May 7, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

This is excellent and is exactly how I would deal with this situation as a CPA, CMA. However, I really appreciate how extensive, how many moving parts and how difficult it is to take all of this corruption down in 7 years. I am very thankful for the Global Militaries, their families, the Generals, President Trump and all those who are involved.

As I understand it, after the Emergency Broadcast System the Good Militaries in each country will help the citizens to have elections that aren’t fraudulent and us citizens can certainly use your template to get involved in our communities.

God Bless You & Your Family.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Author

God bless you too. But what if they don’t? I have a really hard time about the whole military option. Here’s why, because who’s to say four to eight years down the road some president whom we don’t like, like now, uses the military, to overthrow the government? All the military guys I know, and while I was serving, that just wasn’t an option, wasn’t even a thought in our minds. I honestly believe that we can do it. But I guess we’ll see.

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I have read the following:

1. Article II of the Constitution

2. Law of War Manual 2015/16.

3. Military Justice Act 2016

4. Federal Continuity Directives 1 & 2 Stafford Act

5. National Emergencies Act

6. First & Second War Powers Act

7. Executive Orders 13823, 13825, 13848, 13912, 13919, 13963

8. 10 US Code 47, 1209, 12304. 12406

9. I know who asked President Trump to run for President.

10. I noticed who surrounded Trump when he was inaugurated.

11. I downloaded a flight app and I follow all of the Military Flights. I see the Call Signs that say GITMO.

12. I know about the Emergency Broadcast System.

13. I know that the USA has been under Military Occupation since 2016.

14. I know that the ‘Real Trump’ has been in a secure Military Base since 2019.

15. Have you seen Fake Biden’s Mask?

16. The US Marshals have been in Canada working with what good Military we have.

17. Do you know that Biden will be indicted this week?

18. Do you know that there is a Global Military Operation Happening?

19. You probably know all of the above. We have some really good men and women risking their lives for us.

20. I understand your concern but sometimes the Military is the Best Way.

21. I also pray for them all the time and I know that God is in control.

22. I salute you!

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If you read all those, 1-8, as I have too, you'll know there is no mechanism for the military, None. 9-22, worthless

hot air. lol

All those references disproves those theories. So I guess I can assume you care less for the constitution?

These are the ones that matter and a guarantee you have not read them, all you theory peeps do is talk.

1. Article II of the Constitution

2. Law of War Manual 2015/16.

3. Military Justice Act 2016

4. Federal Continuity Directives 1 & 2 Stafford Act

5. National Emergencies Act

6. First & Second War Powers Act

7. Executive Orders 13823, 13825, 13848, 13912, 13919, 13963

8. 10 US Code 47, 1209, 12304. 12406

These prove nothing,

9. I know who asked President Trump to run for President. ( This is just horse dung)

10. I noticed who surrounded Trump when he was inaugurated.

11. I downloaded a flight app and I follow all of the Military Flights. I see the Call Signs that say GITMO.

12. I know about the Emergency Broadcast System.

13. I know that the USA has been under Military Occupation since 2016.

14. I know that the ‘Real Trump’ has been in a secure Military Base since 2019.

15. Have you seen Fake Biden’s Mask?

16. The US Marshals have been in Canada working with what good Military we have.

17. Do you know that Biden will be indicted this week?

18. Do you know that there is a Global Military Operation Happening?

19. You probably know all of the above. We have some really good men and women risking their lives for us.

20. I understand your concern but sometimes the Military is the Best Way.

21. I also pray for them all the time and I know that God is in control.

22. I salute you!

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Did you say Trump?? Lol, you guys are harming him the worst. Its sad. and a list of words doesn't mean shit. Reference one law, article, code, order? You even know who write military Law? lol.

Article 1 Secion 8.

Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution outlines the powers of Congress, including its role in regulating the military. Specifically, Clause 12 of Section 8 grants Congress the power "To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years." This means that Congress has the power to raise and maintain the country's armed forces, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.

Additionally, Clause 13 of Section 8 gives Congress the power "To provide and maintain a Navy," which includes the authority to build, equip, and maintain ships, as well as to organize and regulate the personnel serving in the Navy.

