May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I think (my 2 cents) instincts come from training and intuition comes from God. We all have intuition but have to know to tap into it. Instincts come from lots of dedicated training. Thank you for all that y’all do and thank you for loving our country.

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May 31, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I admire the work outline you put together. Great help needed everywhere.

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Thank you! Much appreciated!

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May 31, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Sorry..my comment got cut off. I was trying to say: EXCELLENT WORK! Thank you for all that you do. Much appreciated!

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I love this. Simply put, it breaks down local action to be more manageable.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Author

Hat tip. Well, I still have a few more parts to cover and I want to do it quickly so we have time to digest.


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Yup! Pfffttt... I have so much to write.

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Justice is coming🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 #MAGA

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17th SOG sorry about repeated message my apologies my computer was acting up!!

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17th SOG can u think of a solution to the following???.We r taxpaying working DOCUMEnTED CITIZENS the Govt has all our data records.Among those jumping the border RIGHT NOW are hordes of organized crime gangs w false or NO IDenTItIes ,we know they have one two three false ids I've seen this in NYc NY CT all states almost and they move state to state THEY HAVE the advantage over US .The gangs r carjcking home invasions mass smash and grabs identity theft if they are apprehended they r not charged or they r released and they can hop back and forth the border INDEFINITELY with impunity WE could never do that we will be sued charged lives ruined here in US unless we leave to go somewhere where??? The CRIMINALS across the board are being supported not US,How do you find good honest lawyers to fight this ??>>The point is they're changing the LAWS to protect all criminals in masse Do you have .Any LAWFARE ideas ?????

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17th SOG can u think of a solution to the following???.We r taxpaying working DOCUMEnTED CITIZENS the Govt has all our data records.Among those jumping the border RIGHT NOW are hordes of organized crime gangs w false or NO IDenTItIes ,we know they have one two three false ids I've seen this in NYc NY CT all states almost and they move state to state THEY HAVE the advantage over US .The gangs r carjcking home invasions mass smash and grabs identity theft if they are apprehended they r not charged or they r released and they can hop back and forth the border INDEFINITELY with impunity WE could never do that we will be sued charged lives ruined here in US unless we leave to go somewhere where??? The CRIMINALS across the board are being supported not US,How do you find good honest lawyers to fight this ??>>The point is they're changing the LAWS to protect all criminals in masse Do you have .Any LAWFARE ideas ?????

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17th SOG can u think of a solution to the following???.We r taxpaying working DOCUMEnTED CITIZENS the Govt has all our data records.Among those jumping the border RIGHT NOW are hordes of organized crime gangs w false or NO IDenTItIes ,we know they have one two three false ids I've seen this in NYc NY CT all states almost and they move state to state THEY HAVE the advantage over US .The gangs r carjcking home invasions mass smash and grabs identity theft if they are apprehended they r not charged or they r released and they can hop back and forth the border INDEFINITELY with impunity WE could never do that we will be sued charged lives ruined here in US unless we leave to go somewhere where??? The CRIMINALS across the board are being supported not US,How do you find good honest lawyers to fight this ??>>The point is they're changing the LAWS to protect all criminals in masse Do you have .Any LAWFARE ideas ?????

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17th SOG We have a specific problem it's a LAWFARE question could you help?.Right now of the illegal alien border crossings there is a large component of ORGANIZED GANGS coming across fraudulently or COMPLETELY UNIDENTIFIED.These undocumented hidden organized gangs are doing smash and grabs home invasions carjacking and worse!!.Even if apprehended they are charged and released bc they have the Joe Biden immunity clause!! they have no records oftimes>>THEY ALL HAVE the ADVANTAGE OVER US the CITIZEN we r the ones who are charged sued bc as taxpaying working citizens we R DOCUMENTED the Govt has ALL OUR RECORDS we therefore can be massively hurt discriminated against our lives destroyed !!Can we just hop the border to hiding with our real family?? what country can we run to???Is there any Legal way to sue or pursue OR GOVT for causing this invasion and NOT UPHOLDING THE LAW AND COnstitution.We r funding Our own demise and destruction please any thought?? ..this really is so heinous!!

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17th SOG We have a specific problem it's a LAWFARE question could you help?.Right now of the illegal alien border crossings there is a large component of ORGANIZED GANGS coming across fraudulently or COMPLETELY UNIDENTIFIED.These undocumented hidden organized gangs are doing smash and grabs home invasions carjacking and worse!!.Even if apprehended they are charged and released bc they have the Joe Biden immunity clause!! they have no records oftimes>>THEY ALL HAVE the ADVANTAGE OVER US the CITIZEN we r the ones who are charged sued bc as taxpaying working citizens we R DOCUMENTED the Govt has ALL OUR RECORDS we therefore can be massively hurt discriminated against our lives destroyed !!Can we just hop the border to hiding with our real family?? what country can we run to???Is there any Legal way to sue or pursue OR GOVT for causing this invasion and NOT UPHOLDING THE LAW AND COnstitution.We r funding Our own demise and destruction please any thought?? ..this really is so heinous!!

