The relationship between top CIA officers and the shadowy Knights of Malta is cemented in the fact that many Directors of Central Intelligence and other executive level officers are also members of [SMOM] this knightly order.

In fact, membership of the Knights of Malta, also known as SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) an abbreviation of its full title of The Sovereign Military and Hospitaler Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes, and American intelligence pre-date the CIA. William (Bill) Donovan, the head of the wartime OSS (Office of Strategic Services) – the precursor to the CIA - was associated with SMOM. As was James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s hard-core counter-intelligence expert until he was fired by President John Kennedy. Another DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) who was a knight was Bill Casey who was chief of the CIA during the Reagan Administration. Earlier, Bill Colby, who headed the spy agency during the Vietnam War era was approached to become a member but declined. Other senior CIA SMOM Knights included:

William Buckley

John McCone

General Alexander Haig

Perhaps the relationship has something to do with the fact that the Knights of Malta are said to be the Vatican’s own intelligence network. And if one were to seek a Nazi connection to SMOM, just to place matters in historical perspective, it would not be long in coming. Reinhard Gehlen, the former Nazi intelligence supreme who went to work for the CIA immediately after the war and later founded the present day German intelligence agency the BND – the Bundesnachtrichtdienst - was awarded SMOM’s Cross of Merit decoration.

Moreover, Franz von Papen, a Knight Magistral Grand Cross of SMOM, was vital to Hitler’s assumption to power and was soon rewarded for his able assistance by being appointed Ambassador to Austria – an appointment not without considerable significance when it is recalled that Austria was Hitler’s own birthplace. With such high profile Nazi’s being honoured by, or elevated to membership of SMOM, both before and after WWII, it is not difficult to conclude that SMOM’s sense of justice and concern for the ills of the human condition – which it trumpets today as its principal raison d’etre - falls woefully short of accepted norms.

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This lays out the constitutional mandate for government at the federal level which is to defend and protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. You’re correct ( in my opinion) that some legislation is not in the interest of maintaining power in the hands of the people vs the government. The legislation you described 1946, 1978, 2001 and 2002 was all passed to remove that power a bit at a time and increase control of the citizens…part of a long term effort to ensure we no longer led the world. The US is the final goal due to the rights we still possess, mainly that of keeping weapons, and thus property. What we need to do as citizens is to reinstate our previous position and this will also meet the goal of government without corruption. This must be a public mandate to our representatives.

Great information in this series! Thank you!!

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