Had to be done this way…

We the People are a major part of all this. In fact, we are the part!

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I see the effect that President Trump's work has electrified the People. Now there is the pushback against the regulatory state. We see our People fighting back with the Constitution against the Deep entrenched powers of the State. Putting to task everything they do to advance their agenda and thwarting by resisting. They thought they were the resistance. Untrue. We the People are the Resistance. Thank you for your continuing service on our behalf. WWG1WGA. Now we know the meaning

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Aug 30, 2022Edited
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“It had to be this way.” Encompasses many variables one being Trump’s consideration of moves & countermoves. Logic. It’s necessary. If, then, else . . . He never, I mean never, wants anyone to get hurt. Yes there are casualties in war. All kinds. But, he doesn’t want any. Ever. In order to achieve this goal, one must think six or seven moves in advance like any great chess player. Not only is he doing that, he’s also playing beyond 3D chess. The complexities are vast. They’re far reaching and unfathomable to most humans.

So is he playing God? No. But he’s definitely got God’s Grace & Guidance. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Him . . . And Trump.

Keep the Faith.

Stay Strong.

God wins.

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Aug 31, 2022Edited
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Who are you referring to as dying? How many people do you know that has died for this country? I have known many. So what are you saying, give up? What are you even saying? Give some substance instead of crying about people dying that you don’t know. How about honoring them with pride for your country? How about that? Hopium? What are you even saying here? Get in the fight or step aside. It’s that simple. Stop acting like the a nothing has been done or is being done. Stop acting like you know everything as you accuse others of doing. Fight or move. It’s that simple.

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Aug 31, 2022Edited
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Do you know they played “Hail to The Chief” for Trump & then they played “The Funeral Procession” one for Biden on January 20th, 2021? Did you see the Military wearing improper uniforms & badges that day? Did you see the Military line the streets of Biden’s procession with their backs turned and zero salutes?

No. Probably not.

Then no. I really don’t think you know anything about what’s going on.

There’s no hopium in facts. And that’s only a FEW of what I have seen.

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Tears of pain, sorrow and joy fill my eyes. My heart is heavy knowing how President Trump has fought so bravely for us and for Our Great Country ~ These United States of America . . . The abuse he’s tolerated is mind boggling.

I still feel like all Biden has done & continues to do is completely without lawful means & all actions taken are null & void. He could undo all of 45’s EOs and it would be meaningless. He’s not our president nor has he ever been. It’s all for show to keep all our citizens safe. There’d be a civil war if folks woke up to the Truth.

If you go back & study all videos of January 20th, 2021, you’ll see things that aren’t right. It started at 11:47 or close to it. It’s, by law, supposed to start at NOON sharp. All the military Uniforms were wrong. Biden got the funeral procession played for his procession. His 3 cannon volley/gun salute was wrong, it was for a funeral when he went to The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Trump was played “Hail to the Chief” at Joint Base Andrews. He left after his speech WITH the “Football” to return to the Winter White House Mar-A-Lago !!!

My intuition has never been wrong. Just sayin.

I know there’s more for me to learn from you all. I’m all in. This series has really pulled on my heartstrings.

Thank you 🙏🏼

Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Rest Well.


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I agree 100 %!!

Also All the bus' in DC the NIGHT BEFORE going in empty coming out FULL, I stayed up all night watching Mustang Medic Livestream it!!! AND THEN people WALKING in by the 1000's to be what? the new SES???


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Thank you for bringing this up!! I watched it, too!!! It it was wild!!! The swearing in of the National Guardsmen as US Marshals. They treated The Guard like dirt making them sleep in the parking lot garages. Trump let’s them into his hotel. Richard Citizen Journalist brings them food and games . . . I saw Pelosi escorted by two Marshals in the Capitol building. I saw people going onto the Capitol building premises after dark carrying backpacks and not one was being searched or ID checked!! Wait. What? Mind boggling. 😳🙄

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The military -- Trump's military -- knew Biden was not the legitimate President, and acted accordingly. They disrespect him as President and a man - for we all know what he is. On January 20, they expressed what all Patriots felt: contempt for an usurper, the figurehead of a coup. Now the world knows it, too. WWG1WGA

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Suzanne, start talking to the people who volunteer at the rallies. It is shocking what comes to town with President Trump. They see it with their own eyes. Start asking around.

