Aug 20, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Although there are several areas I arrive at different conclusions due to my teenage years in the β€˜60s, 25+ years as a civilian in the AF (including 10+ years in contingency planning/response), my lifelong study of history, my intense study of organized crime, organized religion, very ancient history, anthropology, geology, geography as well as earlier positions in the local legal system, medical field, and as a believer in Christ, I consider that some elements are not complete; however, you have (in my opinion) clearly identified the exact actions that each citizen must endeavor to immediately pursue to restore our nation to the constitutional republic roots that our founding fathers labored to achieve against all odds. The other action our nation requires is to return our Creator to His rightful place in this (once) great nation as this battle is truly one between good and evil. God bless you for your dedication to researching all of this and your courageous willingness to share with all of your readers.πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™

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You should have added your S>O>J> initials .

The Vatican issued many more bulls than those youe mentioned, perhaps you should have started at 1054.

The Church appears to be the continuation of Empire and was confirmed as such within the European Parliament when they proudly proclaime they had rrecreated the Roman Empire without firing a shot.

The church did not fall apart through the reformation rather it concentrated those who wished to reform it under carefullly organised banners and gradually removed those free thinkers to Northern Europe alll the while debasing them from within via the Jesuits. The counter Reformation never went away , the Inquisition exists to this day defeated from within by the Jesuits who control the Vatican and the Vatican claims that all other churches are contracted to it by their accaptance of Constantine's "Sun" day whereby he declared himself greater then the Jewish God because he had stolen "God's Day"

The other institutions and power families of the past millennia have never gone awy despite occasional rises and falls of perticular alliances and families and still control the world till this day.

Your analysis of the structure of the usA from it's inception ti it'd becoming USA and beyond to the present day is mind bogglingly naive at best. I have persevered to the end of your summeries and am deeply disappointed,

We will never defeat an enemy we cannot face nor even name.

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17 SOG Army Captain Emily Rainey w Psychological Operations Command are you aware of her?? They have really gone fulll out Psyoping the Amer population I agree strongly with your dispatch and assessments. Clearly you are good at organizing all that is happening into a comprehensive plan A unifying plan of >>No One owns us .It took a long time to get to this pt of apathy spoiled populace greed $$$ tribalism. Are there enough of US?? The Older wiser citizens need to spread the word to the young .How many ppl talk but when it comes to action they have already rolled over and died its not about one man or POTUS its about ALL OF US willing to sacrifice or give up possessions things or become injured homeless or hurt for the greater Freedom of US ALL and how brave ppl were in the past who sacrificed their lives?? but NOW in 2023 look how many ppl have devolved into avarice spoiled brats that its all about their lifestyle money only them we lost the cohesive idea .How many Americans now can or will do this .I dont know 17th SOG but I see pretty much all u see .My theory is finally >>> things Must get much worse ie real bad bad shortages riots deaths pandemics loss of rights property etc etc right at all peoples doorsteps Like a meteor strike then when they have nothing to lose and things are really bad THEN THEY WILL ACT ..what do you think..???

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Im really hoping people wake up before then. I really do.

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May I offer this ..I see from my HUMINT that many many folks are conflicted they are true Honest and active Patriotic Americans even retired and active in the service. BUT they are majorly confused and don't know what to believe. Also the amount of $$ being thrown around corruption in trillions is very bad for US.I Hope too like you>> but I am beyond really concerned NOW the lying and acceleration w tech of these problems is exponential and extremely destabilizing of everything and to many mistakes "accidents' happening .Do u have any thoughts??????

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I have nothing but respect for you and your clearly, well thought out and expressed truth regarding all I have learned in the past 5 years from different sources as well as added content. It is an amazing history and will replace the one that is circulating in history books at this time if we stand up as WE THE PEOPLE and really take the blinders off. I applaud you and thank you for laying all this out for us to chew on, make our own investigation and explorations into. The depth of knowledge presented is amazing. We are in a spiritual and information war, in which no one in the world can sit on the sidelines. WE ALL MUST CHOOSE!

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The depth of your research and prognosis are both incredibly thorough. The neutral presentation, however, is not as neutral as it proclaims. Clearly, the people of the world have been β€œasleep at the wheel” for far too long but…. The depth of your research begs the question, how are you unaware of the Khazarian Mafia?

The takeover of nation states by centralized banking is not unique to the United States, but is pervasive throughout modern history. Centralization does not and will not work.

The real enemy of β€œWe, the People” is privatized, centralized banking.

The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, not a reserve, nor a bank, it is a privately owned company pretending to be those things. The leadership of FSB have fourteen year terms, longer than any potential government administration. Voted into law on Christmas Eve, 1913 when most of congress was absent and a bought or blackmailed president sealed the deal.

I appreciate the call to action of the public and you are absolutely correct. But, to miss the fact that we are presently at war (battlefield: your mind) would also conceal our true enemy: the Khazarian mafia and their centralized banking scheme for worldwide domination.

You can’t win if you don’t know who your enemy is, no matter how hard you try.

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I believe you're right, for sure. So my opinion isn't neutral. I don't believe in these theories and I tried to present the evidence as neutral as I can. If I didn't then my apologies. And as for the Federal Reserve, I also agree that we have to know who the enemy is before we can even attempt to fight in a war. As we may disagree, I think that we have to use evidence and tangible data. And from all of my research, the only thing that I could find are what's in law and the Constitution, and according to the laws of the Constitution, the Federal Reserve is owned by the United States. I'm not sticking up for it. I think it's a system that's severely flawed, and I think that it is manipulated and doesn't work for the best interest of the American people. But it is owned by us, according to the law. I'm not sure what other evidence I can use to make me think of it in any other way. I'm absolutely open to any data that would tell me otherwise. But again, just because I think it's owned by the United States doesn't mean that I don't think it's nefarious or not working in the best interest of we the people.

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