Great post. PP's theory is the ultimate "gish-gallop". What a mess. Really hope our new friends in the 17th can get the community back on track.
If you don't mind my saying, it does sound like you are slightly close-minded about the potential role of Pence in The Great Awakening. If there was nothing that could be done after the casting o…
Great post. PP's theory is the ultimate "gish-gallop". What a mess. Really hope our new friends in the 17th can get the community back on track.
If you don't mind my saying, it does sound like you are slightly close-minded about the potential role of Pence in The Great Awakening. If there was nothing that could be done after the casting of votes in Dec 2020 (which I agree with) then do you have an issue with Pence certifying on Jan 6/7? Or is it other actions by Pence you take issue with (such as his recent endorsement in AZ)?
Thank you. As for Pence. There were a few serious problems in the Trump White House in 4 years. The railroading of General Flynn; the WH Staff testifying at Shampeachment when they were ordered by Trump not to; and putting Fauci front and center as the face of Covid. Mike Pence was at the center of all three. He single-handedly was the one at the center of getting Flynn ambushed by the FBI and then loudly complaining about Flynn's "trustworthiness" on TV. BTW. Pence's then COS was Josh Pitcock, who was married to a woman named Katherine Seaman. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Katherine Seaman was in fact the secretary to Peter Strozk, the very agent who ambushed Flynn and opened Crossfire Hurricane against Trump.
When Trump forbid WH staff to testify at Shampeachment, one lone employee did. A woman on Pence's staff - Jennifer Williams - who had just transferred from the State Department a mere three weeks before the "Ukraine Call". So Pence allowed her to defy Trump and testify. I'm sure just another coincidence.
The WH covid task force was run by Pence. That's why Fauci, Birx, and mostly Olivia Troye (from the background) were designing lockdowns, masking, and vax mandates, which we now know were totally useless. Troye actually has a photo of Fauci hanging on her wall. This was Pence and Marc Short, his most recent COS, pushing Fauci to celebrity status.
As for 1/6. Your comment mischaracterizes what Trump's lawyers actually requested of Pence. They never asked Pence to decertify anything. All Pence was asked to do was return to the dual sets of electors to the 6 states that sent them, and ask them to submit only one to Congress. That's all. Pence refused. Even though the PA Senate President Jake Corman wrote McConnell & Pence a letter asking for exactly that: the electors to be returned, because there was so much fraud in PA they had no confidence the electors were legitimately certified. Both Pence & McConnell refused the request. And we know why McConnell did - he despises Trump and WANTED him gone. We know now Pence indeed could do what Trump's lawyers requested because that "loophole" is now trying to be shut by the Senate via a new bill. The very thing they said wasn't possible is the one thing they are now trying to stop from being possible.
I think most of us agree Brian Kemp is the most corrupt GOP governor in the US, having helped escalate the Abrams-staged theft of GA on 11/3 and looked the other way when the fallout began. Pence openly endorsed Kemp, which told us all who he is. We know Trump was openly angry and bitter about having his presidency stolen so blatantly, railing about the theft every day - and rightly so. Here are some questions for you. Pence had his vice presidency stolen just as well - so why isn't he ANGRY about that? Why is Pence so casual about having his reelection as veep stolen out from under him? He has been curiously quiet about the whole thing. Which in my mind makes him just as complicit as the thieves. Why was it - in the immediate aftermath of 11/3 and right as the true steal began on 11/4 - did Mike Pence take his family on vacation to Colorado? Rather than be in the front line helping to save his own vice presidency, he thought it better to hit the slopes in Aspen?? Seriously?? And why is it Pence had AF2 at the ready on 1/6 to fly to Israel right after he certified the fraud? Once Trump & Pompeo found out they canceled the flight. You can add this too: Marc Short, Pence's Chief of Staff, was the one orchestrating the Pence moves, and like the compromised sock puppet Pence is, he allowed his puppet master "handler" to run him. Short was the very first WH staff person to start telling everybody in the WH on 11/4 that Trump needed to accept the "results" that he "lost". And if Trump is right - that the military was watching the results 11/3 and have conclusive proof of foreign interference - how was it Pence as sitting VP would not have been briefed on that? If Pence knew foreign nations committed acts of war on the US and he could have prevented it and didn't, how is that not treasonous? And FYI - on the afternoon of 1/6, Short was effectively locked out of the White House. He never returned to his WH office. Ask yourself why Trump would do that to his own veep's COS if Trump was on good terms with Pence.