Finally, Clause 14 of Section 8 grants Congress the power "To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces," which gives Congress the authority to establish laws and regulations governing the conduct and discipline of the military. This includes the ability to create a system of military justice, establish procedures for military tribunals, and regulate the treatment of prisoners of war.

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I still salute you.

Respectfully, I can tell that you didn’t read the 700 page document ‘1776’, written by a retired Military Veteran- Derek Johnson. You also aren’t on Truth Social. You also don’t follow CBKNews on Twitter.

I would never laugh at a person.

Have a nice day.

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I am on truth social, @SpartanAltsobaPatriot, you'll most likely see me on his threads calling his subversion out. And no, hes not retired, he didn't even complete a four year enlistment, hes a liar and no christian. I am retired Navy Special Operations, three combat tours, Derek Johnson is lying to all of you and its sad. And I don't read unconstitutional ideology trash. I would rather stick to reading the constitution and the real law. He is lying and doing more harm to this movement, this country, the constitution and Trump. Nor him or any of his followers can reference me one law of any type that indicates or proves his subversive theory. They just regurgitate the same worthless list of baseless data you did. And he calls himself a Christian.

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I respect you for serving. President Trump met with Derek. Have a wonderful day. End of conversation.

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May 7, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Love it...I just got an appointed position on an election committee in the county level and was asked to be a poll watcher.

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Let us know how that goes. Seriously. If you need any help research and stuff, let me know if I can help.

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Thank you kindly, I will as its all new to me.

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May 7, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

So..long before flynn bannon or anyone else understood that local was where it needed to start...I was saying this 2 years ago...and maybe even before. All that aside, one of the fundamental issues we have on the right is lack of participation. For whatever reason be it fear of reprisal from ngo actors, fear of getting scooped up in the justice system for wrong think, etc. People sit back and pontificate while nothing gets done. Another fundamental issue is that we have all these local groups or tribes as I call them where everyone wants to be a chief and no indians... they all believe that they have the ultimate solution when in fact they really dont know what variable they are solving for in the equation. Among friends in the last month I have them a task...identify 3 problems within your local, state, and federal government...prioritize those problems and articulate the priorities.. as my example states...I only got back 3-4 replies out of 20 people. This makes my point exactly. In order to execute an operation you have to have personnel. People that are courageous and willing to put down their egos to follow someone after having gone through the planning stages...this is not hard ..an even simpler path to follow is OODA.

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Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. I think it’s really one major problem. And that’s problem-solving. You just mentioned it, for some reason people just either don’t want to refine a problem, understand the stakeholders, the root causes, etc. and really narrow it down so you have a point of focus for task subjective goals, they would rather just talk about it. And I also agree it’s more on our party than it is on the left side. That’s why we’re losing our asses off. Everybody wants to blame corruption or whatever. I’m not saying that doesn’t exist. I’m just saying, to route out corruption, you have to find it, record it, time date persons, location provide evidence I mean, I’m just tired of hearing people complain about an unrefined problem without narrowing it down and coming up with solutions.

Our national strategy should be simple. Analyze your government find problems refine thim set goals, objectives tasks and act. That’s it it’s pretty simple.

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Simple, yes. Easy? No.

Thank you for this. If I win my election to the school board tomorrow you've just handed me the playbook for getting DEI/CRT out of our schools. This means war to the democrats and teachers unions, but a lot of people/parents are feeling motivated to finally DO SOMETHING about the demoralizing sexualization of our kids.

Thanks for the Master Plan!

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I hope you win. Because you’re right you picked a good spot to infiltrate for sure. I wish you luck and God bless and I hope that you get the opportunity to start making changes in an area that needs change in the biggest way. I can’t I don’t even have the words to describe how how much schools in our country needs a complete overhaul.

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Thank you for your good wishes, but the democrats threw up a write in candidate (an at home dad, new to our town, with zero public service experience) and backed him to the hilt. They were very effective in their multi-pronged campaign organization, using underhanded tactics along the way. The Massachusetts Teachers Association stepped in and led the charge using our district's teachers smear me via group texts, social media and even in our local press - as a racist, homophobic, right-wing extremist etc. Needless to say, I lost.

