These Heroes are BORN for this. All that training, all that devotion and dedication in Service of a life mission was just a way of identifying who these Heroes were. Methinks GOD made them Heroes and picked them for this mission before they were born. Their training was just so they could understand and reveal to them how incredible t…
These Heroes are BORN for this. All that training, all that devotion and dedication in Service of a life mission was just a way of identifying who these Heroes were. Methinks GOD made them Heroes and picked them for this mission before they were born. Their training was just so they could understand and reveal to them how incredible they were. The had an inner drive and mission that could only be satisfied by a life of Service to which they were all inexplicably drawn. I just know this to be true. Yes, they may be the President's Army. . . but GOD arranged this Army for such a time as this.
GOD Bless each and every One of these Precious Souls, and the Loved Ones who support them. They do not sleep and fear not the monsters under the bed, because THESE Greatest of Heroes fear only that lesser folk would be entrusted with the destruction of the monsters and leave the most innocent at peril. They rest not even when the sleep - so all lesser souls on Earth can sleep knowing Heroes will never let us down. Thank you is wholly insufficient for the debt we owe them, which can never be repaid. They are literally saving the World for not only all of us but eon's of children "yet born".
These Heroes are BORN for this. All that training, all that devotion and dedication in Service of a life mission was just a way of identifying who these Heroes were. Methinks GOD made them Heroes and picked them for this mission before they were born. Their training was just so they could understand and reveal to them how incredible they were. The had an inner drive and mission that could only be satisfied by a life of Service to which they were all inexplicably drawn. I just know this to be true. Yes, they may be the President's Army. . . but GOD arranged this Army for such a time as this.
GOD Bless each and every One of these Precious Souls, and the Loved Ones who support them. They do not sleep and fear not the monsters under the bed, because THESE Greatest of Heroes fear only that lesser folk would be entrusted with the destruction of the monsters and leave the most innocent at peril. They rest not even when the sleep - so all lesser souls on Earth can sleep knowing Heroes will never let us down. Thank you is wholly insufficient for the debt we owe them, which can never be repaid. They are literally saving the World for not only all of us but eon's of children "yet born".