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Tell us! What comes to town with our President? Incredible SECURITY I am sure. Otherwise he'd be dead already. What else? I can't go to a rally,...there are none up here in the boondocks and with a wheel chair it's hard to go far from home,....tell me what you've heard and seen. Share it with the rest of us!

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I would love to. Unfortunately, I live in Washington State. The optics say we are a blue state . . . And it’s ugly here. Trump has been to Lynden and I think Spokane where it is definitely more red. I live in Olympia. I know my Mom said take the word hate out of your vocabulary, but in this case, I can’t . . . Because what was once a beautiful clean State is now full of filth and homelessness. I hate it here for that reason. “The same brain that created the problem cannot fix the problem.” ~ Albert Einstein

We must fix it ourselves. And we are doing it now ~ Slowly. Using our system is difficult at best. All of it is tainted with corruption. These people are evil.

Stay Safe. Stay Strong.

God Wins.



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I used to love Pike Place Market! I visit once in a while and it was so beautiful there. It's just not the same.

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Olympia used to be the most beautiful city. Clean. Green. Gorgeous. Seattle too, I lived there for 15 years. Migrated south to Lakewood for 7. Now here since ‘96. It is so sad to see the degradation of morality and the commitment to compassion dwindle into nothingness.

We were once a very Conservative State . . . With huge reserves. Now the left has ruined it. We’re being taxed to death on everything except food. Big whoop!

We’ll get it back. We are removing them one by one. The Cabal is broke globally. They are desperate for funds.

If we all had the wherewithal to dump our electronics in the sewer where they belong, they’d all crash & burn in 3 days. Dare we? I’m willing. We all need to end their reign of terror.

Let’s Do This !!!

Suzie 🙏🏼

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If all the Patriots stopped paying taxes, the whole DEBT SCAM of the WEF would collapse. But they made is hard,.....it's all taken a little bit at a time so we don't realize that we are giving 50% of what we earn to the DEEP STATE. That's a pretty good MILK COW.

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Wow, sounds like you have been listening (watching) Derek Johnson but, I don't think his big youtube came out yet when you posted this. Still in all great post!!

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Why do you say? I don't know who that is...

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Are there any videos out there to rewatch? Please share if you have sny links.

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Sorry, I found one on Youtube!

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Aug 29, 2022
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Yes. I do recall all the oddities of the time . . . And throughout the last couple years. Nothing is as it seems especially to those who are still fast asleep . . . I love following @PapiTrumpo on Twitter. I think we’re getting closer to #DJTDay !!


Stay Safe. Stay Strong.


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Up until 2016, I thought our great country was lost forever to corruption and...to the deep state. When Donald Trump said he would drain the swamp, I absolutely believed him, although I couldn't imagine how. What a truly magnificent, miraculous, and powerful thing our Constitution is! It is awe-inspiring, and I am grateful for y'all helping me understand more about the chess game that is being brilliantly played in real time, with our Constitution as the most important player in the game. Our Founding Fathers would be so very proud.

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Some say we are watching a movie to me it’s like watching people put together a puzzle. So many pieces are still missing yet I see a picture taking shape. The picture that we all are hoping and praying we see is America great again the way the founding fathers intended it. Everyone doing their part to keep it this time!

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That's a beautiful MAGA picture you paint! I pray that your vision becomes big enough that you can paint an even bigger and better picture where all nations can be made great. The borders of America only contain about 5% of the Earth's people. The other 95% must also be included in the big picture.

