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The government type in the United States is a constitutional federal republic. This is an easily verifiable fact even our frienemies over at the CIA worldfactbook have to admit (see for yourself):…
I defy anyone to produce the word "Democracy" or "democratic" anywhere in The Declaration of Independence, The Constit…
The government type in the United States is a constitutional federal republic. This is an easily verifiable fact even our frienemies over at the CIA worldfactbook have to admit (see for yourself):
I defy anyone to produce the word "Democracy" or "democratic" anywhere in The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of The United States of America, much less any of the 50 State Constitutions... it doesn't exist.
I will hold for said response.
Your are correct , although one of the FF's said a "Unique, Compound, Constitutional Republic". They were very clear about the difference, and why!