LOTS of Great Awakening happening! Hold the Line Patriots. Schumann resonance upping humanity’s frequency daily. Truth is coming out on mainstream. We are uniting, God wins. We just watched “The Sum of All Fears” and look how far we’ve come! WWG1WGA NCSWIC the best is yet to come 😊🙏👍🏽🇺🇸💙 Restored Republic, COG, CIC Trump, devolution, reconstitution it’s all being disclosed, thank you thank you thank you 17th SOG

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I guess you haven't seen the best then. Try TacticalCivics.com. It's actually nothing new. In fact, it's closer to 300 years old than anything. But it worked once! Was actually the best that ever was. Now everyone's got a theory, and most aren't listening to anyone else. I mean, who could! No one can afford to listen to every Tom, Dick and Harriet to find the best Plan. Fortunately, I didn't even have to invent a Plan either. I just followed the One that made America and so now we are making AmericaAGAIN!™ I wrote a long post somewhere here on this thread and it's a general flaw of all social media. Unless one reads the entire thread there's actually only a small chance of ever finding the gold.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply! Appreciate the info. Makes sense. Checking out your video now a a Ms website. I know I don’t know and I’m all about knowledge with a loving heart and change is constant. Grateful for this action-based plan! WWG1WGA

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I send out several eye opening videos to about 30 contacts who tha forward them to their contacts. so as I get your action plan I'll be happy to forward them to my like minded contacts.

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Onward and eyes forward, Andy. You are loved and appreciated.

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Personal Observation


Those who seek to control us rely heavily on Fear and generating feelings of apprehension. Describing Problems, without defining Solutions only increases people’s fears. It’s time to move on. These articles will be US-based but have some relevance in Canada.


SubStack – 17SOG (US)



A particular matter has been occupying my thoughts of late: the discourse of truth among some of my fellow Americans. There are those who proclaim themselves part of the "truth movement," asserting their dedication to this cause for decades. To these individuals, I must pose a question: Why has no actionable plan been presented? Why has the pursuit of truth become a cycle of information, much of which has fallen on deaf ears, without a translation into tangible actions? This dissonance is what troubles me most profoundly.




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Great wisdom, unfortunately most of the people will not read it due to cognitive dissonance. I did read it and it was well stated. Good job and blessings upon your new plan.

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Action Statement:

Take Action:

Create New Partys:

1.) Straight Party

2.) Homo Party

3.) Pedophile Party

4.) Lesbo 'yell in your face' Party

5.) Rino Party - sodomites ( #2 non-aligned to RNC )

6.) demoRat Party - pedophiles ( #3 above non-aligned to DNC )

7.) GOV DOLE Party - people who feed at gov welfare trough

8.) Working mans Party - people who actually perform a useful service to society

9.) GOV EMP Union Party - The parasites that suck the blood out of the living

Force all party members to wear a colored shirt so they can be identified on the street.

Then give them sticks and decide who will rule.


The problems today USA is that nobody knows who to bash over the head, the GOV fills everybodys minds with garbage and division ( divide & conquer )

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Hope you'll read my post above, and read David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-Set!" Download a free copy here:

1. FREE AUDIO BOOK https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/The-Great-We-Set-Audiobook.mp3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email……

2. FREE COPY OF David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-SET!" free pdf download. https://americaagain.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/The-Great-We-Set-30Mar2023.pdf……: http://TacticalCivics.com

3. OUR PRESS RELEASE! is on my Twitter profile page. @donal_wood

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I hope you will also read my post above.

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I like Mr. Esposito’s decision to pass the information on...perhaps you could do that as well. It WILL

Catch on...we have to add our belief and faith to this so cognitive dissonance can no longer rule the day.

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I believe that much has transpired, but until each citizen realizes the final changes will not happen until each one individually takes responsibility for the future.....🇺🇸🙏

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Let us pray that happens soon. Our children's future is at risk...