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True not all the pieces are in the picture yet. But once America is righted freedom then spreads to the rest of the world. It’s a good thing people with a bigger vision have been in charge of the process. I know God wants all people to know true freedom so it shall be. Thank you for reminding me of the larger world. We tend to get focused on what is happening right in front of us.

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Ruth Stallings said: But once America is righted freedom then spreads to the rest of the world.

How does that work exactly? That statement makes it sound like there's no freedom to be had unless it somehow comes from America. What is the requirement that says freedom must be meted out in such an American centric fashion? Who made America the central source of freedom?

Has God not created all men to be equal and free? Can Columbians, Venezuelans, Iranians, Canadians, Russians, Australians etc. be free without having to somehow get it or wait for it to come from America?

Perhaps I'm reading your statement the wrong way. Did you mean that America's current problems are preventing the rest of the world to be free?

Or maybe we just have vastly different definitions for the word freedom??? (-:

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Trump made it cool again to fight for the Sovereignty of a Nation. Look at what Putin is doing for his country…he has gotten rid of the Central Bank and has kicked the DeepState Global mafia out. Brazil is doing the same. There are others too…Saudi Arabia…

The corrupt MSM never reports what is really happening, and that is that the Luciferian NWO is crumbling

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We can't save any one, here is where the DEEP STATE Originates from. This is the DEEP STATE/Shadow Government's totally controlled Country. They use our Military and our TAXES to do their dirty work. They control most of the people, the media, the justice system, the police, the hospitals, doctors, military,....everything. We are in no position to help anyone else. We can't even help ourselves! The insanity is just beginning. The Election is just a distraction from the Real Crises that are coming!

Doctors that aren't brainwashed are saying that these shots will cause a massive Die Off this winter when people with destroyed immune systems from the shots start to catch winter colds and flu. They are saying that most of the people vaxed with 3 or 4 shots will be dead in 5 years. (The WEF is getting their depopulation event even without WW3!)

What is going to happen when there aren't enough people left to power the Nuclear plants? The water purification plants? The food processing plants? When hospitals are so understaffed because doctors and nurses, who were forced to vax first, are dead from the shots,.....?

Already, business can't find people to work for them,....and it's not because Biden is paying people to stay home any more.....now there just aren't enough people who are able to work. So many life changing Vax injuries are raising the number of people who need permanent care just to stay alive! How does any one see us being ok during this coming crisis?

Then, on top of this medical suicide crisis,....we are in a Global Cooling Solar Cycle and the Mother WEF'fers (as Clif High calls them) running the Planet are still pushing MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING ON EVERY ONE! Wind mills and solar panels???????? ARE THEY KIDDING? There must be people out there who realize that we must get ready for Crop Failures and more Droughts and more earth quakes and more volcanic eruptions, but no one can hear them! They are all being censored by the Al Gore Deep State Climate scam people.

My fellow Patriots,...we need to get ready,....we need to build the infrastructure to grow food in huge warehouses,....we need more energy production (instead of LESS)! We will have to use Artificial Lighting and Heat to grow food. The Summers will be too short for the Crops to mature. We need more nuclear Power Plants, we need to update the ones we have, we need to store OIL/GAS/COAL and everything else. Wheat, Corn, Rice,.....food for our Live stock animals. The Climate is going to become very erratic,...if you don't believe me, read this and then go look at these other sites. This is the real thing, not a scam,...both NOAA and NASA were warning us about this back in 2010. But the Man Made Climate SCAM people told them to shut up! Here, some links to help people see what may be instore for us in the next 30 years. There has been NO WARMING SINCE 2000. This is a much bigger crisis than Politics, or the VAX DEATHS. And it is WORLD WIDE!

Places like the EU are going to have problems already because of The Shadow Government's destruction of Europe's energy supply is forcing them to sacrifice their Fuel Supply to sanction Russia, right at the moment when the Climate in Europe is going to get much colder. This is planned! No Accident. The WEF'fers know damn well what is coming and they are using it to forward their DEPOPULATION agenda!

