
Had to be done this way…

We the People are a major part of all this. In fact, we are the part!

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Tears of pain, sorrow and joy fill my eyes. My heart is heavy knowing how President Trump has fought so bravely for us and for Our Great Country ~ These United States of America . . . The abuse he’s tolerated is mind boggling.

I still feel like all Biden has done & continues to do is completely without lawful means & all actions taken are null & void. He could undo all of 45’s EOs and it would be meaningless. He’s not our president nor has he ever been. It’s all for show to keep all our citizens safe. There’d be a civil war if folks woke up to the Truth.

If you go back & study all videos of January 20th, 2021, you’ll see things that aren’t right. It started at 11:47 or close to it. It’s, by law, supposed to start at NOON sharp. All the military Uniforms were wrong. Biden got the funeral procession played for his procession. His 3 cannon volley/gun salute was wrong, it was for a funeral when he went to The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Trump was played “Hail to the Chief” at Joint Base Andrews. He left after his speech WITH the “Football” to return to the Winter White House Mar-A-Lago !!!

My intuition has never been wrong. Just sayin.

I know there’s more for me to learn from you all. I’m all in. This series has really pulled on my heartstrings.

Thank you 🙏🏼

Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Rest Well.


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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Up until 2016, I thought our great country was lost forever to corruption and...to the deep state. When Donald Trump said he would drain the swamp, I absolutely believed him, although I couldn't imagine how. What a truly magnificent, miraculous, and powerful thing our Constitution is! It is awe-inspiring, and I am grateful for y'all helping me understand more about the chess game that is being brilliantly played in real time, with our Constitution as the most important player in the game. Our Founding Fathers would be so very proud.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Some say we are watching a movie to me it’s like watching people put together a puzzle. So many pieces are still missing yet I see a picture taking shape. The picture that we all are hoping and praying we see is America great again the way the founding fathers intended it. Everyone doing their part to keep it this time!

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Excellent, well written, thought provoking.

A think piece 🤔

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic




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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Another good informative analysis. One critical point needs to be emphasized more, in my opinion, that is the importance of We the People voting, en masse, on the day of election, to overwhelm the known corrupt computerized vote counting. Also, extreme vigilance over ALL the aspects of receiving, verifying, and counting the votes MUST be done by the people voting. NOT THE PEOPLE COUNTING! They have PROVEN they CANNOT be trusted.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Excellent article once again! I have a question though that is deeply troubling to me and others. What happens if the 2022 midterms are stolen like 2020 was? I know many eyes have been opened since 2020, but so does the deep state which means they’ll ramp up their efforts to steal. What recourse will we have then? Will SCOTUS come into play this time or will they back away again even with the AG’s having this newfound knowledge on how to file these challenges?

Scary times ahead...

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Observation: this “6-3” Supreme Court conservative advantage you tout in this lesson seems overstated. Many believe Roberts and Cavanaugh are comprised (maybe even Barrett as well?). Was it their plan to remain silent or even dismissive on the issue of the stolen election? Was this all a design to ‘show the people’ and buy time to get to more juicy issues?

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic


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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

In some countries, it is illegal for civil servants and members of the judiciary to join a political party or to engage in party-political activities. Public servants are required to be politically neutral and to undertake their duties in a disinterested and impartial manner, serving the public interest alone. Surely this is a sensible premise on which to run an administration, a premise which avoids all sorts of problems and provides accountability when problems do arise? The US seems to tie itself in knots as a result of failing to impose and enforce such common sense.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

All of these essays are placing me on solid footing. The “return” slippery slope theories have worn me down. Easy to digress into anxiousness. I agree it will be done legally and constitutionally. Has too. This will involve all three branches, and learning the Judicial is engaging at present, plus midterms soon, gives me comfort and hope. Good writing.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by The Constitutional Republic

This series has been intriguing. My question from the beginning has been. "What could Trump possibly do before leaving office that Biden can't immediately undo?" I guess I have my answer, "Nothing". I was hoping that there was some policy/procedure that he could have put in place that couldn't be undone. Well, it is what it is I guess. If there isn't a sea change in Congress in Nov. I am afraid we are headed toward something really bad. This can't be allowed to go on much longer.

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This series has really helped me greatly by framing the "Fourth Branch of Government" in a clear and concise fashion. The list of agencies that live in this "fourth branch" is just staggering. I never got that until now! Better late than never, I guess, but I am encouraged by the direction in which this series is going. Great work!!

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

I must confess...

You had my undivided attention until this article. While it addresses what Trump may have started via EOs (which were in turn simply reversed), it completely ignores the elephant in the room and paints the picture in my mind of a group of engineers furiously working hard to rebuild/reinforce the foundation of a large building as the building itself is falling quickly to the ground.

I will say that you make great points in the progress DJT made with the judiciary, and we are seeing the fruits of his labor.

However, you completely ignore (at least so far) what, if anything, he may have done to protect this nation from a foreign policy standpoint while people who stole the election are sitting on their thrones of power. The world is a very turbulent place currently, and we're seeing potential war on the horizon with nations such as Iran once their bombs are locked and loaded.

If DJT simply started the process of "returning power to the people" and yet in the meantime walked away only to leave a criminal sindicate in place while having the proof that our elections were stolen (quite possibly with the involvement of foreign powers), then he himself would have been derelict in his duties.

Much can happen in a four-year period to a nation, and God help us if he simply gave us a shadow of what could be. Granted, the people needed to be awoken. But at what expense if we're completely reliant on taking back our elections (to which there is no guarantee) while at the same time dealing with a rogue and illegitimate government who could just as quickly lead us to quick destruction through an unwarranted act.

No, I would hope that something more had been done. My hope is that your future articles will contain more meat on the bones in addressing what may have been done regarding the criminal elements in all of this.

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Great research and reporting. Thank you very much.

Pardon me if my question below is too naive.

As I understand it, the Reconstitution as characterized by you so far is a broad (and, yes, long overdue) project to put the US back to its rightful constitutional government framework, and the proper allocation of power between government (FED/State) and the people--all as orginally conceived by our Founders. In my mind, it is our generation's Revolution to restore Freedom.

I don't doubt that certain strategies must have been put in place, or moves, made, away from public eyes during Trump's first presidency and since he left the White House. But none of such can be as effective as if Trump (or some other strong leader with commitment to Reconstitution) is the President officially.

But, as you told us, Trump is not the one controllinig the US government through Devolution (from outside the WH).

My question is: Without breaking the Reconstitution strategic prinicples, how can Trump get back into US presidency?

This has to happen in critical urgency. I am particularly worried about the (4 M, is it?) illegal immigrants that have sneaked in recently. That is not yet counting the millions that have been here even before Trump's first presidency. They are a fatal threat to our internal stability, and as such a crippling force against our ability to defeat enemy countries (that everyone here, I believe, can name a few).

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