So, yeah, Pence is a snake. I think Trump knew it. And he kept him on to keep his enemies closer than friends. But Pence should have been gutted after what he did to Flynn. That was enough to show the world who he was. The ONLY people who wanted Flynn out of any position of authority were the whole of the Obama administration. And Pence did their handiwork. Case closed.
What I'm still trying to figure out is why Chris Miller (who I like) was THANKING Pence (in a mask) for assisting in "most difficult military operation in history" on Dec. 23, 2020. SO WEIRD. I wish I knew how to play chess - it's SO much like what I observe when my husband plays (and talks about game moves). I also love Ezra (and keep looking for him to pop up!). I go back and re-read Q posts every day (multiple deltas where possible). Thanks, Nick. So appreciate your perspective.
Thank you kindly. My opinion on Miller is twofold. If you read this "devolution" it makes the presumption - or more accurately asks the reader to leap to the presumption - that after 11/3 Trump was itching to put Miller in at DoD. I argue that wasn't the "itch" Trump scratched. The real itch was to fire Mark Esper, which Trump did - and did so with immediacy. Once that happened the vacancy HAD to be filled. So Trump - having been burned by so many people he put into important positions - installed Miller. But what always intrigued me was not the Miller appointment as acting DoD. It was the Kash Patel installation as Miller COS. THAT was curious to me. Kash doesn't have a military background. He's a lawyer by trade, and his background is intelligence - not the military. If Trump might have had suspicions about Miller and his alliance to Pence, then sending Kash to the DoD as his COS makes perfect sense to me. There are few more loyal to Trump than Kash Patel. That's my theory.
As for the clip often played of Miller weeping. It was that very weeping that was so "off" about the whole clip. Let's timeline. Esper fired November 9. Miller named the next day or so. Clip of him sobbing is....December 18. OK. But still, weeping?? Why would you be crying if you were simply thanking what should have been a colleague, albeit a superior? It had this feeling like Miller was never going to see Pence again - that's what was so odd about it. Or worse, it's the kind of weeping you get when lovers break up. The whole thing was just odd, start to finish. But even keeping it germane, we don't know what military operations Miller was referring to in the clip. Again, the "devolution" crowd want you to leap to the conclusion it's all about Trump unleashing their theory. And in that setup, Pence would need to be the white hat they claim he is. Bottom line: we don't know the full context of that 12/18 clip. But it sure was a whole lotta strange.
"Whole lotta strange" is CORRECT...I watched that and had a whole lotta MORE questions...which maybe was the point? Plus, whenever I see masks on these critters, I always question who is behind the mask! There's a big Space Force flag center stage. I'll go back and watch again (for the 5th time). It was weird. Love Kash.
I would agree with this; however, one lingering question remains that’s hard to explain away. The infamous tweet from Scavino from Dec 2020 of a pic from the Oval with Trump and Co and Scavino writes (paraphrasing) one day, we will share the historical importance of what happened here. Can’t tell when pic was taken tho, but Several people in the Oval with Trump other than Scavino and Kushner, one clearly was Pence. Other than his kids, there’s no other person closer to Trump on this planet than Scavino, having been his right hand for over two decades. This is a tough one to rationalize
My understanding is that tweet was deleted by Scavino shortly after he posted it. Not 100% sure but I remember not seeing that again. And, do not presume that photo means what you think it does: Pence fully on board. How do we know that's not the day Trump secretly found out about Pence's duplicity? The Scavino message was deliberately cryptic. It's a risk to presume his message's meaning. It didn't take a genius to understand Pence and his staff were at the root of every Trump difficulty. To believe Trump failed to grasp that - especially after Flynn - is ridiculous.