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OK, NOW we are getting into the nuts and bolts. So take over the parties huh? In my state we have already seen how the GOP cheats in keeping their cronies in place. In our recent GOP meeting they "illegally" put in place an illegal voting system to decide who the GOP chair and its officers would be. There was not vote to install this system, no nothing. They just did it. Well, in the GOP bylaws it states that all votes for such things need to be cast FROM the GOP floor, IN PERSON! Well, after the voting using the system was done it was found that many votes cast were NOT PRESENT physically on the floor. We caught them redhanded. Yet when they were caught they dismissed it. So essentially they used the same flawed system that was used for voting in elections. a lawsuit was brought against the GOP for this egregious violation, but it has gone no where. So what to do when you try to take control and your own party, who claims to honest free and fair, does the SAME thing democrats do? The solution to party politics is to do away with the parties altogether. This country didnt begin with a 2,3, or 4 party system. There were no parties. The DEMOCRATS put this scheme into place in order to divide the people. Sound familiar? I agree with you. Many of us are in an echo chamber. So what is actionable at this time? Im tired of fighting this fight for the sake of fighting (just looking busy to be looking busy = chasing your tail) with no effective actionable plan. Every time I come up with a plan, no one wants to do it, everyone is offended by my bluntness (what can I say Im a Marine), or they come up with a counter plan then do nothing. Nuff venting for the day. I wait with baited breath to hear your plan.

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Semper Fi!

We have to focus on the now, and whats in front of us, we have to infiltrate first, in mass. Get together with your neighbors. Like minded people, etc... It really is the only way. Find your precinct, Canvass, inform, educate yourself. If your in a blue area, enforce accountability, reinforce transparency, be a thorn!! I believe people are waiting for a plan of action. The first step will be out in a few hours, Waiting on edits. All nine steps are done, But I don't want top over whelm.

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It is the same in most large cities. I feel your pain. Please see my post below.


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Right I feel the same way as you do.

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Unfortunately due to this method of communicating, we who are capable will be infiltrated from the gitgo. I'm afraid to say what my thoughts are, knowing they are being read, in real time, by some letter agency faggot that has the ability to put boots on my front stoop. I only advisetheybetter send their best. At my age, I truly don't give a mad fuck anymore. But I'm here, for tactical support when the need arises.

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It’s OK to be the rock and be ready to roll.


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If you believe in prayer and how powerful you are as a part of what the military is doing with the Alliance, to mop up the evil and persistent alien presence and the last of the CABAL and Mafia Crime families who are causing so much suffering on the Earth, then, NOW is the time to add your LOVE to the last efforts to win this Spiritual War. All of this depends on us becoming WE THE PEOPLE and not merely relying on others to fight our battles and end the horrible suffering that has gone on for decades and decades. WWG1WGA is true. So do what you can however you can and God Bless you all, Sharon

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people are basically innocent like childern like sheep,,, Jesus knew this, he is the good sheppard . others are wolves in sheeps clothing , ie most politicians and priests... " ask and it shall be given " knock and it will be opened " glory and thanks to the good Father his Son and the Holy spirit...

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

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Boy! I couldn't agree more, that I AM THE PLAN, just as YOU are the Plan.

Have you ever noticed whose name is on the DEED of Liberty? It's ours, "WE THE PEOPLE." We are the only ones who can claim Liberty or deliver it to our "posterity" who are also named in that same Preamble of our Constitution of the United States. THAT was the goal of those "treasonous radicals" who signed it. Nine of them paid with their lives, and many of the others were ruined. AND for whom? If not you and me, then for WHOM!

You wrote: "It is time, I think, for us to engage in a frank and reflective dialogue with ourselves about the challenges we face as a nation. . . . Our LOCAL communities are the crucible of our future! What then, are we doing?" (Emphasis supplied).

Sixteen years ago, a number of us asked ourselves this very question, and the answer was to recruit at least 1/2 of 1% of the LOCAL county's inhabitancies to take the same stand as Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Henry, etc., et. al.


We honestly didn't know. Prognostication led to actually recruiting a foothold in as many US Counties as we could, and as you have noticed, it was TOUGH and is still very difficult to get persons -- even like you to join us. It's that old nemesis of, "Not Invented Here," that hinders so many. THEY want to be the leader and so they are an island to themselves soon quitting the job because they recruited no one or too few.

BUT we continued these sixteen burdensome years and have not quit. Here is our actual record beginning January 1, 2023. We had a foothold in only 42 states, and about 12% of America's 3,141 counties. On July, 2023, we finally had 20% of America's counties and all 50 states! WOW! We knew we were still short of the goal but ahead of everyone or anyone else. BUT IN JUST THE MONTH OF JULY, BEGINNING AUGUST 1st WE HAD GROWN FROM 650 COUNTIES TO 680 OF THEM OR 22% OF AMERICA'S COUNTIES!

