Nov 13, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Thank you for the reference, I admit I cannot keep up with EVERYTHING. I keep pressing you know and I will research this.

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So far three articles in this series that identify problems but no solutions other than 1) an appeal for "local involvement", and 2) discussing the requirements for a Constitutional Convention. Neither of these is worth much if those who become involved have no vision of what has to be changed and what changes might STOP the bad behaviors.

I wrote a hundred pages on reforms to realize the intent of the Constitution, and I have not seen any other published work or even a discussion forum that TRIES to discuss this in detail. So far it would seem I am the authority on this and I don't like it. NO ONE can analyze how to change our system effectively and correctly in that length work. BUT I find also that NO ONE these days wants to take the time to READ a hundred pages much less get involved in creative thought to critique 250 year old theories of government that by live test we have demonstrated have severe shortcomings and have workarounds for corruptocrats.

Every GI or cowboy knows, if you are going to complain about the cooking, you must be willing to be the cook.

My book is on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Protecting-Liberty-Prescription-Restored-Republic-ebook/dp/B09N7YP7VZ/) but the ebook is free here https://drive.google.com/file/d/144XKdBUG9v_gghulPbameGeMaBXUVjuU/view and I would LOVE to see a discussion on specific reforms.

(comments to blowt000366@gmail.com)

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023Author

Tiger, you have seen the countless articles ive written with solutions.... If you havent, look at We the People Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 7c.....

You just contradicted yourself. Perhaps before passing judgement, research before you accuse. The three parts were to explain the historical aspect that created the issue. Every comment you made is bashing my work to promote yours. Perhaps you can start your own substack.

This is the lasrt time I allow you to do this. Your tactic on this issue is counter productive. Last warning...

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I just read We The People Part Three and it is a very well written view of how various levels of government are supposed to function. As I read, though, I see things like this:

1) It discusses local governments receiving grants from federal government. This means the federal government is coercing them to do something they normally would not think a good idea. On the National level, there are all manner of log-rolled bills that lump these types of things together with the "justification" that a bad bill in my state that brings federal spending dollars there is "good" and is part of a compromise in which there are bad bills in other states. In this way there is manipulation of the system and the legislators are judged by how many federal dollars they bring to their state, not whether these are good government. Log-rolling is a work-around for the corruptocrats that erodes the good ideas this chapter is speaking of.

2) The grants from the federal government are coercive and thus allow the federal government to push agendas. What we see now is those agendas (civil rights, feminism) are politically weaponized to draw the country into a House Divided Against Itself and use discrimination on the excuse of previous discrimination, and create more social unrest than they solve, they attack the nuclear family and reduce social discourse to wealth transfer, eroding ethics and morality. The division of the country into opposed groups is exploited, without regard to its destructiveness.

3) The grants from the federal government are a level of expense that would be unnecessary if local governments took care of local matters.

So I need to read the other parts to be sure, but these are a few things I was thinking about in Part 3.

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I dont think I mentioned grants. What section was Grants mentioned? Its been a while but im sure mI didnt mention grants?

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It is in the section talking about repairing infrastructure. "Additionally, depending on the particular infrastructure project, there may be various federal, state, and local incentives available to help offset the costs of building and maintaining the infrastructure. In order to access the full range of available funding sources, local governments should consult with industry experts and seek counsel from experienced legal professionals." The thing is, grants extend into all areas, they are used to control at the national level and to remove local control,, their fiscal extent is virtually unbelievable. IMO there is so much land that has been taken over by the federal government that federal mandates override local control. The intent of the "fake government" which hopefully is about to collapse was to make local government completely ineffective.

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I'm not going to take seriously any discussion that includes Joe Biden getting 74 million votes. We'll need to step back before proceeding.

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You didnt get the meme, wow.....

Seriously??!!! Please do, take a step back.... way back...

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