Jul 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Well done-this is a call to really wake up, ice bucket over the head wake up. I’m sending this to our county Republican Party chair, he’s a maga guy turning our county into a better place and this will help him. We are a blue state but not giving up.

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There is one last part with a detailed poa to monitor our elections

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I'm hoping you mean one more article?

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Yep, I’ll release it probably in the next 6 to 8 hours. Just wrapping a few things up.

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Sounds good. I'm supposed to be working, not reading Substack, so glad it's not ready now!

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

It is very gratifying to hear that my essay may be of some productive use! Thank you very much.

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Good! See how far you get with him. They are mostly part of the problem. Again, I wish I could just post a meme here that we have speaking to that that issue. We have to forget all about those folks. They do not have the right motivation to TAKE THE REPUBLIC BACK. It is only We The People who have that right, duty and obligation. No one else can help us. We do not need Trump, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk etc, etc., etc., et. al. to help us. We ONLY NEED we the people of fifty counties nation wide. (Ahem! THAT's part of Operation Critical Mass's secret offensive, and it's in print so it's not really a secret except to those who either don't believe or are only interested in moving their mouse around). LOL READ David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-Set!" free download above.

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I know what you mean about county chairs getting in the way, but we are fortunate, this man was voted in 6 months ago on an America First platform in our county to fix the complete lack of action and direction from our prior chair. I'm a new PCP (<1 year) and the enthusiasm is amazing. We just invited two neighboring counties to join our monthly meeting to keep it going. Lots of infighting in other counties though, it's ugly.

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. . . then get him to join http://tacticalcivics.com too. We don't have to reinvent the "wheel" with Tactical Civics. It's just making the familiar AmericaAGAIN!™ A lot less infighting where everyone has their own ideas. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. No dangers of a Constitution Convention, etc. Just a LAW enforcement action to make them obey the Constitution as it is.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Agree. It is up to us. We must maintain at our local precincts. 🇺🇸

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

All war is local.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

"Let’s be honest with ourselves. “Clean” elections are, at best, a distant and future aspiration, an unreachable ideal." Balderdash! the KEY is control over individual counties, and I'd like anyone to present a better plan that Tactical Civics is presenting! We have to have control over the federal government from the individual county up to the State government.

IF 17th SOG is really sincere and not just a bunch of mouse clickers, lemme talk to you just as sincerely. (I AM voting #MAGA all the way, but putting that completely aside.)

WATCH Tactical Civics’ 55 minute MOVIE with this caveat! It demonstrates how America was made, but how we were systematically slaughtered by Congress in the biggest criminal scam the world has ever known. So, get a grip when you start to watch it! BUT near the end where it gets into solutions, pay very close attention as to how we overcome the federal government at the state and local level.

It proves in breathtaking detail how breaking the law in tiny expedient bits, with pageantry and bunting, delivered a completely shattered government at the broken feet of We The People. Like any sin, that takes you further than you meant to go, keeps you longer than you intended on staying BUT MAKES YOU PAY FAR MORE THAN YOU DREAMED IT WOULD EVER COST! We will hold them accountable and always by legal means! That is completely outlined in our literature, etc.

Keep THIS good news in mind as you watch it else you just might pass out with its dread revelations. Stop it and rewind portions to truly understand where you might need to relearn history!!!

SIXTEEN years ago, (repeat, SIXTEEN YEARS AGO), WE as a very concerned *NON POLITICAL group* in several states (not unlike 17th SOG) convened to consider America's plight, and after an investment of nearly 85,000+ collective hours of research, we came away with http://TacticalCivics.com which has been working fiendishly ever since to take America back one county at a time.

Here's what we found: The Constitution provides for State control over federal courts, representatives and agencies, as per Alexander Hamilton, for those who will not do their job under the Constitution, so WE organized a county and state mechanism to deal with them, and at critical mass of numbers across America we'll march in and subtly take over with our Grand Juries, and then the Militia (DON'T MISUNDERSTAND) to support them.