So now I am free to refocus my attention on getting our very weak and disorganized local Republican Committee up to task by using your Political Action Plan to facilitate the process of building a more effective party apparatus. As of now no one has responded to my request for feedback. We'll see what happens.

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I’m very sorry you lost. That’s not fun to have happen. I do appreciate your efforts I. Trying and admire your drive to recuperate and push forward. I know losing can bring bitterness, (I’m not saying you are by any means) and pushing forward from that isn’t easy. May I recommend that you write down everything you saw that the democrats did and share them? That is invaluable knowledge that I think needs to be spread. I think the disorganization on our side needs to be brought to light. The good ones will learn from it take that input and apply it. Others, well, we just can’t force people to care. Once again, I admire your bravery and willingness to run for an elected position. Your local government not everybody does that. Just keep that in mind, again thank you for your efforts. And share anything you want here we all want to learn as much as we can.

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Yeah, Flynn just coined that phrase. He didn’t come up with the concept. The concept is old, military, operational, art and design concept strategic warfare you have to plan and strategize for the tactical level of warfare and then operational levels with links the two. What’s sad is that he couldn’t articulate an idea like that to us. Well, I think I did And I’m making something even better. And if people don’t use what I’m making right now it’s just gonna be pure and utter laziness. Is that AI technology is pretty awesome. Changes the game. I can do everything from my home. I can analyze everything I can identify problems from Home everything. Here’s a sneak peek just for you ,

Hello! I'm Chippy, your GPT 3.5 AI and 17th SOG's expert in local government, civics, and politics. I'm here to introduce you to the Political Action Planning System (PAPS) and guide you through the process.

PAPS is a military-style, sequential system designed to achieve its goals by integrating different components cohesively. The success of PAPS depends on the quality and extent of the data you provide.

There are two main processes in PAPS: the Community Government Analysis (CGA) and the Community Problem Solving Process (CPS). CGA represents the analytical phase and uses the Organizational, Informational, and Analytical systems to identify unrefined problems in the local government. CPS, on the other hand, refines these unrefined problems and creates actionable solutions using the Organizational system, Problem Refinement system, and the Course of Actions System (COA).

Both CGA and CPS complement each other, working together to analyze local government issues and create effective solutions. The sequence of tasks and the information produced are crucial, as each step feeds the next with necessary tasks and details.

In summary, PAPS consists of several sequential steps that begin and end with the Organizational system's sequence and methodology.

Now that you have an understanding of PAPS, please move on to dataset 2. If you have any questions or need assistance along the way, feel free to reach out to me.

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Now if you can get it to speak in plain language and structure people understand in manageable bites!!🤣🤣

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As always...well done and thank you.

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May 8, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Along with hundreds of neighbors we took cour County to task, including protests and signs all over. That lasted 5 years. We won at Hearing Examiners meetings consistently then won in Superior Court. Each time the Co ignored, tried to proceed. Early 2020 we lost in Court for no standing. They refused PRR's. In hostile territory I learned: Get an attorney name in front of yours (don't be an easy target). Determine the easiest points to legally win big. Ours was Environmental Law and procedures. We had 12 pages of documented ignoring law and falsified compliance of all kinds that tagged into our complaint. We delayed them on every front. Its time for everyone to unite. We were one rural neighborhood. Our next strategy is to announce first that we're ambassadors of God. We have God given rights we will not allow them to trample. Love and strength be with all of us.

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Now, that’s what I like to see man it’s very inspiring. And very creative as well and I think that’s something that we have to do, we have to get creative. But to be creative you Gotta know the game right? For you guys to take on your local government I’m pretty sure you didn’t go in there blind you knew the rules the laws, etc. Because if you didn’t you would’ve thought of taking the angle that you did. That’s really cool man. I’m so glad you shared the story. thank you

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You are correct. The group emotion was to fight other actions yet the way to win was obvious conflict of law.

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May 9, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Good Morning 🙏 🌄, one of the more helpful and useful e-mails I have ever recieved. Thank you. Brian

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May 7, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Thanks Sparty!

