We are all waiting... anticipating how things will play out. I hope and pray you are right. Perhaps we need special forces... a President's army to stop these monsters from stealing the election AGAIN. God give us strength... we are all so weary. But we want more than stopping another steal... we want justice... we want to see these criminals in prison.
We are all waiting... anticipating how things will play out. I hope and pray you are right. Perhaps we need special forces... a President's army to stop these monsters from stealing the election AGAIN. God give us strength... we are all so weary. But we want more than stopping another steal... we want justice... we want to see these criminals in prison.
Waiting and anticipating worry me, because not God, not Q, not anybody else is going to save us. We have to get off our butts and do it ourselves. Yes, we have to see these criminals in prison, because justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. Justice in secret in GITMO, in special operations or anywhere else is not justice. It's tyranny. Sadly, we may have reached the point where it's all we have left, which means trusting that the tyrants are on the side of right and truth, for a change! The DoJ and the courts are a lost cause, completely subverted and corrupted.
We are all waiting... anticipating how things will play out. I hope and pray you are right. Perhaps we need special forces... a President's army to stop these monsters from stealing the election AGAIN. God give us strength... we are all so weary. But we want more than stopping another steal... we want justice... we want to see these criminals in prison.
Waiting and anticipating worry me, because not God, not Q, not anybody else is going to save us. We have to get off our butts and do it ourselves. Yes, we have to see these criminals in prison, because justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. Justice in secret in GITMO, in special operations or anywhere else is not justice. It's tyranny. Sadly, we may have reached the point where it's all we have left, which means trusting that the tyrants are on the side of right and truth, for a change! The DoJ and the courts are a lost cause, completely subverted and corrupted.