We're in the 1st phase of just a little bit of "Republic Keeping" as Benjamin Franklin challenged us to DO, and we actually began taking America back, ONE county at a time. That is history.

BUT consider our task: There are 3,141 counties in America and we’re now asking *YOU* to join us, to help us, because we finally have 21% of America's counties ready to lower the boom!!!

Your may be living in one of them but if not you can start a chapter in your own county. We have ALL the support tools needed, but it barely means more than talking to your next-door neighbor.

So, whether you’re for or against Trump, it doesn't really matter under this consideration. TEST: Will you join us to empower the states to legally enforce the Constitution, not just for the 2024 election but for the days running up to election day, AND especially AFTER Trump’s term!

God help us if We The People have not done our "Republic Keeping" before he would leave the Oval Office! BUT it's feasible under our approach that we may be ready to launch Operation Critical Mass as soon as next May or at least a year after that.

So, seriously, will YOU do YOUR DUTY of “Republic Keeping?” If so, then click your county chapter right here and right now, http://TacticalCivics.com and if not, you will have given America your real answer concerning the Republic. There are no excuses applicable to this absolutely necessary task.

See our PRESS RELEASE attached to my profile page on Twitter donal_wood! Please let me know you’ve joined TC and use this post to help retweet the AmericaAGAIN!™ message!

OUR MOVIE https://rumble.com/v1qzjwg-americaagain-the-movie-into.-to-tactical-civics.html……(As I said, GET A GRIP on yourself!)

FREE AUDIO BOOK https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/The-Great-We-Set-Audiobook.mp3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email……

FREE COPY OF David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-SET!" free pdf download. https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf……: http://TacticalCivics.com

JOIN US HERE right now: http://TacticalCivics.com

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Firstly, I would like to clarify that I am not, in any sense, a mere "mouse clicker." I am uncertain as to the intended message of that remark. I have thoroughly examined your documents and visited your website, thereby gaining an understanding of your proposed course of action. It appears that you perceive 17SOG as some form of competition. However, our group consists of only five individuals, fervently advocating for the legal reclamation of our country. We firmly believe that we have not yet fully exercised our right to participate in our system to make any claims of its dysfunction.

You propose the formation of grand juries in every county across the nation. Yet, I wonder, what becomes of the electoral process? Is it to be simply disregarded? I find it perplexing how you can navigate within your documentation without voting.

In my considered opinion, our weaknesses are quite straightforward. Firstly, we have neglected our civic duty. It is as simple as that. Secondly, we have surrendered our battleground. Thirdly, why are the Democrats currently outperforming the conservatives? It is solely because we have not taken our civic duty seriously.

I note your repeated references to 17SOG. We are not in competition with you, sir. I can assure you that I am fulfilling my duty in multiple ways and have made sacrifices for this country. I have borne the weight of carrying my brothers home from combat. Your background is unknown to me, and at this point, it is of little consequence. If your intention is to promote your program, I would suggest that your initial approach of labeling me a "mouse clicker" and then degrading my efforts by asserting the superiority of your method, and presuming my lack of seriousness in maintaining our republic, is not the most effective strategy.

You may have forgotten that I mentioned I was out of the country, working on a contract at the moon. Your somewhat aggressive sales pitch lacks taste. I doubt you have read all my articles, but regardless of their detail, people need to learn the system, understand their local government, and cease acting as if they are defeated. We are far from defeated; we simply do not participate. It is as simple as that.

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Thank you for your response and apologies given where they are due. I have not read your papers, do not know who you are, or where the moon is. As a new member, I've jumped into the middle of a conversation where I saw a point that needs a more perfect understanding.

I believe every single new member of Tactical Civics is huge victory for our Republic because we need far fewer people than most would imagine to take America back. No one is our competition. We haven't any. No one else has a full spectrum and the finely engineered, constitutional plan to make the electoral process work. Your "simple as that" point is the reason for my sarcastic "Mouse Brigade" to weed out the shakers from the movers, because doubtless your own experience proves that the "Mouse Brigade" is where we find the "defeated." They want someone else to right the problem, and no one but "We The People" can do that because OUR NAME is on the very first line in the Constitution addressing

our enemies and allies.

