I always anticipate your next article and this one is exceptional! Your key point, “The moral of this article is the imperative need for critical thinking and discernment in navigating the political landscape.” (That is the key point in dumbed down education)

I am not an expert on the Q operation, but as a civil service retiree, I worked operational plans and helped write contingency plans. My assessment is that it is an OPlan and likely AI and a quantum computer was involved.

I am familiar with both Devolution and Derek’s work. However, I naturally have always looked at events from the 40k view although I can easily see the micro, too. Always wondered where this came from and it could be associated with me being an artist.

I do consider you may have also been correct in your assessment this group of psyops may have some common ground elements. In a war, particularly a multilevel communication war, with both sides using information, disinformation, diversions, distractions, with AI and likely other technologies not publicly known, we might see exactly what we have been observing. Today we absolutely CANNOT tell an actual event from a movie. Literally cannot tell. We cannot trust any government agency, nor the intelligence agency behind much of this. So, all of your questions are valid!!

I HAVE seen much discussion and published posts stating that no matter what actions are real or not, nothing can be ‘permanently’ changed without the ground-⬆️ approach, without grassroots efforts by a newly educated citizenry. I adhere to this principle 💯 and we have actively engaged.

My current assessment is about all of this. Of course, I could be completely wrong but time will tell.

- We are seeing exposures of truth that have never been seen in known human history.

- Evil is being exposed gradually as we have seen with the evolution of knowledge of pizzagate, Epstein island, etc. Public officials are being charged with increasingly evil levels of pedophilia.

- Election fraud proof is also bubbling to the surface via an increasing number of election officials charged.

- The cabal’s proxy states and their purposes are also coming to light. It took about 18 months for people to question the validity of Ukraine; less than a month for the Israel-Gaza situation. Money laundering, child trafficking for sex, organs, evil rituals, etc. Taiwan and Israel have similar ‘reputations’

- The actual roles of the intelligence agencies is also being revealed. The CIA alone is publicly known for the drug running funding black operations, black torture chambers outside the US, School of Americas, trafficking of all kinds, a myriad of regime change ‘coups’ to keep proper puppets in place...Ukraine, Iran, Lybia, Iraq, etc., etc., etc..... The public is also gradually realizing the truth about the other reasons for the 5👀 agreements.

- Public knowledge of the real purpose(s) and who was behind 911 is increasing and subsequently, questions regarding Pearl Harbor, Cuba, etc.... Lots more questions!!

- Thanks to Bioclandestine’s excellent work, we now are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about the bio labs, DoD, DARPA’s partnerships with corporations to run US bio labs around the globe (200+), many in direct violation of treaties. (I was a treaty compliance officer). Also the ties to the cabal’s minions getting wealthy and corrupt is exposed.

- Fauci front and center led to the knowledge of the planned pandemic, the purpose of the virus, the killing purpose of the vaccines (true bio weapons), the roles of the CDC, NIAAD, NIH, WHO , Bill Gates, WEF.....on and on.

- we are becoming increasingly aware of the plot to destroy farmland and the unheard of number of ‘accidents’ involving food production, livestock production via illnesses, etc... chem trails, poison in foods, etc.

- We are knowledgeable now about the 16 year plan for the country and Obama’s and Hillary’s tasks in each...

- In 2015, we first heard the term ‘fake news’ and look where we are now....same rising awareness of Marxist ideology in BLM, ANTIFA, LGBTQ+......

- People all over the country going to board meetings and legislatures to stop all the Marxist propaganda out of schools and libraries...

- People now know what Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ are and how they were employed in the 60s....

I could write for several more hours listing what amazing things have/are being revealed and I don’t believe any of this is coincidence.

You notice that I avoided the political aspect in the US, as it’s obvious, and becoming more so. I know that among the 4000 or so appointments a president makes to bureaucratic positions in DC, when it came to the Biden administration, Obama’s mentor Valorie Jarrett had the list and Biden rubber stamped it....thus the entire bureaucracy is infiltrated and corrupt. We see more egregious corruption revealed in the 2 tier system of justice each day.

I also understand and agree with the gradual exposure of truth. Some of what I now know was excruciatingly difficult to accept, let alone understand, even when I saw the actual evidence. That orocess takes time. I’ve always questioned everything, but was still so naive until my late 30s. Some may never accept the truth about what evil Baal worshippers do (many are masquerading as other religions). I pray for humanity.🙏🙏. As a Christian, I have gained a better understanding of the evil one over time.

Trump is a catalyst. Not a Savior. God’s will is being done in His time. I’m optimistic about our future.

I DO thank you for all of your posts! I am so thankful for this one as you’ve described our quandary excellently. God bless you.🙏🙏

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Well said! I may do a piece on Psycological Operations. Many dont know that a good well played psyop has a lot of truth in it...

