Jul 2Liked by The Constitutional Republic

My mother does foster care and and to hear the stories of what these young children have gone through and knowing what she does to help! They often try to come in and break up young children with there siblings by adopting one out leaving the remaining siblings behind! My mother had to adopt all three children to keep them together! The money, isn’t enough! The appointments with therapist, doctors, foster care handler food , clothes is some have real special needs, one lit my mothers house on fire and she gets no help from the government! It’s a shame because iv seen my mother battling to get more help with no help! The one child that lit the house also does a lot more damage and what did the government do try to put him back with the same family they took him from in the beginning! There not helping these children there using them for funds and tossing them away or into society to create havoc because they say they are overwhelmed!

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Please do tell your mother the she is a hero! And God Bless her!

These are stories that need to be told! These are the stories where solutions can be identified and spread around! I would love to interview her if she ever felt like wanting to be heard!

This is the perspective that I don’t think gets heard or shown a lot.

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Jul 1Liked by The Constitutional Republic

We also need to SERIOUSLY consider that the corrupt rot in DC is also in the foster care system….covering for very active child trafficking for a wide (and evil) variety of reasons. Thank you for the dig!!

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Why should the system work? Its designed to trafficking kids.

If I told you I have evidence that our government is funding the trafficking of kids through military contractors would it surprise you?? I have the amounts, names and grant numbers..the indigenous children in this country are being intermingled with the illegals to hide what they are doing...evil has to tell you why they are doing so you stay silent...silence is compliance. Mayorkas is at the head of the table as well as the office of refugee settlement..I have given this information to James O'Keefe but he has yet to do anything with it like so many others. Yes I'm calling it out!! I'm fucking tired of people asking for help and doing nothing with what I provide. Fucking sick. They would rather do exposes of idiots in the CIA and other3 letter agencies playing games...dick heads IMO..

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No it would not sunrise me. I’ve written about this extensively. I know where the money is going and what grants as well. I also know specific addresses phone numbers emails and I put it out!!

There needs to be more people putting this stuff out!! If you have information you should put it out and stop waiting for somebody to do it for you!

This may sound harsh.

You may not like what I have to say but stop waiting for anyone else to do it for you!!

Get it done!

Become a citizen journalist, put it out there!

Why wait for anyone to give it too!’ Substack is free!

And it can be done anonymously or not! Silence is compliance so get loud!.

Get loud! Let’s go!

Don’t feel resentment about others putting this out.

Get out there and do it! What is stopping you??


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