We believe your approach to the local arena is the only one that will eventually work. The trouble, however, with reaching very many in that small arena is that it's very, very slow and war waits for no one. But we already have 21% of the counties now, and could hit "critical mass" as early as this coming May. If not, it will be another year following May. Nevertheless, we're well ahead of anyone else that's truly attempting to take America back and we need allies at the very least, but new warriors on every front the most. They need training and support. AND WE HAVE ALL OF THAT IN SPADES.

You ask how local Grand Juries even extended across the country would affect the electoral process and I concede that they would fail! So, I do not think you have thoroughly enough examined our documents and plan. To spare you the necessity of reading our entire plan (for present discussion), A Grand Jury without the Constitutional requisite of its Militia supporting it (Don't misunderstand!), will fail to go anywhere.

For example, Lyndon LaRouche's various presidential campaigns spanned several decades, from the 1970s to the 2000s. While we may be very glad that he never got more than "close" to winning the nomination of a major political party OR securing the presidency, his failure was entirely due to the lack of Grand Juries and their accompanying Militia. He didn't know the Constitution or the duty of Liberty. Despite his campaigns, and regardless of how close he got with his first one, he lost, but not without having shaken the then present powers. So, without Grand Jury and Militia, no one is in any danger of succeeding (as you suggest) any time soon. THAT is not acceptable.

Please join us. http://www.tacticalcivics.com

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I think you need to look into New California State. As a matter of fact there are 4-5 other states about to start the same process. If California can create a New Constitutional State with a Constitution & a new election process of paper ballots, one day of voting, voter ID, small precincts with 58 counties, I think we have the answer. I haven’t looked at your plan yet but is itConstitutionally based? We are based on Art 4, Sections 3 & 4 of the Constitution.

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It is absolutely Constitutional because it IS the Constitution and simple "Republic Keeping" which is the duty of every man, woman and child.

The time, money, energy, effort and brain damage to create another state is simply an unnecessary task to say nothing of the danger you're exposing yourselves to in having an open Constitutional Convention! Especially in this day and age where consensus is nearly impossible. AND Tactical Civics takes fewer people to accomplish making AmericaAGAIN!™

We're closer to taking America back than you are in becoming a new state. We could reach critical mass by next May, or a year later that would make a brand new America. No one has ever done that before but it's laid out right there in the Constitution, no necessary reinvention of the "wheel", and for the sake of God that's what we will do. There are as many methods to get a clean vote as there are minds of men to create them, but you will not root out the problem. Our "Indictment Engine™" will! Please read David's book to see the full Constitutional spectrum of our endeavor. Read the first line on the Constitution, "We The People," which means that we are the only ones that can make AmericaAGAIN!™

The final point, however, is that no other mechanism exists under our Constitution and it is superior to any that have ever been written, whether of old or in near history. Too many other things to argue about.


OUR MOVIE https://rumble.com/v1qzjwg-americaagain-the-movie-into.-to-tactical-civics.html……(As I said, GET A GRIP on yourself!)

FREE AUDIO BOOK https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/The-Great-We-Set-Audiobook.mp3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email……

FREE COPY OF David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-SET!" free pdf download. https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf……: http://TacticalCivics.com

JOIN US HERE right now: http://TacticalCivics.com

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This has absolutely nothing to do with constitutional convention. We will be a new state within 6-10 months, probably before the end of this year. Obviously you didn’t read our website. I’m not criticizing yours until I read it. The same courtesy should be given.

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You will be having to adopt a Constitution and ergo will have to have a convention of sorts to do it. BUT you make a fine point of my not having read "your" website. I'm not going to because the greater decision since I was 13 years old and again so resolutely in 1975 and lastly in 2012 until today is completely fulfilled in Tactical Civics, and if my lack of interest in you're being a new state keeps you from careful examination of TC that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I can't help but think you'd be overwhelmingly convinced it being the ONLY way (since it is purely the United States Constitution) but that decision like America's is yours alone to make. Also, one has to pick and choose his fights. God bless you.

