Dear Patriots,
Firstly, we would like to thank you all for the overwhelming support and kind remarks in the comments of our series. We truly appreciate your support and we are excited to publish more of our series soon. But first, we’d like to pause and explain a few things that will shed more insight about The 17th Special Operation Group, or 17SOG for short, and why we are presenting our research this way.
We also would like to remind you patriots to do your own research on the information we present. We are not afraid to be challenged in regards to this series. In fact, we truly believe the more you dig on our series, the more you will see the light and truth. The biggest mistake a patriot can make is to be lazy minded while looking through information. This is why we are in the position that we are regarding this great nation. DIG DIG DIG!!!!
Patriots, are we truth seekers? If so, what does that truly mean? Seeking truth sometimes means challenging our current narratives, theories and ideologies that are presented to us. In order to find truth, we need to challenge our own instincts and beliefs. Why? Because by challenging the reality around us, we find the truth. By challenging ourselves and others, we forge ourselves to learn more and grow.
But seeking truth first starts with ourselves. If you’re not willing to open your mind and go against what you think may be true, then truth is and will be impossible to find. How do we do this? We do this by listening to other possibilities. We do this by allowing others to speak their minds and present their ideas and opinions. This allows us to make our own decisions based on as much information possible.
Attacking others for having a different opinion is very shallow minded and extremely dangerous for our movement. The MAGA movement. That’s why we are all here after all. Free speech is the foundation of our country, the foundation of creativity and the key to maintaining our freedoms. To silence others because you don’t agree with them, or they don’t agree with you is the most damaging thing that our movement is currently experiencing. Remember Patriots, we are all Americans first, above political party, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
There are several reasons why we, the four of us, wanted to remain anonymous. The main reason lies in the true meaning of what an anon stands for. One that doesn’t want attention or needs recognition. Ones that seek truth, without retribution for finding it. Anonymous. We here at 17th SOG have many friends that we care about and respect that have very embedded theories. Theories that we once believed as fact as well. That, if we were to go against these theories, we would be banned and attacked. This is the reality that we are in unfortunately.
We would like to point out, that we are not afraid of these attacks. The fact of the matter is, all of the bickering is a huge distraction from what we are doing. So we will continue to remain anonymous. That way we can address questions and concerns as they come, without being distracted while we write this series. We also will not monetize this series. Any donations made will go directly towards our chosen veterans charity. Money divides truth when attached to certain narratives. We are open to criticism, and welcome the challenging of our findings.
The 17th SOG Reconstitution series was created by challenging both each other and current narratives within our communities. The four of us initially started as our own research group. We talked about many things, bouncing research and questions off of each other no matter how obscure, without fear of being ridiculed or ostracized. We want to share this with you Patriots. We want to show you all how important freedom of thought and freedom of expression really is.
All of us were willing to have our minds changed. Even though it challenged our own beliefs and ideas.
On July 2nd, one of us mentioned this:
Want to hear my theory? On everything?
Our government has been devolved for decades. Fractures upon fractures, etc. Trump knew this. And had to devolve his government the best. Which he did. That’s why I love President in Exile, AND Devolution. But to think that Trump was the first to devolve, is just crazy. That’s the issue with our government now. So many fractures and devolved entities. That’s why when Jovan was talking about groups cheating without the other groups knowing, kinda just proves the point.
From there, and after a few days of digging from the best researcher we have ever seen, a new piece of information was uncovered, a question was asked, and then fittingly as if a message from those great patriots who came before us, on July 4th Reconstitution was born.
“George Bush activated COG on 9/11 for the first time ever in our country.
It was never rescinded.
What if we’ve been under a constant state of a devolved government ever since, and that is why all of these scumbag Presidents have been able to infiltrate our country and burn it to the ground?
What if Trump didn’t ACTIVATE devolution… what if he took it away?”
Throughout our conversations one member was always drawn back to Game Theory, presenting different games that would explain the moves being made, other times, facts would be presented by each of us about the topics we were each most passionate about, and often met with the challenges a learning curve yields, we would forge on.
That is how we work. One member sparks a thought, and the other three members dig on it, either confirming or challenging the thought without any judgement of each other. Throughout our time together we’ve discussed, challenged each other and in some cases, we’ve argued. But it was through this very process that we have been able to find the truth. This to us is the very definition of, “Together we stand, divided we fall.”
The Best is Yet to Come……
17th Special Operations Group
P.S. We are planning on publishing The 4th Branch: Reconstitution Part 3 later this week. Typically, we like to publish one article on Saturday, one on Sunday, and one on Monday (3 round bursts).
