Thanks for saying what I have been unable to say with my little brain! I definitely agree with your comment. Having said that, some people are making a ton of money off the whole Devolution theory. Just sayin'
Thanks for saying what I have been unable to say with my little brain! I definitely agree with your comment. Having said that, some people are making a ton of money off the whole Devolution theory. Just sayin'
Thank you. And yes I'm sure patel patriot is doing all he can to cash in on his "theory". Which has over 20 installments, and growing. In all of his pieces, he never expressly says what this devolution is. He just keeps writing these tediously long screeds that ostensibly are supposed to "prove" his "devolution" is in effect. He never actually comes out and says Trump is allegedly still president. But what he does say is that Trump - because he "devolved" the government - can simply "return" as president any time he wants to. This alone is sheer lunacy. But let's grant the lunacy for a moment, and examine the ramifications of it....
If Trump is "still president" and can "return any time he wants to", then can you imagine what he'd have to face from even the most ardent supporters? They would legitimately push him to explain why it is almost 2 million illegals have flooded into the US since 1/21/21 - many of whom have raped and murdered Americans? You think THAT will go over well for Trump?? How would Trump explain that yes, he was OK with skyrocketing inflation destroying the value of our assets and making everything we buy ever more expensive? How would Trump be OK with shutting down all oil production to drive up gas costs? See the problem?? If this "patel patriot" says Trump can simply waltz back into the White House as pick up where he left, Trump then OWNS all of these disasters I just named. There is NO way to recover for Trump if he says "Yeah, I was just sitting on the sidelines waiting until it got so bad that you people started screaming for me to come back - so here I am!!". Because he'd never get out from under the fact he could have stopped all the suffering and didn't until he wanted to stop it. That's why it's sheer lunacy.
Bingo! Don't forget about the 13 soldiers who lost their lives when we pulled out of Afghanistan. I'm sure their families would be completely understanding their loved one was sacrificed for the good of our country to "wake" the "normies" up (but could have been saved by Trump). "But it had to be this way!" Geez, I want to f'in scream every time some "anon" posts that. There are people who have lost EVERYTHING because of what has transpired in the past 3 years! Oh and I love this one "We may never know the full truth because it is a psyop and those involved can never divulge the actual plan." Fortunately, I think many people feel the same way we do based on comments I am reading on social media. The truth is, many people just want something to cling to hoping that someone else is going to save the day. WTP got ourselves into this mess and we will need to get ourselves out by doing the hard work. What bothers me most about PP and some people who follow him, though, is they do not want critical thinking by anyone else (because they are the experts) or any discussion that something else could be in play.
Thank you, and yes on the last point you make, if I may add to it. It's not that they don't want critical thinking. They don't want dissenters from the theory. They are so enamored with what they devised that they have now essentially bubbled themselves from any pushback. Even pushback to answer the simplest questions. Such as...
I asked in the comments on Patel's substack why he believes Trump will "return before the midterms".? When I pointed out that he'd be an idiot to do such a thing, I was cannibalized by one of his mods. Imagine this nonsense that Trump would "return" before Nov 8th. I had to explain to patel that the House is still a Pelosi house. It would give you whiplash as to how fast she would cook up yet another impeachment and pass that. Only this time there are enough senators in the GOP that McConnell will force to walk the plank and vote to convict him, and that would be the end of Trump politically. He'd be unable to hold office again. But the patel crowd want none of that. They want their Naked Emperor Devolution to parade on, claiming it's fully dressed and ready to go.
PP also says things to the effect of "Trump needs to return before the midterms so that the 2022 elections will be secure" - As if Trump could issue an EO to demand voter ID, no mail in ballots, etc.
He seems unaware that Elections are organised at the state level per the constitution and any order from the president would be shut down by the SC (but obviously no POTUS would ever be dumb enough to attempt such a thing). Not to mention that various judges have already voted to block GOP attempts to ban mail in ballots as well as block redistricting maps. Total amateur hour.
I've concluded PP has almost no familiarity with the US Constitution. If you go through his series, all his "receipts" as he calls them are massive, wonky, policy manuals he interprets as "laws". He apparently doesn't grasp that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land". I don't know if he's ignoring it completely, or just believes what bureaucrats concoct in these manuals is what truly matters.
Add the horrid Afghanistan withdrawal, effectively giving the CCP trillions in rare minerals.
I mirror your thoughts. When I have asked those pushing PP. They always said enough have to SEE how bad Biden is. And only when enough are AWAKE then the storm arrives.
Give me a break. If you told some of the Q people that the storm would happen if they met IRL at a field with a huge hole & jumped in ,they would. That my friends is the CIA working OT.
Also the way they call people normies because they are not in the Q cult is strange. As well as ThanQ. And putting Q in a lot of their words like Q is their god.
Some have posted memes that they are on Noah's Ark and the "normies" are drowning and they are all laughing at them.
They are so bizarre they are
-FBI provocateurs
-they like the community they formed and feel special & enlightened & don't want the high to end because they were duped.
