It’s hard to believe that it has been almost 8 years since DJT gave that monumental inauguration speech. God is surely with His people. We cannot do this without Him. You are so right about vigilance, determination and participation. I might add humility and love,

even for those who wish to harm us, to the list.

I’m very encouraged by what you have written.

It seems overwhelming at the scope of it, but when I remember all the things He has done for me in my life, the love and protection, I’m able to believe it’s true. Glory to Jesus Christ.

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Best series I have read in many years. This is required reading for every patriot. Thank You!

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Unfortunately, the "emergence of a new generation of ethical candidates" is not really a solution because the problems are systemic. A system that rewards bad behavior will not be changed by replacing leaders because they will be corrupted by the rewards.

What we are faced with is Government That Promises Wealth which it does by redistributing income. Government has no wealth of its own so in this system it is a tool used by the have-nots to get Other People's Money, but this goal corrupts Government. The clear intent of the Constitution is Government That Protects Rights because it includes a provision forbidding the taking of private property without just compensation. Since the day of LBJ's "Great Society" Constitutional government has progressively been replaced with GTPW aka Socialism. It is no mistake that the Demo VP Candidate just stated Socialism was Neighborliness. Socialism uses the mission of Charity as its justification for taking wealth and using its distribution as a tool to secure power. Everyone on The Dole votes for More Dole and the righteous goals of Good Government are ignored in favor of an economic tug of war.

Thus it is fruitless to depend upon replacing leadership when the system has become corrupted. Instead, the system MUST be reformed.

As in my comment on Section 1, I refer the reader to https://drive.google.com/file/d/144XKdBUG9v_gghulPbameGeMaBXUVjuU/view which is my attempt at describing the wide scope of reform necessary to address the problem. I encourage ANYONE to address reform as the mechanism to remove the dysfunction our society has fallen into.

We are facing the moment when we have to rely upon our Military to understand the intent of the Constitution because the other parts of our government have ignored this. There are reports that SCOTUS is about to rule on the Brunson case and remove 388 corruptocrats but to simply replace these with new ones is not an answer, even though it would be encouraging to see SCOTUS do its job. In my work I assert the Military must dictate the needed reform as no corrupt institution can be relied upon to reform itself. Unfortunately the Military is not expert on governmental theory and so we have had this lengthy period in which hopefully many citizens and military leaders have educated themselves on exactly what it means to swear allegiance to the Constitution and what the intent of that oath entails. I confess I had to do a LOT of reading to get a grip on this, and piece together a number of diverse influences that have degraded the efficacy of our intended system. In this day and age our citizens rely on the few to figure things out and share their conclusions among the many. We have had NO discussion of the reforms needed to our system and this discussion needs to enflame into "bonfires of freedom" to be heard and affect the outcome, which otherwise is clearly outlined in the novel 1984. Time is running out since if in November we face another stolen election and a cackler and a socialist enshrined as leaders, we will KNOW something is REALLY WRONG here and nothing short of a French-style Revolution with its accompanying Terror could try to stop this.

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One only has to look at history to know that military option is not even close to a favorable one, even if they were educated and could do it, which they are, and they can. I'll leave you with this thought. Today, the military might be supportive of the views that you have, and tomorrow it will be the opposite. The only option is for we the people to do what we need to do. I've written many articles about having a discussion, providing solutions. Nobody wants to hear what needs to be done, because it's going to be hard, and it's going to take a long time, and the last thing we want is a French-style revolution, because in this day and age, our sidewalks and street will flow with our children's blood, not ours. And it won't end as quick as people think. Once our nation is destabilized, our enemies will come and feed like vultures. The road ahead of us, and I'm going to be frank, is fucking hard. It ain't easy. There's no easy answer, there's no easy solution. I do agree, however. We the people need to educate ourselves and take politics much, much more seriously.

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Gotchya - however we cannot survive a FR and that is what they want! Citizens do need to demand their time (not just 2-3 minutes) al the Public "Open Meetings" Act venues of S & L BODIES!

YESTERDAY 8/6/2 I was kicked out 3 times. One topic was a "code of e thics - so they can ??? Bu

T we cannot pass one to remove them for!

".... That's all folks"!)