While we have been distracted by the take over of our Country, The DEEP STATE ELITE have built MASSIVE Bunkers below ground to hide from this big change in Climate,....they will not feel a thing! They have all the FUEL and FOOD they will ever need stored away in massive store houses below ground. They will sit tight and watch as MILLIONS Die because they have made sure that no Country is ready to deal with the weather changes that are coming. Maybe Russia is getting ready,....and for a while I thought England was,.....but not any more.

Go research the Maunder Minimum. See what happened and how many died. Politics aside,....we need to get our Country back and get ready for this. We do not have that much time left!!! It may be time for the White Hats to take it back before it's too late to get prepare for a very cold, dark future! https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/dark_cold_years_are_coming_so_youd_better_get_ready.html https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/the_coming_modern_grand_solar_minimum.html


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Thank God in Heaven Moses and David did not push fear like this.

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You make some valid points here - like the great die-off (as Clif put it) from the bioweapon jabs and the coming mini ice age…

But the global cabal, the evil powers that be have been working against humanity for longer than our country has been here.

There was a great article on the history of the Luciferian disciples called the Khazarian Mafia on veteranstoday.com

For some reason I can’t post the link but search for James Preston’s article on veteranstoday

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Let me ask you this...Is Canada free right now? Is South Africa free? Is Iraq free? Is Palestine free? I could keep going but I think you get the point. The Army that has the power to help the world stay that way should not go down. Now there may have been a lot of corrupt gangster running this country as there have been in all of the others. But we bear some responsibility to help our brothers. To whom much is given, much is expected. And I agree, our current disgusting behavior is slowing a lot down. 'Meted out'? No. But if we don't stay on our feet, we won't be a help to anyone.

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EXCELLENT you understand! Not everyone is as level headed as you are. The entire planet has been a victim of this Global Crime Syndicate. Keep up the good work.

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“The Army that has the power to help the world” is only as helpful as the Commander in Chief. Too many past Presidents (both Bushes, Clinton, Obama) used our Military (by lying to the American people) to foster the chaos and destruction of conflict especially in the Middle East.

Are we the savior of the world? Or is what will truly help the world Nations taking back their Sovereignty from the global elite cabal which has infiltrated so many countries…our Country, Canada, many in the Middle East. This war is global and to overcome the enemy, to win, will take more than our Country and our Military

(I corrected an error in my above post: I had written Syria when I meant Saudi Arabia)

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Agree... and bravo to you for bringing this up as it is more important than most realize, IMHO, there is a world wide movement taking place. We may not all be on the same page of the story but certainly have the same goal. This is so much bigger than we currently have the ability to imagine. 💞

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This is what often makes me feel that this is an amazing time to be on the Earth…to witness this fundamental shift! I love encountering others who get it also ❤️

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The awakening to the full measure of the DeepState in this Country has also led to the understanding of the global cabal DeepState in so many other countries also. There is a genuine alliance of Good happening across the globe! Trump, imho, gets credit for the brilliant chess move that set it in motion. The Age of Aquarius is upon us now…Truth and Transparency ❤️🇺🇸🌎

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Agreed. I think other Countries are already way ahead of us though,....President Putin has gotten Russia into good shape for the coming monetary crisis. The BRIX nations are aready preparing to stand together. I wish we could join them. When the DEBT/TAX scheme crashes we are going to be in a world of hurt here. We have nothing to base a new USA Dollar,....Clif High calls it The Constitutional Dollar,....on. We don't make anything, we don't have any gold, we don't even have gas or oil any more. How is our Country going to survive when the dollar is worthless like it is in Venezuela? We'll be using it for toilet paper just like they are now!

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What we are witnessing worldwide are the death throes of the Roths Central Banking System. It can't happen all at once globally as that would cause a calamity. That is why the BRICS system is slowly allowing more countries to join, one by one and in a controlled manner that will prevent a calamity. This allows BRICS to establish a firm beachhead that can weather the storm. Some countries are having a rougher time than others. Where I live everything has remained very very stable except for some inflation in food and gas prices, but it has been kept within reasonable limits so very few people are suffering. The quality of life here remains relatively unchanged.

