This will be a huge lesson in civics. Bare with us, we have a lot to share and we have the proof. But always research for yourselves! If you dig in our series, you’ll see the truth!!! That’s all we want!!

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Never would I have believed the American people would be brought down into this communist degenerate nightmare. God Speed Patriots! We have been fighting like hell out here and sure need all the help we can get. Education is the linchpin. The Department of Education must be dismantled to save our kids minds.

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My sentiments exactly! We need to educate people on how to run for office, how to uphold the constitution and have properly elected officials with limited power being held accountable to the people! Constitutional law must be taught everywhere. Patriots fell asleep at the wheel while they burned our houses to the ground.

I am so pumped after reading this!! Please keep up your excellent work at uncovering the truth. I will always continue to research and appreciate your efforts to keep the patriots informed! Respect +++!!

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I appreciate and thank you collectively for your work during this Great Awakening process.

It won't be easy, but few things of genuine value rarely are.



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Looking forward to reading more!

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I wrote a book free at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCzGbI8-LJGIhffft5SptEtD0P19D2q6/view (comments to blowt000366@gmail.com) which contends that reforms to our system are necessary to realize the intent of the Constitution (aka Liberty and "the idea of America"). In some cases specificity is needed in the Constitution. For example, we need to reconsider the vulnerabilities of representative government to coercion /capture. The Bill Of Rights has no entitlement of the People to Truth. Current technology enables controls over overreach by giving The People the ability to approve or disapprove legislation or to promptly recall legislators. Log-Rolling (we do this in your state if we do that in mine) is an abused practice that is better abandoned and power returned to the States. The practice of making government the arbiter of who gets whose wealth (socialism) is a criminal method in which government is employed as the actor -- that is, it criminalizes government -- and the results we have endured. The "civics lesson" is basically needed because ignorant citizens see their government's only value as an entity that can send them a check and to achieve this they need only vote for socialists. It will take a generation of teaching to achieve this lesson. Meanwhile the "adults in the room" shall have to assert themselves. In the first American Revolution only one third of the citizenry were patriots, starting "brushfires of freedom" and actively supporting Independence to stand up for their rights. During that revolution there was no "waiting for 80%" or calls to avoid civil war because they realized the British had already started a war of conquest to extract the wealth of America. Likewise America is already in a war in which the physical casualties are medical. If that war is won by patriots it will be because of the Oath sworn by those to defend the Constitution against all enemies, which is not an oath to uphold provisions so much as intent, and IMO oath-keepers understand this innately.

As part of a reform movement we shall need to reform education and there needs to be an overall plan to achieve this, and I think the phrase "huge lesson in civics" implies this.

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The bill of rights is a listing of sovereign powers retained by the individual to prevent misconstruction and abuse of governmental powers.

How do i know? Because it says so right in the preamble.

We have an adversarial system, and it's your individual job to keep the tresspasser from trespassing upon your domain.

~It is not the government's function to keep the citizen from falling into error. It is the citizens job to keep the Government from falling into error.~

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We will. In detail.

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Interesting read and I look forward to your future work. Definitely worth keeping an eye on. Sounds like this will be a nice compliment to @patelpatriots Devolution series which has covered many of these topics in specific detail and with sourced and verifiable facts & evidence. Great to see Patriots coming together and complimenting each other's work. #UnitedWeStand

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WHOA! I'm reading it again....and maybe AGAIN! This is incredible!

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And dropping as it has on the same day as The Pit, in the same week of the Raid.... we've

all wanted to know the truth. We've been starved for truth and dying of the thirst for justice.

You can feel the weight of what's coming. "Put on the armor of God" indeed.

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God is very real sir. I stood in the Presence of my Creator. My story is in this Johns Hopkins University article. I'm a retired Navy Chief and I was a P3 Orion instructor flight engineer for over 20 years with a minimum of secret clearance and held a TS/SCI clearance too for a while. My story along with 17 others is included in this Johns Hopkins article called "Healthcare After a Near Death Experience": https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/ The evil that has enveloped the world has no chance of winning against the Light of God.

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Thank you for your service and testimony sir! o7

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Wow... That is brilliant. I just got a history lesson of epic proportion. However.. The last line has me scratching my head. The best is yet to come but not in the way many think. Can you elaborate?