Since I'm all on board with Q's operation, here's something to chew on: why is it Q never posted a single, glowing comment about Pence? Q told us to trust a lot of people. Pence was never among them. In fact, here's even more to chew on. Praying Medic's chat board on his site had an amazing post by a visitor back in May of 2021. A retired military man who worked in MI. He posed a theory that the Q operation was what he called an Operations Plan, or OPLAN. This man said he had been involved in aggregating OPLANS in his career. They lay out long term possibilities and operations for any mission. The plans can run for hundreds of pages - even a thousand or more - with hundreds and hundreds of footnotes, etc. The reason he believed the Q plan was a military OPLAN was the infamous RED LINE post, #4440.
He said such RED LINES appear in OPLANS all the time. They have a specific meaning, and his crucial point was this: each item in the same RED LINE is to be dealt with in the exact same way. No exceptions. Otherwise they would be in a separate RED LINE if they were to be treated differently. The specific RED LINE this man mentioned in the post was RED LINE 3: Movement by PELOSI or PENCE. When a name, place, or event is in all caps in a RED LINE, that gives the indication on the importance of the situation. Highest priority. What this retired guy theorized was stunning. He said the military - by capitalizing and linking both PELOSI and PENCE in the same RED LINE - that the military response to EACH of them would be the exact same. He went further. Given we know what PELOSI's leanings, objectives and plans are in regard to Trump, that the military is designating the exact same response to PENCE led him to believe Pence is in sync with PELOSI. They wouldn't be listed in the same RED LINE otherwise. And the fact she is listed first in the RED LINE is the signal that this isn't about order of succession. It's about something else.
Another name I'd like your input on is Cass Sunstein. I frequently observe who is NOT being discussed - and he is 'married' to Samantha Power....nuff said.
And I must say, after watching him on the World Stage (aka the Grand Chess Board) DJT is the Master of "keep your friends close...and your enemies closer"). Frequently the 'betrayals' morph into the most elegant, often ironic, ways!
THANK YOU....more to "chew on" and very interesting info on OPLANS. As I review Q posts, being non-military, I always take a step back multiple times. I tackle by reviewing exact dates with deltas (in the 'future proves past' guidance). I read that it was Roger Stone that set up the 'unforeseen layover' where supposedly DJT spent time with Pence, which led to Pence being chosen for VP. But know how DJT works, very little is left to 'chance' - another chess move? Game theory? "That the military response to EACH of them would be the exact same" is a fascinating sentence. I keep looking at both characters and their faces and bodies have seemingly changed. Weird.
That could well have been the day they found out about Pence's duplicity about 1/6, and his intention not to go through with the Trump lawyer's request. And for what it's worth, your opinion about RED LINES and their meaning is of no interest to me. The man who spelled it out actually was part of the military creating them. I'll take his word over yours.
Since the military follows strict orders, and OPLANS for for the eyes of those executing the plan, the idea there's "misdirection" is simply crazy. It's like saying they purposely deluding...themselves. Knowingly. OPLANS are not mass distributed for propaganda. They are orders to be carried out. Get a clue.
My theory is Miller was referring to one of two things
1-This, which was ordered by the FBI under the Trump umbrella. Did they tell Trump? doubtful. As it was to protect Pence and ensure no one stopped him from certifying.
Excellent reply. You said it all for me. Add to that Pence going to testify for the J6th committee. I mean...they have moved on to Plan D to raid and arrest Trump & that sleaze Pence goes to testify. Everyone forgets the secret GOP meetings. One of the last ones is where Pence said Trump is a Putin apologist and I am sure DeSantis clapped.