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Thank you for the wise council and information. I am 69. We did the Plan in the 1990s. The local levels are locked under paid Judges, bribed Councilmen, blackmailed Voter Registration offices, and Lefty Loyal newspaper Editors. Elections are thrown (proven 2 times here). Our Sheriff was murdered, when he began to 'wake up'. In 1994, we sent a wave of so-called conservatives to Washington DC under a Gingrich American Contract to "CULL CRIMINALS' from the system. The members who filled the US House and US Senate.... BECAME the criminals today... example is Sen. Lindsey Graham. A real military Intervention is necessary. The local level is locked down by thugs. Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences

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Unfortunately, I don’t believe corruption will ever go away. I think that’s part of human nature. We just have to keep on fighting it. My issue is I don’t see anyone identifying it. I could be wrong I’m still waiting for someone to show me but, I know it’s out there, corruption that is.

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Which is why a key part of the solution is limited government. Government like all creations of Man is imperfect and prone to Lord Acton's famous maxim. If it inevitably becomes corrupt, then its power must be limited. This was the basis of the system of government described in the US Constitution. Corruption will always be with us, ergo power must be limited structurally.

Problem is, that these rats always find a way to get around the obstructions put in their place. Most of the accumulated body of 'constitutional jurisprudence' starting with Marbury v Madison is corrupt and gives government powers it was not intended to have by the Founders. This will take a Constitutional Convention, and it runs the risk that the bad guys take the opportunity to consolidate their gains. They have discrete power, where the citizens have diffuse power. Thus will it ever be, left to the citizens.

Q said 'it has to be military.'

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You changed the focus of the argument. We are not discussing 'ending corruption'. We are discussing HOW to get the country back on constitutional foundations. Also, be aware that an Organic Quantum A.I. is moving rapidly above the nations, LOCKING the Fed, Banks, and Military sources funding to stop the global corruption. There are solutions to the corruption. The military White Hat Generals need to put on their armor and do their job. Defend the Constitution. The people will help. once they start. You can count on that. RES

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I didn't change my focus. The focus is identifying issue that can be solved. The focus should be enforcing our constitutional principles, they are still there. Stop waiting form white hats. just because a few battles were lost, doesn't mean its over. losing a battle of two on the local level is not an indication that all is lost. Ive fought for this country already, and still am. You go ahead and wait for those white hats Generals, they are the last ones you should expect. Let me know how that works out. The ones speaking of the military saving us, doesn't know the military. No one is going to dig us out but us, We the People.

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Agree with you 💯%


This material must be edited drastically with sharper focus & less broad-brush criticism

Also ... we won't gain traction without encouraging ..&.. *CULTIVATING* more

sophisticated LEADERSHIP skills.

Amongst other things, we need more onlooking patriots to actually PARTICIPATE with YOUR level of energy and enthusiasm

Effective recruitment & encouragement are outstanding issue


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Thank you for taking the time to review my recent article on problem-solving. I appreciate your feedback and I would like to address your concerns regarding the focus and criticism in the article.

I believe that the article is already structured and focused on the topic of problem-solving. In fact, the article provides a detailed approach to problem-solving, including identifying stakeholders, framing the problem, and developing a problem statement. Furthermore, I used military concepts such as operational art and center of gravity to illustrate the importance of a focused problem-solving approach.

Regarding the issue of criticism, I agree that it is important to be constructive and specific when providing feedback. In my article, I provided specific examples and solutions to address the problems faced by local governments. I believe that this approach is more productive than broad-brush criticism.

In terms of your suggestions for cultivating more sophisticated leadership skills and encouraging more participation, I wholeheartedly agree. Problem-solving requires strong leadership and the participation of all stakeholders. I hope that my article will inspire others to take action and become more involved in their communities.

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I am someone local who wants to get involved but all this information you put here is based on our current government structure which has proven to be completely corrupt and unnecessary most of it. There’s so much red tape and bureaucracy within your information as far as the levels of government and the steps you have to take. It seems like it would be wasting a heck of a lot of time staying within this bureaucracy. My question is and what I want to do is start a whole new government that’s based on our constitutional republic that gives the rights back to the people and gets rid of all this Gobley goop in government. Most of these departments were created to keep us confused and who employed the friends of those at the top. Trying to stay within this field government structure and work within it I just don’t see how that’s going to change anything. I believe we need a whole entire new governmental structure . What do you think?