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It must. It cannot be accepted if it is totally false.

Rather the falsities must be woven into a tapestry of truth, in such a way that many known truths are seen which gives credibility to the hidden lies.

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👍👍 Absolutely!!

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Absolutely right on the button in my opinion. ♥️

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Thank you.😊

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Excellent comment my friend ALtab! 💖

The only thing I can add is: the assassinations. JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcolm X, attempt on Reagan.

And, Alinski's Rules for Radicals are still being used -- because the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind do not recognize that a weapon is being used against them, if they don't even know what the weapon is! And after all, all of us here are firmly red-pilled and despite 17sog's assertion that we have been divided (which I do not dispute), we are united in awareness of what [they] are doing -- they cannot fool us as easily as the Normies; the battle for the mind of the Normies is critical in winning this 5GW.

I believe Trump is God's champion in this particular battle, and as such, wearing the Full Armor of God he is protected, and whatever mission God has set before him against the Principalities of Darkness will be accomplished. (Ephesians 6:11-12) ✝🙏🕊

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WOW!! Well stated, Wild Bill….. ran out of steam and you picked the ball right up and ran with it!👍👍🙏🙏

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Good analysis, I always felt that Q was some type of AI or quantum computer although I don’t exactly understand quantum. The letter Q was a hint to for quantum being used. Also the NCSWIS a part of CISA and not just a catch phrase.

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Lots haven’t picked up on the CISA connection, even though it was revealed early! God bless.🙏🙏

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That is a brilliant analysis! And Summary. Can I suggest you publish as a Substack as a reply to this one. It is very well written and constructed 🫡

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Thank you.🙏

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Human Nature is the same Now as when Benjamin Franklin made his statement about "Hanging Together or Hanging Separately." Supposedly 3% actually Fought the Revolutionary War, with perhaps 30% +? civilian support.

Government Is Force Applied. As the "Great Abraham" proclaimed at Gettysburg the Rule of the Ferals over the States just Four Score years later .... the "rest of the story".....


The Feral DC Coup NWO gov knows No Restraint. CYA, conduct yourselves accordingly.

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Brilliant analysis! Thank you so much for this insightful perspective.

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Q failed miserably if it was a black hats operation. Had I not found Q, I would have never learned how pervasive the corruption is in our government. I would have continued to blindly follow the Republican party and keep wondering why they have always caved to the Democrats. Furthermore, I would likely not know that there really isn't a 2-party political system in our country (can you say Uniparty). I would still be wondering where all the US tax money has been going, something I have actually been questioning since the 1990's. I would have never learned that the Bush family is quite evil and should really be stripped of their wealth based on the fact that Prescott Bush supported the Nazis in WWII and that neither his son or grandson should have ever been allowed anywhere near the WH. I would have never researched what really happened with JFK's murder and that the CIA has likely been responsible for untold amounts of misery, chaos and death all over the world for decades. I probably would have at some point broken down and gotten the COVID vaccination and not suspected what the pandemic was really all about or that the vaccine is very dangerous. I would not be aware of how the vaccination schedule has changed and what it is doing to our children. I would not know how evil Bill Gates is and what he has done to the people in India and Africa. I also would still be eating the poisonous food that corporate America has been pushing on Americans. I would still be watching the MSM and believing their lies. And while I admit that Q led me to all these truths (and many not mentioned), the real reason my eyes have been opened is because of Donald Trump. Sometimes I wish that I did not know everything I have learned since he came down the escalator and announced his candidacy, but then I remind myself that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for all of us. I pray that Trump wins in 2024 because our republic will be lost or in a civil war if he does not.

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Well said, CH. You are right, 2024 is the final battle. God wins in the end. 🙏✝🕊

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Even if Trump wins the Left will cause serious trouble probably worse than when Trump won in 2016. All you have to do is read these little war games to find out what their plan is. Milly Weaver has put out a lot on this. Hopefully everyone is prepared for what they may do in a Trump win. I pray every night for our Country and discernment.

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That is indeed [their] intent, but Trump's '200 generals' know that too, and I expect they have a plan to defeat that approach. A lot of people are going to be arrested, those in charge will not allow a repeat of 2020's 'Summer of Love.'

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Yep, simply put, the focus of this article is simple.

Learn the difference between truth and bullshit:

Rule #1 Use your God given abilities to discern between the 2. Discernment isn't just a gift, critical thought is part of that process.

Rule #2 Do not make decisions about what is true or not based on an emotional response or investment. This is a tough one for most "normatives" since we seem to have moved to the framework of an emotionally immature society now.

