in responding to a public health crisis typically falls under the purview of public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS):
The Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS) is a comprehensive approach developed by the U.S. government to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of federal missions. It recognizes that federal agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of essential services and functions during emergencies, natural disasters, and other disruptive events.
The FMRS aims to enhance the ability of federal agencies to anticipate, withstand, adapt to, and recover from a wide range of threats and challenges. These threats can include natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, as well as human-caused incidents such as cyberattacks, pandemics, or terrorist attacks.
A Dive into His Claims:
Derek Johnson talks about there being 5 other FCDs that were issued after the first two FCD1 and FCD2. This in itself is a false attribution. He claims there have been guidelines issued since the first two, but he doesn’t provide any specific source or references to support this claim. Can he please provide the FCDs and where to reference them? Is there really FCD1 – FCD7? Where is the references? Without verifiable evidence, it is difficult to determine the accuracy of his claim.
From what I gather, and have researched, the Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy is the response to Executive Order 13961 and aims to align with the directive to enhance continuity planning and response efforts across departments and agencies within the executive branch.
Johnson further comes out and gives bad information to the public, he states:
“When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government, all 3 Branches of Government are to perform their ESSENTIAL functions to maintain constitutional government. That means the Constitution is on a pause and the Military is in a Military Occupancy which is found in the Law of War Manual which is the Department of Defense's guideline and handbook. That does not mean the Military is overthrowing the government. Be careful who you follow when they say that's what we're advocating. That couldn't be farther from the truth. The Oath that every soldier takes from 10 U.S. Code 502 specifically says: "I do solemnly swear to SUPPORT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to REGULATIONS and the UNIFORM of MILITARY JUSTICE, so help me God."
He misinterprets what Continuity of Government (COG) is. Under a COG plan, the primary objective is to ensure the ongoing functioning of the government in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a natural disaster or attack. The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain constitutional form of government, that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself.
The general aim is to preserve the three branches of government and their essential functions. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches would continue to operate, albeit potentially in alternative locations if necessary for security reasons. The goal is to maintain the rule of law and protect the Constitution during times of crisis. The concept of "Military Occupancy" that he mentions is not directly related to COG.
Military occupation typically refers to a situation where a foreign military force takes control of a territory or region. It is governed by international laws and treaties, such as the Law of War or the Geneva Conventions. In a domestic COG scenario, the military's role is to provide support and assistance to civilian authorities, not to establish military rule or occupation.
Another thing that Johnson claims and says is the following:
The Military Justice Act of 2016 was written by the United States Supreme Court BEFORE the Courts - Judicial Branch, Congress - Legislative Branch, and Presidency - Executive Branch went under a Continuity of Government... and was not passed until the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act which is the Defense budget which would be a National Essential Function.
The MJA 2016 clarifies 3 major things that have not been clarified since the Foundation of Military:
1. Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws.
2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate.
3. Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government)
Meaning, the United States Military, can act without Congress supporting the Declaration of Independence which specially says:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
This is where he gets a lot of stuff wrong. Let’s clarify: The Military Justice Act of 2016 (MJA 2016) did not originate from the United States Supreme Court. It was actually passed by Congress as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The Military Justice Act of 2016 made significant reforms to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the military justice system. And with that let’s address 3 main concerns:
The Law of War Manual is a document that provides guidance on the application of international law governing armed conflict. It outlines the legal framework for the conduct of hostilities, including principles such as distinction, proportionality, and military necessity. The manual serves as a reference for the armed forces and provides a comprehensive overview of how the law of armed conflict should be interpreted and applied.
Military Justice Act:
The Military Justice Act refers to legislation that governs the administration of justice within the military. It establishes the legal framework for handling military offenses, including the rights and obligations of military personnel, rules of evidence, and procedures for courts-martial. The act ensures discipline and accountability within the military and addresses offenses committed by military personnel.
Federal Continuity Directives:
Federal Continuity Directives are guidelines issued by the U.S. government to ensure the continuity of essential functions and operations of federal agencies during a crisis or emergency situation. These directives outline the processes and procedures to be followed in order to maintain the functioning of government operations, including succession planning, delegations of authority, and the provision of essential services.
The concept of continuity applies to various organizations and government entities, including civilian agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. The primary goal of continuity is to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of critical services and the maintenance of essential operations during and after disruptive events or emergencies.
Proclamation 9994:
also known as Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, was issued by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020. The proclamation declared a national emergency in the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By declaring a national emergency, the proclamation invoked certain powers and authorities granted to the president under the National Emergencies Act. This allowed the federal government to mobilize resources, coordinate response efforts, and take other necessary actions to address the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak across the country.
The declaration of a national emergency provided additional flexibility to allocate funding, expedite procurement processes, and implement measures to combat the spread of the virus, protect public health, and support affected individuals and communities. It also facilitated the coordination between federal, state, and local agencies in their response to the pandemic.
Also made possible the widespread theft of taxpayer dollars for this and that, and the rush by state and local legislators to .....! Waht happens whe the money is gone?
“How much do you get paid, Christine? Because there seem to be only two possibilities: either you are extremely ignorant and unable to comprehend or you are receiving compensation for being here. However, what you fail to grasp is that we have nothing to lose. We have jobs, and I am fortunate enough to have a well-paying one. Our involvement here is not driven by financial gain. We are here for a specific purpose—to face challenges presented by those who may be paid parties. So, which side are you on? Oh, forgive me, I cannot assume your nationality. Are you American, by any chance?”
In conclusion, it is evident that Derek Johnson's assertions regarding the merging of emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory are flawed and intentionally misleading. The distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives of each area must be properly defined and approached to uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation. The Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy, and EO 13961 are separate documents with distinct purposes and applications. Blurring the lines between these areas without clear distinctions and proper application can have harmful consequences.
Derek Johnson's claims regarding the existence of additional Federal Continuity Directives beyond FCD1 and FCD2 and that lacks verifiable evidence, raising doubts about its accuracy.
Furthermore, Johnson's misinterpretation of the Continuity of Government, the role of the military, and the provisions of the Military Justice Act of 2016 highlight the importance of accurate understanding and interpretation of legal frameworks and governmental processes. Misinformation can lead to confusion, false assumptions, and the spread of inaccuracies.
In a world where information is readily accessible, it is crucial to engage in fact-checking, reference reliable sources, and critically analyze claims made by individuals. By scrutinizing the original documents and relying on verifiable evidence, we can promote a more informed and accurate understanding of complex legal matters and government policies.
Could AI not provide editing services? Might such assistance enhance one's communication with others, particularly wounded veterans? It could serve as a valuable tool to refine communication skills, facilitate a more deliberate thought process, and even allow for a cooling-off period. Rest assured, every sentence or word that I have created and edited does not diminish its essence, nor does it render it malevolent. This tool possesses immense potential, yet it is regrettably underestimated and occasionally stigmatized. In a mere 15 seconds, I can readily access any word from the Bible, as well as verses pertaining to any topic. What about laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, or even state constitutions? I can swiftly retrieve those as well. Such technology is deserving of our embrace, albeit with due caution. Without vigilance, any object can harbor danger—an unattended firearm being a pertinent example.
Nope, its called research, have you tired it? In Derek Johnson's Law of War theory, which is precisely what it is—a theory—he discusses a blueprint outlining how the President divides his duties, initiates contingency operations, and engages in irregular warfare not only within the United States but also worldwide. This blueprint begins with the Law of War Manual and extends to the Military Justice Act, followed by the Federal Continuity Directives. It then incorporates Trump's proclamation 9994 and EO 13912, leading to EO 13961 and the introduction of FMRS into the Executive Branch. Each of these components operates differently, and it is concerning that Derek confuses emergency response with military justice and intertwines them with the Law of War. Such confusion could have potentially harmful consequences.
First and foremost, it is essential that each area, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, is defined appropriately and approached with a clear understanding of its distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives. By doing so, we can uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation.
Merging emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory without clear distinctions and proper application could lead to several potential harmful consequences:
Erosion of civilian protections: International humanitarian law, also known as the law of armed conflict, provides crucial protections for civilians during armed conflicts. If emergency response and military justice are incorrectly integrated into this framework, it may undermine the fundamental principles of distinction between combatants and non-combatants, proportionality, and precautions in attack. This could result in an increased risk to civilian lives and property.
Legal confusion and inconsistency: Each domain, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, has its own set of legal principles, procedures, and authorities. Blurring the lines between these areas could create confusion in terms of legal frameworks, accountability mechanisms, and decision-making processes. This could lead to inconsistent application of the law and hinder effective response and justice.
Violation of human rights: International humanitarian law operates within the framework of human rights law, which provides protections for individuals during peacetime. If emergency response and military justice are intertwined with international humanitarian law without due regard for human rights standards, there is a risk of violating individuals' rights to due process, fair trial, and freedom from arbitrary detention.
International reputation and cooperation: The proper interpretation and application of international humanitarian law are crucial for maintaining strong international cooperation and respect for global norms. If the Law of War theory blurs the lines between emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, it may undermine the credibility and reputation of a country, making it harder to gain international support and cooperation during times of crisis or conflict.
Let’s go into each one of the pieces referenced by Derek: Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy and EO 13961 and define them.
Law of War Manual:
The Law of War Manual is a document that provides guidance on the application of international law governing armed conflict. It outlines the legal framework for the conduct of hostilities, including principles such as distinction, proportionality, and military necessity. The manual serves as a reference for the armed forces and provides a comprehensive overview of how the law of armed conflict should be interpreted and applied.
Military Justice Act:
The Military Justice Act refers to legislation that governs the administration of justice within the military. It establishes the legal framework for handling military offenses, including the rights and obligations of military personnel, rules of evidence, and procedures for courts-martial. The act ensures discipline and accountability within the military and addresses offenses committed by military personnel.
Federal Continuity Directives:
Federal Continuity Directives are guidelines issued by the U.S. government to ensure the continuity of essential functions and operations of federal agencies during a crisis or emergency situation. These directives outline the processes and procedures to be followed in order to maintain the functioning of government operations, including succession planning, delegations of authority, and the provision of essential services.
The concept of continuity applies to various organizations and government entities, including civilian agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. The primary goal of continuity is to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of critical services and the maintenance of essential operations during and after disruptive events or emergencies.
Proclamation 9994:
also known as Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, was issued by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020. The proclamation declared a national emergency in the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By declaring a national emergency, the proclamation invoked certain powers and authorities granted to the president under the National Emergencies Act. This allowed the federal government to mobilize resources, coordinate response efforts, and take other necessary actions to address the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak across the country.
The declaration of a national emergency provided additional flexibility to allocate funding, expedite procurement processes, and implement measures to combat the spread of the virus, protect public health, and support affected individuals and communities. It also facilitated the coordination between federal, state, and local agencies in their response to the pandemic.
Executive Order 13912 refers to an order issued by President Donald Trump on March 18, 2020. This executive order invoked the authority granted to the Secretary of Defense under 10 U.S. Code § 12304a, specifically to order members of the Selected Reserve and certain members of the Individual Ready Reserve to active duty during a national emergency or when determined necessary to augment the active forces for operational requirements. This authority is used when deemed necessary to support operational requirements and augment the active forces during a national emergency. Executive Order 13912 was issued under the authority granted by the Stafford Act, not the National Emergencies Act (NEA).
The purpose of this executive order, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was to provide flexibility and additional resources to the Department of Defense to respond to the public health crisis and support the overall national response efforts. The Department of Defense (DoD) did not take the lead role in the overall national response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lead role in responding to a public health crisis typically falls under the purview of public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS):
The Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS) is a comprehensive approach developed by the U.S. government to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of federal missions. It recognizes that federal agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of essential services and functions during emergencies, natural disasters, and other disruptive events.
The FMRS aims to enhance the ability of federal agencies to anticipate, withstand, adapt to, and recover from a wide range of threats and challenges. These threats can include natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, as well as human-caused incidents such as cyberattacks, pandemics, or terrorist attacks.
A Dive into His Claims:
Derek Johnson talks about there being 5 other FCDs that were issued after the first two FCD1 and FCD2. This in itself is a false attribution. He claims there have been guidelines issued since the first two, but he doesn’t provide any specific source or references to support this claim. Can he please provide the FCDs and where to reference them? Is there really FCD1 – FCD7? Where is the references? Without verifiable evidence, it is difficult to determine the accuracy of his claim.
From what I gather, and have researched, the Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy is the response to Executive Order 13961 and aims to align with the directive to enhance continuity planning and response efforts across departments and agencies within the executive branch.
Johnson further comes out and gives bad information to the public, he states:
“When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government, all 3 Branches of Government are to perform their ESSENTIAL functions to maintain constitutional government. That means the Constitution is on a pause and the Military is in a Military Occupancy which is found in the Law of War Manual which is the Department of Defense's guideline and handbook. That does not mean the Military is overthrowing the government. Be careful who you follow when they say that's what we're advocating. That couldn't be farther from the truth. The Oath that every soldier takes from 10 U.S. Code 502 specifically says: "I do solemnly swear to SUPPORT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to REGULATIONS and the UNIFORM of MILITARY JUSTICE, so help me God."
