To all commenting and complaining…. I was expecting you…

“Now, let those who are inclined towards weak-mindedness and taking the easy way come forth and attack my ideas. I shall patiently await your arrival. Show yourselves, individuals who prefer the path of least resistance.”

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We need to come together, not attack. You know what you know and think you know, but there is more to it than that. There is always more to it. Nobody expects you or anyone else to have all the answers. No one person can do all the research. It is not possible. Act locally through our local government and ask questions that will get people learning the truth as best we can asses it and respond accordingly, because to fight each other or do nothing is an ugly alternative.

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Negative, its not just what we know, these are facts. No denying this. It becomes negligent at the point.


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Jun 5, 2023
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Please do, I'm very interested.

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No need to insult or deny your words. It’s free speech. Your intent is good, I look there. Simply put, no one knows for sure what, if anything, is going on behind the scenes. We all know our constitution has been trampled on, we all know our freedoms are at stake. But you can’t deny the timing of this exposure going on, a very complicated slow drip which has “staged” written all over it. Inactivity is a temporary condition as we try to orientate the battlefield. Imagine an army ready, trying to determine the actual enemy to avoid attacking those which may be on our side, we watch, we wait, we learn the battlefield. Who is the enemy? How do we strike, which direction? The wind changes daily, we wait. Meanwhile our army grows in numbers as more and more wake up and begin to question, we need those waking up, we need them intact free of panic, ready to join those prepared and focused.

We all want the same ending, we may take different paths, we are the same army.

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I only care about the constitution that my brothers died for!! The military is not the answer, WE THE PEOPLE ARE!! Its that simple ma am.

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Military is the only way. What we are dealing with globally is far more than people can take care of.

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Take about your front yard. That’s what matters. You want to send us overseas to die for what? There hasn’t been a bona fide war in the last 100 years or more. It’s kind of disgusting for you to say that globally. Honestly I’m sorry I don’t give a shit about what’s going on globally I care about what’s going on in my country.

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I didn’t send you anywhere you went there all on your own. You agreed to it. I don’t believe in all of these wars. The fact that you have 17 in your handle I assumed you followed Q. Apparently you don’t understand what is happening and by your arrogant attitude you really don’t want to hear someone’s opinion. I’m out of here.

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I agree. This is not a LOCAL Issue. This WAR is Global against an ancient Crime syndicate that's been operating like this for 2000 years. Go read up about the Khazarian Mafia from Ukraine. That is what we are fighting, not our local PUPPETS.

If we remove one? They just bring up an new one. It's going to take a massive Global CRASH of the Central Banks to stop these evil CRIME LORDS. They use them like metastasized Cancer Cells and plant them in every Country they take over.

I think our Country was created just for that! They have used America as their TOOL for Global DOMINION for our whole existence. We were created by the elite MAFIA, we were funded by them, we were given advanced Technology to create a Super Power they could use to take over the rest of the planet. They've used us well, they literally OWN it ALL and Control it all. This WAR we are in is Global. Not local.

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Defender I’m so glad to read your comments. You get it. You understand what is taking place behind the scenes.

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You’re also spot on with the Khazarian Mafia. Very interesting research. Keep up your great work.

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With all do respect to the authors here and what you are trying to convey maybe be a little more open in your thinking it’s obvious here you have some slight personal issues with Patel Patriot or DJ or you are just constitutionalists maybe libertarians either way, glory to both & this is your Stack. It’s just do not make the mistake of disrespecting some of your audience sirs, fact is you do not know who is reading this. Even your scope is limited. The military runs by compartmentalism. Bottom line [ . ] end of story. So like all of “us “ you don’t know. You like “them” are putting your best education and experienced & guidance to work for you. That’s Wonderful. Just maybe understand that no one will know until we are supposed to know. That’s how we know it’s working. That’s how we know without reservation it ain’t the “woke” bs corporate FaceTime tv generals.

The more you stick to one construct the more it seems it’s probably personal for you all. That’s sad because I did rather enjoy 17 SoG

I’ll leave with this:

(Axios 2017 statement from the White House)

“The White House is never going to say in advance" what the president is planning. "He's not trying to broadcast or telegraph his actions, [unlike prior presidents]," said Sanders. "If he feels that [military] action is necessary, he'll take it."

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I know how the military works. And our readers do not come into the comments and insult the writers like what has been tasking place for the last six months. Whatever the attitude and so the response. And I don't care whats compartmentalized. The constitution, Law and the UCMJ still applies.