Out of interest, where in California do you live? I've lived all over Southern California, Oregon and Washington. Is yours the one that's joining Idaho? I have seen a couple of items on that.

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No worries I do that all the time. But I think we’re on the same side here. For sure. We may have different methods but definitely on the same side.

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Are all these links on TacticalCivics.com?

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Rumble hosts our movie, but, "AmericaAgain Trust" is ours.

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The goal is not perfect elections, but clean enough elections. There is always going to be some efforts to subvert legal norms in a system of more than a quarter billion people. Put out the worst fires and move on to the next. And keep going forever, hopefully with sufficient success to eep those that follow God and Constitution are kept in charge.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Been trying to get more and more of us fighting republicans to the polls here in this blue state. We are hoping to flip it red. For the sake of this state and Nation, I hope we achieve it.

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Agree with your basic premise. We The People have to get to work to save the Republic. But I disagree with you on the 2020 election, because it was a Coup, not just cheating as usual. And it wasn’t just Americans doing the cheating or election interference. And no matter how hard you work at the precinct, if we don’t do something about the fake president and his corrupt DOJ who is pulling out every unconstitutional stop to put President Trump in jail, then we won’t have him to vote for. THIS is election interference and cheating at its worst. And it started when PDJT decided to run for President and gets worse & worse as time goes on. This is desperation on their part and we need to take advantage of that desperation. #impeachbidenharrisnow

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We The People "getting to work to save the Republic" started in earnest 16 years ago. In some places and cases, even earlier than that, but no one has engineered a more fully comprehensive and full spectrum goal of taking America back again, one county at a time, than Tactical Civics. I beg you to join us. http://www.TacticalCivics.com

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I will look into it. Please look into www.newcaliforniastate.com I don’t think any We The People movement anywhere in the country has put more effort into bringing back the Constitution & making the country live up to its founding ideals.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

My point is not that 2020 is to be ignored or left un-prosecuted. I am taking issue with those that say efforts for '24 or other elections are pointless until '20 is dealt with first. My take is that winning in '24 is a necessary precondition for addressing '20.

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Almost nothing it seems in the way of retribution for government crimes, including the 2020 coup, can be done without the senate being won by righteous patriots. So , I agree, the 2024 election IS the logical path to this solution. If, however, the inherent machine-rigged voting is not eliminated prior to 2024, there will never be a righteous freedom-loving senate elected to concur. So putting a 2024 election in the drivers seat for rectifying 2020 is like putting the cart before the horse…we have to fix the election process which has a cornerstone of eliminating ALL-EVERY DANG ONE!— of the technologically “advanced ” voting apparatuses.

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Kristin, if I may be so bold to interrupt again, the 2024 election is not the solution to punishing the criminals. This entire matter is written out in the order it belongs in David's book, "The Great WE-set!™" Their punishment is coming, but it's NOT according to who sits in the Oval Office. It's wholly dependent on us -- WE The People. That's our first task above all. Make AmericaAGAIN!™ It could come as early as next May!!! That date depends on getting just 50 counties country wide. Seven states with seven counties, and Texas with eight counties. It's not dependant at all on any Federal Election. NO president can do what only We The People can do. He serves at our pleasure as long as he obeys the law. But yes, retribution is coming and might even come before a year from November. Though in scope it will be the 'shot heard 'round the world' for the 2d time, not a single fire arm will necessarily be discharged. Read all about it in David's book.

Or listen to David's book. I do both.

OUR MOVIE https://rumble.com/v1qzjwg-americaagain-the-movie-into.-to-tactical-civics.html……(As I said, GET A GRIP on yourself!)

FREE AUDIO BOOK https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/The-Great-We-Set-Audiobook.mp3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email……

FREE COPY OF David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-SET!" free pdf download. https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf……: http://TacticalCivics.com

JOIN US HERE right now: http://TacticalCivics.com

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I will be more than happy to read how this might —and can—occur…i have had hope that the Brunson case might be the tool for cleaning criminals out of congress…( it was due to be looked at again mid July) but once this is accomplished , the govmnt needs to be fixed—not left for the next group of election rigging, bribed, racketeers to plunder. I will start the dive into this in a day or so-I am hoping to be well enough to absorb some good news with a good plan behind it. Thanks, Donal!