You're increasingly vexed by no actionable plans? OPEN YOUR JOYFUL EYES! We have one single plan we've proven 26 times in the state of California. Our plan is simple, you have to have a LOCAL Grand Jury together with its necessary enforcement arm, a Militia. (DO NOT misunderstand me!) "A Militia being necessary for the security of a FREE state; the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

So that, if you get some numbskull advancing some new "law" (or from a law already on the books) that tends to "infringe upon our God given right" to bear arms, the Grand Jury is presented with a Bill of Particulars. The Grand Jury hears it and indicts the person(s) involved. When they are indicted and bothered to appear in their LOCAL Court, escorted by the Militia if necessary, to give an explanation for their behavior (their plea of guilty/not guilty), the Court makes it clear that they will stand trial for treason, but if they should recant their treasonous activities their trial will be "suspended," for five years unless or until they again violate their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

So, My Friend, let me ask you: What is there to fear of a "Two Party System?" WE could care less how many parties there may be!!!

So, I've answered your question about a "tangible actionable plan" that whereby we are actually achieving the Constitutional goals we all have.

Ignorance is not our only enemy, but there's nothing wrong with ignorance that our message cannot cure. It's the stooopidity that is our real enemy, but to what end? When we have our Grand Jury and Militia, what damage can they do?

IF you can agree, and I think you do, that "Truth" was given us by Creation's God in the ordained Constitution of the United States, then we have all the direction already laid out in uniform order. We only need the FEW who will lend their pride to support the "full spectrum" of TacticalCivics.com to EFFECT AmericaAGAIN!™ Who is there in this group who has not wished that we could just stop everything and reenact AmericaAGAIN?™

I look forward to your Plan, but hasten to say that if you do it without TacticalCivics.com and become our "competitor," MORE POWER TO YOU! But realize, won't you, that you'll only slow things down which have taken the life's blood of just as committed a soldiers as you are to advance to 22% of America's counties, and hopefully can reach "critical mass" before the next election! THEN why not join us?

"Critical Mass" is defined as 50 COUNTIES spread out over the whole country within SEVEN states (Texas having eight counties) for an even 50 counties. This contest is taking place as we speak. Both Texas and California are very important for additional SCOTUS reasons. Won't go into it here, but it's published in David M. Zuniga's book, "The Great WE-Set!"

So, JOIN us or not. We need only THE FEW who will bend their own lives, liberties and WILL to TacticalCivics.com's PLAN. Our voice is not weary because as we stand at the foot of our exponential growth, at MY 81 years of age, I was never so enthused and excited as a youth, than I am today and for the time it is in America because we are doing what no other Americans have ever done before us -- to make AmericaAGAIN!™

God bless you, SpartanAltsobaPatriot, I salute YOU.

Donal Liberty Wood (Read our PRESS RELEASE pinned to my Twitter@donal_wood.

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Aug 10, 2023
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Pardon me for leaving the idea I was with TacticalCivics.com from the moment of its inception. I was not. I came later, but in another world I was well before Tactical Civics was ever created. I'm also 81 years old. I think David is only in his 60's. My initiation in these matters actually began at age 13. I was stimulated to read the Constitution due to a woman who had a "base station in the Citizens Band world" in Englewood, Colorado. However, much the same way as I mentioned in my post, I have become utterly satisfied to lay my pride and accomplishments aside, to forget about the "NIH" factor (Not Invented Here), and whole heartedly join with those who have the same Constitutional goal we should all have. In that way I am as much a part as you or anyone else would be. We are all Americans and the only ones who can hand Liberty down. I am not the only one of this kind, like you mention, Scott McKay, but we have today's unknown Washington's, Jefferson's, Adams', Franklin's, Henry's etc. whose names might become as famous one day 200 years from now when they realize the price we paid to hand Liberty down to them. I have come to know that the rich and famous will not even be members of Tactical Civics. Pride, the NIH Factor and being too busy will prevent them. It will be the bread maker, the cobbler, the house wife, school teacher, garage mechanic, builder, fisherman, Sunday School teacher, the cop, electrician, plumber, etc., etc., etc., et. al. who will make. AmericaAGAIN!™ I hope you will join for We The People are JUST AS ESSENTIAL to Liberty as Washington, Jefferson, Adams, etc.

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“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

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I have seen many a plan evaporate due to those who hold the power. They have a collective influence over the local community politics through intimidation, both legal & physical. Those who cannot be bribed are intimidated GREATLY in the larger cities. If your plan does not address this problem it will fail to gain traction. Any good plan will need the backing of the County sheriff, and other agencies that can enforce the RICO statutes & then you will still have to deal with judges facing the same problems as the new members of a city commission face. I don’t have all the answers but I can certainly see the problems we face. FREE

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That doesn’t sound free or fighting…

I see generalized assumptions and accusations. Do you have any specific examples of what your talking about?