You come in here and you insult me and my service to the country as a veteran a combat veteran at that. You call us librarians mean this is constant what you guys do. So every once in a while and for certain individuals like yourself, that’s fucking rude I have to defend myself because you guys are following ally and you guys are completely off base and then you’re telling us that we are like we don’t know what we’re talking about and you give me this White House “that doesn’t mean shit. Were used in laws were using policies guidance from actual government documents, so you do what you want we don’t need people like you as a subscriber. I don’t ever come in and insult people first, I respond to how they act towards us. You guys are the ones that are doing unconstitutional ideologies following people that frankly are breaking the law in some cases. And then you guys get angry gnashing your teeth because I’m saying get involved locally or I’m saying that the constitution matters that I’ve lost people and I’ve lost brothers over. So you do what you want in fact I would love to have you not come back? That would be awesome.

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Sounds real. I took some notes and will study further about the local thing. I took online course to be a poll watcher but was not selected. The Lord knows my heart.

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Jun 5, 2023
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No you totally missed the point. Trump praises the military and is very clear stating he’s not talking g about thr Woke TV Generals. We are under a COG right now. The military has been working with Trump since he was inaugurated in 2017.

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You’re under cog right now do you know how ignorant you sound? There is no under cog continuity of government is a product of continuity of operations. You guys don’t even know what you’re talking about. It’s insane.

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You are out of line. Bidens signature changed. He looks different. Too much weird stuff. Campaign promise to close gitmo. Bought his own ticket to a fake inauguration. Weather changed. Official military funeral service. There was a time when things got settled, maybe with a bloody nose, but they got settled now your the one calling names saying "insane". Reasoned debate is not insane. Why all this weird stuff? Can not explain it. I do not think the ccp recognize Biden or Loyd Austin, they sure blow them off.

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Yes thank you and appreciate so much hearing from like-minded souls. I have been awake a long time but am 76 now, ostracized by all former friends and family because I supported Trump--and still do. If I knew what to do/how to help I would. Please all of you younger souls know that there are many of us behind the scenes ready to participate when needed.

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You are not alone brother.

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Thank you for this commentary. i wholly agree. The constitution is the contract the government is held accountable to... Without the people holding them accountable to the constitution, the government is pushing to see what they can get away with... The constitution is not suspended. The people need to fight back in a controlled and local fashion first. Then work up the chain. The constitution is the contract. The government is the organization that needs to be held accountable for breach of contract. The constitution by itself is not the issue. It is the people fixing things from the ground up to make the constitution have its teeth. It may mean rebuilding the government, but the constitution as a contract, is not the problem. Learning to read it correctly and then applying it to the service organization that is party to the contract is what needs to be learned (since the schools have kept this from the public over the last couple generations). But, as you always try to convey, the people need to start local.

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I see you troll almost everyone on here.

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You talking to me?

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Awesome, exactly right!

Learn asmap, be ready, help others learn the truths, share and become an aid to those in need.

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We the people post one through four that’s all I’ve been writing about are some actionable solutions for people. It’s actionable. The problem is no one wants to action all these people commenting do you watch watch what they say this is the problem. We can’t act like this in the military, I have 150 combat missions. You just get it done man that’s all there is to it not talking to you I’m just saying in general you know what I’m saying.

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The Constitution was NOT applied in the Brunson case. The election results should have been investigated.

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Where you involved with that case? What about your own elections? I think your missing the point...

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I read the entire case did you? If you did you would know every American was involved in both Brunson cases. The law must work even when the application if it us distasteful to our trusted public servants. When the Supreme Court fails to stand up for what is right because it is too difficult, that is a fail.

I worked for decades at major banks and everyone agreed no one person new everything and had all the answers as everything was compartmentalized. You had to go to the specialist in each area of each department to get answers and sometimes answers were not 100% clear. When one talks about government the same scenario applies but is far more complex. No one person fully knows what is going on and any person pretending they do is naive or misleading.

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I am not trying to prove anything. I do not have to be right. I see what is going on and so much is so wrong. I am not getting paid. I search for info, data and truth. The more l learn, the less l know. Things are not even close to being right. Things have never been more wrong in the history of the world. Our constitution is the only thing standing in the way agendas that do not follow it. We need the rule of law correctly applied no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.

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Have you read the case? I have. This was my election. The rule of law was not followed. Without saying whether or not the election was tampered with is not what the case was about. It was failure to follow the law to investigate prior to certification to determine if there was a problem.

