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All must realize from 1730's onward in that Century here on the Continent was the greatest Christ Centered Scriptural Revival since the Reformation known as ~

"THE FIRST GREAT AWAKENING" = just 110yrs since 1620 when the Pilgrim/Puritans began the movement to the New World fled the "The Thirty Years War" across Europe with 8•million slaughtered from 1618 thru 1648

It was that true conviction and move of Gods Spirit during those yrs that yielded the Wisdom, Brilliance, Courage and FAITH that brought about what transpired in the hearts & minds thru-out the childhood and all the lives of all the Founding Peoples raised thru them...!

Then the true 1st World War partly fought on the Continent between the British and the French and the horrors and hardship of that conflict created the need for the armed capable warriors that rose out of it...!

George Washington was one of the many as a serious part of this 1st major conflict for American's teaching us about merciless unrestricted Warfare as Native tribes were employed by the French for control of the North American Continent...!

For glimpses SEE -> "The Patriot" & "Last of ths Mohicans"

The Globalist owned British did it to us twice more after that and WE arose to the occasion both times to the Providentially bring about OUR 3-Founding documents thru it all...!

Remarkable...MIRACULOUS is far more like it...!

They gave everything so WE can if willing today have legal recourse by those incredible 3-Founding documents to right this ship of State floundering on the rocky shoals of rui•nation by OUR own neglect Esp over the past 111yrs...

"WE the People" learned Guerrilla Warfare to 1st conquer OUR way thru ro then employ unprecedented appliction of all mankinds accumulated wisdom down thru the ages to assemble ~

the - "united States of America" never even a dream tho put together by a myriad of wise inklings over the millenia from Greco-Roman historical record and times up thru all mankinds errors;

AND also the firm foundations in the Principles of FAITH from the Fathers of OUR beliefs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on thru to the 100's of fulfulfilled prophecies leading up to Christ Jesus at last walking upon the Earth for the Redemption long promised from the very beginning...!

America is the closest to it this side of the Veil WE all must pass thru in this one short life having Saved this world many times over during short two and one half Century's existence for imagine this world without her...!

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