While it’s true that the terms stakeholder and shareholder have distinct definitions, the analogy you’ve drawn appears to mix traditional meanings with metaphorical interpretations. To clarify, since you rudely brought it up, Seems your angry about something, but to CLARIFY:

Stakeholder (Neutral Definition)

A stakeholder is any person, group, or entity with an interest in the outcomes of a situation, project, or system.

This includes direct participants (e.g., parents, law enforcement in Project Milk Carton) and indirect ones (e.g., the general public, advocacy groups).

Stakeholders can have vested interests but are not necessarily "independent"; they are simply parties affected by or involved in the situation.

Shareholder (Financial Definition)

A shareholder specifically owns a financial share or stake in an organization or system.

Shareholders have a monetary or ownership interest and directly benefit (or lose) based on the outcomes of the system they are invested in.

Your Claim About Elected Officials,

Elected officials are stakeholders in systemic chaos because they are both impacted by it and involved in its resolution or perpetuation. However:

Labeling them as shareholders implies they directly profit from or have ownership over the chaos, which may or may not align with their intended role. Specifics matter.

While some officials may exploit systemic chaos for political or personal gain, this behavior should be examined on a case-by-case basis.

Accountability, not semantics, is the key: If an official is complicit, their actions should be addressed as ethical breaches, not as a misunderstanding of stakeholder roles.

The Difference: Neutrality and Ownership

Stakeholders aren’t necessarily neutral. They can be highly motivated by self-interest or ideology, but their stake doesn’t always equate to ownership or profiteering.

Shareholders, by definition, own something. Without clear evidence that elected officials own systemic chaos or its outcomes, the term stakeholder is more appropriate.

The Core Point: Responsibility vs. Ownership

Rather than debating labels, focus on responsibility:

Elected officials bear a duty of care as stakeholders in systemic chaos to address and mitigate it for the public good.

When they fail—or worse, exploit the chaos—they must be held accountable.

Let’s aim for clarity: Officials are stakeholders because they influence and are influenced by systemic chaos. If they manipulate it for personal gain, the issue is ethical corruption, not a semantic misclassification.

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You haven't a clue as to what your talking about. And a complete dumbass.

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Wake up.

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It should have never happened in the first place.

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* Stakeholder ⇒ an independent party with whom each of those who make risk-bearing wagers deposit their assets or counters wagered.

* Shareholder ⇒ an owner of the risk-bearing wagers deposited with the Stakeholder.


* Elected officials at the State local levels are SHAREHOLDERS in any business of Systemic Chaos and NOT INDEPENDENT STAKEHOLDERS in any business of Systemic Chaos considering their very clear OWNERSHIP of said Systemic Chaos . . .

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What you don't know is what you obviously don't know. You're missing a lot of the story. That whole thing was supposed to devolve into a massive bloody riot. The reason there was no massive bloody riot is the reason Ashley Babbitt was killed. And I can prove it because I did know those plans and I told her to do it. You are looking at what was there and not what was not there. But they were there.

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Can you share more info. Very interested in your truth.

I wish you well

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And let's be clear. It's not my truth. It's the truth. My truth is nothing more than my opinion. This is a gathering of facts That I was a part of. I wrote an article about it for vegas valley news dotcom And I stand by every word. I don't say anything I can't prove.

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What do you want to know??

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Interested in the real story not the fabricated story, is there a link you can forward regarding the Vegas valley news article. Would appreciate it.

I wish you well.

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I have been a journalist, I know the difference between an editorial and factual statements. I called out Adam Schiff from the first time he tried to sell the russian collusion delusion. I called them all out on their bullshit in the press from Joe on down when I said he was a naked emperor. If anybody should get a Pulitzer prize it's me but they only give those to liars now. Among my other qualifications, I am an ICC Special Inspector, and as such I'm an officer of all courts both national and international. There is no opinion stated here nor is it "my truth." Only the facts which I observed for myself and to which I will swear on affidavit before the court. As I recall, I sent that information to the White House as affidavits. Signed and sworn.