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Jun 5, 2023
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My brother…

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Agreed. Act locally.

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Pursue this endeavor with relentless determination! Dedicate yourself to studying it thoroughly, comprehending every facet and approach. Strive to hold individuals accountable, demand transparency, and fervently address concerns within your community. The battleground is not within the confines of the Supreme Court; it lies within the fabric of your own community. Allow me to elucidate: the case has ruled out Charlie, Mike, MoveOn. I emphasize this point because it is imperative to recognize that the military will not intervene. How can I be so certain? Simply put, none of my esteemed brothers would ever engage in combat against their own compatriots. Consequently, it bewilders me to witness individuals who have served perpetuating and supporting these theories. Such beliefs contradict the very essence of our oath. The confusion prevailing in this regard poses a genuine danger, and it is of utmost importance that it ceases. Criticize me as you please; I remain indifferent. In due time, everyone will come to the realization that the true battle unfolds in their own front yards.

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EXACTLY!!! What I've been saying since 2020 and WAY earlier than that...People that say the military is coming clearly dont know how it works. Thinking logically, not emotionally, I've been attacked to no end for telling folks the only thing the military is in control of is screwing things up!! IF the military was going to step in and save the day (which they arent) the plans to do so would have been exposed long ago. THINK! So much of the plans of the Elite have been exposed would it also stand to reason they could expose any plans "white hats" (another term I hate, having ACTUALLY been one back in the day, stands for Ethical Hacker) might have to step in and intercede? Im with you brother, people after all this time STILL believe the damn psyop, unbelievable! Hate on me too if you if it makes you warm and fuzzy, but sooner or later reality is going to have to kick in.

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Everyone American is involved and is being affected by the Brunson cases.

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It's not over. Brunson is a cocked pistol pointed at congress if they think they will dissolve or impeach the court.

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I agree in principle with this article, and most importantly I agree with your prescribed course of action: engage. What I think it misses, however, is the magnitude of corruption that is in evidence today: 1). I think the elections fraud evidence is more that isolated, and when we are not seeing options to redress grievances regarding our elections, the constitution is already in peril. Those (legal process) options may still be sound and in play, but it’s hard to see. 2). J6: An obvious example of corrupt judiciary. Non-violent offenders held for years without bail and without trial. I don’t see “innocent until proven guilty” guiding actions in those cases. 3) COVID mania. Glaring example of governments protecting big business interests at the expense of rights (and lives) of their citizens (lock downs, vaccines, etc.), cherry picking data that supports their illegal policies and ignoring data against.

4) (related to #1) Suppression/influence of news reporting that clearly bear on outcomes of elections by news outlets, social media, and government agencies (most obvious example being Hunter Biden).

I don’t think the COG issue is simple or straightforward, and I inherently distrust covert government operations. At the time of the 2020 election, I was so stunned that a bumbling fool in his basement could win a presidential election, I sincerely hoped that someone had gathered evidence to correct the obvious miscarriage of our election. It’s the most troubling thing I’ve witnessed in recent memory: the efficiency with which malign forces have engaged our electoral process, because it underpins all the other abuses we are witnessing. We have to win back the election process, and return it to a free, fair, and transparently verifiable process.

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I comprehend your perspective, and it is plausible that I may have not fully grasped your point, or perhaps my own articulation fell short. What I wish to convey is that by engaging in a more tactical approach, we can attain a deeper understanding of our system, enabling us to more effectively address the issues you raised. Although there may be some level of refinement in acknowledging these problems, they have not yet reached a state where precise actions can be implemented. My contention lies in the notion that we should strive to comprehend our system to a greater extent, enabling us to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

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You are right in being concerned about peoples attitude regarding our Constitution. It has been attacked and made to look like it’s full of holes. The Constitution is the greatest document ever created for a people to form a government. It has stood the test of time and will continue . Unity of the people standing for the constitution is the key. United we stand for what you ask? United in support of the constitution and the law. It’s what must unite us so help us God!

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What does the Durham Report tell us? I think Durham is the rational adult in the room. Tell me l am wrong.

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Convictions?? How many??

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Have you read the entire report? I have. It was not about getting convictions. It is a report of facts.

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Jun 5, 2023
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Hey Chris post your substack article one of these comments

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Also note what the Durham report does not tell us - by design. There is definitely timing involved here, can’t let too much out, all the pieces must come together at the right time.

