Your article was wonderful but it still doesn’t do a great job of taking the heat off Flynn. If he was pardoned from all future investigations then why is he still raising money for his defense fund?

Why didn’t he speak at the RNC?

Why isn’t he around Trump all the time?

What about his brother, Charles Flynn?

What about his mentorship under the satanist Aquino?

What about Racine Wisconsin, how does he know where the bodies are buried?

You’re literally asking people who have removed the wool from their eyes to put it back over them again.

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What an excellent description of the actual world of military and intelligence operations. I, too, had a TS/SCI until retirement and you’ve clearly stated where we civilians can be led astray! My background allows me to read between the lines to a certain extent and I am not a fan of the MSM talking points about really everything. I’ve come to the conclusions over the years that whenever the MSM attacks, the recipient is usually the opposite. My opinions have changed a lot over the past several years. 25 years serving the military from 35-60 gave me excellent training in security and the absolute need for secrecy in operations.

My question now is this. How many wars our people have fought and died in were righteous?

I pray a lot of civilians read this as it’s a good way for them to begin to understand why classification is needed. Of course, many (think HRC/Obama and many earlier) classified information that should have been shared….hiding treasonous behavior has been the consequence of the explosion in classified information in the name of ‘national security’!

God bless you for working diligently to educate us!🙏🙏

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That's a very good question. What war is ever righteous? Just as we're seeing now within our own community, probably in our physical communities as much as in this digital one. All these different intricacies dividing us because you literally said it. How many wars have we fought and died in were righteous? I would argue none. No war is truly righteous. I think this is centuries and centuries of people in certain positions creating these things. I only hope someday that we can learn to discern it and see things for what it really is. I'm working on a book on just that, understanding elements of power, domains of power, relationships of power, influence of power. If we can understand that, then we can at least try and tame it or keep it at a certain temperature, if you will.

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