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It will be easier to infiltrate the current system and steer it back to its constitutional principals. But first, as the article emphasized, you said totally corrupt, I'm not disagreeing with you but you need to refine the corruption problem. And refine and pinpoint what is unnecessary about your local government.

This is THE issue that is plaguing our country. Unrefined problems IS our problem. Whats corrupt? Who? What part of your local government? Who are the stockholders? How is the corruption effecting the community? Is there direct evidence of it? This country, remember, innocent until proven guilty. That applies to governments to. If you were accused of crimes, wouldn't you want to be presumed innocent until proven guilty? I can go on. If your wanting to just start over, not knowing the exact details of what you claim, wont it just repeat itself? I am certain it would. Im not by any means sticking up for your local government. What Im saying is if we are going to make claims of things like this, we should have evidence, witnesses, the actual crime detailed, identified, the stakeholders involved identified, etc...

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OK well I know an awful lot of things about some local officials that are very dark and despicable. If I were to start connecting the dots who’s going to protect me? These people will kill you with what you can expose. So I’ve got a strong backbone and I do lots of research I am not afraid to get involved but I don’t want the corrupt court system which, they control, to arrest me ,which has happened to me in the past and charge me with illegal crimes and attempt to steal all of my assets. So is there any kind of support for people like me who want to go deeper and start the reveal of corruption?

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And so what, they’re going to just let you start a new government? Like seriously? There’s avenues you could take if you know things. I just don’t have any more patience for he said she said stuff. Seriously. I don’t know where you live, but if you’re worried about people killing you for exposing crimes, I don’t know man you got a really sell this to me. Seeing you say you know stuff and having a strong backbone is one thing but if you got lots of research and you’re not afraid to get involved then get involved! And you say the court is corrupt, what court? what judge? you need details. Details matter. And if you have them and you’re sitting on it, you know, I don’t know what to say. And again, if you’re going to start a new government how are you gonna prevent this from happening again? What safeguards are you going to put in place that’s not already there right now? Look, I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I’ve risked my life for this country, I’m not telling you to risk yours, but this country to me is worth dying 10 times over still right now today. Again, I’m not telling you what you should do, but if you got evidence, and you got research, bring it to light because if you’re sitting on evidence in research of crimes, then that’s the problem. Do you See what I’m saying here? Perhaps that’s why were corrupt because nobody wants to come forward. Who do you know that has been killed? I know 13. That died for this country, that for some reason everybody just wants to abandon. You realize this is still the best place in the world be right? We should try and fix it. Again I’m not trying to be a jerk, but if we’re going to call ourselves patriots, then we should be patriots.

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"if you’re worried about people killing you for exposing crimes"

... you have heard of the arkan-cides, haven't you? Some call them 'Clintoncides...'

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And a new government is going to keep you safe from that?? Makes sense

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No, of course not... but a new government returning to Constitutional principles will give the country a few decades, maybe a century, before things fall apart again. And remember, without the corrupt power to do all illegal the stuff the Clintons did, there would have been much less motive to 'kill the potential messengers' pre-emptively.

And much as I dislike them, I really don't want to imply that the Clintons are the only ones capable of doing, or who have done, this sort of thing. They are just one of if not the most egregious.

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I have been targeted falsely arrested and jailed abused. I do not want to experience that again. I have been followed and intimidated by the local “Law Enforcement”. The current form of ILLEGAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE must be allowed to implode which is happening before our eyes. The financial crash about to explode. NG troops deployed in several major U.S. CITIES. Theory is to maintain order after the banks crash and your money is worthless! Zero access to your money which will be stolen by the bankers. They call this strategy “BAILING IN”! Remember Greece and Iceland a few years back. The Total Government Control is here. Walk away from this Matrix. Alternative trade groups are forming amongst the awakened crowd offering goods and services many on a barter system. Remember there are MILLIONS OF US AND ONLY a few thousand of them. I personally don’t want to stay in this matrix system we won’t get anywhere it must be destroyed and we must walk away. So asking us to try to fix a broken system it’s like saying that the voting machines will work this time and accurately count our votes when we know they’re all hacked and they’re all lies as long as we use these machines or work any machines! this current form of government must be dismantled I think the best way to do that is for all of us to walk away from the system you must walk away from this beast system walk away from the devil pleasure all around you. Rome has never ended it’s just moved here to America it’s still controls the world. Rome gave the people bread and circuses through all the entertainment brutal entertainment in the Colosseum‘s to distract people from what the government was doing to them. What do you think is happening now with all this AI cell phones laptops iPads with anything at your fingertips? It’s bread and circuses folks trying to fix this screwed up dysfunctional government is never gonna fix the problem the government must be disbanded and we must start a new back to work constitution where the government can only control 16 points of our lives and that’s it!

