SNOW WHITE - Design Language...


Note : Esslingers FROG design....

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The "swamp" got caught and nothing can stop what is coming.We have everything and justice is coming🌹🦁🇺🇸 #MAGA

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If you were real military you would not ask this of a civilian non combatant under military law. You Sir are a non entity ...

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I am retired Naval Special Operations. Im an American citizen. I believe in the core values of our founding principle of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the constitution that protects it.

I ask because waiting for the military to save you in the manner that your expecting them to does you no good. There’s a lot you can do to save this great nation, and it has nothing to do with the military.

You realize how unconstitutional the idea of being under military law is? The fact that your content with that theory is concerning.

Non entity, is that what your being told or did you come up with that on your own?

Get off the military law tea, your being lied to. The sooner you do that, the better off you’ll be.

Good luck.

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100 % I am not waiting for anyone . I am free hold citizen a , a free people ... My birth certificate is in lowercase because I was born at home not in a Hospital. Thank you for your service. I plan to service my community and town because I know how to teach many skills that the young do not know. I do not fear anything. I plan to spread the real founding documents for the rest of my life however long it lasts... I hope for back up from the Military , like you I am not sure it will happen, i hope it will happen. Thank you again , God help us all.

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I want to make it clear I do understand your point about the Military rule , the DOD is a nightmare . How do we get out of this loop. I would prefer no Government, yet how would this work??? I could rule my self, but most cant. I just want good people to rule them selves. This is a Plato move and all the philosophers thoughts ??? over time what is truth? what is time ? What is your place in time..." I want good people to do great things."

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Military rule is dangerous to say the least. IF what Patel Patriot and Derricks theories are true, what’s next? Who else will use the military in that capacity? Democrats? It’s the most subversive and unconstitutional ideology I’ve ever seen or heard.

There are so many safeguards the military has preventing them from overthrowing our government. Chain of command structure, command and control, doctrine that is based from the constitution at the highest levels to the lowest.

This prevents corrupt military leaders from overthrow, and corrupt civilians leadership from over reach.

It’s all open source and it baffles me that people follow and support that ideology. Not saying you do, just in general.

We started this substack to counter those subversive theory’s.

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Many have lost knowledge of what our role is in American society. Our founding fathers I don’t think expected that. Or perhaps they did. Nothing matters at federal level. By the time any elected official gets there, it’s too late. Local unified effort and unity of action is key. And it’s not easy to do. There’s a lot citizens have to relearn. 17th SOG is about reality and action, not theory. Hopefully you will gain something from our next part of We the People.

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I know what mean to be an American ...

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Stop Playing crap games what do you want? I know what is good , I support the Constitution. It is our duty to throw off the old guard . Military law 5 .0 Jeffersons law 1807 ...

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Yeah? And how you plan on doing that? And how’s that working for you? How long do you plan on waiting on your ass and for someone else to save you??

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An amazing education from you!

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Ah! And so many people fail to "see the forest for all the trees".

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Man. I made it to this article and I realized the Truth: I’m the village idiot.

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Sep 19, 2022
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🤣 this comment got likes. 😆 I was just joshin it was my way of saying good read.

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my internet grammar suffer for the grammar police ... i can't help, its been a handicap my whole life

I can look at a word and not see a missing letter ...its my eyes and brain fuction ...so your dissing me only adds to my handicap thank you

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i have been trying to reach Michael Ray or Austin Steinbart or anyone who will listen...

Im dyslexics can't see well and type backward letters sometimes

I don't write as well ... as i speak

been trying for couple of years now...to reach you and give my invention ...

i gave Austin the first set of Algorithms on Discord ... every time i get close...some monitor for the group blocks me ...WHY I AM TRYING TO GIVE what I Believe we help expose a whole lot of stuff ... now piss people off I am not a gamer or Kid that know your language ...

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Five Star Trust accounts Union Star Trust, Steel Hose Trust...



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have documents you all need that open EYES to who has all the money

would like to know where i can drop them ...