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I am involved. I’m a poll worker, involved in removing LGBTQ, etc. from the children’s section of our public library, attend city council meetings and library board meetings, interacting personally and regularly with our mayor, and writing letters to the editor (which I have done for 20 years)…

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It is understandable that some think the constitution can be suspended in many different ways. We have just experienced this because of an respiratory infection. So it's not a big leap to expand into the "continuity of government" realm. With Gods help "We the People" will correct this unconstitutional evil.

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That’s not what continuity of operations are for sir it’s not to overthrow the government. It’s for national emergencies, catastrophic incidents it’s not to put the military in control that’s ludicrous.

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Not talking about overthrowing the government. The government has violated the constitution and the employees that did so should be held to account!

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I concur with your viewpoint, and I believe it is crucial to hold our representatives accountable. The method to achieve this lies in replacing our local-level representatives, as this resonates upward, creating a cascading effect. Local action indeed generates a national impact; this is an indisputable fact, one that I have extensively written about. The influence wielded at the local level can initiate multiple avenues of change that extend across various domains. Merely casting votes at the federal level limits our impact to a single realm, and even then, it remains relatively minor. Reversing the current situation will undoubtedly require time and concerted effort. However, if we continue to harbor the belief that the military will save us, how does that aid Trump? If individuals persist in the belief that he is still the president, without any concrete evidence, how does that advance the cause?

Furthermore, in your case, if you subscribe to these theories and believe that Trump is indeed the president, it becomes imperative to plan for the worst and address issues at the local level to effect change. Failing to prepare for the worst-case scenario leaves one vulnerable and ill-prepared. Therefore, I question the harm in my suggestion. Why have I been subjected to months of attacks for advocating local action? All I receive in response are complaints about everything being broken. However, I do not perceive it in the same light, nor did my brothers who made the ultimate sacrifice for the constitution. It reminds me of the parable of the talents, where each individual is entrusted with different abilities and responsibilities.

In all the writings I have composed under the theme of "We the People," there are actionable steps that individuals can take. The first and foremost is acquiring a comprehensive understanding of our system. My forthcoming article will delve into American elections, and I must admit, I am astonished by the widespread lack of knowledge regarding the plethora of actions one can undertake beyond voting in relation to elections. There exists a multitude of avenues for engagement, and I intend to highlight each and every one to the best of my abilities.

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Compare the current legal system which is the result of 200 years of legal precedent, with the Constitution itself and the Federalist Papers written as its guide, and there is little doubt that the Constitution is de facto, in suspension. It cannot be the basis for the rule of law if there is not fundamental agreement on its meaning. Some of the tortured Supreme Court interpretations of the interstate commerce clause are notable for their departure from original intent. It will take much more than voting to right this ship of state.

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Sure am liking the court reading in art2 agency's making up rules and enforcing said rules. (Sacket v EPA) getting better.

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Relax there buddy, I don’t you do something and read this and learn something,


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Do something you say?

Ok, we vote, but voting is rigged.

This is a war. War captains do not say do something. They give commands.

So... your bs about doing something is pointless. It has reached the point that those who swore to defend that piece f paper dropped the ball. You say nothing is happening, no cog, no devolution, nothing.... and we should do something.

I watched a video of alleged Ukraine nazis castration a Russian, actually removing all the genitals with box cutter. This horror was video uploaded to ruble.

I thought if I could only be at the right place at the right time with a hicap piece and i would ruin that squad. What do you expect us to do? We vote. The elections are rigged. Imo, just stfu about do something. I read about your history, training, experience... did your commanders tell you to do something?

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Yep, and I did. Thats how it works. And I have given plenty of things to do. And ill give more. But your emotions are the first thing I would put in check. It does you no good.

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Believing in a fairy tale does not make it TRUE. In 1775, Edmund Burke spoke to the British Parliament and he outlined how to FAKE a "free government" in the American colonies... which they did. Update to the present... all of the facts have been discovered. Go to these sources and stop upholding a FAKE document... it is merely an idea. Americans cannot save their nation until they correct their knowledge about its history. Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences,

24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)

9 years-(DOE/SRS) Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector


EXHIBIT: WAR CASTLES… SERGEANT Robert Horton, Trainer of Sp Ops - Full lecture about the Ancient Masonic Financial System

LINK: https://rumble.com/vwnouh-sgt-robert-horton-war-castles-born-of-the-water-banking-system.html

EXHIBIT: LAST-FLAG-STANDING, August 21, 2020, VIDEO: 1.34 hours - Disclosure about who owns the copyright and patent for the Title 4 1.9 American Flag. How the USA was rescued from the 1999 Third and Final Bankruptcy

LINK: https://youtu.be/fpFzt77huxc

EXHIBIT: The 1874 Federal Corporation run by COMMISSION

U.S. Code, Title 28, Section 3002 - Definitions (15): (15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United

On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of the Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons. 18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337


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This is whats wrong with our educational system. You..... You know DC is a federal district right??? And you the teacher?? Wow.