I have kept an open mind regarding Patel Patriot and Devolution. After reading your 1st article yesterday, I jumped on Telegram and posted links to your article and Biernutz_71's article (which brought me here) in a chat group devoted to spitballing about Devolution. My comment was immediately deleted by the admins of that chat and then I was booted out of the group. Talk about being silenced! It made me feel like I did when I was silenced by Twit! So, while I was suspicious of your motives on dropping this series right after the Pit conference, I am now more suspicious of Devolution and why that chat group did not want any discussion what so ever on your series. I am anxiously awaiting your next post!
I'm following your series with eagerness, and hope. From what I've seen so far, I'm in, to the extent I'll keep reading until the 40K ft view starts to sharpen its focus. I think it's worth saying to all of you what many of us feel: despondent, because we know an election was stolen as plainly as it could have been; and powerless because there are no mechanisms to do such things as "decertify" the fraudulent result. Electoral votes cast cannot be "un-cast". Moreover, states do not have any process in place statutorily to do such "decertification". The "Finchem" bill to "decertify" is more worthy for what it doesn't say than what it does say. It cannot "award" byeden electors to Trump because that's tantamount to the legislature casting EC votes, which the US Constitution expressly forbids. The state legislatures are the sole means to name electors. But those electors must vote. With no statutes in place to buttress this "Finchem bill", a legal challenge will sink that in less than 5 minutes. It would be a bill that has no statutory process to support it, and it will fail to withstand any legal challenge. The stolen election not even a SCOTUS issue, because the US Constitution is clear: only state legislatures possess the power to determine the "time, place and manner" of elections. The SCOTUS therefore cannot compel the states to redo an election. So, for much the worse, byden is in fact president. Once the Electoral College cast its votes on 12/14/20 - that was it. Game over. That's why so many of us are in despair. Trump is not the US President. He has to win another election if he wants to be that again.
I'd read this patel patriot series on "devolution", and chucked it wholesale. Once I got to his 4th installment where he claims Trump "suspended the constitution" and "suspended the electoral vote count", I realized I was dealing with someone who didn't know what he was talking about, no matter how well intentioned. With the former, no president can "suspend the constitution", which is full on Martial Law - by definition. That means - literally - no Congress in session, and no federal courts in operation. And no governor or state legislature would have any authority either - they would be rendered powerless. THAT'S what Martial Law means. And no president can just dissolve the other two "separate but equal" branches of government. Indeed, the National Emergency Act of 1976 expressly states that only Congress can divest itself of its constitutional power. A president can request Martial Law, but Congress must approve it. We do not have Martial Law active today, nor anything close to it. As for the latter, there is no such unified event as "the electoral vote count" to suspend. The electoral votes are cast by the electors in each of their own home states. There is nothing for any president to "suspend". Since the process of presidential electors is totally removed from any influence by the Executive branch, there is no jurisdiction for any president to do anything in regard to the casting of votes by electors. Once they vote per the US Constitution - on the 1st Wednesday after the 2nd Monday in December - that's it. The end. No president can do such a thing as "suspend" what occurs in 50 separate states. And this too. Anyone like this patel patriot who wants to keep insisting that Mike Pence is a firmly committed MAGA supporter deeply allied to Trump is someone who can be dismissed out of hand. That alone tells me all I need to know about him.
So I hope the four of you have gone beyond what we already know we can have healthy skepticism about. Funny thing regarding Q: I've found one is either totally on board with the posts and the picture they paint; or one is a skeptic decrying all posts as a 4 year "psyop". I'm in the former group. Once all this is behind us, the Q movement will go down in history as the single greatest intelligence dissemination to the public that ever was. Rereading them even now, more and more is gained - which is exactly what we were told: future proves past. The "11/3 verifies as first marker" was not a Law of War manual subchapter. It' was as simple as those developing the Q "OPLAN" knew long beforehand: the 11/3 steal was going to happen. It was the enemy's only chance left. What wasn't - and couldn't have been known beforehand - was the sheer magnitude of the theft. So many votes for Trump on 11/3 that the pre-monthlong ballot stuffing from 2000 Mules wasn't enough. That's why the counting had to stop for 6 states, all of which then received their middle of the night ballot dumps. It was so egregious that no priming was needed to redpill. And also suggests that Trump likely got many more votes than the 74 million he's credited with, as of now. Q told us in one of the last sets of posts late in 2020: "Enemy Through The Front Door". That should have been the signal to us: Trump was going to "lose" and then "leave". But had that not happened, the awakening could not have swelled to what it is now.
I'll keep reading your series, in hopes you have uncovered a piece of Rosetta Stone that's real. I appreciate what you have written so far. Looking forward to the rest. Thank you for your work.