He misinterprets what Continuity of Government (COG) is. Under a COG plan, the primary objective is to ensure the ongoing functioning of the government in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a natural disaster or attack. The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain constitutional form of government, that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself.
The general aim is to preserve the three branches of government and their essential functions. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches would continue to operate, albeit potentially in alternative locations if necessary for security reasons. The goal is to maintain the rule of law and protect the Constitution during times of crisis. The concept of "Military Occupancy" that he mentions is not directly related to COG.
Military occupation typically refers to a situation where a foreign military force takes control of a territory or region. It is governed by international laws and treaties, such as the Law of War or the Geneva Conventions. In a domestic COG scenario, the military's role is to provide support and assistance to civilian authorities, not to establish military rule or occupation.
Another thing that Johnson claims and says is the following:
The Military Justice Act of 2016 was written by the United States Supreme Court BEFORE the Courts - Judicial Branch, Congress - Legislative Branch, and Presidency - Executive Branch went under a Continuity of Government... and was not passed until the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act which is the Defense budget which would be a National Essential Function.
The MJA 2016 clarifies 3 major things that have not been clarified since the Foundation of Military:
1. Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws.
2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate.
3. Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government)
Meaning, the United States Military, can act without Congress supporting the Declaration of Independence which specially says:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
This is where he gets a lot of stuff wrong. Let’s clarify: The Military Justice Act of 2016 (MJA 2016) did not originate from the United States Supreme Court. It was actually passed by Congress as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The Military Justice Act of 2016 made significant reforms to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the military justice system. And with that let’s address 3 main concerns:
Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws: This statement is not entirely accurate. While the military justice system operates independently from the civilian legal system, it does not mean that military laws always supersede civilian laws. There are specific circumstances, such as when military personnel commit crimes while on active duty, where the military justice system handles the case. However, in general, civilian laws still apply to civilians and military personnel when they are off-duty or not on military installations.
President and Commander-in-Chief are separate: The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. These roles are not separate; they are held by the same person. The President, as the Commander-in-Chief, has the authority to command and control the military forces.
Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government): This statement is also inaccurate. Article II of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of government, which includes the President and the Commander-in-Chief role. Article III establishes the judicial branch of government, which is responsible for interpreting laws and includes the Supreme Court. These branches are not separate from each other but work together as part of the checks and balances system.
It is hard to truly understand what Johnson is throwing together as a means to teach and understand truth when there are so many assertions with hasty generalizations and is easily refuted. For example EO 13489 that Trump resigned on September 20, 2018 was done in references to implementing sanctions against Russia, Iran, North Korea for various reasons and is not related to executive privilege at all. President Barack Obama issued EO 13489, titled "Presidential Records," which revoked some provisions of EO 13233. EO 13489 specifically revoked section 13 of EO 13233, which pertained to the ability of former presidents to assert executive privilege to withhold records from the public. But Trump declassified all his documents that he held in Mar-a-Lago using executive privilege. and Obama’s EO does not directly address executive privilege. Executive privilege is a separate legal concept that allows presidents to withhold certain information from disclosure, but it is not explicitly mentioned in EO 13489. No matter where Johnson argues its easily refuted, all one needs to do is go to the articles themselves and look at them and read.
Under a COG plan, the primary objective is to ensure the ongoing functioning of the government in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a natural disaster or attack. The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain constitutional form of government, that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself.
Putting aside whether the Constitution would be put on hold, WE WERE ATTACKED & are still being attacked. Our elections were hacked by a foreign government & a coup took place. This is a completely new situation that the government was not prepared for. I’m not arguing for or against Devolution or Derek Johnson but clearly something had to be done to counteract this situation. I don’t think either Devolution or Derek Johnson is telling people to sit by & do nothing, even if there is misinformation in details. But I also, (AND I AM NOT GETTING PAID BY ANYONE & that’s a nasty attack BTW) think you are not taking into consideration that we are at war.
You contradict with this statement, "The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain """constitutional form of government,"""" that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself." And you have it backwards!! NEF1 isn't to protect the constitution, its to preserve ENDURING CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT!!! CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!! What good is I'm to protect the constitution!!!!! WHO IS PROTECTING US!!! Leslie, you should know better. And thanks for having my back. How can you say suspend the constitution. Shame on you. HOW IS NEW CALIFORNIA SUPPOSED TO GAIN ITS STATEHOOD WITH A SUSPENDED CONSTITUTION!! AND DON'T YOU DARE ATTACK ME TOO FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!! You guys assume that these people violating the constitution will get away with it... (YOU SURE ARE ACTING LIKE YOUR GETTING PAID BY SOMEONE!!!!) This is pointless, Seriously. I don't care what you all believe. This is unreal.
Oh OK Leslie, so your word was better than mine right they don’t mean the same thing and there’s no mechanism to put the constitution on pause. That’s the whole point cog doesn’t put anything on pause. It preserves the constitution so if you want to catch people stealing maybe you should go out and catch him that’s my point But everyone thinks I’m rude so I’m gonna go ahead and start being rude. Why not everyone’s rude to me, Leslie I was nice to you too like I don’t understand you guys are angry about our condition of the country you got a ticket out on a veteran really? Because I’m telling the truth? Because I’m telling you that there’s really hard shit that we have to do? Awesome , well now you know why we’re in the state that we’re in right now no one wants to do shit
I forgot to say that this hacking of our elections was done with the help of American traitors. Witness Raffensberger in Georgia who has known for 2 years plus that the election machines need a security patch & he is refusing to patch them until AFTER the 2024 Presidential Election. Mail in voting is just as bad. Early voting is terrible. All are Unconstitutional. Presidential elections are supposed to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. One day. That’s just one example. 49 out of 50 states are still committed to using the machines going forward. Arizona is the first state to ban them. Hopefully it’s the first domino. The government, the courts, school boards, city councils, Boards of Supervisors, etc all across the country are actively working to destroy this country. We have been infiltrated at every level. Every citizen that cares about FREEDOM & The CONSTITUTION should get up off their butts & work to save the country.
They must first demand to make a "presentation" with no specific time limit before their County Boards - to disclose this and demand they listen, take action - refusing is not an option under their oaths of office!
Does it bring you joy to be condescending to your readers? We, at least some of us actually do think for ourselves. When you first started this substack, I thought what you were saying was gold. Pure gold. Now after reading through this banter, I think I see what’s really going on here.
We all need approval. We all want to be right.
This is a really difficult time for all of humanity now. And for anyone to bash anyone is not a good look. We need to come together. To fight on the same side against the evil that has infiltrated into most every aspect of our daily life.
Unity ?
Division ?
We need to survive this hell perpetrated upon us. It’s wise to rethink our position.
The Khazarian Mafia is trying to kill us all.
Join hands. Stand together. Stay Strong. Stay Safe.
Does it bring you joy to attack the messenger before you read the facts? Don't namaste me, and yeah, it is a difficult time. So what, Lie to people to make them feel better?? Thats not logical nor is it caring. Condescending? You people, that accuse me of things are the ones actually doing it. Have you ever learned the truth against the "norm" and spoke against it?? I doubt it.
We need to unite with people who share the same values and goals, not with those selling hopium and making millions off the backs of the people. Those same people talk about freedom and patriotism, but would never defend their country in a million years. They would grab their CCP cash and barricade themselves in their cozy mansions.
Well, ma’am, you keep telling yourself that because all I’ve done here today was tell the truth, let that sink in. I know God sees me God sees you too ma am before you pull a sliver out of my eye, remember pull the log out of yours.
Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws: This statement is not entirely accurate. While the military justice system operates independently from the civilian legal system, it does not mean that military laws always supersede civilian laws. There are specific circumstances, such as when military personnel commit crimes while on active duty, where the military justice system handles the case. However, in general, civilian laws still apply to civilians and military personnel when they are off-duty or not on military installations.
President and Commander-in-Chief are separate: The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. These roles are not separate; they are held by the same person. The President, as the Commander-in-Chief, has the authority to command and control the military forces.
Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government): This statement is also inaccurate. Article II of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of government, which includes the President and the Commander-in-Chief role. Article III establishes the judicial branch of government, which is responsible for interpreting laws and includes the Supreme Court. These branches are not separate from each other but work together as part of the checks and balances system.
It is hard to truly understand what Johnson is throwing together as a means to teach and understand truth when there are so many assertions with hasty generalizations and is easily refuted. For example EO 13489 that Trump resigned on September 20, 2018 was done in references to implementing sanctions against Russia, Iran, North Korea for various reasons and is not related to executive privilege at all. President Barack Obama issued EO 13489, titled "Presidential Records," which revoked some provisions of EO 13233. EO 13489 specifically revoked section 13 of EO 13233, which pertained to the ability of former presidents to assert executive privilege to withhold records from the public. But Trump declassified all his documents that he held in Mar-a-Lago using executive privilege. and Obama’s EO does not directly address executive privilege. Executive privilege is a separate legal concept that allows presidents to withhold certain information from disclosure, but it is not explicitly mentioned in EO 13489. No matter where Johnson argues its easily refuted, all one needs to do is go to the articles themselves and look at them and read.
In conclusion, it is evident that Derek Johnson's assertions regarding the merging of emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory are flawed and intentionally misleading. The distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives of each area must be properly defined and approached to uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation. The Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy, and EO 13961 are separate documents with distinct purposes and applications. Blurring the lines between these areas without clear distinctions and proper application can have harmful consequences.
Derek Johnson's claims regarding the existence of additional Federal Continuity Directives beyond FCD1 and FCD2 and that lacks verifiable evidence, raising doubts about its accuracy.
Furthermore, Johnson's misinterpretation of the Continuity of Government, the role of the military, and the provisions of the Military Justice Act of 2016 highlight the importance of accurate understanding and interpretation of legal frameworks and governmental processes. Misinformation can lead to confusion, false assumptions, and the spread of inaccuracies.
In a world where information is readily accessible, it is crucial to engage in fact-checking, reference reliable sources, and critically analyze claims made by individuals. By scrutinizing the original documents and relying on verifiable evidence, we can promote a more informed and accurate understanding of complex legal matters and government policies.
Nope, myself and my frens research. In Derek Johnson's Law of War theory, which is precisely what it is—a theory—he discusses a blueprint outlining how the President divides his duties, initiates contingency operations, and engages in irregular warfare not only within the United States but also worldwide. This blueprint begins with the Law of War Manual and extends to the Military Justice Act, followed by the Federal Continuity Directives. It then incorporates Trump's proclamation 9994 and EO 13912, leading to EO 13961 and the introduction of FMRS into the Executive Branch. Each of these components operates differently, and it is concerning that Derek confuses emergency response with military justice and intertwines them with the Law of War. Such confusion could have potentially harmful consequences.
First and foremost, it is essential that each area, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, is defined appropriately and approached with a clear understanding of its distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives. By doing so, we can uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation.
Merging emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory without clear distinctions and proper application could lead to several potential harmful consequences:
Erosion of civilian protections: International humanitarian law, also known as the law of armed conflict, provides crucial protections for civilians during armed conflicts. If emergency response and military justice are incorrectly integrated into this framework, it may undermine the fundamental principles of distinction between combatants and non-combatants, proportionality, and precautions in attack. This could result in an increased risk to civilian lives and property.
Legal confusion and inconsistency: Each domain, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, has its own set of legal principles, procedures, and authorities. Blurring the lines between these areas could create confusion in terms of legal frameworks, accountability mechanisms, and decision-making processes. This could lead to inconsistent application of the law and hinder effective response and justice.
Violation of human rights: International humanitarian law operates within the framework of human rights law, which provides protections for individuals during peacetime. If emergency response and military justice are intertwined with international humanitarian law without due regard for human rights standards, there is a risk of violating individuals' rights to due process, fair trial, and freedom from arbitrary detention.
International reputation and cooperation: The proper interpretation and application of international humanitarian law are crucial for maintaining strong international cooperation and respect for global norms. If the Law of War theory blurs the lines between emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, it may undermine the credibility and reputation of a country, making it harder to gain international support and cooperation during times of crisis or conflict.
Let’s go into each one of the pieces referenced by Derek: Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy and EO 13961 and define them.
So you basically copied Chris Lambe’s Substack. The same person who doesn’t believe we’re under a continuity of government and thinks that Biden is real.
I didn’t think you would be Christine because you lack discernment, in fact, it’s nonexistent.. I’m sorry to say, if you’re impressed with Derek Johnson, a guy that spent 29 months in the army that’s it. That’s it. Lol, We are Chris did, 11 years in the army, I’ve spent my whole career in the Navy as EOD. But nothing impresses you right?