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And yet another Blackhawk helicopter just flew over the treetops next to my house very low. I could see the doors and the handles. We have a prison set up on the public land, which is thousands of acres literally less than a mile from my house is where the land begins, but they have created a prison and this is where they are, I believe, taking all the prisoners in this area, which would be the human traffickers and the pedophiles and all the corrupt government officials. They get processed many of them will be executed there for their crimes against humanity among others. They were hiring for this prison you can find the ad on indeed.com . And they were looking for military that would shoot without hesitation and that could jump climb roll, kick down doors, etc. so had to be extremely agile. Ask yourself why I mean I’ve seen other ads for hiring prison guards and I’ve never seen this description.

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I’m basing my opinions on the research. I’ve done for the last eight years and also on the events happening around me for the last eight months. I am not stupid or gullible. I have seen the TR 3B aircraft being used with its laser over public lands near my house from my back porch. I’ve seen multiple major fire fights going on and have felt earthquakes under my house as they’re blowing up the tunnels. This war is not against the people. It is against these creatures that do not have any empathy for us. This is why everything‘s been done covertly so we do not get into a Civil War because most people don’t have a clue what’s happening . Notice Hollywood is pretty much dead literally where are all the actors especially the ones who always have to open the mouse and Comet in the political arena you know they absolutely hate Trump. And the same I can say with those members of Congress, who were always screaming lies. Where are they explain that to me Why has Gitmo been increased four times the size and continued construction after Trump supposedly left? Deep state, knowing that this expansion was for them and their demise why would Biden not halt the construction? And like they said they would?? Why did all of the soldiers turn their backs to Biden’s Inaugural parade when he was in the vehicle? How many cannons were fired at his inauguration? If your ex-Navy SEALs then you’ll understand when I’m talking about you need to do a little research. The military is split in half there’s good guys in bad guys because these creatures have infiltrated at the top of all the military and all of the governments around the world . This is what Kennedy told us about the last speech he gave before he was assassinated. Two weeks later is real and has been operating long before Kennedy because this is about saving the human race. We are nothing but food to these creatures and they’ve been poisoning us and killing us in many ways, not just through the Covid shots and their other poison medicine but through your food the material fabrics you lay upon your skin , the soap you wash in the stuff they spray from the chemtrails. And on and on and on. I have met Reptilians that were partially uncloaked. I know they exist all around us. There’s a secret military that’s created by Kennedy and is protecting Trump and others, and we are in a military alliance with several other countries in eradicating this scourge and these parasites from the earth Permanently! This is why you see all of the crazy weather which we control with HAARP to create lots of rain to flood tunnels systems all around the world. Tornadoes to destroy specific buildings explosions to destroy specific buildings. Fires to destroy certain areas because of what’s underground. I’m not saying all of this weather and crazy stuff is caused by the white hats, but I can tell you that a lot of it is controlled to accomplish their goal. There’s going to be a nuclear scare to bring the attention to the people so that will wake up even more to their diabolical ways of the deep state. It won’t be an actual nuclear bomb. It will be a scare. God says multiple times in the Bible do not fear and trust him I don’t know about you, but I know that he is helping me on more than one occasion in my long life. I know for fact he exist and if you walk with him, your life will change for the better. I appreciate the research and the information you put here on your site , but the government we’re going to have when the republic is finally announced is going to be different 90% smaller and the states will be given back the rights to make their own laws. Constitutional law is what we will be under which is what we’re always supposed to be under but unfortunately , our country has been owned by the queen of England and has been under their Admiralty law law of the water, from the very beginning. All of the Royals have been executed if you bother to look at the Fenceing on the outside of the palace in London, you will see that the royal seal is no longer there , and the building has been closed for three years. We have executed the pope and all of the bishops around the world as they were all human traffickers. If you recall approximately two years ago, there was a fire fight at night at the Vatican. this was when this happened . We confiscated all the been stolen from our country but all of the other countries around the world and Patriot it back to the proper countries. The Vatican kept excellent records so this was easy to do. I agree there are many horrible people in the military, but I don’t believe they’re the humans. I believe they’re the reptilian and the demons that hang out with them , these creatures are real. I know that for a fact. So don’t get angry at where I’m going with this my eyes are very open. I am prepared to hunker down and take care of myself and anyone else who might want to join this chaos will be over soon . I believe six months from now our world will be a totally different place in a good way.