I think it’s time for action instead of excuses. Sorry but, I have seen many a plan be successful against what seemed like futile or near impossible situations…. And here I am…

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When your daughter’s boyfriend gets run off the road and dies, you will feel different. That is what happened to one Georgia legislator. As for this moniker I use, I am free & fighting in my own way( see my Substack Notes) & you never addressed my stated concerns. Instead, you tried to impune my integrity. I successfully ran a tool & die business for over 33 years now retired. I have seen several companies attacked in several different ways to steal or suppress new energy ideas or groundbreaking technologies. Look what happened to the Larson-Radax engine. You will have trouble gaining traction if you do not address my concerns. What you are trying to accomplish has a better chance of succeeding if it is in conjunction with a top down approach. Be well, good luck, & GOD Bless you for your Good Works. FREE

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Sir, how can one address generalized concerns such as the ones you presented? Might I inquire how I have impugned your integrity? Is it by seeking truth and posing questions? Your concerns were expressed in general terms, and as a seasoned business owner, you must recognize that generalizations seldom lead to solutions. Having battled against the most formidable adversities this planet has to offer, and having lost acquaintances to the very things that have befallen others, I am no stranger to the stories of Larson redux and the Georgia, legislator, and the countless tales of businesses being intimidated or forcefully robbed.

In this complex world, there are often only two paths one can tread: either to stand and fight or to retreat. Allow me to pose the question to you once more:

When you refer to "those who hold power," to whom exactly are you alluding? You spoke of a "collective influence over community politics through intimidation, both legal and physical." What is this collective influence, precisely? What nature of politics, and what form of intimidation, be it legal or physical? These details are essential for me to provide any meaningful feedback.

You mentioned "those who cannot be bribed are intimidated greatly in larger cities." What kind of intimidation are you referring to, exactly? As I have previously stated, details matter to address problems like the ones you mention. If you find my plan unsatisfactory, that's one matter. I have also spoken of engaging with your local sheriff in previous articles, a vital part of planning for local involvement.

Frankly, sir, the decision of who is involved in a RICO case is not yours to make. It requires detailed evidence and names, essential components of standing up and fighting. You accuse me of impugning your integrity, yet your initial post does precisely that to mine.

Furthermore, it appears you have not read any of my articles, accept perhaps this one, and you seem unaware of the traction I have already gained. I find it somewhat petulant for you to expect a different reaction from me to your first post. My response, I believe, was logical. I do not possess a defeatist mindset, nor do I harbor excuses that hinder my actions. You claim to be a fighter, yet you question my plan. Your posts, sir, are riddled with contradictions.

I am a bomb technician, served in the Navy, Special Operations and Special Warfare. I have neither the time nor the inclination to pander to others' fears or hesitations. If you believe you can simply approach your local sheriff's office and enforce RICO statutes, I must question your understanding. I have worked with many sheriffs, and I do not know what you are talking about. Perhaps you could enlighten me, for from my perspective, all you have done is attempt to portray me as an uninformed individual, not considering every angle.

There is no one offering concepts or tools for planning local engagement like I am, and if there is, perhaps you should seek them out. They may provide answers to the significant questions you have posed.

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Please don’t get defensive. I have no wish to get involved in a verbal shooting match with you. I think you do great work, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. I think you’re laying the groundwork for big things to come; however, you never considered my top down approach. It is those agencies that would be involved in enforcing the RICO statutes, the FBI, the US Marshall’s office & others. However, that can’t effectively happen until Trump gets back into power & purges these agencies of the negative influences currently in control. Look at how they are treating the many whistleblowers. Look at how they treated the former capitol police chief Stephen Sund as he describes what happened on January 6. You should see the Tucker Carlson interview on that episode 15 . We are in the big ugly according to Clif High and as such things are very limited. Currently, I think your work is very important for us, laying the groundwork that will be important after Trump comes into power. I have considered getting into politics on the local level only things are too chaotic right now however, in the future, I expect things to change for the better. Timing is important & I see this as your time to shine. FREE

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I appreciate the complements. I also do not wish to have animosity. I’m not defensive. I was just articulating that specifics are the best approach top down and bottom up.