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I knew the minute Brunson first went to the SCOTUS that it would never even receive a hearing. They simply cannot allow it, but if it were even 50 counties spread across the USA, they would not be able to stop it . . . AND we wouldn't need Brunson. :) <3

Going into the why's and wherefore's this late stage in my life is unnecessary and ineffective. Been there and done that, have written two law books in my life and that's enough. I am NOT and never have been nor would I ever have agreed to sit for the state bar anywhere. I never practiced law, I DID it. But again, we cannot win right now. I try to appease you with a way to take America back now, and I realize that goal will have to rise supreme over all the other fear porn and motivate us to 'CHARGE!" Faith comes by hearing, and HEARING the Word of God.

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I thank God you are posting here and i have found this info—i cannot wait to dig into all of this-thank you for a little personal background-impressive and credible —God bless you!!

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And Impeach Merrick Garland now.

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Leslie, with all due respect, as right as you are, we are way too premature to do that, and even if it happened by some fluke it would not stop DCCP (Washington D.C. Communist Party). Please read my entire posts above. AND PLEASE join us.

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I am joining.. thanks for this info…. Looking for a group with a real and total solution-maybe this will be it!!

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I have no clue who you are, but you appeared on my email this morning…right after 83 So-called Republicans voted NOT to reinstate unvaxed pilots. While I agree in principle, I need an explanation for this before listening to ANYONE who supports the uni-party.

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Any and all Vax mandates are an act of war against the Free Inhabitants of this country. The pilots who are unvaccinated are the very best people to be flying a plane. I will not take a plane anymore unless I can verify that the person flying it is unvaccinated.

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Be aware, “Federal Republic” could mean a British territorial federal republic. Let us be clear American common law includes the “states of the union “ for a federal republic, an American Republic!

Not military, territorial, and /or district Common law. None of those three are American common law.

So what exactly are we working for?

Secondly only Slaves vote! Free people: We the People elect…

Just what IS going on here?

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Amen! AND AMEN!!! Simply the United States Constitution with State's in charge! Just as it says and that is the power we still have and are using to make AmericaAGAIN!™ Won't you join us?

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For cosmic clearance in sovereign witness,

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeketh such to adore him. John 4.


Let not your spirits eternal be but sword & shield, fully shod fearfully and wonderfully made, that this & every day belongs to all-fathers godsons and goddaughters both in image and likeness of, by and for eternal dominion honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore.

Chose in action your only just sword of honor & shield of honor, binding unity of body with all walks of life seeking good will via Nature's Law & Nature's (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore.

As sovereign witness of the good people of united America & eternal Creation - "I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send me into the, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15.

Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors.

Whatever course of action ye take in regards to our eternal good will pouring out all-fathers efforts espousing duties, respective to reasonable vigilance, always know honor for honor will always be thy best foundation for all solutions. 1 John 4.

Reasonableness avoids unconscionableness and doing the same thing 'voting' over and over over corporately, is either an act thereof, or worse, indicative of your will-full conscienceless dominion.

Both WEF and WHO and even thy current corporate agencies of government are terrorist organizations since the true governments ( the good people of united America) have been infiltrated.


18 U.S. Code §2331. Definitions

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended—

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Why is the above stated, true?

"It is obviously correct that no one acquires a vested or protected right in violation of the Constitution by long use, even when that span of time covers our entire national existence and indeed predates it." Walz v. Tax Commission of New York Justice, 397 U.S. 664 at 678 (1970).

"One's right to life, liberty and property ... And other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections." West Virginia Bd. Of Ed. V. Barnett, 319 US 624, 638 (1943).

“The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”— West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette – 319 U.S. 623, 624, 638 (1943).