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17th SOG just another thought .You are putting the word out . I have tried Getting out implementing some of these ideas you may reach 1 0f 10 ppl maybe 2 its very challenging . I /we keep forging on with the truth with time maybe it adds up..there are more waking up I do see this slowly methodically ..its Not linear it's in ways that i hadn't thought the truth would come out but it is trickling .keep the light burning my friend ,Keep the dispatches coming

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Thank you patriot and much appreciate it. Yeah the process is that we are an uphill battle, and we may very well fail but I’m not afraid of failing. Not one bit I’ll keep charging but thank you for the kind words. gonna be a slow roll. I wasn’t expecting anything fast and I’m gonna keep at it you know? That’s all we can do .

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17th SOG very well said and stated dispatch .Could u respond to this POINT .In places like NYC or Washington DC Chicago ,You we up against basically everything complete propaganda false flags BLM Antifa and false flag operatives from our own Govt three letter ops Marxist MSMS uni party Local state govt brainwashed kids entertainment Corps and they're after the PBA police military National guard and the judges DAs lawyers complete JUDICIAL system and Colleges are captured Entrenched with getting all the $$$$$ w discrimination LAwFArE DEI equity Lawfare and captured all the causes like a MAFIA.With ppl like US working 2 -3 jobs some struggling w family it is such an uphill battle almost impossible almost too much .The points are good but is the War already won by them on the chess board in the minds hearts of many misguided misinformed ppl and especially young ppl w misinformed parents they r completely brainwashed many beyond hope this is all incredibly challenging almost impossible ..there's hope but...Your thoughts ?????

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Yeah, let me think about this one. Those are definitely tough areas and the only thing I’m trying to put out right now because I don’t have all the solutions what I do have is a system of precision because no matter what we do it’s got to be precise does that make sense? Whatever plan that we come up with It’s got to be creative, affective and extremely pinpointed and we can only do what we can accomplish. That means we’re not gonna be able to change the world or perhaps your whole city but we can change the city council seat or two school board seat or two and someone watches you do that or watches your group do that it resonates . The natural instinct for human beings. It’s like when you’re in an amusement park and you see people run in a certain direction because of some kind of hazard or something you’re going to pay attention and look at potentially take the same route that everyone else is taking obviously you’re gonna check first and make sure that you’re not running in blind to another hazard. That’s the mindset that I’m trying to Show people it’s very military it’s cautious but actionable metaphorically we’re Roman around in an environment that’s hazardous but you have to operate in that Bierman metaphorically. So I’m just gonna keep putting out systematic information it’s actionable ways to do research of your governing documents, state, constitutions, etc. I’m still trying to form a small community at least so that we could start force multiplying this knowledge. I have a Telegram channel called We The People. You’re welcome to join it And just help rally people as much as we can

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REBUT: If you do not want discussion, then do not request it. No, I fought the deep state. I am not the reason for this mess, as you implied. Are you aware that 79 percent of America CHOOSES to be in the Non-Voting Party? They are not even listening to politics. Now, we are fighting the Order of the Black Sun (Rockefeller) and Order of the Dragon (Rothschild). They have Generals that run their plays through the 13 militarizes on Earth. They own and operate the Political Parties. If you are what you say, then you can do a much better job offering solutions than just 'playing politics'. By the way, those options were tried in SC and NC long ago... and were quashed. Americans do not even know about the entities that control their nation... most do not want to know. We will fall on the dull sword of ignorance by choice. Have a good day. RES

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Author

Also, it’s a very good idea that you’re insulting this 79% when they’re all here looking at your comments. Are you really that ignorant dude?

Hmm, since you’re so critical of my techniques in concepts, let’s go see what your Substack has on it? What have you been doing?

I understand your frustration and I'm fully aware of the challenges involved in this endeavor. I'm actively seeking to connect with as many people as possible, and your dismissive attitude isn't helping. It's clear that we have different approaches to this issue. While you may have given up, I'm not afraid of failure. I'm committed to trying, learning, and improving, even in the face of setbacks.

Your initial comments were not conducive to a productive discussion. They were condescending and belittling, which is not the kind of dialogue I'm looking for. If you're not interested in contributing to a solution, then I would appreciate it if you refrained from commenting. I have no patience for a defeatist mentality or a superiority complex.

I'm here to help the 79% of non-voters, not discourage them. Your negative attitude is not conducive to this goal. You may think my objectives are foolish, but that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. However, it's important to remember that your perspective isn't the only one that matters.

I've read your comments and I understand your points, but I believe in what I'm doing. I'm not here to look smart or show off a degree. I'm here to make a difference. So, if you're not here to help, then please, let those of us who are trying to make a positive change do our work.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Author

Again, this is how out of touch you are. Because they’re starting to listen now you don’t see it? Yeah well move aside bro , you’re one of those types to can’t solve problems right? Again, I’m gonna go check out your Substack see what you’ve been doing and see what you’ve been contributing.