We should be able to rely on the top down approach, after all, that’s what they are supposed to be there for. But as you know, the issues are at those levels as well. Perhaps they have been compromised in ways that prevent their actions to be lawful.

Either way, all we have for now is the bottom up. As this is how power is supposed to be distributed. And that being said, the only options on our level requires numbers. This isn’t about party’s anymore. I pray people realize this. And, it’s beyond voting now which means media is the next option. As you well know, media is also compromised. Aside from citizen journalists. Exposure, petitions, grevences, anything short of civil disobedience is what’s needed. And hopefully it never comes to that. Bottom line, we need numbers, we need people’s talents, efforts and organization. And rapid planning as well. These last 6 years o believe will be one of the markers in our history of how we learn of over reach, and hopefully deal with it peacefully. I’ll be honest, for seven months I have been pushing for local involvement, I have had nothing but marriage pushback. Mainly due to theories that has put people in a mindset of relaxation, reliance upon our military and false hopes. This will prove to be the most damaging part of these times.

Let’s hope people wake up, when they do, at least I’ll have some concepts for them to use. God bless

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I agree with all that. I believe it is a time for extensive preparations as things are changing quickly, our supply chains, our money, & our freedoms.

You were right about me not reading all of you work but I have read a good portion of it & it rings truthfully in my consciousness. I hope one day we can break bread together & discuss how we (along with many others) worked to revive the health & freedoms of others(see my Substack Notes) in this Great Land. Be well! FREE

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 15 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.


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'Not-So Veiled Threats': Judge Compares Biden Regime To Mafia For 'Strong-Arming' Social Media Companies


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I hear you EOD, loud and clear! But you are either incredibly OPTIMISTIC or deluded by your indoctrination. Our system of politics and government is nothing but pure EVIL and always has been. You are asking the people to participate in the very system that enslaves them. One side makes all the rules and then refuses to follow them and will in turn use those same rules to take everything you have in life you value and work for, treating you like a prisoner of war, then gives you the Illusion of choice by voting for Evil or EVIL+more Evil!!! We can only ascend as a race on this PLANET when we say no more governing, at all, we are accountable for our own actions collectively and stay the course, don't play the game, dont participate and refuse to pay for our continued incarceration and take our power back is the only way to win in a system like that... simply put, just dont play then you will never ever lose anything you value ever again! There are so many of us and so little of them if we all refuse to participate we win!

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Lack of action, sit back while evil grows stronger, Don't do anything because its useless Great idea...... Optimism is gained by action and experience. I'm indoctrinated?? Lol... You seem to think that voting is the only thing we can do?? I'm experienced, I know action and coordination works. I'm afraid you are the indoctrinated. You have no idea what evil is. By not playing, you have already lost. Your outlook on this is severely flawed. Evil doesn't just go away...

Here, let me school you, seems like you have a lot to learn,

The Bible does contain verses that emphasize the importance of taking action and not being complacent, especially in the face of evil. While there may not be verses that explicitly talk about "sitting and doing nothing about evil," there are passages that encourage believers to be proactive, responsible, and vigilant. Here are some examples:

1. James 2:14-17: This passage emphasizes the importance of faith being accompanied by works. It says, "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? ... So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

2. Proverbs 24:11-12: This verse encourages action to save those who are stumbling to the slaughter, saying, "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, 'Behold, we did not know this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?"

3. Ephesians 5:11: This verse encourages believers not to take part in unfruitful works of darkness but to expose them: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

4. Galatians 6:9: This verse encourages believers not to grow weary in doing good, saying, "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."

5. Matthew 25:31-46: The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats emphasizes the importance of caring for others and taking action to help those in need.

These verses collectively suggest that faith in God is not meant to lead to passivity or complacency but should inspire action, responsibility, and a commitment to justice and righteousness.

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You just want to become the Monster you are trying to defeat by playing their game and trying to win. Our System is to not play with Evil and you want to keep playing a game that cant be won because everything at the top is EVIL on this PLANET!

Only a true idiot would keep playing the same game and expect a different result. If you truly need someone to govern you, then you are the weakest link -HERO!

You will never rise above the POLITICS to real Individual and physical spiritual freedom as long as the energy is taken away to keep you thinking you need to be ruled over!