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Excellent, well written, thought provoking.

A think piece 🤔

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Another good informative analysis. One critical point needs to be emphasized more, in my opinion, that is the importance of We the People voting, en masse, on the day of election, to overwhelm the known corrupt computerized vote counting. Also, extreme vigilance over ALL the aspects of receiving, verifying, and counting the votes MUST be done by the people voting. NOT THE PEOPLE COUNTING! They have PROVEN they CANNOT be trusted.

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They got away with it in 2020 and they will keep trying. Who votes does not matter as much as who counts the votes, right?


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Excellent article once again! I have a question though that is deeply troubling to me and others. What happens if the 2022 midterms are stolen like 2020 was? I know many eyes have been opened since 2020, but so does the deep state which means they’ll ramp up their efforts to steal. What recourse will we have then? Will SCOTUS come into play this time or will they back away again even with the AG’s having this newfound knowledge on how to file these challenges?

Scary times ahead...

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How did the AZ primaries pan out? They tried, but were unable.

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One could as easily ask... how did the Georgia and Wisconsin primaries go?

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"They never thought she would lose ..." Good patriots prevented the rigging ... so we know it can be done. They "let" [them] steal the last election to wake people up to the rigging and the high penalties associated with fraudulent elections. We must all vote in the midterms and I hope that the patriots return and take the fraudsters down in the process.

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Letting anybody steal any election is incompatible with being a good patriot. Manipulating elections is illegal, and allowing the last election to be stolen has brought the country to the brink of collapse and the world to the brink of nuclear war. There are easier and better ways to wake people up and counting on being able to prevent the theft of the next election is an equally risky gambit. Color me skeptical!

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Ding! Ding! Ding!

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Observation: this “6-3” Supreme Court conservative advantage you tout in this lesson seems overstated. Many believe Roberts and Cavanaugh are comprised (maybe even Barrett as well?). Was it their plan to remain silent or even dismissive on the issue of the stolen election? Was this all a design to ‘show the people’ and buy time to get to more juicy issues?

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When the collective AGs from several states were initially shot down in challenging the 2020 election they were given the exact reason why it was dismissed AND how they could refile to be considered. Trump put alot of faith in the Judiciary, the Constitution, and us.

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I wonder if any of them are taking the advice of SCOTUS and resubmitting the cases? They’re in recess now. We may find out when they reconvene . . . 🙏🏼😎

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Given the gravity of the situation, didn't the SCOTUS let us all down badly in doing so? Time was of the essence and look what has happened since then: one disaster after another.

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You can’t tell the people, you must show the people.

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Well said! 😉

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In some countries, it is illegal for civil servants and members of the judiciary to join a political party or to engage in party-political activities. Public servants are required to be politically neutral and to undertake their duties in a disinterested and impartial manner, serving the public interest alone. Surely this is a sensible premise on which to run an administration, a premise which avoids all sorts of problems and provides accountability when problems do arise? The US seems to tie itself in knots as a result of failing to impose and enforce such common sense.

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I can confirm that this is indeed the case for Canada and its permanent Federal Employees...which goes a long way to explaining why the Canadian Federal service is now more than 50% staffed by Contractors. Hire only contractors that will vote our way and campaign aggressively for us. It's the second worst kind of governmental rot, the first one being the rewarding of the worst scum by promoting them to the highest positions, a.k.a. failing upwards.

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All of these essays are placing me on solid footing. The “return” slippery slope theories have worn me down. Easy to digress into anxiousness. I agree it will be done legally and constitutionally. Has too. This will involve all three branches, and learning the Judicial is engaging at present, plus midterms soon, gives me comfort and hope. Good writing.

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I feel the same way and I like how you put it!