With Q plenty money was made with just feel special ringtone apps when there was a Q drop. With PP he keeps egging it on & looks like an FBI agent wearing khakis.
Thanks for saying what I have been unable to say with my little brain! I definitely agree with your comment. Having said that, some people are making a ton of money off the whole Devolution theory. Just sayin'
Thank you. And yes I'm sure patel patriot is doing all he can to cash in on his "theory". Which has over 20 installments, and growing. In all of his pieces, he never expressly says what this devolution is. He just keeps writing these tediously long screeds that ostensibly are supposed to "prove" his "devolution" is in effect. He never actually comes out and says Trump is allegedly still president. But what he does say is that Trump - because he "devolved" the government - can simply "return" as president any time he wants to. This alone is sheer lunacy. But let's grant the lunacy for a moment, and examine the ramifications of it....
If Trump is "still president" and can "return any time he wants to", then can you imagine what he'd have to face from even the most ardent supporters? They would legitimately push him to explain why it is almost 2 million illegals have flooded into the US since 1/21/21 - many of whom have raped and murdered Americans? You think THAT will go over well for Trump?? How would Trump explain that yes, he was OK with skyrocketing inflation destroying the value of our assets and making everything we buy ever more expensive? How would Trump be OK with shutting down all oil production to drive up gas costs? See the problem?? If this "patel patriot" says Trump can simply waltz back into the White House as pick up where he left, Trump then OWNS all of these disasters I just named. There is NO way to recover for Trump if he says "Yeah, I was just sitting on the sidelines waiting until it got so bad that you people started screaming for me to come back - so here I am!!". Because he'd never get out from under the fact he could have stopped all the suffering and didn't until he wanted to stop it. That's why it's sheer lunacy.
Bingo! Don't forget about the 13 soldiers who lost their lives when we pulled out of Afghanistan. I'm sure their families would be completely understanding their loved one was sacrificed for the good of our country to "wake" the "normies" up (but could have been saved by Trump). "But it had to be this way!" Geez, I want to f'in scream every time some "anon" posts that. There are people who have lost EVERYTHING because of what has transpired in the past 3 years! Oh and I love this one "We may never know the full truth because it is a psyop and those involved can never divulge the actual plan." Fortunately, I think many people feel the same way we do based on comments I am reading on social media. The truth is, many people just want something to cling to hoping that someone else is going to save the day. WTP got ourselves into this mess and we will need to get ourselves out by doing the hard work. What bothers me most about PP and some people who follow him, though, is they do not want critical thinking by anyone else (because they are the experts) or any discussion that something else could be in play.
Thank you, and yes on the last point you make, if I may add to it. It's not that they don't want critical thinking. They don't want dissenters from the theory. They are so enamored with what they devised that they have now essentially bubbled themselves from any pushback. Even pushback to answer the simplest questions. Such as...
I asked in the comments on Patel's substack why he believes Trump will "return before the midterms".? When I pointed out that he'd be an idiot to do such a thing, I was cannibalized by one of his mods. Imagine this nonsense that Trump would "return" before Nov 8th. I had to explain to patel that the House is still a Pelosi house. It would give you whiplash as to how fast she would cook up yet another impeachment and pass that. Only this time there are enough senators in the GOP that McConnell will force to walk the plank and vote to convict him, and that would be the end of Trump politically. He'd be unable to hold office again. But the patel crowd want none of that. They want their Naked Emperor Devolution to parade on, claiming it's fully dressed and ready to go.
PP also says things to the effect of "Trump needs to return before the midterms so that the 2022 elections will be secure" - As if Trump could issue an EO to demand voter ID, no mail in ballots, etc.
He seems unaware that Elections are organised at the state level per the constitution and any order from the president would be shut down by the SC (but obviously no POTUS would ever be dumb enough to attempt such a thing). Not to mention that various judges have already voted to block GOP attempts to ban mail in ballots as well as block redistricting maps. Total amateur hour.
I've concluded PP has almost no familiarity with the US Constitution. If you go through his series, all his "receipts" as he calls them are massive, wonky, policy manuals he interprets as "laws". He apparently doesn't grasp that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land". I don't know if he's ignoring it completely, or just believes what bureaucrats concoct in these manuals is what truly matters.
Add the horrid Afghanistan withdrawal, effectively giving the CCP trillions in rare minerals.
I mirror your thoughts. When I have asked those pushing PP. They always said enough have to SEE how bad Biden is. And only when enough are AWAKE then the storm arrives.
Give me a break. If you told some of the Q people that the storm would happen if they met IRL at a field with a huge hole & jumped in ,they would. That my friends is the CIA working OT.
Also the way they call people normies because they are not in the Q cult is strange. As well as ThanQ. And putting Q in a lot of their words like Q is their god.
Some have posted memes that they are on Noah's Ark and the "normies" are drowning and they are all laughing at them.
They are so bizarre they are
-FBI provocateurs
-they like the community they formed and feel special & enlightened & don't want the high to end because they were duped.
With Q plenty money was made with just feel special ringtone apps when there was a Q drop. With PP he keeps egging it on & looks like an FBI agent wearing khakis.