Rule#3 Don't let your emotions and lack of discernment cloud the mission objective or distract you from it.

Rule#4 Let no man deceive you.

Rule#5 Never Give Up!

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The ultimate guide to staying sane and will protect us from ALL these PsyOps ideologies, including this article, is faith in the one who really is in control of governments, that is God.

Critical thinking aside, ALL these movements and sub-movements are all really distractions in of themselves. They are all really dead-ends, most of them, in the end, are just opinion pieces and they are fun to read or watch, but the critical thinking comes in to play in our day to day lives as we interact with others and how we act upon the things we really believe are really real. Do we vote or not? Focusing on truths that we do know, that have been vetted already in reality, like the constitution is real, it gives us the right to vote and encourages us to vote, pretty simple. God of the bible encourages us to participate in political matters in the effort to glorify Him. So, we should vote.

Why get all caught up in a bunch of people trying to be all intellectual giving us their opinions? Really, who cares about the Q drops, who really cares about Devolution, why care about 17sog? They are all good reads and stimulate our thinking and spark our thought processes to think critically, just like reading the thoughts of philosophers of old. So, there is some benefit.

When I was in college and I needed to be able to focus, and I mean really focus, I would spend a few minutes reading some writings of some of our early philosophers answering questions about reality and life. My mind would wake up and I then would be ready to tackle my physics class. I see all these sub-movements in the same way, they spark my mind to wake up and then I am ready to navigate the real world, but to actually believe anything any of these opinion pieces are writing doesn't really matter.

Looking at most of these movements and most of the people I know within them, we ALL still have belief systems that we ALL agree upon. When I see truckers that are uniting to not deliver goods to the City of New York because the City is doing something in reality that is clearly corrupt to all to observe and witness, that is something that we ALL can get behind, regardless of all the speculations we read about in the opinion pieces.

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This article ventured into speculation, aiming to underscore a point: speculation is easy, but reality is anchored in the rule of law, our Constitution, and, as mentioned, the Bible. The foundation of our nation and the freedoms it guarantees, especially the freedom of religion, owe much to the Constitution. Without it, these liberties would be at risk of diminishing.

I wish to clarify: I do not represent a sub-movement. I am an individual with my own beliefs and convictions. My dedication is to the principles upon which our nation was built. It's disheartening to witness a lack of pride in our country among some. My aim is clear—to restore what we seem to have lost. If standing for my nation and its foundational values places me in a category of my own, then I accept that designation.

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It was our founders freedom of religion that gained them the insights needed to form the Constitution to help maintain them. So, owing is the Constitution to our founder’s faith, that then, today, we now owe much to the Constitution. It has come full circle.

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I agree, since you and I had posted look at what is now going on across the world concerning Israel and Gaza. The pride in our country has left a many of the people, our young brain washed people. It is disheartening, especially when most of them, when asked, don't even know why they are doing what they are doing.

Looking at what the leadership of theses radicalized, re-faced/branded BLM's, are doing, they demonstrate they don't understand or don't care to understand, history and/or what is actually going on in Gaza. How Israel is methodically trying to find just the terrorists, not Palestinians, and not causing or doing any genocide. Most of the destruction to hospitals and school's, Hamas has proudly taken credit for, but our media outlets are not doing a good job in showing the truth there, so people are left to do stupid stuff. It would be funny if it was just a movie, but these young adults are not academic at all and they are pushing our country down an ugly pathway.

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The misinformation around these sub movements is enormous and usually fear driven. If they are using fear to contradict something without presenting facts that is an effort to disarm critical thinking and induce paralysis on acting to remedy the current situation. A lot of these movements existed long before MAGA as well. I believe its healthier to have some division and differences of opinion within the group. It proves these people aren’t mindless followers of a pied piper.

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Totally agree!!! Well said!

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I do not believe that Q is there to rescue us or solve any of the problems that WE THE PEOPLE have. Q is busy ridding the Earth of all the parasites that have enslaved us with decades of deceptive programing! This is a 5 gen war being fought and is largely spiritual and informational. I believe also that there is evidence to suggest that we are also dealing with technology that has been developed using the assistance of those who come from other systems of worlds which WE THE PEOPLE of Earth, have no way to defend ourselves against! Because of a Divine Directive to not interfere ever with another evolving planet or race of beings, Q can eradicate all the parasites here that have been enslaving us for centuries. BUT when it comes down to it, we must save ourselves by connecting as ONE with humanity, the elemental kingdom, Mother Earth and our Creator individually and personally to discover who we are and not what others have made us. What do you think about that?

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The Treaty of Utrecht, Bar Association, Global Warming, Pandemic and Bank Frauds


Prepare to Self Govern - The American States Assemblies



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How much have you paid her??

Good luck

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