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Babylon will fall. The book says so.

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Jun 5, 2023
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God will bless America when we incorporate Him back into our country and when we repent as a nation.

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Babylon, the Harlot, is worldwide cabal. The wine she makes the whores drink is bribe money. The city's of the nation's fell as the book says... i think when whores power was divided into 3 parts.. you know what those are. Not yet Babylon has fell. But the big whore is beginning to teeter. Yes, God bless America and clean out the traitors.

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Jun 5, 2023
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We vote. Vote is rigged. We write legislators who blow it off. Most are on the take. Taking bribes. Federal level big shots don't have an oath of office filed. I have watched this zhitzhow since the 90s. When 45 came on and Q, I started connecting the dots. I knew the problem because William Cooper, William Guy Car, Eustace Mullins... told us. Ted Gunderson told us. I always knew demonstrating would not work. So I think I see something. I think I know something. It's just about 6 days since Adam. The orthodox says 6650 (?). But it is almost exactly 2 days since the cross...like Hosea 5,6 and the Samaritan story told us. The cabal must fall before the Kings return. I am not sure what my part is but when I know then you bet your ass I will do it.

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Can you tell me exactly where the problem is with your election specifically? Otherwise, what good is it to just assume? Find it!! Yeah, I know, Im a big asshole for saying this obvious statement you know deep down is right....

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True, the people must share info learned, not the false doctrines projected in all aspects of life, hence the vax

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Are you really this close-minded? I have a hard time believing that anyone could be so petty and jealous that they equate COG with destroying the Constitution. I’m really glad I stopped supporting you financially long ago.

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Theres the first weak minded... Nice try, you never supported us financially. We never took donations nor will we ever! Why would you lie? Provide a receipt!

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The rest of my comment is what really matters anyway. Grow up and stop trying to treat down those who work so hard to restore our Republic.

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Christian, Father, Husband, Patriot Neuroscientist in Houston, Really?? Mighty christian of you sir. Before you pull the sliver out of my eye.....

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Restoring our republic? How? By unconstitutional means?? Wow.... More brainless behavior.

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It appears that R.Chitwood is a troll.

[ds] has a farm on every site, paid by blk ops

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Hey, spread this around with you? This is fundamentals and local governments. There’s links in there everything that people need to know about their state, constitutions, statutes everything


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No worries, hes the first weak minded fool. They are the only ones who want an easy path and someone else to do the work for them. Right Randy Chitwood??

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I use my real name. Do you?

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Here why don’t you learn something make your time useful instead of being here complaining about having to do some work.


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I stand corrected. It was another grifter in your movement. My bad.

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Yeah, thought so. Nice try again. Please provide evidence of our grift? You know what it means right? Grifter - A con man. Someone who pulls confidence games.a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud


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Thats two lies Randy. Your a christian?

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You seem to be overlooking a major point: what happened from 8 Nov 2020 through 6 Jan 2021 was a massive coup against the Constitution. Have you not seen the solid evidence that the election machines decided the results, not the people? Election fraud is real, and has been going on for at least a decade in every county and contest that matters. (See https://fingerprintsoffraud.com/ for example).

When an election is stolen, the proper recourse is to throw the cheaters out of office and restore the true winners. The Constitutional process for doing so was short-circuited by a planned "emergency"on Jan 6th. Instead of hearing the case for resolving dual electors in several states by returning them to states to decide, Pelosi put in place emergency rules that bypassed the Constitution. and only allowed certification to be voted for, without a quorum present. Our government has been operating outside the Constitution ever since.

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I know the election fraud is real. Why hasn’t any court traded? Do you think all these judges are corrupt you don’t think it’s possible that perhaps somebody didn’t collect the evidence right? Don’t you think it’s smart if we how about we learn our system better we figure out how to collect evidence or Get online to these dozens and dozens of election integrity organization, so seeing as I’m researching elections, you have no idea how many things how much we can do aside from voting no no you want the military to come save you, right ?