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and in thy day of testing all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, honor is thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur

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So about these well known gangs that posion our communities with drugs, traffic our children, hijack our elections, terroize our school childern, We're just supposed to sit across the "aisle" and get out the vote? We need to be loud. We need to be seen. The whites in our eyes will remind them, this is america. Live free or die. I am in love, and liberty is that love. Make some noise patriots. Paper ballots. Law and order.

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While i cannot agree with every point made in this article, i am wholeheartedly in support of the urgent need for local initiatives to allow local elections to function as intended : without Left handed criminal infiltration. Poll workers, watchers, even precinct committeeman alone, however, will not create an environment wherein the votes will be counted accurately. Why?? Because machines can flip 40 or 50 thousand votes OUT of one column and into the other column in about two seconds! They can move a voter’s address to three or four precincts to vote numerous times ( done in FL- and probably in every state) —there are NO witnesses to these grand slam vote thefts , not even those working the polls. The War is all about removing EACH AND EVERY voting related ( in any way!) machine. THEN when the poll watchers, etc do their jobs it may make a difference. But without removing the technological beasts of election fraud, it is useless to try and use any other means to rectify the voting system: like using an eyedropper to drain a swimming pool. FIRST and FOREMOST, remove ALL technology from voting— then we have a chance to save the Republic… God help us..i am one of those willing but currently too ill to be of any help…i pray to be well; we need warriors in the front line. Look at www.ccdfusa.com….this is county citizens defending freedom….or another election purifying group. HINT: if the number ONE priority of the group is not eliminating machines, it is either too uninformed to be relevant or part of the controlled opposition. God be with us!

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Dear Sweet, Kristin, I know your pain, but I'm wearing a understanding smile, because I know how to salve your wounds. Thank God for your sincerity of heart! Wrap your hurt in David's book. :)

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Thank you for your understanding, dear compeer! This has been a long hard battle on many fronts; i pray that someone is able to take my place on the front line. …still hoping i can be more proactive at some point! Thank you again! I appreciate the links as well…..:)

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Did you know that the DOD has said that ALL electronic voting machines are not to be used going forward ANYWHERE anymore because they ALL, no matter what brand, have parts in them made in adversarial nations? Of course MSM is not covering this because they are in on the fix, but Arizona is the first state to ban the machines & California has one county with many more to follow to ban them. I believe that by the 2024 election they will be gone. But we have to make a lot of noise to continue the process to remove them. Mail in voting & early voting is very bad as well. The Constitution lays out very clearly when Federal Elections are to take place.

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Hmm. I don’t believe i have heard that claim about the DOD— but also would have a difficult time believe anything put out by any corrupt dept. of this current regime. Where did this info come from ? I Just heard (a couple of weeks ago) that our Gov DeSantis made some “edict” that votes in FL MUST be machine counted—MUST BE!! I am hoping that this is wrong …have not been able to research that as yet..but i do not trust any Governor so disloyal to our Real President; therefore, i will not be putting that kind of voting control beyond his tentacles.

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You haven’t heard about it because it’s being silenced by the media. I haven’t heard about DeSantis saying that either & while I’m not in favor of him being president that sounds rather out of character for him, unless his donors are influencing him. I don’t have a direct quote handy from the DOD but I will look for it. It’s almost 4 am here and I am going to sleep. The entire DOD isn’t corrupt, a lot is going on in the background.

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I appreciate any reference you might find . I am having a day of being physically unable to follow any trail…i supported DeSantis -even made a donation to his first run for governor. You know the one i mean—the one Pres Trump Won for him!! But info has come out re: his background, Gitmo participation, his delay in getting constitutional carry WITH a red flag law, election fraud (!!), the non response to child trafficking investigation connected Chris Hallett murder case in Ocala 11/2020, our FL “Family Court” and CPS systems which ARE the Swamp of FLA—- if he wsnts to clean up a Stinking SWAMP he need not go to DC! And as the icing on the cake: he gets elected Governor so he can campaign across the country instead of doing his dang job in Florida! You can see i am upset ….are you in Fl as well? It seems like you indicated this-sorry, I can’t see well today n can’t recall exactly why i thought you might be…

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Not to mention who is endorsing him.... Dang....