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This series has been intriguing. My question from the beginning has been. "What could Trump possibly do before leaving office that Biden can't immediately undo?" I guess I have my answer, "Nothing". I was hoping that there was some policy/procedure that he could have put in place that couldn't be undone. Well, it is what it is I guess. If there isn't a sea change in Congress in Nov. I am afraid we are headed toward something really bad. This can't be allowed to go on much longer.

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Biden cannot change a 6 to 3 SCOTUS advantage.

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And that 6 to 3 SCOTUS did NOTHING about a clearly stolen election when given the opportunity.

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Understanding what the SCOTUS can and cannot do regarding stolen elections is probably different than what we want.

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This series has really helped me greatly by framing the "Fourth Branch of Government" in a clear and concise fashion. The list of agencies that live in this "fourth branch" is just staggering. I never got that until now! Better late than never, I guess, but I am encouraged by the direction in which this series is going. Great work!!

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I must confess...

You had my undivided attention until this article. While it addresses what Trump may have started via EOs (which were in turn simply reversed), it completely ignores the elephant in the room and paints the picture in my mind of a group of engineers furiously working hard to rebuild/reinforce the foundation of a large building as the building itself is falling quickly to the ground.

I will say that you make great points in the progress DJT made with the judiciary, and we are seeing the fruits of his labor.

However, you completely ignore (at least so far) what, if anything, he may have done to protect this nation from a foreign policy standpoint while people who stole the election are sitting on their thrones of power. The world is a very turbulent place currently, and we're seeing potential war on the horizon with nations such as Iran once their bombs are locked and loaded.

If DJT simply started the process of "returning power to the people" and yet in the meantime walked away only to leave a criminal sindicate in place while having the proof that our elections were stolen (quite possibly with the involvement of foreign powers), then he himself would have been derelict in his duties.

Much can happen in a four-year period to a nation, and God help us if he simply gave us a shadow of what could be. Granted, the people needed to be awoken. But at what expense if we're completely reliant on taking back our elections (to which there is no guarantee) while at the same time dealing with a rogue and illegitimate government who could just as quickly lead us to quick destruction through an unwarranted act.

No, I would hope that something more had been done. My hope is that your future articles will contain more meat on the bones in addressing what may have been done regarding the criminal elements in all of this.

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Beautifully said. I've echoed this same sentiment in this series, but not as well as you have here. I realize and understand that there's a hunger to rectify what we all know was stolen from us. But citing worthless EO's and the like isn't the remedy. This series and that nonsense of "devolution" theory tries to root through bureaucratic gobbledeygook like policy manuals and Executive directives to find answers. It's futile. There is nothing to be found there with any merit, simply because once a new "boss" arrives, the old "boss" is instantly irrelevant.

There is one aspect to all this that still hasn't been explained fully, and that was that week of the transition. I keep remembering this military man on the Stephanopoulous show saying there was going to be a "peaceful transition to 'military' power". "Military power"? Then, on January 19-21, the NG was swarming all over DC. Checkpoints sprang up everywhere - you had to declare who you were and prove your business to both get in AND out of DC for a period of weeks. More to the point: drive through the city of DC today. Every single building of any cabinet agency is empty. And has been since fauxnaguration day. So if the IRS, FBI, Agriculture, Commerce, Transportation, et.al. all have had vacant buildings for the last 18 months, where are all these employees who work there? Where exactly are all those "deep stater" bureaucrats? If they are not at their place of work - and clearly they are not and haven't been - then where are they? And WHY are these buildings STILL largely vacant? These buildings have been photoed and videoed endlessly since fauxnauguration day. They are vastly empty. Zip. Zero. Nada. No people inside them. Some of them have grounds that haven't been maintained for a long while. And...why are so many government buildings flying - of all things - the POW flag?? POW flag on the US Capitol, and other buildings???? There is still much that isn't fully explained. But no explanation of it is going to be found in any EO or policy document.

