May 12Liked by The Constitutional Republic

.... how can we expect anything but more lies and coercion from both unelected and elected officials/bureaucrats many of whom never took an oath to the Constitution - let alone filed one with the Secretary?... perhaps that is a good place to start.

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We should not expect anything but lies. And that’s a smart place to start from, it’s gone way beyond trust but verify.

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.... we also may want to look at where/when the Constitution grants powers to charter corporations... government service corporations - municpal franchises subsidiaries run out of DC. That darn forgotten 10th Amerndment puts a "necessary and proper"spin on the commerce clause when execution of implied powers appear to be granted. Article I Section 2A They have the ability then to create business in every realm.

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May 12Liked by The Constitutional Republic

The greatest threat to any authoritarian regime, any shadow cabal, any subversive government, is an informed and empowered Public. We affirm our oath to uphold our civic duties in pursuit of a More Perfect Union. This is the way.

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Jun 29Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I’m enthralled by this whole thread and will continue listening despite public disbelief and fear despite feeling lonely and alone. Since I am a student and have a class now related to everything here on the subject this is going to be like a course of study for me and it’s 100% worth it this stuff is really, really, really excellent and exceptionally useful stuff

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District of Columbia wasn't that made up of Britain, the Vatican and one other country and isn't part of the USA therefore the need to have a separate police force

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Social Media=Communication


We already have the power. This looks fantastic, I’ll read it front to back tomorrow. Thank you!

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Washington DC=Military

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Well, there’s a big problem that I see with this formula. Although spirituality and military might has a crucial role in controlling the United States or Any country.

However, when you really think about the core elements of power, they will not yield that much affect as the US being a corporation. For example, The four elements of power is:

1. financial capital.

2. Control of information

3. Legislative influence

4. Political influence

Utilizing those elements of power from an entity outside the United States government would yield much more profit and many different ways. I would be able to manipulate and utilize a countries financial institutions with very low risk. I would be able to influence legislation to my favor with very little impact on myself or shareholders.

I could finance campaigns for politicians that will work in the best interest of me while I’m in the shadows unnoticed. I control information to make the people think that the legislation that I am manipulating is a good thing.

So United States being a corporation, to which I have no proof nor potential opportunity of any kind of entity to gain this status, that I have found, especially when I was presented with 1871 organic act as so called proof that the U.S. is a corporation, which has nothing to do with corporate structure on a business sense. Or, a corporate structure would overshadow our constitution.

One simply just needs to look at the world, the institutions that control it and how they control it and it is not by being owners of a government of any kind, there’s more risk, more loss, more visibility.

It just is not a tactical feasible way to control nations as an elite. A better way to see it would be, The US is “captured” by corporations. This is the actual situation we are in. That being said, we can free our selves from this capture.

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May 14Liked by The Constitutional Republic

.... or states could choose nullification.

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