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https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/56leg/1R/bills/SCR1037S.htm It’s a little confusing. It seems to be DOD & DHS.

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I shall check it out- thanks!

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No, Southern California, but I have relatives & friends in Florida and have been there for extended stays my whole life.

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Gotcha… sorry you aren’t nearby but , I am sure CA needs you there… God bless!

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I am aware of behind the scenes but have been moving and ill and difficult to keep up. Was this order to cover ANY election, or just federal? Not sure how the federal agency can dictate to states, especially for elections pertaining to state offices. I would REALLY like to know more about that… if you can find it? Thanks for the glimmer of hope tho…

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You know what it's like if you found a mountain of gold and all your family and friends were just beyond you, in back of you. You would hail them and say, "HEY!!! It's over here!!!" That's the only noise we need to be making, because it solves all the problems in one fell swoop! <3

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Or let me quote the attorney general of south carolina, who is a colonel in the nat guard. July 12 2023 after catching a murderer a retiring sc judge let out 16 years earlier after being on the run for several months. His closing sentence, sc ag " let this be a message to everyone, if you break the law, we have an army coming after you" he said it. Back to work everyone. Hold everyone accountable.

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Does ANYONE SEE THIS?? That for Every Generation or Generations comes a time of DO OR DIE we as a world group country get a REALLY profound test like WW2 WW! etc/So maybe this is OURS have too many become spoiled weak misguided selfish. But there r so many good ppl how could this happen??>>Many countries are Unified to some pt ARE WE ??What is our Bond together??? are we a country now of gangs fighting tribes or something else many good true ppl do and have sacrificed their lives for our freedom there are good such good ppl but are they getting outnumbered more by self interest ppl that just dont give a f-ck about it now $$$>> the new normal men women kids.......200 years is the great experiment a long time are WE succeeding or failing???....

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God has promised saving our country, but most of us miss the most important word he used:

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Ch 7:14).

The KEY is repentance. Turning from our wicked ways.

IF we are not bound by the Constitution then it shall be a free-for-all, but if we are bound by that God-given and blessed document, for, by "We The People" it will be very hard for another force to disrupt us. "Republic Keeping" is every American's job, and doing it through our conversations to our actual actions is all part of it. Don't miss our "Indictment Engine!™ It's really exciting and is part of our Phase IV.

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God has said we will- with His help- Win this fight. God historically uses a remnant. So where we were failing ..we will succeed as The Awakening occurs and people begin seeing and hearing The Truth. 1 John, 1-14– Christians are to speak this verse daily and prophecy will come to pass. Robin Bullock and Johnny Enlow are both prophets; their prophcies speak to this…

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We’ll stated. My husband and I are both poll workers. I have a good relationship with the mayor and have been outspoken about the attacks from the left on our town of about 30,000+.

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Great work! Thanks for your efforts.

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You wrote:

"The right has descended into speculative nonsense about ‘trust the plan’ narratives that rest on imagined and increasingly unlikely notions like a devolved presidency, secret federal corporations, military takeovers of the government, etc." [I don't agree with X22 either.]

The only part here, I take issue with is; "'secret federal corporations,"' this notion that what we have as a Federal Government is a Constitutional Republic --- that has all these "Corporate Annexes," called three letter agencies; ---- What are they if not little corporations themselves? designed to answer to a larger franchise? What also doesn't make sense is that you mentioned this:

"The Democrats are working hard to place federal controls over the electoral process. Or in other words, they are working to place the "federal administrative deep state" in a position to control future elections."

What exactly is a "federal administrative deep state?" if not a form of Federal Corporation?

Regardless of how someone may interpret this; there IS a Federal Corporate structure, it IS a franchise of Administrative Admiralty Law as administered from the City of London. Everything is based on the Hegelian Dialectic "Problem, Reaction, Solution." Lets face the reality that we don't need to use eletronic voting machines in order to vote; paper ballots will always work, only problem is that paper cannot be hacked by China, paper cannot host an "algorithm," paper may only take longer to count. Benefits of paper: it reduces the incidents of voter fraud, coordinated cheating that the Federal Corporation actually designed into the architecture of the system.