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Some judges are corrupt (for example owned by the cartels in AZ), others have been threatened and are in fear for their or their loved ones lives. Recall when the Gov. of GA asked for a recount in 2020 his daughter's fiancee was killed by a powerful car bomb.

The action is for we the people to make elections unriggable. The machines have been thrown out of every country in Europe. We need to do the same, state by state and county by county. I don't expect the military or anyone else to save us.

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No you don’t get to do that I do know exactly the implications what you seem to not understand is when you suspend the constitution there’s no laws to hold them accountable why do you wanna send them to the gallows? Are you kidding me due process man I’m not giving that up. Criminals have rights dude I’m sorry but that’s our system, they should stand in trial they should be arrested and we should find evidence why hasn’t any evidence been shown? And how do we know there isn’t already? why don’t we focus on that that’s the real issue do you think it’s one party or another? It’s not but if you think Trump would’ve suspended the constitution you’re higher in the kite man because how is he supposed to defend himself now under what a suspended constitution are you kidding me?

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Nice try mean you can try and demonize me by it’s not true what I’m saying is if you subvert or suspend the constitution how are we going to hold them accountable? Against what tribunals? Are you kidding me right now if that gets cold it’s gonna be when the constitution is in play when it’s suspended, you guys don’t realize the implications of that. And I’m sorry, innocent until proven guilty. That is our system. They need to stand trial and they will get away with it. If we spend the constitution it’s insane I mean I don’t understand how your thought process is even makes no sense to me.

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I do not think COG and devolution are running roughshod over the Constitution. Rather, our country was infiltrated and became captured by an evil and corrupt system. The rule of law and the Constitution are obviously not being enforced at this point. The very institutions meant to curtail corruption, lawlessness and uphold the rights of citizens, as well as protect citizens are very much doing the opposite. The only remedy is devolution and reconstitution. That is, the military taking out the entrenched enemy, or deep state Communists. Looking at everything that is going on, do you really think justice will be served if we just keep on keeping on? No. It won’t be. Patriots known and unknown are working behind the scenes. The American patriots need to be responsible for their communities as General Flynn says- local action has national impact. So we all have a role to fight for America and thus the world. We are at war and President Trump is a President in exile.

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I'm sorry to say that it doesn't work that way unfortunately. Time will tell. And in the end, many will wish they focused on local governments a long time ago. Our series Reconstitution was what Trump did to the executive branch that steered the executive branch back towards its constitutional principals. Just because he said he was a wartime president, does not make him one. And Trump IS NOT responsible for our current situations and foreign policy. Furthermore, these theories, if true, will set a horrible precedence. And there is one organization that knows this, The Military...

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All 50 states are assembled and taking action https://states.americanstatenationals.org/

I'm not sure you completely understand the nature of the beast that has controlled Earth and is being dismantled across the globe. Civil activism and constitutional integrity will not suffice on any realistic timeline and the only way is for the military to hold the ruling families responsible for these global crimes against humanity.

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you think people are stupid don’t you? I hope everyone clicks on that fucking website that you posted. And they’re gonna see that each state has a message to somebody. No name no nothing no contact information. What kind of shit show where he running over there ? It’s probably that lady that’s on that website it’s probably you isn’t it? is that you, Anna? Lol. Are you just like trying to trick people thinking that you have all these people involved and you’re like I don’t even know what it is. But I already looked at your website it’s shallow. You got it you have to more work if you’re trying to con people. Unreal.

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That particular website appears to be associated with a single individual. Your attempt at deception is futile, my friend. If my assessment proves accurate, the consequences will be dire for you. Conversely, if you happen to be correct, you have nothing to lose. Allow me to elucidate why I believe in my correctness: I have served in NAVY special operations, retired from active duty, and have a brother who is currently serving. I have witnessed the sacrifices made by my comrades in defense of the constitution. I can confidently assert that every single one of us would refuse to turn against our own people. Regardless of the crimes committed, the constitution cannot be bypassed under any circumstances. Those responsible for wrongdoing must face trial, just like any other individual. Spare me the rhetoric. I must say, you pose a greater danger than the socialistic Democrats; at least they openly reveal their ideologies. You, on the other hand, masquerade as constitutionalists, but your true colors betray you. It is not a complex matter to discern. So, I suggest you disseminate your fallacious ideas elsewhere, for they hold no sway over those with steadfast patriotism. Your attempt to deceive with the use of a "punisher" emoji is unconvincing to anyone.

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