Lol I didn’t expect you to be impressed but at least I have all the data out that one day you’re gonna come back to. I wouldn’t because I’d be ashamed but it’s going to be here the whole time sitting here the truth is right here, and you ignored it for some half witted Broken down unsuccessful country singer, only spent 29 months in the army. You trusted that over a subject matter expert in emergency management. Hahahahaha!!!! Ha ah man….
Judging by your replies to people’s comments I see you like to attack the messenger. Too bad, I actually liked your We The People series but now I have a whole new opinion of you.
Yeah, its Chris research. Its good. and correct... You cant deny this, and I know for a fact you didn't read it. So why are you here?? Theres the evidence, wheres yours?
Biden was fraudulently elected and his inauguration violated section 1 of the 20th amendment. He took the oath at approximately 11:40 and after Kamala.
I mean mad MadMax am I crazy right now? like where are we dude? Who are these people? This is insane the worse it’s ever been. I think we’re over the target. We obviously her over to target.
Definitely not crazy, but definitely over the target.
I’m guessing that you would see a lot of goings on in the comment section of the mUh DeVoLuTiOn series...but you have to pay to read. 😂 and people have the nerve to call you all grifters. Haha ffs.
We see you all right.... "Wumao," also known as "50 Cent Party," is a term used to refer to internet commentators who are allegedly hired by the Chinese government to manipulate public opinion, often in favor of the government's viewpoint. These individuals are rumored to earn 50 Chinese cents for every post they make, hence the name.
A grifter is "a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling." To swindle is to "use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions." Nobody in 17SOG takes a cent of remuneration for their work. 17SOG is always open to debate, dissent, and discussion. Please, if you can, identify just where the grift you allude to can be seen to exist.
OK, Christina humor me what are you doing locally? Are you just going to vote? Because it’s gonna take a little more than that then one day to go down in cast a vote did apparently everyone thinks it doesn’t matter anyways, so why the would you do that? Right??
Well '"there ya go again" ! Fact is I can only vote for or again only my so called representatives. I can't convince everyone else to vote theirs in. out, or not present!
Ass/u/me! But it sure seems that way in River City (Omaha) - State of the 1 horse legislature (now pretty much defunct as is the Co. Board and City Council - as is the Omaha One World Herald! and offspring Nebraska Examiner)!
Yeah, Christine, you're right, those are synonyms. But at this point you're only name-calling, not giving any evidence/documentation to support your opinion. We need to see the actual reason behind your opinions/views. Without substantiating evidence, it's just a slur, OK?
You guys sure are bitter about Patel Patriot and Derrick Johnson. It’s really not a good look. Put your ideas/theories out there and let them stand on their own merit. No need to be trashing others.
In which camp do you find yourself? As for me, I align with the pursuit of truth and adherence to the principles enshrined in the constitution. Your presence here, espousing such views, raises suspicions, does it not? Have you considered the weight of our irrefutable evidence? If you were aware of how this evidence unequivocally refutes Derek Johnson's theory, it is doubtful you would be here defending him. I surmise that you are compensated for your presence, perhaps a paid actor in service of a particular agenda. Are you one of the proverbial "50 Cent party"? It seems implausible that you would otherwise lend your voice to the defense of someone like Derek, who falls far from the realm of being a true influencer. Reflect upon your choices, for if you are not remunerated for your time here, it is indeed astonishing.
Yes, we need to fix things at the local level but we also need to understand our true history so that we don’t repeat it. The military was the only way to get us out of this mess. When I talk about looking at the big picture this is what I mean and I warn you it’s pretty overwhelming:
I have concluded from my research that our nation was infiltrated by communists at every level of government. They’ve infiltrated the military and all institutions in this country. It really kicked off with Operation Paperclip (deals made during the Nuremberg trials) when we brought Nazi scientists and engineers to the US. Hitler was a Rothschild and funded by the central bankers. He escaped to Bariloche Argentina via Vatican rat lines. The Paperclip Nazis created the CIA which evolved from the OSS and they started NASA. Then they implemented MK Ultra (continuation of concentration camp experiments), Operation Mockingbird and many other programs. They pretty much established the 4th Reich in the US. George HW Bush Sr helped orchestrate JFK’s assassination and Jr helped orchestrate 9/11.
We are in the cleanup phase of a worldwide military operation. The military alliance has been forming since JFK’s assassination to eliminate the Deep State. Q level military intelligence in the NSA used a DOD server 4-chan to drop coded messages “crumbs” to Anons who deciphered these messages for the public to invoke a Great Awakening. The goal is to involve the public in order to avoid Civil War. The goal of the Deep State is to start a Civil War. They’ve attempted numerous color revolutions in this country and use the MSM as a tool for their Divide and Conquer tactics.
If you want more proof search in Telegram chats for DUMBS, tunnels and subterranean warfare. Go on a search engine and research Phil Schneider who was the initial whistleblower. Gene Decode (retired naval intelligence) has many videos about the subject on Rumble.
For us on the surface, we’re in a 5th generation information war.
The Deep State military industrial complex has many tentacles but traces its origins back to Black Nobility bluebloods and papal bloodlines under the command of the Jesuit Order who control all world mafias (drug, human trafficking etc) and who based their operations out of the Octagon Group in Switzerland (CIA headquarters under Lake Geneva and BIS in Basel). They use their vassal states (London, DC and the Vatican) to carry out their various agendas.
Their lineage traces back to the Pharaohs and further back to the bloodlines of Cain (Brotherhood of the Snake). These people are Luciferians who worship Satan, practice pedophilia and human sacrifice and have used Babylonian money magic (fiat money) to enslave the world. Most of our past presidents have ties to these bloodlines.
These bloodlines have been at war with one another for centuries.
Blackmail was used by the Jesuit Order and Mossad to control all of Deep State players and the NSA captured all of the evidence of their crimes. The internet became our weapon to defeat the Deep State.
Derek Johnson is showing people with laws and orders how the military was able to pull this off.
When Trump was inaugurated he had a JAG officer and military intelligence officer behind him when he said “We’re transferring power back to the people”. The military has been in full control the whole time. The power was taken out of the hands of military commanders and put in the hands of military judges. We’ll see this when the military tribunals become public.
All previous wars were corporate wars funded by banking families
The US became incorporated in 1871 and a new Constitution was put in place and we were no longer under the Law of the Land (Common Law) we were placed under the Law of the Sea (Admiralty aka Maritime Law).
Well, we did post some videos in the last week and we have been bringing up Jon again. And Derek Johnson. They are grifting taking money off of a lie. I never ever let that go. Ever. It’s borderline subversion and unconstitutional ideology promoting people to sit around and wait when we have an election to win. The timing of this we planned there. There theories are done and everyone in here right now is either paid or hasn’t seen the new updates on both theories, they’re done debunked it’s over. Everyone you see and hear that’s refusing to see the truth. Is it literally a paid CCP schill or a US paid schill there’s no way around the refutable evidence that we have, look at the videos or not.
You are no digital soldier man. You are if you are you’re horrible at it because you should’ve debunked both of these theories like last year like we did. So you are no soldier of any kind and I don’t care how insulting the truth is it is what it is.
Yeah, it’s bad man but not only that now he’s sponsored by a company that’s owned by the CCP. The author Andre has proven that too. So we’re trying to hit the nail on the coffin and I know a lot of people don’t think this is probably the right thing to do but I do. Because he’s got 100,000 votes of mine or ours I should say but I’m looking at it as mine because that’s just my mindset right now so does Derek Johnson that’s 200,000 votes that I fucking want. I don’t wanna lose another election and these theories is what’s dividing us it’s not fighting over them it’s the actual theories. And I believe more people need to speak up against these guys and it baffles me why they don’t. In fact it’s insane that no one else is speaking up against these guys , it’s infuriating actually . And these theories are making everyone comfortable when we shouldn’t be.
The "District of Columbia Organic Act" became the platform on which the Central Banksters via unpaid Civil War debt owed by Congress for creating of the ~
"United States of America Corporation"
NOTHING has ever been the same here since...!
The DeepState belongs to them (set up by "their" 2nd shill FDR-"friend of Stalin") and is why they snub & sneer at Congress who "WE the People" place as OUR...! reps for they answer to the true owners of Earth, America is merely "their" fiat cash-cow...!
Then 29yrs later(1910) on Jekyll Island "their" plan was setup to install an all (D) Congress & WH in 1912 to illegally foist the Federal Reserve Act + IRS over the American Constitutional monetary system...!
They did so with their installed shill Woodrow Wilson and an almost empty Congress at 11pm Christmas Eve 1913...!
1) Finance their long setup Euro Civil War in 1914 [as they did OURS] to gain control of the newly formed German Empire under Bismark - only the 4 major powers and all their colony's could not defeat her = at a stalemate and soon a mutual Armistice could be signed unless they could somehow get America in "their' Bankster War,
2) Finance Lenin/Stalins genocide of Mother Russia for Atheist MarXism is the Globalist tool of choice for a NWO = 20million murdered in Russia by 1933 mostly by their ghoul Stalin to insure a Communist foothold on the continent as Plan-A,
3) Finance & shove their "Progressive" shill Wilson to lie and promise -"For a 2nd term I'll keep us out of the Euro conflict over there" - so once WE were in made it WWI,
4) Write the Treaty of Versaille by U.S. FED Banksters to allow the final crushing - rape + pillage of the starving broken nation to finally submit to gain control of this industrial-manufacturing giant and newly formed nation 1871 with its wilfly successful state of the art industry + manufacturing that was outpacing both "their" owned British/French enterprizes combined,
5) Launched a 2nd Bolshevik coup from 1918-33 to take down this highly civilized and advanced nation of Germany during those 15yrs to gain control using massive ballot box stuffing for Commie politicians running for office & armed Commie terrorists roaming city's and countryside at will just like ANTIFA/BLM here tho taking over towns and killing people at will,
*Nothing happened since Jekyll Island ever had to be = NONE
of the horrors of the 20th century til this very day:
Honestly lol...your posts are exactly that and drone on with lots of errors-> I just give pieces of info for those just learning to catch on so they can do their own research to start tying things together and connecting dots, along with an encouraging word....not baffl'em with endless bs like some waste time doing...!
Are you going to put your faith, your future, your nation in the hands of an "all hat no cattle" failed country music wannabe, or a guy pimping cheap Chinese merchandise on his channel that features an ageing Playboy Bunny giving lectures on good parenting?
This right here says it ALL! Jealousy is LOUD right here in this ONE paragraph.
Donald J. Trump is a wartime President and Command and Chief.... he and Destry Payne [the only lawfull body politic right now] are working together to save America... Q: The Plan to Save the World is from from Navy Intelligence/Seals and many others before them... coming to a culminating point any minute/hour/day now as the stage has been set for a long time.. I think the military is delaying final sweep until more of us get our de Jure Grand Jural Assemblies re-established... for Wisconsin: all other states,
"Wumao," also known as "50 Cent Party," is a term used to refer to internet commentators who are allegedly hired by the Chinese government to manipulate public opinion, often in favor of the government's viewpoint. These individuals are rumored to earn 50 Chinese cents for every post they make, hence the name.
and our Civil war was funded by the banksters..both sides of all wars are banking cartel funded... the Peace Treaties are signed on the soil of the winner... where were America's treaties signed?
Holly crap! Now I’m really confused....Derick for my money is a flash.... Word count scared me, lose ends even worse and when Jon articulated inconsistencies in content & behavior that was the final straw. Andre makes sense, the Constitution is everything. Christine makes sense for sure. (Guess I need to do some real searching, honestly I’m really sick to death about all this shit.)
Being a Vet (G-2 section), was excited with finding this content. Not so sure now.
I have ventured outside my zone of comprehension, guess this is what threads of despair look like. So Andre, forgive me for the Sophomoric question, Jon (Patel Patriot’s) Devolution is BS? WTF? mc
The married man if the head of a household with children is not a multiple personality creature. He is not divided into two separate authorities somehow dwelling independently within the brain of the man.
The married man is the husband. He holds all husband authority and responsibility delegated to him. He may give orders or even delegate certain aspects of that authority to his older children, but he is still responsible as the father.
The idea that a husband may choose to pass on certain authorities to a child while retaining others for himself, as if he was Santa Claus misses the point of him being head of household.
The head of household is a single person (male or female) holding any and all powers granted by paying more than half the cost of supporting and housing a qualifying person.
Others may invent fanciful tactics to twist it but nothing has ever changed this fundamental requirement. Even with emergencies, the authority to operate as either husband or father emerges only by consent.
The whole marriage thing, the whole parent thing, the whole two marriage contract thing, rests on the ability of a polygamist to embrace a relationship with bigamy that is not legal in any state.
It all comes from a lack of morals to steal your intimacy, to keep you away rather than at home, etc., YOU and YOUR FAMILY matter. Your participation in local politics matters because many of the people involved now could care less about your marriage, or future marriage, your children, and/or your future children, in other words they don't care at all about your family.