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17th Special Operation Group GODWIN'S

MY RESEARCH OF DUI GRANT MONEY! Infiltrations by Global DUI Politicians Dual Citizen Immunity... see below ... ONLY one State of Michigan Flint Mi The America Dream:

used to Expose how they did it ... for Example only ... https://pizazz.substack.com/p/global-drunks-jesuits-sodomy-groomed?utm_source=twitter&sd=pf




SAMHSA imagine that alcoholics anonymous we're just going to look at Michigan State funding only it's considered a mental health code now so they get 22,096 for mental health substance 2,326,068 for something abuse prevention substance abuse treatment 6,578,535 sub total of discretionary funding 31,031 million I'm sorry 31 million10310

Total funding this is Michigan alone total mental health fund 46 million 850,451 total substance abuse funds 51 million182,458

Total grant funding money for the mandated DUI for the state of Michigan one year mind you slide it up 98 million 32,909

This is how much money is spent to teach you how to become a 12-step Pagan Jesus lover

Roman Catholic Church DUI AA 12-step Pagan 3-in-1 Jesus funding for the state of Michigan $98,032, 909. 2022 Grant Families Money

Now, granite the Lord Jesus Christ he always Spoke his father's words

He gave GOD'S Away free

he never charged anybody to teach God's word to them

Jesus Christ the son of the Fountain of Living Waters....




The history of alcoholics anonymous 1952 the APA committee on nomenclature and statistics develop a variant of the icd-6 that was published in 1952 as the first edition of the DSM then they took DSM one in 1973 and changed it to dsm3r and then they installed their sexual perverts into offices globally in every country in every city promoting normalization of homosexuality all under the grant money of duia 12-step Pagan 3-in-1 Jesus the god of predatory homosexuality


What did they use before the DSM one 1952 the initial impotence for developing a classification of metal disorders in the United States was need to collect statistical information the first of the official attempt was the 1840 census which used a single category idiocy insanity


So according to the DSM one

classification by the federal government to define idiocy insanity severe mental retardation foolishness or senselessness stupidity i d i o c y insanity so the lgbtq far left politicians are using retardation foolishness senselessness and stupidity to run their politicians programs down your throat Total Insanity DSM one insane they all need to be removed from office

Before 1973 Roe versus Wade and the global mental health code changes sexual perverts were never allowed to hold office inside of the United States of America that is what's wrong with our country today we have sexual perverts predatory transgender drag queens for Jesus teaching our kids to be gay Nazi Pagan MK ultra failed Human Social experiments of silly silliness foolishness retardation THE FAR LEFT LGBTQ PREDATORY HOMOSEXUALS


So that makes every Trinity Church that sells the duia 12-step Pagan Jesus and every mosque that sells the 12-step Allah and every Temple that sells 12-step Buddha and every synagogue that sells 12-step Yahshua

All selling Pagan idolatry the gods of their own mind as they understand him

and they justify it by 9.3 billion dollars in grant money

sent to special families in each City in the United States alone

globally the cost is astronomical all to sell Trinity three in one pagan Jesus the god of predatory homosexuals transgender drag queens for Jesus and cannibals at the top the elite families of the world

Well when you got far left politicians that are pagan Jesus lovers AA 12-step Pagan 3 in 1 Jesus

The god of predatory homosexuals predatory transgender drag queens for Jesus

and predatory far left congressman and senators Trinity three in one Jesus lawyers that don't believe in the Lord God Almighty



So, They serve the gods of their own minds

They serve the made up God in their mind as they understand him

they have no bridal and no conscience

they justify their sexual perversions with the sexual fountain of Living Waters

seven laws of Odin they're 12 steps of Buddha they're 12 steps of Allah they're 12 steps of Moloch

They're fake Gods allow them to commit abortion murders they're fake Gods allow them to marry men with men their fake Gods allow them to marry women with women!

They murdered Justice Scalia because he had to send one of the idiots inducing silliness insanity and retarded stupidity a politician who was corrupt got sent to prisons

lgbtq sent to prison

so they murdered him


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How do you get that Jesus was a Pagan?

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Bobby, can I make a suggestion? If you want to give people information, put it in a Format that people can understand in an order that makes sense and leave the opinions out of it. You will get a lot more people to learn something if you do the above instead of the rambling thing you wrote. You put a lot of time into writing that,....so help us understand what it is saying please!