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Ohkie dokie.... I hope in six months it'll be better for you...

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We confiscated the gold that was under the Vatican in tunnels that were 60 feet high filled with floored ceiling bars of gold. The tunnel stretched from the Vatican to Jerusalem.

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Well, the night the 2020 Vote was accepted by the Congress putting Joe Biden as a new president, which was fraudulent. There were many objections by Congress people and they were ignored. There’s a video you dig you can find it clearly shows prison buses going in to the capital building which was surrounded by Fenceing with razor wire erected to keep people in not keep people out. This video also shows what appears to be nearly every single police car coming with flashing lights one after the other into the capital building area and leaving. This video also shows you small children being brought out in the dark of night and put onto some of these prison buses. Reality is the people that run our government worship Satan. They are pedophiles and cannibals underneath the White House in the capital building. There are many tunnel systems with dining halls, torture chambers, and sex rooms. The children that were brought up was over 250 they were rescued by our white hat, military, and the alliance that’s working with us . The people in Congress, who certified the fraudulent votes, committed an active treason, which is punishable by death. The plans for the Congress were, they were going to go underground into their dining hall and have a huge celebration over just overthrowing the US government and taking over with their communist agenda. And the menu was going to be these children after they were sexually abused and viciously attacked. Whether you want to believe this or not, it’s 100% true there are many photos showing the tunnels all being dug up right there in our capital. I believe there were only six Congress people , who did not go along with the agenda and they survived everyone else was arrested as I said they were sent to Guantánamo Bay or one of our other prison sites were they were tried and executed under military tribunal for their crimes of treason and crimes against humanity. How do you think all these politicians who are ancient and have held positions For decades continue to look so young and youthful? It’s called adrenic chrome which is a substance created in your bloodstream when your adrenal gland goes crazy and creates this compound from fear. The victim has to be viciously tortured to excrete the best adrenic chrome. This substance is harvested at the base of the skull at the height of their terror, which of course kills them. It’s time to wakes up to the reality that we have been living under and the horrific creatures that have been running our government for years. Human trafficking and human sacrifice has never stopped. It’s been going on for thousands of years right into our own country . This is what we’re fighting against. We’re attempting to save humanity. Trying to save the broken and corrupt US government is a waste of time in my opinion. Everything needs to change in our constitution our original constitution and only gave 19 areas for the government governance of us by the government and nothing more . Since then, of course, our government bloated up a gazillion times to take all of our rights and freedoms from us in a subtle way we don’t realize that we are and have always been slaves to this system. I’m looking forward to a new constitutional Republic governance. Those of us that are left when this is all set and done will benefit. I believe our lives are going to get a lot easier six months from now but we will be going through a lot of hell between now and then so get prepared. Don’t have any faith in our old government system, obviously didn’t work and I look forward to the new one. Our new currency which is already printed and it is not the CBDC. Keep your head on a swivel folks and use discernment there’s a lot of misinformation and disinformation going around the net so you must research on your own to back up what I have said here. This is the only way that will sink into your own brain cells for you to make a logical decision.

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Perhaps next year, we will be satanists, cannibals that eat beneath the White House, that's the reality. Any secret arrests of American citizens is bad. There's no good to that. Today it could be a bad person, tomorrow it could be you.

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No, that will never happen at least to me. God is in control. I have total faith in that. I’ve been seeing with my own eyes operations taking place every night last night and this morning I’ve been very busy in my area. These evil creatures are being taken out systematically. Have you been hearing gunshots in the middle of the night where you live? I have multiple times as well as laser weapons being used. We are on our way and taking back our country and I think soon we will all be told the truth by our trusted military That are working with President Trump

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Good luck with that. And remember, never say never. It’s concerning that you don’t believe our military is just as polarized as our government. As someone who’s spent a career in special operations, retired Navy, and as a combat veteran, I don’t need the military to come save me—they’re already saving us daily, and it’s happening beyond our borders. Keep an eye out for my upcoming articles; you’ll see what I’m talking about. People are lying to you. If you pray to God, you should be praying for discernment and for the truth to be exposed, not for the military to take violent action against U.S. citizens. That’s beyond insane to me, and it’s infuriating. So again, good luck to you.

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