The family is what MATTERS. The Constitution was written with the family in mind. Number 14 of the Federalist Papers even states Americans should ignore voices that claim they can not live together as members of the same family.
Number 17 states that a citizen in most cases is more attached to family than to his or her neighborhood. Attached more to a community than to a State. More to a State than to the Union. That principle should be upheld, not destroyed.
Many American citizens when the country was founded had family connections with Europe and Great Britain. The United States Constitution preserved those connections, it didn't destroy them. Putting America first means putting families first.
Number 46 states for an American citizen family can be blood, family can be friends, family can be political party, family can be citizens, family can be strangers, family can be what an individual AMERICAN CITIZEN WANTS.
There are many things that can influence the mind of a citizen, such as country, honor, oath, reputation, conscience, religion, love of country....but it is family affections and attachments that provides the security for genuine citizenship. Not birth. Not desire.
The Constitution took the upmost care that American citizens can be individuals with many talents and integrity so that they may serve and/or obey their fellow citizens with respect, in order not to serve or to obey them out of fear or shame.
Original by Publius and 17th Special Operation Group. Not sure if correct or not, but will go with it for now. Thanks. Insightful article by the way.
Very well said sir. Thank you for posting such an in-depth understanding of our Constitution. I haven’t the words to express the gratitude for such an insightful post.
As an apolitical centrist I see the "long con" on both sides. Both sides cater and pander towards the same end. The liberal left, unhinged, and the Conservative right, enablers. The losers? Those whose land has been usurped and stolen by foreigners. All of it is theater, all of it is charades. In the end, the same people at the top will win and the people of the land will lose. "We The People?" What people are they talking about? They are talking about the "people" on this land at the signing, whose families sacrificed for the states united. They are not talking about secure blessings for ourselves and our posterity ( Definition of 'posterity' ; all of a person's descendants. The meaning of POSTERITY is the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation.) That does not include foreigners, after 1790, whose people are not of this land and soil. This land has been hijacked by fake patriots, fake heritage and legislators with foreign loyalties. Wake up. That's why you are a "U.S. Citizen." (A British territorial citizen with no rights, a tenant, a resident.)
I am a Attakapas-Opelousa Indian, whose family has been on this land since, according to your academics, 12000 B.C. My family fought in the American Revolution at the Battle of Baton Rouge in 1779 with Galvez , The Battle of New Orleans in 1815 with Andrew Jackson, The Civil War (Confederate), WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. As a historian, I know exactly what evil foreigners have done to this land and its people while cloaking themselves in patriotic anthems, slogans and pledges. Look around, the American Indian plays no role in the current asylum, masquerading as a nation state. We are not legislators, we are not academia, we are not public school, we are not religious institutions, we are not military. Foreigners or their descendants are. What we are is hostages in our own land. Each and every person currently involved in the situations that plague this land are foreigners, or descendants of foreigners who came to this land in Galveston and Ellis Island. They started much earlier, around the early 1800s, but the massive influx was just prior to the civil war. The union Yankee army was 2/3 foreign mercenaries, who rampaged through our lands and murdered our people. Until the so called, "patriot community" comes to grip with real history, not academic history, they will never be anything but pawns, puppets if you will, controlled by the groups they profess to be against. All foreigners aren't evil, but the players in this drama, foreigners, are. Where is the treasure of this land going? To foreigners not to us. Wake up.
And your name?? Jean-Baptiste Guillory, fucking kidding me? lol, Id probably delete this post you made yourself a fool with. I'm a bit of a historian too, The name Jean-Baptiste Guillory is of French origin. "Jean-Baptiste" is a common French given name, and it's often used in French-speaking countries. It translates to "John the Baptist" in English. "Guillory" is a surname that is most commonly found in France and among people of French descent. It's particularly common in Louisiana in the United States, among the Cajun population, who are descendants of French-speaking exiles from Acadia, a region in eastern Canada, in the 18th century. So, the name Jean-Baptiste Guillory is most likely of French heritage. Now, go read some books, you need it. And stop lying to try and make others feel bad. Lol, it doesn't suit you. Oh, and if your going to tell me that this name is one you picked for your, what is it.... hang on.. shitty all over the place substack.... You must interact with ignorance... its obvious.
Bingo. You got brain. Yes my great grandfather was from france, he was on the kings payroll. He also had children with my grandmother, Attakapas. My other grandfather, Birotte is from France as well. He was the first White man, 1690, to live with my tribe, Attakapas. I know who I am, I know my lineage. I don't need you to tell me. My skin is the skin of my people. We are from Opelousas all the way to Northern Mexico. I stand on my previous comment. Foreigners, Eastern European, to be exact. I knew I hit a nerve, because most of the people who post the "constitutional" drivel have the same mentality as you. That's why I poked at your brain. I am trying to flush out the phony, emotional, veiled racist so called, "patriots." My whole story is on my substak. I don't hide. The facts are there. The documents are there. The photos are are there. I don't make personal attacks, I dont get emotional. I lay it out, its bitter medicine, but if you stand on real truth then you should feel slighted.
AMER'ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America. 1826 Websters Dictionary
Get out of your feelings. The truth needs no cosigner. Again I stand on the statement, "Foreigners and their descendants have created this mess, not Indians." Prove me wrong.
You were born here just as I was.n Your logic does not make sense. Did you chose where you were born? I did not. And either did you. As I think its important to understand heritage, I think you are being unfair to categorize me as being associated with "evil foreigners." Bad logic. And, waist of energy. Perhaps instead of sowing generations of hatred towards people that had nothing to do with why they are here, perhaps you, or your ancestors rather, could have educated us about your culture. Its obvious you hate outside of your race. How is that working out? As a historian, I would think you would have taken a different route.
So then, what is your purpose now? To associate me with "evil foreigners" that have done whatever it is you say "we" did to this land and its people while cloaking myself in patriotic anthems, slogans and pledges? Yeah, your looking like the righteous one. And I'm the tyrant?
Lol, look go spill your apathy towards perhaps a more ignorant uneducated person. Because your shaming efforts are futile. And I am awake. I'm just not going to let you pour out your thousands of years worth of resentment and bitterness on me. Thats the most ignorant ridiculous, hateful and bull shit thing I have heard in my 50 years of life. You want to talk about history? Ok, lets.
Perhaps if your ancestors would have united with other tribes, and not killed each other, this land would perhaps still remain in your hands. For you to blame me for the failures of your ancestors is, well, not one that understands history. Your efforts to stay in the past has probably not made you a very good person, and its obvious as you have no idea who I am and what my heritage is. Are you alway6s this ignorant to assume? Is your hatred blinding you that much? You could be very well be talking to someone with the same ancestry. Let that sink in. Let it go, its over, there's nothing you are going to do about the past. Don't live in it, your not very good at it TBQO. Good luck, hopefully that hate wont make you sick. let that hate out your heart friend.
Man you are twisted. I don't hate foreigners. I hate evil foreigners. I hate falsehood and I hate fake heritage lies. You are the racist not me. I show and prove my position, you make emotional attacks. I know I struck a nerve. Show and prove your "heritage," let's hear some facts???? Here is 50 pages of your foreign "friends" at work on our people.
When I say "our" I say, "American Negro Indians and Pre-Colonial Whites. That is on my profile. So you are tripping when you call me racist. I have Pre-Colonial White family interwoven throughout my real heritage and guess what, they were not evil. You are looking for confrontation, argument, meanwhile I am looking for truth.
Hold it man. I never disrespected you. I commented about what "We the People" meant, that's all. I'm a seeker of the truth. You accused me of being a racist, disrespected me, instead of asking me for "receipts." My books are doing good, I actually just got two royalty payments yesterday. That aside, the only way this entire mysterious debacle, masquerading as a republic, will ever get unraveled is by investigating the truth, without emotions. Yeah, sometimes it hurts, but what separates the real from the fake is we except the truth regardless where that leaves us, and we operate from that position to be better men. My lineage is mixed, manifestly, so I work for "both sides of the coin," and I am not interested in ANYTHING except elevating MY FAMILY with information, and standing up for my family of all hues. People, Yankees, under the guise of patriots destroyed our lands in the South, our people, our businesses, our homes, you call it the Civil War, I call it a foreign coup. The story must be told, no matter how ugly it is, and no matter what side that leaves me on.
I'm don't write for money, I don't write for fame, I don't write for anything except PUBLIC NOTICE, a record for my people after me, and definitely not to joust. We can disagree and still be civilized. I always welcome solid input and information. Good luck to you, because if you are "about it," you, and I, definitely will need it.
We see you now...... Are we over the target?? lol...
Brings to mind the old movie ".Dr. Strangelove?" with Slim Pickens straddling the A Bomb in the Omaha based B 52 Bomber. I did Civil Defense Spotter duty in the 50's - from atop a high rise Hotel in Creston Iowa. No medals though! (Loosen up a little guys!)
You mad bro, crayons and sippy cup in the room, let the adults talk
You are no adult, that's for sure.
There is a difference between a grifter and a researcher who puts out information.
A grifter will demand that you believe them.
A researcher will ask you to verify and research for yourself.
One welcomes debate. The other silences it or ignores it.
Agree 💯 Jon puts out/shows the real info and then says if you don’t believe, go verify it for yourself. Never says “BELIEVE” all he says. Research for YOURSELF! He just provides info/path to figure out/confirm for YOURSELF!
Alright, Sue, let me understand your claim. Are you implying that you have not conducted any research on your own? Because I'm not urging you to believe blindly; I'm informing you that John's assertions are erroneous. There is no room for dispute. You cannot produce any government document that supports John's implications. It's an impossible task. I challenge you right now to prove me wrong. I don't want to hear your mere words; I want to see concrete evidence. Our findings, on the other hand, have presented the actual national continuity policy that the military uses, thst FEMA uses , and the executive branch used. Not a single document even remotely aligns with John's implications. Let alone Derek, who is nothing more than an utter fool. His theory holds no ground. Therefore, Sue, you are left with two options: either you are being compensated for your presence here, or you genuinely have not delved into the materials presented by patriots. If you had, you would comprehend that it truly is as simple as that. There is no other explanation. I'm making it clear to you. At this point, I don't care anymore. I am tired of it all. I am done with all of you, particularly you followers, who exhibit a reprehensible lack of responsibility. You simply did not read! I am telling you, you did not read. And if you claim otherwise, then you must be complicit in this deceitful scheme. That's the stark reality we face now. Either you are here receiving payment per post, or you are being paid by John to promote his deceitful agenda, or you simply did not read. So, which is it, Sue?
Maybe she, ot it, is one of those other news ? sources that call themselves : "Documenters" - funded by ??? to Hold Them Accountable? They are present at County and City level (Open?) "Public Meetings", in Omaha - but don't identify, and I never see anything in print!
Way too much info for the avg. citizen - so sad!
You guys certainly posted this at an interesting time today as certain Twitter accounts have been going off about military activity around the nation ...which makes me think stuff is really actually going down right now.
However a slight change in orders ....!
My advice if your group is truly comprised of concerned patriots: Deprogram from MK Ultra/Delta mind control compartmentalization. Deal with your cognitive dissonance. Set aside your ego - no one is threatening the Local Government movement. We’re all in different levels of awakening. Don’t get trapped in the minutia, look at the big picture. This is a worldwide military operation. Think about your legacy.
Christine you cannot be that ignorant can you? Yeah that’s not flying here. So I’m telling everybody this you either didn’t read John’s research or he’s paying you to be here or someone else is paying you to be here what is the three options because we’ve shown that Jon’s theory is invalid there’s no documentation that you can get me and I challenge you go get it show me any part of Jon’s Theory in paper on government policy it doesn’t exist
Maybe part of the National Assn. of Independent News (reporters) - some called "Documenters"? And they don't identify themselves - but probably marxists, antifas'?
Are you Josh Reid?
Word. Salad.
Andre the Giant?
I see a group of people trying to target an influencer (Derek Johnson) and create division and distraction.
Executive Order 13912:
Executive Order 13912 refers to an order issued by President Donald Trump on March 18, 2020. This executive order invoked the authority granted to the Secretary of Defense under 10 U.S. Code § 12304a, specifically to order members of the Selected Reserve and certain members of the Individual Ready Reserve to active duty during a national emergency or when determined necessary to augment the active forces for operational requirements. This authority is used when deemed necessary to support operational requirements and augment the active forces during a national emergency. Executive Order 13912 was issued under the authority granted by the Stafford Act, not the National Emergencies Act (NEA).
The purpose of this executive order, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was to provide flexibility and additional resources to the Department of Defense to respond to the public health crisis and support the overall national response efforts. The Department of Defense (DoD) did not take the lead role in the overall national response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lead role in responding to a public health crisis typically falls under the purview of public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS):
The Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS) is a comprehensive approach developed by the U.S. government to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of federal missions. It recognizes that federal agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of essential services and functions during emergencies, natural disasters, and other disruptive events.