After what happened with the Plandemic, wherein the US Federal Government committed an act of WAR against the Free Inhabitants of this country, in a long form plan that employed the so called Patriot Act; the PREP Act; EUA with "Other Transaction Authority," to create a product people were coerced to take through "MANDATES," (OTA which effectively voided all liability for the Pharma companies.) For the formulation of and use of a known bio-synthetic toxin containing graphene oxide and hydroxide; the vaccine was referred to as "Medical Countermeasures." Definition of "countermeasure" is bio weapon. The US Republic did not do this; the United States Incorporated DID. One thing you can count on, they are not done with this; neither are we.

Legal definition of a "Corporation," == A legal Veil; to protect all of the principals and officers of the corporation, with the purpose of limited liability. In other words, if you are a primary owner and you want to commit a crime, just form a corporation first, then you will be hidden from liability.

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Well, I don’t agree with much of what you’re saying, however, let’s say that I did how are we going to deal with these issues that you just brought up? There’s only one way. And that is to secure your communities if you secure your communities, and you look the right people there’s not much federal governments gonna be able to do. Every senator every congressman, every federally elected politician comes from the local level. Think about that.

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It’s really a matter of focus on the right target I guess I could say? We know that the federal government has corporations, but it is not a corporation in itself, and when you focus on the federal government being a corporation, you’re missing the corporations that are the real problem. Problems like regulatory capture, etc. I believe that there’s huge problems with corporations in United States. It needs to be overhauled but if we’re focused on an entity that doesn’t exist that’s an issue in my opinion.

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Furthermore, what can we do about federal corporations anyways??? Nothing. The only way we can deal with them is if we focus on local government. Everything resonates and propagates from there.

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RIGHT! Your local Grand Jury with it's Militia will simply cause the federal corporations to forget about renewing their charters. They'll die on their own vines. READ about our "Indictment Engine™"

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By being aware of exactly what has happened and why it has happened, we can avoid blindly following and acquiescing to the Globalist interests. You are correct about the local close nit communities as a possible solution; I have stated this many times in the past. I really don't think we disagree with each other, we may tussle about the specific means in which to fix the problems. Sorry to have come off so strong in my initial comment. I do have a lot of research that proves my main points though.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023Author

No, you’re right I agree, I have no animosity whatsoever. I guess my point was without ignoring history and even if we disagree on the history, the path forward is still the same was my point. Because as I do agree that history is important sometimes as you know, history can be deceiving for various reasons.

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Great piece here and I totally agree. This election will be the most important for we the people to get involved inn. And so in the future if there will be one.

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Hi Mike, actually it's not the coming election that's so critical, because no President, no matter how good, is able to make AmericaAGAIN!™ We are the only ones that can do that, and we'll be the first in America's history to do so. It's taking America back again one county at a time, because the county can prosecute any and all federal incursions upon their state. Please, please read

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FREE AUDIO BOOK https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/The-Great-We-Set-Audiobook.mp3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email……

FREE COPY OF David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-SET!" free pdf download. https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf……: http://TacticalCivics.com

JOIN US HERE right now: http://TacticalCivics.com

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One possible reform is to review voting in the way the Gore-Bush votes were reviewed in Florida. This is manpower-intensive and costly.

Another possibility is to do away with secret ballot, which is not required by the Constitution. Publishing a complete list of who voted for what would mean that each person could see their vote and validate it. One could argue, I think, what about those who then would "buy" votes. The profitability of buying votes can also be addressed by removing Socialism, that is, making it illegal and preventing candidates from promising their voters free "stuff" and Other People's Money. This also requires considerable effort, since it has been practice to disguise this a thousand different ways, by proposing bills that move money from one constituency to another. nevertheless, if the profitability of buying votes is removed to the greatest degree possible, publicly published ballot is rendered possible and should be discussed.

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