We know the military - bar the Marines - cannot deploy in US states. But .... Washington DC is not a state. As simply a district, it may not be subject to Posse Comitatas. As the seat of federal authority, the military may have full access to protect DC from....foreign invasion. Isn't that what all the election fraud has essentially been about - foreign nations altering votes? If that's so, then the US essentially came under foreign control. So much of what we see in DC itself still isn't fully explained. Maybe there is indeed a totally logical explanation to account for all of this that has nothing to do with "The Plan" and we're indeed stuck. But I have faith in Q's operation. Whatever THAT plan is, we won't know. And it won't be found in EO's or bureaucratic policy manuals. But Trump himself - it's HIS behavior that's most interesting. He seems as calm and collected as he could be. Lest we forget, he never pardoned himself or his family upon "leaving", knowing full well they would come for him. The picture still hasn't come into a discernible focus as yet.

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Hey Nick, I appreciate the time you took to write all that, and thanks for sharing such a heartfelt view on things. I agree with you except for one thing. There is no mystery about what is actually happening with DC and overall across America and the world. The Deep State (Klaus Schwab and others) has been publishing books for decades telling us that this was going to happen. The only thing they omitted to tell us is WHY all this needed to happen. Many aware Patriots (who know the answer to WHY) have also been trying to tell the people about this their entire lives but few, very very few have ever listened to them, and they have simply been brushed aside as freaks, crazies and conspiracy theorists. Turns out they were right after all.

This entire mess can be summarized in one word "bankruptcy". I don't want to preach a long sermon on incorporation and the reasons for bankruptcy in this comment section, so I will simply point you to several online resources that I prepared during the COVID lockdown.

Here's a link to a timeline of the major bankruptcies since 1999, including an explanation of the Global Estate Trust, which is what the Deep State desperately wants to keep you from learning about because that is where your real wealth really resides.


That chart is part of my Planetary Jurisdictions web site. The full site, 10 free lessons, is here: http://planetaryjurisdiction.org/index.html

To give you the briefest answer as to why DC is effectively shut down and empty, it is because the US and USA Corporation(s) that ran it have gone bankrupt and their assets have been liquidated (it's all covered in my timeline). Now the big question is "where have these liquidated assets gone?" There are only theories at this point. For sure Trump knows, but he's keeping those cards close to his chest for now.

Here's an excerpt from my other website that briefly explains how the mechanics of this bankruptcy system.

The Global Estate Trust

If you've never heard of the Global Estate Trust you're not alone because few of us ever have. That's because it is the very foundation that our modern civilization is built on, sitting on top of the bedrock of our four primary planetary jurisdictions. As it is with all foundations, they are buried deep under the very structures they are designed to support. Foundations are the domain of designers, architects, and engineers, not media talking heads, politicians, or the general public. You wouldn't ask a hair dresser to fix the engine of your car now would you? Likewise the engine powering our civilization is not something the general public usually understands.

The Global Estate Trust and the system that was put in place long ago to protect, manage and exploit it, is a gigantic umbrella trust under which resides many other smaller subordinate trusts. When added together these trusts are now worth quadrillions of dollars (measured in USD). The system for managing it has recently expired and must now be rebuilt from the bedrock up. COVID-19, vaccines and vaccine passports, plandemics, bankruptcies, and several other things, are all part and parcel of the effort to rebuild this gigantic trust system. With that much money at stake, greedy, immoral, and criminal people will stop at nothing to make sure they can retain power and control over it.

You may ask; "why would such a system expire?"

Because it was designed that way. The core mechanics of the system operate like this:

The system we have operated under during our lifetime was designed with a very specific life span of 210 years measured according to the Gregorian calendar. After which time the system becomes invalid (bankrupt) and must be entirely reconstructed if it is to continue.

FYI: the 210 year span began in 1789, and ended on November 7, 1999. Since November 8, 1999 we have been in a rescission period, during which time a new system for administering the Global Estate Trust is being built, and its assets being transferred.

This 210 year lifespan of the system is divided into three time spans of 70 years each.