The FMRS aims to enhance the ability of federal agencies to anticipate, withstand, adapt to, and recover from a wide range of threats and challenges. These threats can include natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, as well as human-caused incidents such as cyberattacks, pandemics, or terrorist attacks.
A Dive into His Claims:
Derek Johnson talks about there being 5 other FCDs that were issued after the first two FCD1 and FCD2. This in itself is a false attribution. He claims there have been guidelines issued since the first two, but he doesn’t provide any specific source or references to support this claim. Can he please provide the FCDs and where to reference them? Is there really FCD1 – FCD7? Where is the references? Without verifiable evidence, it is difficult to determine the accuracy of his claim.
From what I gather, and have researched, the Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy is the response to Executive Order 13961 and aims to align with the directive to enhance continuity planning and response efforts across departments and agencies within the executive branch.
Johnson further comes out and gives bad information to the public, he states:
“When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government, all 3 Branches of Government are to perform their ESSENTIAL functions to maintain constitutional government. That means the Constitution is on a pause and the Military is in a Military Occupancy which is found in the Law of War Manual which is the Department of Defense's guideline and handbook. That does not mean the Military is overthrowing the government. Be careful who you follow when they say that's what we're advocating. That couldn't be farther from the truth. The Oath that every soldier takes from 10 U.S. Code 502 specifically says: "I do solemnly swear to SUPPORT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to REGULATIONS and the UNIFORM of MILITARY JUSTICE, so help me God."
He misinterprets what Continuity of Government (COG) is. Under a COG plan, the primary objective is to ensure the ongoing functioning of the government in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a natural disaster or attack. The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain constitutional form of government, that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself.
The general aim is to preserve the three branches of government and their essential functions. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches would continue to operate, albeit potentially in alternative locations if necessary for security reasons. The goal is to maintain the rule of law and protect the Constitution during times of crisis. The concept of "Military Occupancy" that he mentions is not directly related to COG.
Military occupation typically refers to a situation where a foreign military force takes control of a territory or region. It is governed by international laws and treaties, such as the Law of War or the Geneva Conventions. In a domestic COG scenario, the military's role is to provide support and assistance to civilian authorities, not to establish military rule or occupation.
Another thing that Johnson claims and says is the following:
The Military Justice Act of 2016 was written by the United States Supreme Court BEFORE the Courts - Judicial Branch, Congress - Legislative Branch, and Presidency - Executive Branch went under a Continuity of Government... and was not passed until the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act which is the Defense budget which would be a National Essential Function.
The MJA 2016 clarifies 3 major things that have not been clarified since the Foundation of Military:
1. Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws.
2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate.
3. Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government)
Meaning, the United States Military, can act without Congress supporting the Declaration of Independence which specially says:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
This is where he gets a lot of stuff wrong. Let’s clarify: The Military Justice Act of 2016 (MJA 2016) did not originate from the United States Supreme Court. It was actually passed by Congress as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The Military Justice Act of 2016 made significant reforms to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the military justice system. And with that let’s address 3 main concerns:
Yeah but don't you suppose that similar logic was used by Lenin,, Stalin,.....?
Law of War Manual:
The Law of War Manual is a document that provides guidance on the application of international law governing armed conflict. It outlines the legal framework for the conduct of hostilities, including principles such as distinction, proportionality, and military necessity. The manual serves as a reference for the armed forces and provides a comprehensive overview of how the law of armed conflict should be interpreted and applied.
Military Justice Act:
The Military Justice Act refers to legislation that governs the administration of justice within the military. It establishes the legal framework for handling military offenses, including the rights and obligations of military personnel, rules of evidence, and procedures for courts-martial. The act ensures discipline and accountability within the military and addresses offenses committed by military personnel.
Federal Continuity Directives:
Federal Continuity Directives are guidelines issued by the U.S. government to ensure the continuity of essential functions and operations of federal agencies during a crisis or emergency situation. These directives outline the processes and procedures to be followed in order to maintain the functioning of government operations, including succession planning, delegations of authority, and the provision of essential services.
The concept of continuity applies to various organizations and government entities, including civilian agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. The primary goal of continuity is to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of critical services and the maintenance of essential operations during and after disruptive events or emergencies.
Proclamation 9994:
also known as Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, was issued by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020. The proclamation declared a national emergency in the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By declaring a national emergency, the proclamation invoked certain powers and authorities granted to the president under the National Emergencies Act. This allowed the federal government to mobilize resources, coordinate response efforts, and take other necessary actions to address the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak across the country.
The declaration of a national emergency provided additional flexibility to allocate funding, expedite procurement processes, and implement measures to combat the spread of the virus, protect public health, and support affected individuals and communities. It also facilitated the coordination between federal, state, and local agencies in their response to the pandemic.
Also made possible the widespread theft of taxpayer dollars for this and that, and the rush by state and local legislators to .....! Waht happens whe the money is gone?
Gone? They’ll just print more… it’s already gone….
“How much do you get paid, Christine? Because there seem to be only two possibilities: either you are extremely ignorant and unable to comprehend or you are receiving compensation for being here. However, what you fail to grasp is that we have nothing to lose. We have jobs, and I am fortunate enough to have a well-paying one. Our involvement here is not driven by financial gain. We are here for a specific purpose—to face challenges presented by those who may be paid parties. So, which side are you on? Oh, forgive me, I cannot assume your nationality. Are you American, by any chance?”
Truth is distracting? Sounds like Germany.
So you’re the arbiter of truth? 😂
You can read right? Conclusion:
In conclusion, it is evident that Derek Johnson's assertions regarding the merging of emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory are flawed and intentionally misleading. The distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives of each area must be properly defined and approached to uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation. The Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy, and EO 13961 are separate documents with distinct purposes and applications. Blurring the lines between these areas without clear distinctions and proper application can have harmful consequences.
Derek Johnson's claims regarding the existence of additional Federal Continuity Directives beyond FCD1 and FCD2 and that lacks verifiable evidence, raising doubts about its accuracy.
Furthermore, Johnson's misinterpretation of the Continuity of Government, the role of the military, and the provisions of the Military Justice Act of 2016 highlight the importance of accurate understanding and interpretation of legal frameworks and governmental processes. Misinformation can lead to confusion, false assumptions, and the spread of inaccuracies.
In a world where information is readily accessible, it is crucial to engage in fact-checking, reference reliable sources, and critically analyze claims made by individuals. By scrutinizing the original documents and relying on verifiable evidence, we can promote a more informed and accurate understanding of complex legal matters and government policies.
Used to be that way - but todays AI may have rewritten your words, intentions, and those of the Lord! Evil is working folks!
Could AI not provide editing services? Might such assistance enhance one's communication with others, particularly wounded veterans? It could serve as a valuable tool to refine communication skills, facilitate a more deliberate thought process, and even allow for a cooling-off period. Rest assured, every sentence or word that I have created and edited does not diminish its essence, nor does it render it malevolent. This tool possesses immense potential, yet it is regrettably underestimated and occasionally stigmatized. In a mere 15 seconds, I can readily access any word from the Bible, as well as verses pertaining to any topic. What about laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, or even state constitutions? I can swiftly retrieve those as well. Such technology is deserving of our embrace, albeit with due caution. Without vigilance, any object can harbor danger—an unattended firearm being a pertinent example.
Well yeah - but bad actors or stupid users could also alter ..... at will?
Nope, its called research, have you tired it? In Derek Johnson's Law of War theory, which is precisely what it is—a theory—he discusses a blueprint outlining how the President divides his duties, initiates contingency operations, and engages in irregular warfare not only within the United States but also worldwide. This blueprint begins with the Law of War Manual and extends to the Military Justice Act, followed by the Federal Continuity Directives. It then incorporates Trump's proclamation 9994 and EO 13912, leading to EO 13961 and the introduction of FMRS into the Executive Branch. Each of these components operates differently, and it is concerning that Derek confuses emergency response with military justice and intertwines them with the Law of War. Such confusion could have potentially harmful consequences.
First and foremost, it is essential that each area, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, is defined appropriately and approached with a clear understanding of its distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives. By doing so, we can uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation.
Merging emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory without clear distinctions and proper application could lead to several potential harmful consequences:
Erosion of civilian protections: International humanitarian law, also known as the law of armed conflict, provides crucial protections for civilians during armed conflicts. If emergency response and military justice are incorrectly integrated into this framework, it may undermine the fundamental principles of distinction between combatants and non-combatants, proportionality, and precautions in attack. This could result in an increased risk to civilian lives and property.
Legal confusion and inconsistency: Each domain, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, has its own set of legal principles, procedures, and authorities. Blurring the lines between these areas could create confusion in terms of legal frameworks, accountability mechanisms, and decision-making processes. This could lead to inconsistent application of the law and hinder effective response and justice.
Violation of human rights: International humanitarian law operates within the framework of human rights law, which provides protections for individuals during peacetime. If emergency response and military justice are intertwined with international humanitarian law without due regard for human rights standards, there is a risk of violating individuals' rights to due process, fair trial, and freedom from arbitrary detention.
International reputation and cooperation: The proper interpretation and application of international humanitarian law are crucial for maintaining strong international cooperation and respect for global norms. If the Law of War theory blurs the lines between emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, it may undermine the credibility and reputation of a country, making it harder to gain international support and cooperation during times of crisis or conflict.
Let’s go into each one of the pieces referenced by Derek: Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy and EO 13961 and define them.
Law of War Manual:
The Law of War Manual is a document that provides guidance on the application of international law governing armed conflict. It outlines the legal framework for the conduct of hostilities, including principles such as distinction, proportionality, and military necessity. The manual serves as a reference for the armed forces and provides a comprehensive overview of how the law of armed conflict should be interpreted and applied.
Military Justice Act:
The Military Justice Act refers to legislation that governs the administration of justice within the military. It establishes the legal framework for handling military offenses, including the rights and obligations of military personnel, rules of evidence, and procedures for courts-martial. The act ensures discipline and accountability within the military and addresses offenses committed by military personnel.
Federal Continuity Directives:
Federal Continuity Directives are guidelines issued by the U.S. government to ensure the continuity of essential functions and operations of federal agencies during a crisis or emergency situation. These directives outline the processes and procedures to be followed in order to maintain the functioning of government operations, including succession planning, delegations of authority, and the provision of essential services.
The concept of continuity applies to various organizations and government entities, including civilian agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. The primary goal of continuity is to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of critical services and the maintenance of essential operations during and after disruptive events or emergencies.
Proclamation 9994:
also known as Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, was issued by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020. The proclamation declared a national emergency in the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By declaring a national emergency, the proclamation invoked certain powers and authorities granted to the president under the National Emergencies Act. This allowed the federal government to mobilize resources, coordinate response efforts, and take other necessary actions to address the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak across the country.
The declaration of a national emergency provided additional flexibility to allocate funding, expedite procurement processes, and implement measures to combat the spread of the virus, protect public health, and support affected individuals and communities. It also facilitated the coordination between federal, state, and local agencies in their response to the pandemic.
Congress ended this emergency on April 10, 2023.
Executive Order 13912:
Executive Order 13912 refers to an order issued by President Donald Trump on March 18, 2020. This executive order invoked the authority granted to the Secretary of Defense under 10 U.S. Code § 12304a, specifically to order members of the Selected Reserve and certain members of the Individual Ready Reserve to active duty during a national emergency or when determined necessary to augment the active forces for operational requirements. This authority is used when deemed necessary to support operational requirements and augment the active forces during a national emergency. Executive Order 13912 was issued under the authority granted by the Stafford Act, not the National Emergencies Act (NEA).
The purpose of this executive order, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was to provide flexibility and additional resources to the Department of Defense to respond to the public health crisis and support the overall national response efforts. The Department of Defense (DoD) did not take the lead role in the overall national response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lead role in responding to a public health crisis typically falls under the purview of public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS):
The Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy (FMRS) is a comprehensive approach developed by the U.S. government to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of federal missions. It recognizes that federal agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of essential services and functions during emergencies, natural disasters, and other disruptive events.
The FMRS aims to enhance the ability of federal agencies to anticipate, withstand, adapt to, and recover from a wide range of threats and challenges. These threats can include natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, as well as human-caused incidents such as cyberattacks, pandemics, or terrorist attacks.
A Dive into His Claims:
Derek Johnson talks about there being 5 other FCDs that were issued after the first two FCD1 and FCD2. This in itself is a false attribution. He claims there have been guidelines issued since the first two, but he doesn’t provide any specific source or references to support this claim. Can he please provide the FCDs and where to reference them? Is there really FCD1 – FCD7? Where is the references? Without verifiable evidence, it is difficult to determine the accuracy of his claim.
From what I gather, and have researched, the Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy is the response to Executive Order 13961 and aims to align with the directive to enhance continuity planning and response efforts across departments and agencies within the executive branch.
