This Mr. Nicke - in their "mission statement" he talks about 2030. That immediately made me think of Agenda 2030. And he says they want to spearhead a return to "regenerative farming". We know the global regime has a goal of actually ending farming, and stopping private farms and cattle production, as they tried in Denmark. So I am skeptical.

Regenerative farming is just another name for old school organic farming. Many small farmers in the US have adopted that. Why do we need a company like his to promote it? If they are against GMO seeds, and against chemical fertilizers and pesticides, good. Is their mission to put these global anti-human companies out of business?

Is he being used because of his expertise in "capturing public opinion", as he claims to do? And any association with Disney is also suspect. But I am open to the facts.

As for Juan O Savin, I have not bought into him the way many others have. Again, I'm open to the facts. I didn't know he had a Rumble channel, thanks for the link. It has 60K followers, wow.

I haven't finished the entire article yet, so forgive me if I am speaking out of turn.

Regardless, yes, NCSWIC.

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It is a possibility that regenerative agriculture requires more than what each small organic farmer can....? I compost and garden and it would take a LOT to regenerate soil to levels productive enough to grow enough to sustain a large population.

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Good point. My relatives are farmers - soybeans and corn, GMO of course, and not fit for human consumption, but that is Big Ag in all states. They have fewer than 1000 acres, but are married to the Big Ag type of farming, which depletes the soil, and is very expensive to maintain.

Personally, I believe in small family farms, that can be run by that family and maybe a few employees. This is where the term "diversity" actually means something - chickens, goats, an acre or two of many kinds of vegetable crops for human consumption. There are family run operations like this that do supply a large local population. This is better than the trend toward artificial soil-less grow houses, IMO.

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True!! We’re traveling and my son had to chase one of our chickens back to the pen as she gets free range time when we’re home. I’m a fan of small gardens and invested in a greenhouse this summer.🌶️🌶️

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Juan has said repeatedly he has no social media channels, yet...there's Juan O Savin Sitrep, Alitnvegas, Ballz, Saltyballz, and all these channels mirror Nino's Corner TV on most of David's content on Rumble. So maybe Juan isn't actually posting, but someone is, and I feel it is with his approval. Juan has been around for ages. I first stumbled across him listening to Field McConnell a few years ago. Juan clearly isn't who he portrays himself to be, but I think he is a mover and shaker behind the scenes, and I hope a good guy (white hat?).

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Thanks for that info. Yes, I have known about him for quite awhile. The guys at Spaceshot76, Redpill78, Roseanne Barr, and others have had him on their shows. What I liked about the vid that was linked to in this article is that it referred to the plan, and how JFK, Jr, may be part of it. It's a hope many have.

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If you ever listen to Kerry Cassidy, who has attended events with Juan, she believes Juan is JFK, Jr. I'm not a regular follower of hers, and I am skeptical of much of her content, but I check in on her Telegram channel from time to time just to see what she has to say. Spaceshot, Zak, and Roseanne are ones I keep up with. I'm open to believing JFK, Jr. didn't die, though not convinced, and if he is part of this plan, I can't wait for the big reveal.

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I have another question. If Juan is on top of it all, why did he allow himself to be connected to this? You did get that there was one guy who worked on the laws which describe us as terrorists and another guy who went to jail for a $210 million ponzi scheme, right?

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Good question. I wish I had answers. Do a search for Wayne Willott. His name comes up with Juan's. Disinfo or fact?

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I have a question. If Juan has no social media accounts, why does he create content for social media?

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Fast forward today, plug in Juan O Savin on Rumble search and 18 channels come up under his name. !!!

I check in on 3 or 4, just to see what's new, but suspect there are entities cashing in on his identity. I had no idea until just now that there were so many channels. But not surprised.

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Juan is highly sought after for his intel and historical knowledge. He also talks Bible history. Book of Esther, for example, and uses that story to apply to current events. For someone who doesn't allow photographs of himself to be taken at public events, he is otherwise quite comfortable in the limelight, so long as you keep the camera on his boots. By being a frequent guest on other podcasts, he isn't tied down to running a channel. He doesn't need to. He appears to be in great demand.

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You can tell it's a scam when the greatest form of carbon capture is free. Trees and ice capture Carbon Dioxide and give off oxygen in the case of trees. Crap, these people are the cleverest of morons and only morons are going to pay for carbon capture.

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True, but is enough to undo the damage done by the cabal? Don’t forget the years of toxic and deliberate chem trails.

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Thsnks this is something AMAZING POLLY would love. You are great! Keep it coming if you can!

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"Far right" LOL - I'll keep reading the content for now - but your bent it showing haha

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What is Project Looking Glass? Quantum time travel? What does Q stand for? How many people have Q clearance? Future proves past. Does that mean they went to the future and figured out what they need to fix?

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I have a bridge to sell you!

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So you don't have the answers to any of my questions?

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That's kind of an ambiguous statement.

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