Some have the fantasy that AG Barr is a sting. Q said to trust all the wrong people, huh?
Great post. PP's theory is the ultimate "gish-gallop". What a mess. Really hope our new friends in the 17th can get the community back on track.
If you don't mind my saying, it does sound like you are slightly close-minded about the potential role of Pence in The Great Awakening. If there was nothing that could be done after the casting of votes in Dec 2020 (which I agree with) then do you have an issue with Pence certifying on Jan 6/7? Or is it other actions by Pence you take issue with (such as his recent endorsement in AZ)?
Thank you. As for Pence. There were a few serious problems in the Trump White House in 4 years. The railroading of General Flynn; the WH Staff testifying at Shampeachment when they were ordered by Trump not to; and putting Fauci front and center as the face of Covid. Mike Pence was at the center of all three. He single-handedly was the one at the center of getting Flynn ambushed by the FBI and then loudly complaining about Flynn's "trustworthiness" on TV. BTW. Pence's then COS was Josh Pitcock, who was married to a woman named Katherine Seaman. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Katherine Seaman was in fact the secretary to Peter Strozk, the very agent who ambushed Flynn and opened Crossfire Hurricane against Trump.
When Trump forbid WH staff to testify at Shampeachment, one lone employee did. A woman on Pence's staff - Jennifer Williams - who had just transferred from the State Department a mere three weeks before the "Ukraine Call". So Pence allowed her to defy Trump and testify. I'm sure just another coincidence.
The WH covid task force was run by Pence. That's why Fauci, Birx, and mostly Olivia Troye (from the background) were designing lockdowns, masking, and vax mandates, which we now know were totally useless. Troye actually has a photo of Fauci hanging on her wall. This was Pence and Marc Short, his most recent COS, pushing Fauci to celebrity status.
As for 1/6. Your comment mischaracterizes what Trump's lawyers actually requested of Pence. They never asked Pence to decertify anything. All Pence was asked to do was return to the dual sets of electors to the 6 states that sent them, and ask them to submit only one to Congress. That's all. Pence refused. Even though the PA Senate President Jake Corman wrote McConnell & Pence a letter asking for exactly that: the electors to be returned, because there was so much fraud in PA they had no confidence the electors were legitimately certified. Both Pence & McConnell refused the request. And we know why McConnell did - he despises Trump and WANTED him gone. We know now Pence indeed could do what Trump's lawyers requested because that "loophole" is now trying to be shut by the Senate via a new bill. The very thing they said wasn't possible is the one thing they are now trying to stop from being possible.
I think most of us agree Brian Kemp is the most corrupt GOP governor in the US, having helped escalate the Abrams-staged theft of GA on 11/3 and looked the other way when the fallout began. Pence openly endorsed Kemp, which told us all who he is. We know Trump was openly angry and bitter about having his presidency stolen so blatantly, railing about the theft every day - and rightly so. Here are some questions for you. Pence had his vice presidency stolen just as well - so why isn't he ANGRY about that? Why is Pence so casual about having his reelection as veep stolen out from under him? He has been curiously quiet about the whole thing. Which in my mind makes him just as complicit as the thieves. Why was it - in the immediate aftermath of 11/3 and right as the true steal began on 11/4 - did Mike Pence take his family on vacation to Colorado? Rather than be in the front line helping to save his own vice presidency, he thought it better to hit the slopes in Aspen?? Seriously?? And why is it Pence had AF2 at the ready on 1/6 to fly to Israel right after he certified the fraud? Once Trump & Pompeo found out they canceled the flight. You can add this too: Marc Short, Pence's Chief of Staff, was the one orchestrating the Pence moves, and like the compromised sock puppet Pence is, he allowed his puppet master "handler" to run him. Short was the very first WH staff person to start telling everybody in the WH on 11/4 that Trump needed to accept the "results" that he "lost". And if Trump is right - that the military was watching the results 11/3 and have conclusive proof of foreign interference - how was it Pence as sitting VP would not have been briefed on that? If Pence knew foreign nations committed acts of war on the US and he could have prevented it and didn't, how is that not treasonous? And FYI - on the afternoon of 1/6, Short was effectively locked out of the White House. He never returned to his WH office. Ask yourself why Trump would do that to his own veep's COS if Trump was on good terms with Pence.