Johnson further comes out and gives bad information to the public, he states:
“When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government, all 3 Branches of Government are to perform their ESSENTIAL functions to maintain constitutional government. That means the Constitution is on a pause and the Military is in a Military Occupancy which is found in the Law of War Manual which is the Department of Defense's guideline and handbook. That does not mean the Military is overthrowing the government. Be careful who you follow when they say that's what we're advocating. That couldn't be farther from the truth. The Oath that every soldier takes from 10 U.S. Code 502 specifically says: "I do solemnly swear to SUPPORT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to REGULATIONS and the UNIFORM of MILITARY JUSTICE, so help me God."
He misinterprets what Continuity of Government (COG) is. Under a COG plan, the primary objective is to ensure the ongoing functioning of the government in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a natural disaster or attack. The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain constitutional form of government, that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself.
The general aim is to preserve the three branches of government and their essential functions. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches would continue to operate, albeit potentially in alternative locations if necessary for security reasons. The goal is to maintain the rule of law and protect the Constitution during times of crisis. The concept of "Military Occupancy" that he mentions is not directly related to COG.
Military occupation typically refers to a situation where a foreign military force takes control of a territory or region. It is governed by international laws and treaties, such as the Law of War or the Geneva Conventions. In a domestic COG scenario, the military's role is to provide support and assistance to civilian authorities, not to establish military rule or occupation.
Another thing that Johnson claims and says is the following:
The Military Justice Act of 2016 was written by the United States Supreme Court BEFORE the Courts - Judicial Branch, Congress - Legislative Branch, and Presidency - Executive Branch went under a Continuity of Government... and was not passed until the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act which is the Defense budget which would be a National Essential Function.
The MJA 2016 clarifies 3 major things that have not been clarified since the Foundation of Military:
1. Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws.
2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate.
3. Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government)
Meaning, the United States Military, can act without Congress supporting the Declaration of Independence which specially says:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
This is where he gets a lot of stuff wrong. Let’s clarify: The Military Justice Act of 2016 (MJA 2016) did not originate from the United States Supreme Court. It was actually passed by Congress as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The Military Justice Act of 2016 made significant reforms to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the military justice system. And with that let’s address 3 main concerns:
Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws: This statement is not entirely accurate. While the military justice system operates independently from the civilian legal system, it does not mean that military laws always supersede civilian laws. There are specific circumstances, such as when military personnel commit crimes while on active duty, where the military justice system handles the case. However, in general, civilian laws still apply to civilians and military personnel when they are off-duty or not on military installations.
President and Commander-in-Chief are separate: The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. These roles are not separate; they are held by the same person. The President, as the Commander-in-Chief, has the authority to command and control the military forces.
Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government): This statement is also inaccurate. Article II of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of government, which includes the President and the Commander-in-Chief role. Article III establishes the judicial branch of government, which is responsible for interpreting laws and includes the Supreme Court. These branches are not separate from each other but work together as part of the checks and balances system.
It is hard to truly understand what Johnson is throwing together as a means to teach and understand truth when there are so many assertions with hasty generalizations and is easily refuted. For example EO 13489 that Trump resigned on September 20, 2018 was done in references to implementing sanctions against Russia, Iran, North Korea for various reasons and is not related to executive privilege at all. President Barack Obama issued EO 13489, titled "Presidential Records," which revoked some provisions of EO 13233. EO 13489 specifically revoked section 13 of EO 13233, which pertained to the ability of former presidents to assert executive privilege to withhold records from the public. But Trump declassified all his documents that he held in Mar-a-Lago using executive privilege. and Obama’s EO does not directly address executive privilege. Executive privilege is a separate legal concept that allows presidents to withhold certain information from disclosure, but it is not explicitly mentioned in EO 13489. No matter where Johnson argues its easily refuted, all one needs to do is go to the articles themselves and look at them and read.
good luck......;
Under a COG plan, the primary objective is to ensure the ongoing functioning of the government in the event of a catastrophic emergency, such as a natural disaster or attack. The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain constitutional form of government, that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself.
Putting aside whether the Constitution would be put on hold, WE WERE ATTACKED & are still being attacked. Our elections were hacked by a foreign government & a coup took place. This is a completely new situation that the government was not prepared for. I’m not arguing for or against Devolution or Derek Johnson but clearly something had to be done to counteract this situation. I don’t think either Devolution or Derek Johnson is telling people to sit by & do nothing, even if there is misinformation in details. But I also, (AND I AM NOT GETTING PAID BY ANYONE & that’s a nasty attack BTW) think you are not taking into consideration that we are at war.
You contradict with this statement, "The COG plan is designed to maintain constitutional government and does not involve putting the Constitution on pause since the very first National Essential Function is to maintain """constitutional form of government,"""" that would include safeguarding and protecting the constitution itself." And you have it backwards!! NEF1 isn't to protect the constitution, its to preserve ENDURING CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT!!! CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!! What good is I'm to protect the constitution!!!!! WHO IS PROTECTING US!!! Leslie, you should know better. And thanks for having my back. How can you say suspend the constitution. Shame on you. HOW IS NEW CALIFORNIA SUPPOSED TO GAIN ITS STATEHOOD WITH A SUSPENDED CONSTITUTION!! AND DON'T YOU DARE ATTACK ME TOO FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!! You guys assume that these people violating the constitution will get away with it... (YOU SURE ARE ACTING LIKE YOUR GETTING PAID BY SOMEONE!!!!) This is pointless, Seriously. I don't care what you all believe. This is unreal.
Those were your words. I copied & pasted them.
Oh OK Leslie, so your word was better than mine right they don’t mean the same thing and there’s no mechanism to put the constitution on pause. That’s the whole point cog doesn’t put anything on pause. It preserves the constitution so if you want to catch people stealing maybe you should go out and catch him that’s my point But everyone thinks I’m rude so I’m gonna go ahead and start being rude. Why not everyone’s rude to me, Leslie I was nice to you too like I don’t understand you guys are angry about our condition of the country you got a ticket out on a veteran really? Because I’m telling the truth? Because I’m telling you that there’s really hard shit that we have to do? Awesome , well now you know why we’re in the state that we’re in right now no one wants to do shit
OK you said put it on pause I said suspend it what’s the difference?
Everyone likes to argue that there aren’t two Constitutions. The original has the word FOR in the title. Words are important.
Because there isn't. pretty simple. Its ignorance. And laziness, among other personality traits.
Regarding New California, have you read this?
This website is sus, lol.
Good point about New California gaining statehood with suspended Constitution.
Feels that way! Seems that Way! Sounds that way! Maybe it's over already!
I forgot to say that this hacking of our elections was done with the help of American traitors. Witness Raffensberger in Georgia who has known for 2 years plus that the election machines need a security patch & he is refusing to patch them until AFTER the 2024 Presidential Election. Mail in voting is just as bad. Early voting is terrible. All are Unconstitutional. Presidential elections are supposed to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. One day. That’s just one example. 49 out of 50 states are still committed to using the machines going forward. Arizona is the first state to ban them. Hopefully it’s the first domino. The government, the courts, school boards, city councils, Boards of Supervisors, etc all across the country are actively working to destroy this country. We have been infiltrated at every level. Every citizen that cares about FREEDOM & The CONSTITUTION should get up off their butts & work to save the country.
They must first demand to make a "presentation" with no specific time limit before their County Boards - to disclose this and demand they listen, take action - refusing is not an option under their oaths of office!
Do you enjoy blindly following people? You realize how dangerous that is?? lol. Wow. Hopefully you don't have children.
My nother once said she never had any kids!
Does it bring you joy to follow liars??
Does it bring you joy to be condescending to your readers? We, at least some of us actually do think for ourselves. When you first started this substack, I thought what you were saying was gold. Pure gold. Now after reading through this banter, I think I see what’s really going on here.
We all need approval. We all want to be right.
This is a really difficult time for all of humanity now. And for anyone to bash anyone is not a good look. We need to come together. To fight on the same side against the evil that has infiltrated into most every aspect of our daily life.
Unity ?
Division ?
We need to survive this hell perpetrated upon us. It’s wise to rethink our position.
The Khazarian Mafia is trying to kill us all.
Join hands. Stand together. Stay Strong. Stay Safe.
Namaste 🙏🏼
Does it bring you joy to attack the messenger before you read the facts? Don't namaste me, and yeah, it is a difficult time. So what, Lie to people to make them feel better?? Thats not logical nor is it caring. Condescending? You people, that accuse me of things are the ones actually doing it. Have you ever learned the truth against the "norm" and spoke against it?? I doubt it.
We need to unite with people who share the same values and goals, not with those selling hopium and making millions off the backs of the people. Those same people talk about freedom and patriotism, but would never defend their country in a million years. They would grab their CCP cash and barricade themselves in their cozy mansions.
We are not the same and never will be.
Totally agree
God sees right through you and so do many others. The best of luck to you in the Grand Shift.
Well, ma’am, you keep telling yourself that because all I’ve done here today was tell the truth, let that sink in. I know God sees me God sees you too ma am before you pull a sliver out of my eye, remember pull the log out of yours.
Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws: This statement is not entirely accurate. While the military justice system operates independently from the civilian legal system, it does not mean that military laws always supersede civilian laws. There are specific circumstances, such as when military personnel commit crimes while on active duty, where the military justice system handles the case. However, in general, civilian laws still apply to civilians and military personnel when they are off-duty or not on military installations.
President and Commander-in-Chief are separate: The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. These roles are not separate; they are held by the same person. The President, as the Commander-in-Chief, has the authority to command and control the military forces.
Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government): This statement is also inaccurate. Article II of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of government, which includes the President and the Commander-in-Chief role. Article III establishes the judicial branch of government, which is responsible for interpreting laws and includes the Supreme Court. These branches are not separate from each other but work together as part of the checks and balances system.
It is hard to truly understand what Johnson is throwing together as a means to teach and understand truth when there are so many assertions with hasty generalizations and is easily refuted. For example EO 13489 that Trump resigned on September 20, 2018 was done in references to implementing sanctions against Russia, Iran, North Korea for various reasons and is not related to executive privilege at all. President Barack Obama issued EO 13489, titled "Presidential Records," which revoked some provisions of EO 13233. EO 13489 specifically revoked section 13 of EO 13233, which pertained to the ability of former presidents to assert executive privilege to withhold records from the public. But Trump declassified all his documents that he held in Mar-a-Lago using executive privilege. and Obama’s EO does not directly address executive privilege. Executive privilege is a separate legal concept that allows presidents to withhold certain information from disclosure, but it is not explicitly mentioned in EO 13489. No matter where Johnson argues its easily refuted, all one needs to do is go to the articles themselves and look at them and read.
In conclusion, it is evident that Derek Johnson's assertions regarding the merging of emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory are flawed and intentionally misleading. The distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives of each area must be properly defined and approached to uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation. The Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy, and EO 13961 are separate documents with distinct purposes and applications. Blurring the lines between these areas without clear distinctions and proper application can have harmful consequences.
Derek Johnson's claims regarding the existence of additional Federal Continuity Directives beyond FCD1 and FCD2 and that lacks verifiable evidence, raising doubts about its accuracy.
Furthermore, Johnson's misinterpretation of the Continuity of Government, the role of the military, and the provisions of the Military Justice Act of 2016 highlight the importance of accurate understanding and interpretation of legal frameworks and governmental processes. Misinformation can lead to confusion, false assumptions, and the spread of inaccuracies.
In a world where information is readily accessible, it is crucial to engage in fact-checking, reference reliable sources, and critically analyze claims made by individuals. By scrutinizing the original documents and relying on verifiable evidence, we can promote a more informed and accurate understanding of complex legal matters and government policies.
I’m not distracted I don’t know what you’re talking about
Nope, myself and my frens research. In Derek Johnson's Law of War theory, which is precisely what it is—a theory—he discusses a blueprint outlining how the President divides his duties, initiates contingency operations, and engages in irregular warfare not only within the United States but also worldwide. This blueprint begins with the Law of War Manual and extends to the Military Justice Act, followed by the Federal Continuity Directives. It then incorporates Trump's proclamation 9994 and EO 13912, leading to EO 13961 and the introduction of FMRS into the Executive Branch. Each of these components operates differently, and it is concerning that Derek confuses emergency response with military justice and intertwines them with the Law of War. Such confusion could have potentially harmful consequences.
First and foremost, it is essential that each area, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, is defined appropriately and approached with a clear understanding of its distinct principles, legal frameworks, and objectives. By doing so, we can uphold the protection of civilians, respect human rights, maintain legal consistency, and foster effective international cooperation.
Merging emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law under the Law of War theory without clear distinctions and proper application could lead to several potential harmful consequences:
Erosion of civilian protections: International humanitarian law, also known as the law of armed conflict, provides crucial protections for civilians during armed conflicts. If emergency response and military justice are incorrectly integrated into this framework, it may undermine the fundamental principles of distinction between combatants and non-combatants, proportionality, and precautions in attack. This could result in an increased risk to civilian lives and property.