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So, WHAT PART IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND ...An angel of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Called ME so how would you express the message of THE LORD GOD ALMIUGHTY there is ONOY ONE GOD!!!~! Besides, I didn't ask to be doing this ... I WAS called FLINT MI BLESSED SACRAMENT & Michaigan Catholic Church Tithing for GRANTS for DRUNKS

DUI AA 12-step Pagan AASTEP Trinity3-in-1Jesus IS A FAKE GOD OF ROME'S JESUITS PAGAN RELIGIONS funding for the state of Michigan $98,032, 909. 2022 for DUI Grant Families Money

We are ALL ALONE AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW https://youtu.be/soimRE0U_CM

Being forced to STAND FOR FREEDOM Im 70 yr old no time waste

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" order that makes sense and leave the opinions out of it" what part don't make sense??? no opinion used ... these are FACTS

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ditto i don't speak like you do

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Need to change there to their in the following sentence:

It’s important to understand that backwards induction is how Q appeared to be near-clairvoyant in there predictions.

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You are all being played into a game by the Antichrist and aren't even aware of it yet. Soon they'll want to track everything about your life and everything you do, say, see, and think or you won't be able to partake in their system.

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There won't be many people left to play soon.....the Cabal of Elites, the 'devil' worshippers, that control the planet,...they are getting their Depopulation numbers way up! They only want a small handful of people left to be their slaves. Robots will do most of what needs to be done. They have been CULLING humanity for a looooong time, behind our backs, by destroying our Food and making it toxic,....putting fluoride in our city water supply,....killing our farm animals,....destroying our Energy Independence,.....buying up all our Farm Land to control the food,.....geoengineering to cause droughts,.....selling us drugs like SSRI's that calm and sedate the masses,......they've been working on their Depop Agenda for the last 80 years. And they have Controlled and infiltrated the planet, one country after another for 2000 years. This is the Khazarian Mafia 'Playing the Long Game". And they are almost done,....done getting ready for their God Lucifer to come back down to earth....that's why they are doing all this Destruction, getting ready! I don't believe in lucifer or god,....but they do. And just like people who believe in MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE SCAMS,..they are going to act on what they believe and destroy America. We are the only country left that hasn't completely fallen. We are actively fighting them. Even if it is in small ways. We will continue to fight because there is no other choice. Their System is crashing. Their Currency SCAM is crashing,.....and they have no 'cover' for their currency RESET. But they are trying to start WW3. They won't succeed, because the Powers fighting on our side will not let them. There is no antichrist. no devil. no god and nothing that will save us except for ourselves. If you haven't already, read the book "The Naked Bible: The Truth about the most Famous Book in History" you should. It's eye opening interview with the main Scholar that translated the Old Testament from Hebrew. Old Hebrew. The first Hebrew. He translated for the Vatican and for the Jewish Council. The bible is a History book. That's all it is. About a group of people and their tyrannical OverLord. You can find it on Amazon Kindle for $10. After you read it,...even just the first few pages, you'll realize that although there may be Good and Evil on this planet,....the bible was created only to CONTROL the MASSES. It is a history book,....they added mystical stories to it and changed a bunch of word to make people believe it was written by a god. It was not. It was written, rewritten, changed, books taken out, put in and rearranged! BY MEN. The Vatican is one of the 3 LEGs of the Cabal, another is the World Bank in England. The third, the political leg is Washington DC and the Shadow Government. I am not saying worshipping a deity is bad,....just that there is no deity in the bible. No God, No angels, not Red Sea. Be brave and go read it. Open your eyes and let go of all the Evil and Guilt that the Cabal placed in that History book they told you was about God.

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Recently a friend asked me what I thought of the raid on MAL and what it meant for Trump. I asked her, “Did you ever watch The Apprentice?” She didn’t but I went on... If you watch reality tv, you noticed almost immediately that The Apprentice was different. On regular reality game shows, the audience is often disappointed in whoever gets voted off the island, out of the house, or wherever bc the goal of the game wasn’t to please the audience. But at the end of each apprentice you were praising DJT for firing the right person. How did that happen? Trump made sure that whoever was editing the show made the person he was going to fire, the villain you wanted out. He made sure the person he fired was shown in the worst possible light so that there was no question his opinion wasn’t your opinion too. Now look at MAL and what has Trump manipulated with a bogus FBI raid? He’s made himself into a victim of the DS, the underdog, and what red-blooded American doesn’t root for the underdog? This is game play. And once you’ve seen the master at work, you can’t unsee it.

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