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I totally agree. I agree that a small number of everyday citizens can come together, even if they begin the gathering from different corners of the world. The We the Peoples who yearn and groan for justice, liberty, checks and balances that keep law and order but @ same time prevent tyranny(committed by gov. or peoples). Now I believe I start to veer away from agreeing totally with you here.Our founders did not think freedom was the #1 aim.They KNEW and (even the non Christian) said many times that with out a healthy fear of the God Almighty, our Creator men could not in any way be governed through the constitution that we have had. Where is your moral compass to keep the checks and balances worth any thing at all? It sounds early like Anton Lavay with his...do as though wilt.

We are haveing trouble uniting bc there is a gap. The gap is that we need to wrap ourselves in the Holy SSirit of the Warrior who is never going to lie to us, push us then offer us a band aid that we have to buy from Him.God Almighty will bring us all together.We need to try to stop wrapping everything in the star and stripes t,hat many innocent and brainwashed have died by.My whole family is military or law enforcement, so be sure it has been very hard to realize that I was worshipping the military, the flag 4 very many untruths. I believe that we are being called by a Holy Mission from The Holy Spirit of God Almighty. He is calling us all 4 an awakening to the Total Truth. We will come together, we will be mysteriously be linked together by a force that most will scoff at.If you don't know/belong to Christ(be a Christian)it does seem like insanity.It is real.That's the Gap.Fear lack of knowledge of importance of God.Once we est.that all will fall into the place it needs to be.

We have to remember the founder's of this God fearing country were able to do the "impossible" bc they were working with the help of Providence' hand. They knew the wicked demons the Ruling Class(British, cabal,elites)served could not win. Good vs Evil. Not taxation wo representation. They almost all gave all. Sound Familiar? I think there were more who wanted to stay in the colonial rut...kind of like today. I fight everyday to not just sink into the DS rut I hate so bad I still fight its pull back to comfort of being dead in the brain. The Holy Spirit in myself will not let me zone out very effectively anymore though.Good Luck, Fight 4 freedom.Soul is not free. God paid 4 u.

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