Legal confusion and inconsistency: Each domain, emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, has its own set of legal principles, procedures, and authorities. Blurring the lines between these areas could create confusion in terms of legal frameworks, accountability mechanisms, and decision-making processes. This could lead to inconsistent application of the law and hinder effective response and justice.
Violation of human rights: International humanitarian law operates within the framework of human rights law, which provides protections for individuals during peacetime. If emergency response and military justice are intertwined with international humanitarian law without due regard for human rights standards, there is a risk of violating individuals' rights to due process, fair trial, and freedom from arbitrary detention.
International reputation and cooperation: The proper interpretation and application of international humanitarian law are crucial for maintaining strong international cooperation and respect for global norms. If the Law of War theory blurs the lines between emergency response, military justice, and international humanitarian law, it may undermine the credibility and reputation of a country, making it harder to gain international support and cooperation during times of crisis or conflict.
Let’s go into each one of the pieces referenced by Derek: Law of War Manual, Military Justice Act, Federal Continuity Directives, Proclamation 9994, Executive Order 13912, Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy and EO 13961 and define them.
So you basically copied Chris Lambe’s Substack. The same person who doesn’t believe we’re under a continuity of government and thinks that Biden is real.
He is an SME on continuity policy. A masters degree in emergency management.
Not impressed.
I didn’t think you would be Christine because you lack discernment, in fact, it’s nonexistent.. I’m sorry to say, if you’re impressed with Derek Johnson, a guy that spent 29 months in the army that’s it. That’s it. Lol, We are Chris did, 11 years in the army, I’ve spent my whole career in the Navy as EOD. But nothing impresses you right?
Lol I didn’t expect you to be impressed but at least I have all the data out that one day you’re gonna come back to. I wouldn’t because I’d be ashamed but it’s going to be here the whole time sitting here the truth is right here, and you ignored it for some half witted Broken down unsuccessful country singer, only spent 29 months in the army. You trusted that over a subject matter expert in emergency management. Hahahahaha!!!! Ha ah man….
Judging by your replies to people’s comments I see you like to attack the messenger. Too bad, I actually liked your We The People series but now I have a whole new opinion of you.
So you basically cant read.... lol
Yeah, its Chris research. Its good. and correct... You cant deny this, and I know for a fact you didn't read it. So why are you here?? Theres the evidence, wheres yours?
Biden is real?? He never said that... OMG HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wow! lol.
He also thinks Trump isn’t CIC
Biden was fraudulently elected and his inauguration violated section 1 of the 20th amendment. He took the oath at approximately 11:40 and after Kamala.
Haven’t we already discussed this on Twitter?
He did on Twitter
You didn’t answer my question. Are you Josh Reid?
Are you attacking then messenger? And who the F is Josh Reid?
That's what marxists, liberals, progressives, nazis,!
I'm just a citizen, can't influence anyone apparently! Not even local gov't!
Kate is that you?
I mean mad MadMax am I crazy right now? like where are we dude? Who are these people? This is insane the worse it’s ever been. I think we’re over the target. We obviously her over to target.
Definitely not crazy, but definitely over the target.
I’m guessing that you would see a lot of goings on in the comment section of the mUh DeVoLuTiOn series...but you have to pay to read. 😂 and people have the nerve to call you all grifters. Haha ffs.
Hi grifter. We see you.
We see you all right.... "Wumao," also known as "50 Cent Party," is a term used to refer to internet commentators who are allegedly hired by the Chinese government to manipulate public opinion, often in favor of the government's viewpoint. These individuals are rumored to earn 50 Chinese cents for every post they make, hence the name.
A grifter is "a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling." To swindle is to "use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions." Nobody in 17SOG takes a cent of remuneration for their work. 17SOG is always open to debate, dissent, and discussion. Please, if you can, identify just where the grift you allude to can be seen to exist.
A grifter is a con man.
You just performed a circular argument fallacy.
Point to the grift or desist in asserting it exists.
No one is trying to grift you here.... unless you define grifter as someone who wants you to be involved in your government.
You’re presuming that people don’t want to be involved in their local government.
OK, Christina humor me what are you doing locally? Are you just going to vote? Because it’s gonna take a little more than that then one day to go down in cast a vote did apparently everyone thinks it doesn’t matter anyways, so why the would you do that? Right??
Well '"there ya go again" ! Fact is I can only vote for or again only my so called representatives. I can't convince everyone else to vote theirs in. out, or not present!
Ass/u/me! But it sure seems that way in River City (Omaha) - State of the 1 horse legislature (now pretty much defunct as is the Co. Board and City Council - as is the Omaha One World Herald! and offspring Nebraska Examiner)!
Like the Medicine Man in the old westerns!
Yeah, Christine, you're right, those are synonyms. But at this point you're only name-calling, not giving any evidence/documentation to support your opinion. We need to see the actual reason behind your opinions/views. Without substantiating evidence, it's just a slur, OK?
Drifter is maybe more appropriate? There I go again doing what I don't like other people doing!
It's now one against the other - just like Stalininsts, Nazs, Maoists,...., Bidenists!
You guys sure are bitter about Patel Patriot and Derrick Johnson. It’s really not a good look. Put your ideas/theories out there and let them stand on their own merit. No need to be trashing others.
We dont care what truth looks like.
In which camp do you find yourself? As for me, I align with the pursuit of truth and adherence to the principles enshrined in the constitution. Your presence here, espousing such views, raises suspicions, does it not? Have you considered the weight of our irrefutable evidence? If you were aware of how this evidence unequivocally refutes Derek Johnson's theory, it is doubtful you would be here defending him. I surmise that you are compensated for your presence, perhaps a paid actor in service of a particular agenda. Are you one of the proverbial "50 Cent party"? It seems implausible that you would otherwise lend your voice to the defense of someone like Derek, who falls far from the realm of being a true influencer. Reflect upon your choices, for if you are not remunerated for your time here, it is indeed astonishing.
Yes, we need to fix things at the local level but we also need to understand our true history so that we don’t repeat it. The military was the only way to get us out of this mess. When I talk about looking at the big picture this is what I mean and I warn you it’s pretty overwhelming:
I have concluded from my research that our nation was infiltrated by communists at every level of government. They’ve infiltrated the military and all institutions in this country. It really kicked off with Operation Paperclip (deals made during the Nuremberg trials) when we brought Nazi scientists and engineers to the US. Hitler was a Rothschild and funded by the central bankers. He escaped to Bariloche Argentina via Vatican rat lines. The Paperclip Nazis created the CIA which evolved from the OSS and they started NASA. Then they implemented MK Ultra (continuation of concentration camp experiments), Operation Mockingbird and many other programs. They pretty much established the 4th Reich in the US. George HW Bush Sr helped orchestrate JFK’s assassination and Jr helped orchestrate 9/11.
We are in the cleanup phase of a worldwide military operation. The military alliance has been forming since JFK’s assassination to eliminate the Deep State. Q level military intelligence in the NSA used a DOD server 4-chan to drop coded messages “crumbs” to Anons who deciphered these messages for the public to invoke a Great Awakening. The goal is to involve the public in order to avoid Civil War. The goal of the Deep State is to start a Civil War. They’ve attempted numerous color revolutions in this country and use the MSM as a tool for their Divide and Conquer tactics.
The kinetic warfare has mostly been subterranean in DUMBS and tunnels.
If you want more proof search in Telegram chats for DUMBS, tunnels and subterranean warfare. Go on a search engine and research Phil Schneider who was the initial whistleblower. Gene Decode (retired naval intelligence) has many videos about the subject on Rumble.
For us on the surface, we’re in a 5th generation information war.
The Deep State military industrial complex has many tentacles but traces its origins back to Black Nobility bluebloods and papal bloodlines under the command of the Jesuit Order who control all world mafias (drug, human trafficking etc) and who based their operations out of the Octagon Group in Switzerland (CIA headquarters under Lake Geneva and BIS in Basel). They use their vassal states (London, DC and the Vatican) to carry out their various agendas.
Their lineage traces back to the Pharaohs and further back to the bloodlines of Cain (Brotherhood of the Snake). These people are Luciferians who worship Satan, practice pedophilia and human sacrifice and have used Babylonian money magic (fiat money) to enslave the world. Most of our past presidents have ties to these bloodlines.
Trump and the Kennedy’s are related to Abraham Lincoln and trace their bloodlines back to Jesus.
These bloodlines have been at war with one another for centuries.
Blackmail was used by the Jesuit Order and Mossad to control all of Deep State players and the NSA captured all of the evidence of their crimes. The internet became our weapon to defeat the Deep State.
Derek Johnson is showing people with laws and orders how the military was able to pull this off.
When Trump was inaugurated he had a JAG officer and military intelligence officer behind him when he said “We’re transferring power back to the people”. The military has been in full control the whole time. The power was taken out of the hands of military commanders and put in the hands of military judges. We’ll see this when the military tribunals become public.
All previous wars were corporate wars funded by banking families
The US became incorporated in 1871 and a new Constitution was put in place and we were no longer under the Law of the Land (Common Law) we were placed under the Law of the Sea (Admiralty aka Maritime Law).
The military is restoring the Republic and the original Consitution. In the meantime the Biden show goes on because as Q said:
Here’s some information on the Biden show:
We’re living in exciting times but we have a lot of work ahead of us.
Stop trolling Derek and focus on the mission to restore the Republic.
Well, we did post some videos in the last week and we have been bringing up Jon again. And Derek Johnson. They are grifting taking money off of a lie. I never ever let that go. Ever. It’s borderline subversion and unconstitutional ideology promoting people to sit around and wait when we have an election to win. The timing of this we planned there. There theories are done and everyone in here right now is either paid or hasn’t seen the new updates on both theories, they’re done debunked it’s over. Everyone you see and hear that’s refusing to see the truth. Is it literally a paid CCP schill or a US paid schill there’s no way around the refutable evidence that we have, look at the videos or not.
The suggestion that people are sitting around waiting is an insult to digital soldiers and influencers; many of whom are very involved.
You are no digital soldier man. You are if you are you’re horrible at it because you should’ve debunked both of these theories like last year like we did. So you are no soldier of any kind and I don’t care how insulting the truth is it is what it is.
Yeah, it’s bad man but not only that now he’s sponsored by a company that’s owned by the CCP. The author Andre has proven that too. So we’re trying to hit the nail on the coffin and I know a lot of people don’t think this is probably the right thing to do but I do. Because he’s got 100,000 votes of mine or ours I should say but I’m looking at it as mine because that’s just my mindset right now so does Derek Johnson that’s 200,000 votes that I fucking want. I don’t wanna lose another election and these theories is what’s dividing us it’s not fighting over them it’s the actual theories. And I believe more people need to speak up against these guys and it baffles me why they don’t. In fact it’s insane that no one else is speaking up against these guys , it’s infuriating actually . And these theories are making everyone comfortable when we shouldn’t be.
That doesn't work when you have already lost the Republic to democracy - which ...! Read the FF's!
The "District of Columbia Organic Act" became the platform on which the Central Banksters via unpaid Civil War debt owed by Congress for creating of the ~
"United States of America Corporation"
NOTHING has ever been the same here since...!
The DeepState belongs to them (set up by "their" 2nd shill FDR-"friend of Stalin") and is why they snub & sneer at Congress who "WE the People" place as OUR...! reps for they answer to the true owners of Earth, America is merely "their" fiat cash-cow...!
Then 29yrs later(1910) on Jekyll Island "their" plan was setup to install an all (D) Congress & WH in 1912 to illegally foist the Federal Reserve Act + IRS over the American Constitutional monetary system...!
They did so with their installed shill Woodrow Wilson and an almost empty Congress at 11pm Christmas Eve 1913...!
1) Finance their long setup Euro Civil War in 1914 [as they did OURS] to gain control of the newly formed German Empire under Bismark - only the 4 major powers and all their colony's could not defeat her = at a stalemate and soon a mutual Armistice could be signed unless they could somehow get America in "their' Bankster War,
2) Finance Lenin/Stalins genocide of Mother Russia for Atheist MarXism is the Globalist tool of choice for a NWO = 20million murdered in Russia by 1933 mostly by their ghoul Stalin to insure a Communist foothold on the continent as Plan-A,
3) Finance & shove their "Progressive" shill Wilson to lie and promise -"For a 2nd term I'll keep us out of the Euro conflict over there" - so once WE were in made it WWI,
4) Write the Treaty of Versaille by U.S. FED Banksters to allow the final crushing - rape + pillage of the starving broken nation to finally submit to gain control of this industrial-manufacturing giant and newly formed nation 1871 with its wilfly successful state of the art industry + manufacturing that was outpacing both "their" owned British/French enterprizes combined,
5) Launched a 2nd Bolshevik coup from 1918-33 to take down this highly civilized and advanced nation of Germany during those 15yrs to gain control using massive ballot box stuffing for Commie politicians running for office & armed Commie terrorists roaming city's and countryside at will just like ANTIFA/BLM here tho taking over towns and killing people at will,
*Nothing happened since Jekyll Island ever had to be = NONE
of the horrors of the 20th century til this very day:
- will say more at other times to come...!
