I sure hope that Ingersoll Lockwood and some of its companies and technologies are working with Space Force and General Nakasone block the election cheating that is going on through the modems and other ways! Has anyone read Tore Maras (tore says show) long affidavit she has filed regarding election integrity? It's very detailed... But I don't know if any Secretary of State is doing anything about it! Especially in Texas!!!

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I'm so glad to see someone else interested in this. I've been following along and IL info hole for... maybe 4 years now? From hearing about the novels to the website and hyperlinks. And, yeah, I look forward to seeing where this goes. Any chance you've heard of Glamis? Just another hole I'd enjoy seeing other people's digs.

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Patriots, please consider this

the 4th amendment is routinely violated at every airport in this Republic, WHY?

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I’ve gotten to the point where I trust no one. Not any group, for sure. When the revolt happens,it will be, can only be,entirely organic. The feds will do something so egregious, and it won’t be able to be covered over by the media industrialcomplex, and there will be war. These damn freedom groups are all trying to find out just exactly who they need to fear. Patriot this, resist that,all covers for infiltrators.

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