So, yeah, Pence is a snake. I think Trump knew it. And he kept him on to keep his enemies closer than friends. But Pence should have been gutted after what he did to Flynn. That was enough to show the world who he was. The ONLY people who wanted Flynn out of any position of authority were the whole of the Obama administration. And Pence did their handiwork. Case closed.
What I'm still trying to figure out is why Chris Miller (who I like) was THANKING Pence (in a mask) for assisting in "most difficult military operation in history" on Dec. 23, 2020. SO WEIRD. I wish I knew how to play chess - it's SO much like what I observe when my husband plays (and talks about game moves). I also love Ezra (and keep looking for him to pop up!). I go back and re-read Q posts every day (multiple deltas where possible). Thanks, Nick. So appreciate your perspective.
Thank you kindly. My opinion on Miller is twofold. If you read this "devolution" it makes the presumption - or more accurately asks the reader to leap to the presumption - that after 11/3 Trump was itching to put Miller in at DoD. I argue that wasn't the "itch" Trump scratched. The real itch was to fire Mark Esper, which Trump did - and did so with immediacy. Once that happened the vacancy HAD to be filled. So Trump - having been burned by so many people he put into important positions - installed Miller. But what always intrigued me was not the Miller appointment as acting DoD. It was the Kash Patel installation as Miller COS. THAT was curious to me. Kash doesn't have a military background. He's a lawyer by trade, and his background is intelligence - not the military. If Trump might have had suspicions about Miller and his alliance to Pence, then sending Kash to the DoD as his COS makes perfect sense to me. There are few more loyal to Trump than Kash Patel. That's my theory.
As for the clip often played of Miller weeping. It was that very weeping that was so "off" about the whole clip. Let's timeline. Esper fired November 9. Miller named the next day or so. Clip of him sobbing is....December 18. OK. But still, weeping?? Why would you be crying if you were simply thanking what should have been a colleague, albeit a superior? It had this feeling like Miller was never going to see Pence again - that's what was so odd about it. Or worse, it's the kind of weeping you get when lovers break up. The whole thing was just odd, start to finish. But even keeping it germane, we don't know what military operations Miller was referring to in the clip. Again, the "devolution" crowd want you to leap to the conclusion it's all about Trump unleashing their theory. And in that setup, Pence would need to be the white hat they claim he is. Bottom line: we don't know the full context of that 12/18 clip. But it sure was a whole lotta strange.
"Whole lotta strange" is CORRECT...I watched that and had a whole lotta MORE questions...which maybe was the point? Plus, whenever I see masks on these critters, I always question who is behind the mask! There's a big Space Force flag center stage. I'll go back and watch again (for the 5th time). It was weird. Love Kash.
I would agree with this; however, one lingering question remains that’s hard to explain away. The infamous tweet from Scavino from Dec 2020 of a pic from the Oval with Trump and Co and Scavino writes (paraphrasing) one day, we will share the historical importance of what happened here. Can’t tell when pic was taken tho, but Several people in the Oval with Trump other than Scavino and Kushner, one clearly was Pence. Other than his kids, there’s no other person closer to Trump on this planet than Scavino, having been his right hand for over two decades. This is a tough one to rationalize
My understanding is that tweet was deleted by Scavino shortly after he posted it. Not 100% sure but I remember not seeing that again. And, do not presume that photo means what you think it does: Pence fully on board. How do we know that's not the day Trump secretly found out about Pence's duplicity? The Scavino message was deliberately cryptic. It's a risk to presume his message's meaning. It didn't take a genius to understand Pence and his staff were at the root of every Trump difficulty. To believe Trump failed to grasp that - especially after Flynn - is ridiculous.