Hey man, you don’t have to write a long ass list just to tell us you’re quitting. Just quit.
Sorry you don't want to know the truth...!
It's not hi-Skrool anymore & this all ain't about politics...!
Times almost up for y'all to Awaken or it won't matter...!
ie = "THE SLEEPING GIANT " must Awaken,!,and fast...!
You have no plan. I just see you writing a bunch of gibberish honestly.
Honestly lol...your posts are exactly that and drone on with lots of errors-> I just give pieces of info for those just learning to catch on so they can do their own research to start tying things together and connecting dots, along with an encouraging word....not baffl'em with endless bs like some waste time doing...!
Are you going to put your faith, your future, your nation in the hands of an "all hat no cattle" failed country music wannabe, or a guy pimping cheap Chinese merchandise on his channel that features an ageing Playboy Bunny giving lectures on good parenting?
This right here says it ALL! Jealousy is LOUD right here in this ONE paragraph.
I’m sorry Sue I’m not sure who you’re talking to who is jealous?
Sioux City Sue?
Donald J. Trump is a wartime President and Command and Chief.... he and Destry Payne [the only lawfull body politic right now] are working together to save America... Q: The Plan to Save the World is from from Navy Intelligence/Seals and many others before them... coming to a culminating point any minute/hour/day now as the stage has been set for a long time.. I think the military is delaying final sweep until more of us get our de Jure Grand Jural Assemblies re-established... for Wisconsin: all other states,
"Wumao," also known as "50 Cent Party," is a term used to refer to internet commentators who are allegedly hired by the Chinese government to manipulate public opinion, often in favor of the government's viewpoint. These individuals are rumored to earn 50 Chinese cents for every post they make, hence the name.
you had a whole different message the other day...
Hummmm - Wisconsin? National Assemblies? Stuck on the French Revolution? They should hav learned from ours - but hey - "it is what it is"?
and our Civil war was funded by the banksters..both sides of all wars are banking cartel funded... the Peace Treaties are signed on the soil of the winner... where were America's treaties signed?
No.. de Jure... or
OMG - maybe you can lead my Sister (Appleton) out of the Liberal darkness!
Holly crap! Now I’m really confused....Derick for my money is a flash.... Word count scared me, lose ends even worse and when Jon articulated inconsistencies in content & behavior that was the final straw. Andre makes sense, the Constitution is everything. Christine makes sense for sure. (Guess I need to do some real searching, honestly I’m really sick to death about all this shit.)
Being a Vet (G-2 section), was excited with finding this content. Not so sure now.
I have ventured outside my zone of comprehension, guess this is what threads of despair look like. So Andre, forgive me for the Sophomoric question, Jon (Patel Patriot’s) Devolution is BS? WTF? mc
My take on it is as follows...
The married man if the head of a household with children is not a multiple personality creature. He is not divided into two separate authorities somehow dwelling independently within the brain of the man.
The married man is the husband. He holds all husband authority and responsibility delegated to him. He may give orders or even delegate certain aspects of that authority to his older children, but he is still responsible as the father.
The idea that a husband may choose to pass on certain authorities to a child while retaining others for himself, as if he was Santa Claus misses the point of him being head of household.
The head of household is a single person (male or female) holding any and all powers granted by paying more than half the cost of supporting and housing a qualifying person.
Others may invent fanciful tactics to twist it but nothing has ever changed this fundamental requirement. Even with emergencies, the authority to operate as either husband or father emerges only by consent.
The whole marriage thing, the whole parent thing, the whole two marriage contract thing, rests on the ability of a polygamist to embrace a relationship with bigamy that is not legal in any state.
It all comes from a lack of morals to steal your intimacy, to keep you away rather than at home, etc., YOU and YOUR FAMILY matter. Your participation in local politics matters because many of the people involved now could care less about your marriage, or future marriage, your children, and/or your future children, in other words they don't care at all about your family.
The family is what MATTERS. The Constitution was written with the family in mind. Number 14 of the Federalist Papers even states Americans should ignore voices that claim they can not live together as members of the same family.
Number 17 states that a citizen in most cases is more attached to family than to his or her neighborhood. Attached more to a community than to a State. More to a State than to the Union. That principle should be upheld, not destroyed.
Many American citizens when the country was founded had family connections with Europe and Great Britain. The United States Constitution preserved those connections, it didn't destroy them. Putting America first means putting families first.
Number 46 states for an American citizen family can be blood, family can be friends, family can be political party, family can be citizens, family can be strangers, family can be what an individual AMERICAN CITIZEN WANTS.
There are many things that can influence the mind of a citizen, such as country, honor, oath, reputation, conscience, religion, love of country....but it is family affections and attachments that provides the security for genuine citizenship. Not birth. Not desire.
The Constitution took the upmost care that American citizens can be individuals with many talents and integrity so that they may serve and/or obey their fellow citizens with respect, in order not to serve or to obey them out of fear or shame.
Original by Publius and 17th Special Operation Group. Not sure if correct or not, but will go with it for now. Thanks. Insightful article by the way.
Very well said sir. Thank you for posting such an in-depth understanding of our Constitution. I haven’t the words to express the gratitude for such an insightful post.
As an apolitical centrist I see the "long con" on both sides. Both sides cater and pander towards the same end. The liberal left, unhinged, and the Conservative right, enablers. The losers? Those whose land has been usurped and stolen by foreigners. All of it is theater, all of it is charades. In the end, the same people at the top will win and the people of the land will lose. "We The People?" What people are they talking about? They are talking about the "people" on this land at the signing, whose families sacrificed for the states united. They are not talking about secure blessings for ourselves and our posterity ( Definition of 'posterity' ; all of a person's descendants. The meaning of POSTERITY is the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation.) That does not include foreigners, after 1790, whose people are not of this land and soil. This land has been hijacked by fake patriots, fake heritage and legislators with foreign loyalties. Wake up. That's why you are a "U.S. Citizen." (A British territorial citizen with no rights, a tenant, a resident.)
And what does that make you? Are you no different than I?
I am a Attakapas-Opelousa Indian, whose family has been on this land since, according to your academics, 12000 B.C. My family fought in the American Revolution at the Battle of Baton Rouge in 1779 with Galvez , The Battle of New Orleans in 1815 with Andrew Jackson, The Civil War (Confederate), WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. As a historian, I know exactly what evil foreigners have done to this land and its people while cloaking themselves in patriotic anthems, slogans and pledges. Look around, the American Indian plays no role in the current asylum, masquerading as a nation state. We are not legislators, we are not academia, we are not public school, we are not religious institutions, we are not military. Foreigners or their descendants are. What we are is hostages in our own land. Each and every person currently involved in the situations that plague this land are foreigners, or descendants of foreigners who came to this land in Galveston and Ellis Island. They started much earlier, around the early 1800s, but the massive influx was just prior to the civil war. The union Yankee army was 2/3 foreign mercenaries, who rampaged through our lands and murdered our people. Until the so called, "patriot community" comes to grip with real history, not academic history, they will never be anything but pawns, puppets if you will, controlled by the groups they profess to be against. All foreigners aren't evil, but the players in this drama, foreigners, are. Where is the treasure of this land going? To foreigners not to us. Wake up.
And your name?? Jean-Baptiste Guillory, fucking kidding me? lol, Id probably delete this post you made yourself a fool with. I'm a bit of a historian too, The name Jean-Baptiste Guillory is of French origin. "Jean-Baptiste" is a common French given name, and it's often used in French-speaking countries. It translates to "John the Baptist" in English. "Guillory" is a surname that is most commonly found in France and among people of French descent. It's particularly common in Louisiana in the United States, among the Cajun population, who are descendants of French-speaking exiles from Acadia, a region in eastern Canada, in the 18th century. So, the name Jean-Baptiste Guillory is most likely of French heritage. Now, go read some books, you need it. And stop lying to try and make others feel bad. Lol, it doesn't suit you. Oh, and if your going to tell me that this name is one you picked for your, what is it.... hang on.. shitty all over the place substack.... You must interact with ignorance... its obvious.
Bingo. You got brain. Yes my great grandfather was from france, he was on the kings payroll. He also had children with my grandmother, Attakapas. My other grandfather, Birotte is from France as well. He was the first White man, 1690, to live with my tribe, Attakapas. I know who I am, I know my lineage. I don't need you to tell me. My skin is the skin of my people. We are from Opelousas all the way to Northern Mexico. I stand on my previous comment. Foreigners, Eastern European, to be exact. I knew I hit a nerve, because most of the people who post the "constitutional" drivel have the same mentality as you. That's why I poked at your brain. I am trying to flush out the phony, emotional, veiled racist so called, "patriots." My whole story is on my substak. I don't hide. The facts are there. The documents are there. The photos are are there. I don't make personal attacks, I dont get emotional. I lay it out, its bitter medicine, but if you stand on real truth then you should feel slighted.
AMER'ICAN, adjective Pertaining to America.
AMER'ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America. 1826 Websters Dictionary
Get out of your feelings. The truth needs no cosigner. Again I stand on the statement, "Foreigners and their descendants have created this mess, not Indians." Prove me wrong.
You were born here just as I was.n Your logic does not make sense. Did you chose where you were born? I did not. And either did you. As I think its important to understand heritage, I think you are being unfair to categorize me as being associated with "evil foreigners." Bad logic. And, waist of energy. Perhaps instead of sowing generations of hatred towards people that had nothing to do with why they are here, perhaps you, or your ancestors rather, could have educated us about your culture. Its obvious you hate outside of your race. How is that working out? As a historian, I would think you would have taken a different route.
So then, what is your purpose now? To associate me with "evil foreigners" that have done whatever it is you say "we" did to this land and its people while cloaking myself in patriotic anthems, slogans and pledges? Yeah, your looking like the righteous one. And I'm the tyrant?
Lol, look go spill your apathy towards perhaps a more ignorant uneducated person. Because your shaming efforts are futile. And I am awake. I'm just not going to let you pour out your thousands of years worth of resentment and bitterness on me. Thats the most ignorant ridiculous, hateful and bull shit thing I have heard in my 50 years of life. You want to talk about history? Ok, lets.
Perhaps if your ancestors would have united with other tribes, and not killed each other, this land would perhaps still remain in your hands. For you to blame me for the failures of your ancestors is, well, not one that understands history. Your efforts to stay in the past has probably not made you a very good person, and its obvious as you have no idea who I am and what my heritage is. Are you alway6s this ignorant to assume? Is your hatred blinding you that much? You could be very well be talking to someone with the same ancestry. Let that sink in. Let it go, its over, there's nothing you are going to do about the past. Don't live in it, your not very good at it TBQO. Good luck, hopefully that hate wont make you sick. let that hate out your heart friend.
Man you are twisted. I don't hate foreigners. I hate evil foreigners. I hate falsehood and I hate fake heritage lies. You are the racist not me. I show and prove my position, you make emotional attacks. I know I struck a nerve. Show and prove your "heritage," let's hear some facts???? Here is 50 pages of your foreign "friends" at work on our people.
When I say "our" I say, "American Negro Indians and Pre-Colonial Whites. That is on my profile. So you are tripping when you call me racist. I have Pre-Colonial White family interwoven throughout my real heritage and guess what, they were not evil. You are looking for confrontation, argument, meanwhile I am looking for truth.
yeah, I’m the twisted one, right… good luck with your books.
Hold it man. I never disrespected you. I commented about what "We the People" meant, that's all. I'm a seeker of the truth. You accused me of being a racist, disrespected me, instead of asking me for "receipts." My books are doing good, I actually just got two royalty payments yesterday. That aside, the only way this entire mysterious debacle, masquerading as a republic, will ever get unraveled is by investigating the truth, without emotions. Yeah, sometimes it hurts, but what separates the real from the fake is we except the truth regardless where that leaves us, and we operate from that position to be better men. My lineage is mixed, manifestly, so I work for "both sides of the coin," and I am not interested in ANYTHING except elevating MY FAMILY with information, and standing up for my family of all hues. People, Yankees, under the guise of patriots destroyed our lands in the South, our people, our businesses, our homes, you call it the Civil War, I call it a foreign coup. The story must be told, no matter how ugly it is, and no matter what side that leaves me on.
I'm don't write for money, I don't write for fame, I don't write for anything except PUBLIC NOTICE, a record for my people after me, and definitely not to joust. We can disagree and still be civilized. I always welcome solid input and information. Good luck to you, because if you are "about it," you, and I, definitely will need it.
Try reading them, smarty pants (said in jest)!