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TO: 17th Special Operation Group. I love the name. Thank you Biernutz so much for your further work. You've used your summer holiday well, and this serves your country tremendously. It takes the mystery out of the equation, and thus much more believable. We have been blessed with DJT, the appointed president by God especially for a time like this. What a gift he is to your country. I wish I could say "my country". We live under Trude.au! But, also in the hope to be swept up by the USA's future. How wise the Constitution was set up to cover the wealth of opportunities for abuse, and so far in advance. Truly visionary, God-Inspired and beyond understanding for all of what laid ahead in the times to come. You did a fantastic job to lay all this out so clearly for the people. I pray that even Patel Patriot will come on board. He himself did a tremendous job, and I believe him to be an honest and passionate Patriot. True blooded and I respect him. However, just as always, truth becomes mingled with falsehoods. My mother used to say: in a true Church, satan soon builds a chapel for influence, and he soon moves the fleshly people upwards in line with their unconfessed ambitions for power. Have you ever read the Prophecies of Mark Taylor. He was one of the first "prophets" (he did not call himself this, as he was a humble man, a fire fighter, who truly received these from the Lord (I believe) whilst on a sick bed . The words and the style of writing (the poetic style of rhyme and repeat, rhyme and rhythm resemble the Psalms. I can recommend you reading them, as much has already come to pass. I could not find the original ones on line any longer, but I can send you a copy if you want. The book "The Trump Prophecies" tells the story, but it has somehow lost its originality and power. So, I had only the prophecies printed, to let it fully weigh on the mind. Mark was used by every Christian outlet for an interview etc... during 2016/17 and so became so-called "famous". Other people got involved and took over. He himself was a simple man, plain spoken and without pretence. All this publicity he endured but was not him. Right now I don't ever hear of him anymore. Other (prophets etc..) have taken over. Many of them have a daily report from God about this or that coming event which I find hard to believe. So I've let the prophets be, but I never forgot about Mark Taylor's prophecies. They are truly remarkable. I recommend them. I think the same could happen to Patel: others jumping on the bandwagon. He gave America a tremendous gift and so did you!. God bless the 17th Special Operations Group. I'll pray for you all.

Also, I am grateful that I can talk to a person of influence like you, and share my heart. I am impressed with the work you have produced. I am on board. Thank God for the Grace that is coming through this small group of Americans, and DJT having been picked for this tremendous assignment, and only God knew his heart and how he could endure all the arrows thrown at him. God equipped him with all the needed qualities and endurance. God also knew that there was not anything "hidden in his closet"that would disqualify him quickly. Remarkable! There are very few people who could qualify.

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Johanna. That was beautifully stated. I too have seen the path that We the People have to tread. It will be easily crossed with our hearts in God. There will be difficulties as always pop up in this material world but God, the Creator of this world, will always keep us safe. I am Hindu and to us the Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God, is a very important book. One of the important slokas, verse, says this: “Surrender unto Me and I will protect you from all harm. Do not fear for I am the Lord!” To me that has always been my linchpin for my life. The surrendering and letting go is the most difficult part for us humans. It can be done and by placing our sraddha, faith, in God and surrendering to Him we can easily traverse the path laid out ahead of us. God bless(es) America!

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Excellent. Thank you for explaining this is plain English — I thought I knew something, and instead, I learned something. Will follow and share series.

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Excellent article. Looking forward to your future writings

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Proper usage of "to bear" as in "to carry." "To bare" means to uncover. You bear arms. So "bear with us" is correct.

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Great work and timely debut, people! Thanks. I am looking forward to more. Meantime, I don't know who y'all are, but you could use a copy editor. rad4liberty@protonmail.com if I can help. This (tenet -- not tenant) is one example of my work.

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Excellent Read!!!! I cannot wait to read more support to this theory. If indeed true, it takes the ability of the excutive branch to be the sole ruler of the country, and allow congress to stop being rubber stamdps, and the courts to be patsies to further legislate. We need equal power and checks and balances. What we appear to have is a kingdom and its supporting structures.

This must be the beginning after 9/11 to start changing America into the New World order

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Wow. Very informative and eye opening. My prayer is that more and more people are open to looking at different points of view about what is happening. Dealing with facts over theory is where I want to be. Thank you for digging into this - as we all do. God bless you and the others who are researching this.

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I kept trying to tell Patel Patriot that we've been in continuity of govmnt since 9/11, and something is missing, but he never responded. Thanks for the insight, it's nice to know I was being pulled in a direction to know more. Not quite certain how I found this...thanks again.

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Facts not conjecture, response, not reaction.

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Excellent! For too long, we have allowed our society to be taken over by delusional, ungodly, unrepentant, liars. Christians must rise up and take our country back to God's Way. Unrelenting truth! Facts, acknowledging reality and applying Christian Common Sense will restore/heal our nation back to it's blessed foundations.

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I just want to know if all the theories that we've bought into were an honest attempt to get to the truth and not some bs that wasn't even believed by those that perpetuated it all along. Does this reconstitution theory line up with all the comms from DJT and the small circle of others around him? Were they just throwing stuff out to us to keep us placated? What EXACTLY is it about devolution that is fatally flawed?

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Devolution posits the idea that Trump devolved the govt before he left with EO13961. That is wrong. Devolution also ignores the fact that COG has been in effect since 2001. Trump is not going to further fracture govt using Devolution if we are already in COG.

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