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No sir I can't find it. The site was hacked for the second time after I published an article titled Fuck Joe Biden. I don't know where it is now, but it doesn't matter, I lived it. In December of 2020 President Trump gave a speech that was streamed on twitter and he invited everyone to come to dc on January sixth. That was the day I met Ashley Babbitt but I called her Ashley Brilliant Because she was Very radiant and bright. She was brilliant. We became fast friends and she asked me if I was going to go. I said I was not. Immediately following that speech, I thought to check up on what blm and antifa thought of the invitation so I checked their Twitter feed. Minutes after the speech was over one of them was already calling for their minions to go to dc on January 6th dressed in Maga gear, and quote unquote police looking uniforms. If you recall, there was a video clip from January sixth of someone beseeching 3 heavily armed cops to do something but they shrugged it off like who cares because they were not cops. Look closer like I did.They were wearing police looking uniforms and holding fake guns. While a DC cop stood close by watching them like a hawk. That video clip was a red flag. Not long after that tweet inviting their minions to come to dc, I observed a tweet that stated their Intention to hurl bricks into the crowd of Trump supporters after his speech. They said that by being dressed in maga gear Trump's supporters would not know who was throwing the bricks at them. I relayed all of this information to the White House immediately. On the evening of January fifth, 2021 Ashley sent me a dm on Twitter saying that someone had left a pallet of bricks on the streets near the capital along with some half dozen empty propane cylinders And she said that she was scared. I told her to find a bunch of patriots and get them the hell out of there, take them anywhere, just get rid of them. She asked well what if they saw her do it? I told her that she was expected to take them So she did it, and the bricks were never seen nor heard from again. The last thing she said to me was on January sixth , around eleven am Eastern when she said we are going in. I am so excited. I tried to tell her not to go in but it was too late and I never heard from her again. She was standing next to John Sampson, a famous b l m organizer when she was shot. The same John Sampson who went on from her murder to the rotunda where he celebrated openly with a CNN reporter who said we did it we did it you did it! She was positively aglow. I saw the video from his own telephone camera. She asked him if he was going to delete it. He said yes, but he did not. He posted it online. Amazingly mister sampson who once famously said to the press that he was going to march into the white House and "drag trump out by his orange hair" While he was rioting in Seattle was never charged with intruding into the capital building. Nor was the CNN reporter charged. My guess is he is related to former Senator John Sampson the democrat who was arrested in the senate for corruption. They openly stated that they were going to throw those bricks into the crowd as they walked toward the capital building, but there were no bricks because Ashley Babbitt removed them. Where they went, I have no idea, she never said. What did you not see there that day? You do not see anyone from b l m or antifa, but they were there. Did it never occur to anyone else that they were conspicuously absent on that auspicious occasion? I have a picture of 3 of them standing around looking like dude, where's my bricks? All three of them have a little diamond shaped patch on their coats that Identifies them as antifa. And all that bs about the maga shaman is just that. 100% Bullshit. He was and still is an antifa organizer. If you want to know more then find out who delivered the bricks, and who paid them. Even better still, find out who helped her remove the bricks, and where they went. I find it very hard to believe it is coincidental that John Sampson just happened to be right next to Ashley, recording it when she was shot. What is truly reprehensible is how he walked away from her bloody corpse and continued on into the rotunda like it never happened. And then he walked away from it all untouched Because they identified him as a journalist. Journalist my ass. Just imagine what would have happened that day had she not seen those bricks And said/ done something about it. The evidence remains in the Twitter files with Elon Musk, and the rest is in the White House archives. It seems that the Secret Service somehow forgot to tell the sitting President about it beforehand. That is why Joe Biden tried to get them but Trump blocked him. The White House. archivest cannot release those records by law until five years after Trump first left office. I wish I had gone with her. Maybe she would still be alive, maybe we'd both be dead, but she is an unsung national hero and her story will not remain untold. Every attempt I made to make the story public was squashed and ignored. But, Q knows the truth of it and Q knows me. I've met him by his pleasure more than once. In case none of you were paying attention when Trump told you who Q is, he's the director of internal affairs at the NSA and now, according to President Trump, Q is also a task force assigned to getting to the bottom of it all. It is the sacred duty of the living to honor and make good the sacrifices of the dead. A lot of lives were saved by her actions on the night of January 5th, 2021. Probably even Donald Trump's life because he likely would have been trampled in the stampede that followed an attack of brick throwing traitors. The truth is out there. Go find it. #NuffSaid

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Thank you for the time taken to send the information. Really appreciate you.

I wish you well.

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No thanks necessary, brother. It's all part of our friendly service don'tcha know. ;c) I didn't even realize until I had sent That information that today is January sixth. God rest the soul of Ashleigh Babbit a true patriot and American hero who gave her fullest measure of devotion so that others might live free.

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