Excellent work describing the nuts and bolts of the election process! I’m saving this for several folks.

Considering the situation in the US today and our Constitutional Republic roots, I believe the most important question for we citizens today is one you included. ‘3.2.4 However, considering the aforementioned factors, we cannot help but question why political parties themselves have not taken the initiative to prioritize and educate their registered citizens on this matter.’ Why indeed!

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Two more parts coming! I had to break this one up.

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Excellent piece...as per usual.

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This is beautifully written of how things are supposed to work. Having said that, living in a state like California that has been completely captured & taken over by malicious actors who have subverted the process of precincts, one vote, one person, by wholesale mail in voting, hackable electronic voting machines & rewriting of voting regulations, complete ignoring of the Constitution, so much has to be fixed before things go back to the way they are supposed to be. We are working mightily to accomplish this. So far we have one county that has voted out electronic voting machines with many more to follow. It’s my belief that by the time the 2024 election comes around there will be no more electronic voting machines in California. Did you know that the DOD has stated that ALL electronic voting machines are not allowed to be used going forward in the United States because they have parts in them made in adversarial countries. This makes them illegal in all 50 states.This is of course not being covered by MSM, because the uniparty wants to keep things as they are. Arizona has decided not to use electronic voting machines going forward, so they are the first state, hopefully of 49 more to come. The country needs desperately to return to One day of voting, NO mail in voting, except in certain circumstances, Voter ID, Election Day should be a National Holiday, paper ballots, SMALL PRECINCTS, local control of the election process. As you know New California State will have all of this enshrined in its Constitution. We believe we will be a state before the 2024 election & we are working on a plan to have this all in place in time. www.new California state.com.

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Very inspiring to me to read ur comment .I can see hope .Im in NYC where the UniParty have taken most Power and made insane laws and given$$$ to and enabled all the criminals .The good law abiding have lost a lot of hope i hope what YOU ARE DOING comes here its up to each of us ,The biggest problem is Apathy and people thinking only of their own selves .PPl have to group behind a UNIFYING IDEA Right>???Like Survival .Freedom safety for OUR loved ones/ families a job a future under the Constitution. Stay well and safe..

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Hey .. have you read or looked into the Hava Act? I know that we need to get involved but elections have already been federalized. We need to work at removing the machines.

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Yes, HAVA is a disaster. That’s why I’m saying we need to infiltrate the election process in the system. I think that be instant, it’s not gonna be easy it took a long time for those voting machines to get in as long or in this act it may take equal amount of time to get them out, but we need to start now.

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Absolutely excellent work, however, the word, "democracy" is nowhere to be found in our founding documents. The Constitution requires that each state provide a republican (republic) form of government. They are two different things.

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Just a wonderful piece you have written that will be a major key to our future. Thank you for this. I will be using it as a reference and sharing it with others. Cant wait for the next one!

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I'll be your huckleberry...lol..


The problem with Journalism is the same for people, their Historian's:

“The Laws of a country are necessarily connected with everything belonging to the people of it - so that a thorough knowledge of them, and of their progress, would inform us of everything that was most useful to be known about them - and one of the greatest imperfections of historians in general, is owing to their ignorance of law.” Priestley’s Lect. On Hist. Vol. 1. Page 149.

But because people allow their honest and honorable citizens to be arrested for peaceful assemblies' to express their horror of mandates or child mutilations, and a long train of abuse they of a Right ought to abolish, remember:

In 1966, after a botched circumcision, Dr. John Money, at Johns Hopkins University, convinced David Reimer’s parents that he should be raised as a girl ... and the child sex change industry was launched by a man who forced 6-year-olds to perform sex acts upon one another as he took photos. Money is the one who said “gender” is a social construct unrelated to biological “sex,” thus forming the basis of modern gender ideology. Fast-forward a few decades, and congressional supporters of LGBTQ sexual deviancy propaganda are trying to codify Money’s sick work into law, endorsing child sex mutilation surgeries and promoting pedophilia to a protected class of “normal.

And remember, in 1960, the U.N. General Assembly, Fifteenth Session (official Records), declared War of White People. Read their 864th Plenary Meeting (opening meeting), Tuesday, 20 September 1960 to affirm what is stated.

From there, read "WORKFORCE AMERICA" (1991 - given to me byt eh author when attending their "Multicultural Diversity Conference that was required by Gov. Finney of KS for all law enforcement) openly declaring by the year 2010, white men will account for less than 40 percent of the total American workforce....and women and people of color will fill 75 percent of the 24 million 'new' jobs created in the United States!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My response was met by the governor, your fired...lol

How is this being accomplished, elsewhere, consider:

Your politicians made it so in "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986," Here in Whitman County WA they are advertising hiring Superior "Clerk of Court" advertising hiring....lol only United States citizens AND aliens, authorized to work in the United States. Imagine, your own Courts being MANNED by foreigners and neither the police, judges nor your politicians are telling you their doing this to your agency government of, by and for the American people, on your dime!!!!!!

Your Americans are being replaced by communist and foreigners who don't give a damn about America, only power!!!!

Be wise, safe and blessed,


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17th SOG the other side has been doing this decades if not a century With help for emer mandates to use Govt agencies to use psyop propaganda on the amer people complicates thing In NYC where I am the dem Party has overwhelming stranglehold monopoly on complete power .The opposing sides are nothing but controlled opposition.wouldn't you say establishing w young ppl these ideas and fighting back in these areas which I agree w your dispatch that It is the only way to do BUT it will take years decades Wouldn't you agree please ur thoughts????

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I would agree. Its not instant. We have to show our youth what our parents never did. This is generational for sure. 2024 is not where the solution stops, its where it begins. This article is one of three. Part 7b comes out tomorrow. 7c is where the guide to elections comes out.

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