At the end of the first 70 year span, the system provides the option of going through a Reset to initiate a second 70 year span.

At the end of the second 70 year span (at the 140 year mark), the system provides the option of going through another Reset to initiate a third 70 year span which will complete the 210 year cycle.

However, a third 70 year reset is not permitted. Once the 210 year cycle was completed in 1999, the system had to be reconstructed. This total reconstruction is that great event that is being called The Great Reset as opposed to merely another Reset.

There's a lot more useful info on that site. You can get to it with this link: http://planetaryjurisdiction.org/WEGO.html

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Thank you for the kind words and your own thoughtful response. I have heard about this "corporation" theory before, and allegedly those subscribers to that theory claim Trump "bankrupted" this "corporation". Respectfully, I'm not on board with such a thing. Mostly because these theories seem to pop up and the theorists always claim this was, is or has been done in pure secrecy. Except the theorists seem to be fully enlightened and steeped in all aspects of this secrecy which apparently has been so expertly hidden from the world at large. That doesn't square with me, and never has. For one thing, it pays no dividend to Trump for not exposing exactly what he allegedly did by this "bankruptcy" of the "corporation". How does he gain by keeping his mouth shut? He doesn't. And Trump isn't shy about speaking his mind. Had this theory had any merit at all, Trump would have exposed it all publicly. So that's why I dismiss it.

I watched that Horton video - tediously long as it was - and saw the major flaw in it that made me chuck what he said right out the window. He claimed a vital part of this "corporation strategy" of the US began with the IMF helping to craft "The Act of 1871". Except that there was no IMF in 1871. The IMF didn't come into existence until after WW2 had ended. It was made to help rebuild Europe from the ravages of the war. So when someone tells me an organization which didn't exist is responsible for making the US an asset of some sort of Euro cabal, then I don't need to listen anymore.

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There is no corporation theory. We have all been kept in the dark our entire lives. This is not exactly easy material to digest either, but it sure is easier to deal with when you have correct info to go by. This corporation stuff is all legal and recorded fact and has been so for centuries. Trump did not bankrupt anything. He couldn't even if he wanted to. That's not the way it works. The system causes these bankruptcies to happen automatically, usually on a 70 year cycle.

You wonder why doesn't Trump make all this public? Well truth be told Trump has indeed made all this public. It's all a matter of official records and legal documents done through the proper channels. If you want to know what is going on regarding such matters the onus is on you to follow the proper channels. Sometimes you need to follow the Executive Orders, sometimes the DOJ filings etc etc. It's all there for anyone willing to do the research. I wish it were easier for you, for me, for everybody, but that is the situation as it stands and we have to work with the hand that we have been dealt, or else leave it to those who have the desire to do that sort of work, and then depend on what others have to teach us about it.

As for the Horton video, I have have no idea what you are referring to.

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We agree to disagree. Peace out.

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Great research and reporting. Thank you very much.

Pardon me if my question below is too naive.

As I understand it, the Reconstitution as characterized by you so far is a broad (and, yes, long overdue) project to put the US back to its rightful constitutional government framework, and the proper allocation of power between government (FED/State) and the people--all as orginally conceived by our Founders. In my mind, it is our generation's Revolution to restore Freedom.

I don't doubt that certain strategies must have been put in place, or moves, made, away from public eyes during Trump's first presidency and since he left the White House. But none of such can be as effective as if Trump (or some other strong leader with commitment to Reconstitution) is the President officially.

But, as you told us, Trump is not the one controllinig the US government through Devolution (from outside the WH).

My question is: Without breaking the Reconstitution strategic prinicples, how can Trump get back into US presidency?

This has to happen in critical urgency. I am particularly worried about the (4 M, is it?) illegal immigrants that have sneaked in recently. That is not yet counting the millions that have been here even before Trump's first presidency. They are a fatal threat to our internal stability, and as such a crippling force against our ability to defeat enemy countries (that everyone here, I believe, can name a few).

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