Feb 11Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Excellent description of all of the international and national groups who's stated goal is to ensure children are provided a safe environment to grow and thrive. Good intentions likely for many of those involved, but we have a lot of discussion over the years and again recently due to the invasion of illegal aliens at the border. What has happened to the 80 thousand missing children? This massive number of groups described.....yet, the revelations of child trafficking continue. We do know from multiple news stories recently covered individuals who are involved with child porn and/or trafficking. The Vatican for years routinely swept over the child abuse by more priests than one would expect. How many stories over the decades have we heard about the foster care system? We know that mission statements and goals can be written to appear legitimate. We know that child trafficking around the world is huge; both for slavery or sex. The organ harvesting has become a huge business, too. We have been hoodwinked about the stated goals when the truth of who takes these unaccompanied children. We have to ensure full vetting by all entities associated with caring for children. We are not up to the job at this point, and we cannot get there when we are overrun by children moved by the cartels into the US.

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The government has spent a lot of time and money to erect a thin veneer of “respectability” on their child trafficking to please the appetites of their tyrant masters.

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What about the people's rights of the United States? I am unsure why I got an email from "The 17th Special Operations Group" with a complicated detailed breakdown of our own government agencies, basically telling me how much we are doing for to protect the rights of the children of the world, and bringing them here, for us to support. So along with child trafficking, we are letting in people from all over the world, many who hate what the US stands who are gaming our system, while we here at home have NO rights or say in the matter, are losing our retirement, medical care, safety, freedom and security. How and why should I donate anything? Who are you and what do you stand for? Who are the 9 NGOs who are responsible for the invasion of America by peoples directed to come by the United Nations? What about the trail of local destruction of indigenous peoples and their environments left on the trail of travel of these the NGOs and their immigrants?

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