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Hello 17th : First, one must know where one is on the political battlefield. This report is about 20 years BEHIND reality today. I know. I ran 5 races… two for the SC State House and 3 for Statewide offices. Second, rhetoric is useless…more education is useless… been going on since the 1990s. Third, the local level was seized long ago at the County Chairman and Council levels by the deep state; all political parties were seized by 2004…I was Eyewitness to the 2004 Libertarian National Convention when it was seized. Fourth, all politics is organized at the COUNTY level…all political parties are merely Clubs by definition, which can be DECERTIFIED…thereby, causing the Dems, Pubs, Libs, etc. to be DEFUNCT. Now, that is your only option left. You are well intending, and WAY OFF COURSE. Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences

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So you're the reason we're in this position? Interesting. Remember, the world belongs to dreamers, not critics. As for being 20 years behind reality, you only just discovered my plan of action today. And you know nothing about battlefields. I know exactly what I’m stepping into. Being 20 years behind is irrelevant when you’re trying to win back battle space.

While I understand the levels at which elections are held, there are numerous variables you failed to mention. I've encountered individuals like you before, swooping in with your comments, trying to portray yourself as a clever individual with your little signature at the end. But let me assure you, I've been through situations you couldn't even fathom, and I envision goals that most others cannot achieve.

You have no knowledge of who I am, my accomplishments, or my unwavering belief in the American people. I am well aware of the infiltration within local government, and I am determined to reclaim it. Can the same be said for you, or do you simply want to surrender it to the enemy and quit? I am not a quitter, and you have no understanding of my background or achievements. Your résumé, as you provided it, demonstrates your own failure on the battlefield, sir.

Therefore, don't come here and lecture me on a solid plan of action you have never witnessed before. In fact, I believe that's why you're commenting—to make me feel stupid and inexperienced. Well, that won't happen, buddy. You have no knowledge of who I am, what I've done, or what I've accomplished.

County chairman and council? Not all counties have those positions, mighty knowledgeable of you friend.

There are numerous variables you are overlooking, such as chartered or general law counties, and even home rule counties, which significantly impact the dynamics.

So, please refrain from lecturing me as the brilliant science guy while belittling me as an idiot. Once again, you have no idea who I am.

And thank you for publicly admitting that you're the one who gave up the battle space to 18,000 people.

You say rhetoric is useless and you say education is useless yet you sign your name with the very educational degree that you say is useless.? Pretty hypocritical there. Nice try. Now why don’t you go away and let the men deal with it you can sit in pout in the corner, reminisce on your failure, and quit because your words mean nothing to me. Your methods and ways mean nothing to me your opinion about the methods that you use that lost our local battleground mean nothing to me.

And they’re not gonna mean anything to these people that are commenting right now that sees your comment in my rebuttal.

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Yeah - like OMAHA NE City Council touts their "HOME RULE CHARTER" to which they believe their "rules" supercede the Federal or State Constitutions, .....!

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Author

Lol, I just can’t stop laughing at this one.

“ Second, rhetoric is useless…more education is useless”

As you use rhetoric, and as you sign your name “ Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences”


That’s pretty awesome. Are you really that insecure? Lol.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023Author

And I’ll say one last thing here, I think you’re a little out of touch man. Because the way I see it the people that I wanna wake up and get involved, those political parties they’re gonna want us and they need us, I don’t need them that’s how I look at it. I don’t need a party, especially if they’re grounded in tradition and whatever you described them to be .

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Great Article! Keep up the great writing.

Congratulations on passing EOD school. When did you finish EOD school?

At the end how many reps of bench press (225lb) did you do?

Do you know the guy who holds the record ( A AF dude)?

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Hey, thanks, man. I'm just trying to provide people with actionable steps or at least something worth trying. It's interesting how some individuals tend to critique current articles without realizing that there are previous articles that offer additional insights. This is not directed at you, but at other comments I've seen. In Part Three, I focus more on the fundamentals of local government, aiming to inform people because, based on my observations, there seems to be a lot of ignorance—not in a derogatory sense, but rather a lack of awareness. I believe that rectifying this can help individuals understand where they can actively participate.

Regarding the bench record, it really depends on the location and timeframe. When I graduated from EOD school in 2001, I was quite lean. However, when I was in Ramadi in 2006, my max bench was 475 pounds. Although it didn't prove to be much use because running was a challenge, haha. Back when I went through, we didn't focus much on 225-pound bench presses. It was primarily calisthenics, bodyweight exercises, and the like.

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May 31, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

My nephew graduated in 2017-18 EOD school. What they had been doing for a some time was a contest at graduation to see who could do the maximum reps at 225, when he graduated the record was 17 or 18 held by a Marine. He pumped out 30 reps of 225.

He had a some what unfair advantage in the he played football at AF as the left tackle back in his day. Many a good time going to the games back then with lots of great memories.

Keep up the great work.

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Man, I’m old, lol!

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