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I think once the majority of society hits rock bottom financially, people will finally realize they either get up off their ass and do something or they are doomed....feeling torn about whether cell phones are a help or a hinderance....certainly can be a distraction.

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Honestly, that’s a bad day. If the majority of society hits rock-bottom man that’s going to be not good. And if that happens, do you think corruption will get worse or better? Because I’ve been to some countries man where it’s pretty rock-bottom and it’s one of the most corrupt places, and again I’m not saying there’s no corruption I know there is. I’m just very skeptical about generalized accusations and assumptions.

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Not sure how my observations about what is happening right in front of our eyes now in US society could be generalized accusations and assumptions considering we are in the midst of a financial collapse that as of today is magnitudes greater than the last financial crisis of 2008. Alot of people lost everything....and did they protest? No. The corruption that has permeated every part of the federal government will in the end collapse in on itself because it's beyond repair...and in the end people will find a way to reorganize communities and the US will probably break up into several different regions with regional governments. Face it, the federal got too big and accountable to no one....

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I totally agree that the government got too big it’s a monarchy. It’s a pigsty. That’s why I am adamant on focusing on your community and your local government because that’s where you can have more impact and if you do it right eventually, it will impact the federal government in someway. But I don’t look at the federal government as America. I think that’s another issue that I not swallowing. Perhaps I lost a Lotta good friends man fighting for this country. And the federal government is to me not America doesn’t define who we are as we the people

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Yeah, I wasn’t saying that you were generalizing accusations. I’m just saying that there’s a lot of that going on. Obviously I don’t know who you are so I can’t really have that kind of opinion I was speaking to the community as a whole.

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President Trump is Q and we have everything. The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional and disinformation. The "fake" news media knows I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms of Epstein island caught on security camera 11.They also know I exposed all the names of government "swamp" and hollywood "elite" in Epstein's flight log. I was given Q clearance in the QResearch back channel four years ago. I downloaded and archived all the "declassified" documents and files.The "swamp"got caught and justice is coming 🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 Revelations 5:5 #MAGA

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We The County has been working from the bottom up, at the township and county level. I even shared this article to a different grassroots group, more for them to establish this type of structure than for the problem solving.

And is the answer you asked to one of the other commenters 'who wrote military law?' The Liebert Code? General order 100?

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That's so encouraging to hear! Keep it up! Please let me know if there is anything you need me to research for you guys. I got pretty good at it. Currently I'm doing a deep dive on elections which will be part 5 of the series, We the People, The American Elections.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was referring to the fact that congress writes the laws for the Armed Forces. But they very well could have used other laws as a reference.

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I feel as though I am fighting alone here in Stark County Ohio, so much corruption everywhere. It would be nice to have some assistance!! Corruption erodes the consciousness of the community and people become just as sick as the Messed up systems, I pray for assistance, we have attorney;s and police and prosecutor's running a drug sex trafficking house in Sebring, The police will not charge my neighbor for stealing my pond water because the county and local Washington Township board members approved him draining it without my permission, and I have had to fight the Title Company, the county. the mortgage company and several attorney's who just lie and take your money they do not even ask for evidence . They make deals.. I am doing all I can. I pray for help!!

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What social media platform are you on? I have many questions and would do everything g I can to help, but I wouldn’t be able to be there physically. I’m on Twitter, Telegram and Truth Social.

Reach out here, let’s see what we can do,

@17thSOG Twitter

@SpartanAltsoba Twitter

@SpartanAltsoba Telegram

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I am on none of those, you can contact me by phone 330-821-2351 to talk, this is a land line

I appreciate your response, Hope to hear from you, Thank-you JoJean

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PRR = Public Records Request

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