Since I'm all on board with Q's operation, here's something to chew on: why is it Q never posted a single, glowing comment about Pence? Q told us to trust a lot of people. Pence was never among them. In fact, here's even more to chew on. Praying Medic's chat board on his site had an amazing post by a visitor back in May of 2021. A retired military man who worked in MI. He posed a theory that the Q operation was what he called an Operations Plan, or OPLAN. This man said he had been involved in aggregating OPLANS in his career. They lay out long term possibilities and operations for any mission. The plans can run for hundreds of pages - even a thousand or more - with hundreds and hundreds of footnotes, etc. The reason he believed the Q plan was a military OPLAN was the infamous RED LINE post, #4440.
He said such RED LINES appear in OPLANS all the time. They have a specific meaning, and his crucial point was this: each item in the same RED LINE is to be dealt with in the exact same way. No exceptions. Otherwise they would be in a separate RED LINE if they were to be treated differently. The specific RED LINE this man mentioned in the post was RED LINE 3: Movement by PELOSI or PENCE. When a name, place, or event is in all caps in a RED LINE, that gives the indication on the importance of the situation. Highest priority. What this retired guy theorized was stunning. He said the military - by capitalizing and linking both PELOSI and PENCE in the same RED LINE - that the military response to EACH of them would be the exact same. He went further. Given we know what PELOSI's leanings, objectives and plans are in regard to Trump, that the military is designating the exact same response to PENCE led him to believe Pence is in sync with PELOSI. They wouldn't be listed in the same RED LINE otherwise. And the fact she is listed first in the RED LINE is the signal that this isn't about order of succession. It's about something else.
Make of that what you will.
Reminds me of that atta boy elbow bump between Pelosi and Pence
Another name I'd like your input on is Cass Sunstein. I frequently observe who is NOT being discussed - and he is 'married' to Samantha Power....nuff said.
And I must say, after watching him on the World Stage (aka the Grand Chess Board) DJT is the Master of "keep your friends close...and your enemies closer"). Frequently the 'betrayals' morph into the most elegant, often ironic, ways!
THANK YOU....more to "chew on" and very interesting info on OPLANS. As I review Q posts, being non-military, I always take a step back multiple times. I tackle by reviewing exact dates with deltas (in the 'future proves past' guidance). I read that it was Roger Stone that set up the 'unforeseen layover' where supposedly DJT spent time with Pence, which led to Pence being chosen for VP. But know how DJT works, very little is left to 'chance' - another chess move? Game theory? "That the military response to EACH of them would be the exact same" is a fascinating sentence. I keep looking at both characters and their faces and bodies have seemingly changed. Weird.
That could well have been the day they found out about Pence's duplicity about 1/6, and his intention not to go through with the Trump lawyer's request. And for what it's worth, your opinion about RED LINES and their meaning is of no interest to me. The man who spelled it out actually was part of the military creating them. I'll take his word over yours.
Since the military follows strict orders, and OPLANS for for the eyes of those executing the plan, the idea there's "misdirection" is simply crazy. It's like saying they purposely deluding...themselves. Knowingly. OPLANS are not mass distributed for propaganda. They are orders to be carried out. Get a clue.
My theory is Miller was referring to one of two things
1-This, which was ordered by the FBI under the Trump umbrella. Did they tell Trump? doubtful. As it was to protect Pence and ensure no one stopped him from certifying.
2-and or Operation Warped Speed.
Excellent reply. You said it all for me. Add to that Pence going to testify for the J6th committee. I mean...they have moved on to Plan D to raid and arrest Trump & that sleaze Pence goes to testify. Everyone forgets the secret GOP meetings. One of the last ones is where Pence said Trump is a Putin apologist and I am sure DeSantis clapped.
Some have the fantasy that AG Barr is a sting. Q said to trust all the wrong people, huh?
Thank you for making that so clear