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The fact that the man you are commenting to just quoted scripture which demands action from our God in the face of evil, because HE is with us, and we are carrying His Spirit in us to reflect His light to the world is a VERY important point. We are not playing with evil; we are not defeating evil; we are the vessels that God fills with His Spirit as we carry out the commands of our Lord. We are called to be fertile ground, that God can plant seeds that will grow. We don't do the planting, growing, or harvest. We don't play games, God does not adhere to the human invention of politics, or any other human invention. Please go back and read these verses and the context in which they are written carefully. I would add that Jesus commanded us to be obedient to human institutions after most importantly, imitating Jesus in all our ways, and obeying His commands.

The Lord also said in the quote below that He would "send governors as punishers of evildoers and the praise of those who do right".

1 Peter 2:13-14

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

And, 1 Timothy 2:1-2

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. We are to pray for our authorities. Peace. Read your Bible and reflect on it.

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Let “them” make rules for typewriters as we code the future ahead to freedom!

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The Plan is based on nearly 100 years of solid data and planning.... from Army Training Manual 2000-25: Citizenship and trained our People from 1927 to 1932, until FDR pedo commie marxist ordered all copies of it destroyed, all negative reference to democracy destroyed... to General Douglas MacArthur's Project Blue Book: The Plan to Restore America from a democracy back to a Constitutional Republic... to Michigan de Jure General Jural Assembly's Q: The Plan to Save the World... all combined and culminating NOW in nearly every state... now, we are working to gather 13 People in every county to re-establish our de Jure Petit Juries... the largest and most powerful branch of government IS We THE People, in the de Jure General Jural Assembly. From this, the Grand Jury is selected when duty calls to maintain Law and Order. The Sheriff, lawfully nominated and elected by members of the de Jure General Jural Assembly IS the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the County. He works for We THE People. Once We THE People wake up from our deep MK Ultra slumber, and stand up from the couch, brush off the 30-pack of empty beer cans, or STOP being distracted from TV/sports/work/running our Selves ragged... THEN. we can stand UP our body politic of People, for the People, by the People and take back our Country from these demonic selfish evil greedy marxists commie bastards! Over thirty states are assembling, Wisconsin was #17 to re-establish our de Jure General Jural Assembly 16 APRIL 2023 and ratify our Wisconsin Covenant 21MAY2023... now we settle 28 counties with 13 People. Wisconsin entered the union in 1848 with 28 counties, and now we re-enter the union with 28 counties on the Equal Footings Act. Everything between March 1861 when Congress was left in a Sine Die status, until Michigan General Jural Assembly was lawfully and legitimately recognized [by our Military] in 2010 IS FRAUD.... There are NO LAWFULL laws between 1861 and 2010. In 2019, President Trump voided the Organic Act of 1871=NO MORE UNITED NATIONS, NO MORE CORPORATIONS. All [s]elected seats in all levels of government are owned by the United Nations, owned by International Monetary Fund, owned by the Crown, owned by City of London, owned by Vatican.... the Pope's Secret Treaty of Verona in 1213 declared him as the Emperor ruler of the world and everything in it. We own nothing. Michigan de Jure GJA wrote 21 requisitions and sent to the military... one was to approach Donald John Trump to run for President in 2016, another was to "unrig" the machines so DJT would win lawfully. Another was to create what we know today as Space Force so we can get off the CERN-eugenists-scientist-created portal to hell and get back to God's/the Heavens' technology... get our privacy back and no more propanganda... another requisition was to enact NESARA... this is all happening but we have to get back to Common Law, back to the Supreme Law of the Land, all our foundational documents are bases on Scripture and the Word of God, God's Laws... repent and find YOUR way back to FREEDOM.... for Wisconsin, we have 55 counties of 72 actively working to settle each county with 13 People... Shawano County is the first to settle and send Public Notice to deep state criminal cartel members... we are in week two of Notice.... we have a LOT of work to get done!!!! Assemble NOW! So many good, Godly things waiting for us once we get Law and Order re-established... We THE People are the remedy and recourse... not some other stupid lying sack of shit politician... most of them took their oath to satan and serve him, not our God Almighty! Others have their pockets lined with big pharma bonds and shares... all of them most likely "invest" in local "bonds" created by any number formed when YOU fill out one of their stupid fucking forms and hit "submit" or when their nazi gestapo morons give you a traffic ticket or unlawfully incarcerate you... each case number creates a trust/bond that they convert by instruments unknown [YOUR body, YOUR Self, YOUR vessel that carries your soul/God's Spark] into bonds or shares that they trade on the rigged stock market that drains YOUR trust accounts that they haven't told you anything about... they are filthy rich off of our ignorance. My People will perish for their lack of knowledge...

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Looking forward to it.

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