Having read through ALL of your articles, I am extremely certain that We the People are the plan. The great problem is that we are lazy. It takes a great deal to get us off of our butts. But I believe that God is moving through folks like you, plus allowing us to be dragged through relentless "suffering" like empty store shelves, extremely high gasoline prices, doubling of our utilities cost, relentless inflation, etc. to get our attention.
But, we must be more than angry, we must be educated, informed and inspired. That is where YOU ALL come in. And you are doing a MAJISTERIAL job. I have never learned so much so fast.
Thank you all so very much. May God bless you richly.
All part of the Great Awakening. It couldn't happen in a short period of time. But after a "critical mass" of population awareness was reached, then that % of those who are aware and awake and know what has to be done, can then take the necessary actions to implement The Plan. Since WE are the plan, and many have come to realize that in recent months. And people have stepped up to show us actions that must be taken to prevent the rigging of elections, people like Gregg Phillips and Catherine Englebrecht, and the dozens of anons and researchers currently doing some heavy lifting.
Yes, Dave. I have been associated with Catherine since the summer of 2012 when I was president of Spirit of Virtue, a TEA Party group. Catherine is simply the most amazing woman I have ever known. She has a backbone of steel and a very high intellect. She has testified that she "was put here for such a time as this". Thank God for people like her and Gregg. Very humble, devoted people. I could not love them more.
"The great problem is that we are lazy." This is exactly why the deep state thought they would get away with their "plan", however, many people are now awake. I have seen it first hand for myself. Strangers are more open to discussing many political subjects, be it Trump, the COVID BS, masks, lock downs, Big Pharma, etc. We are waking up and the midterms will tell us which direction we are going in this fight. Thankfully, because of Trump it looks like it will be a MAGA landslide. Being lazy is also why many peole want to believe theories that the military is going to save us.
They thought they would get away with it because they thought we were stupid. And lazy. And who could blame them? After all...the American public took how many years to start asking questions about how two steel beamed buildings turned to powder caused by an airplane crash. There isn't an engineer on the planet who could see through it but nobody would listen to them. Even an 18 year old in the Army who was say....a fire support tech could have figured it out.
So once we are awake, lazy isn't really the issue. It's more about gullible because they have controlled the bullhorn and people have believed them. As mad as most of the public was that DJT would not shut the hell up about the media being such liars; it really is at the crux of why we have been so deceived. There is also the issue of getting so far away from God but that is an issue for another conversation.
17 Group: GREAT WORK! I look so forward to my Sundays with coffee and your articles. Don't stop. It has replaced the newspaper. Love you guys!
It's not just Laziness! To many of us it's FEAR of reprisal from the DEEP STATE! Look at the January 6th Patriots who stood up and DID SOMETHING. They are suffering and committing suicide in Prison! That is terrifying! I'm an old Grandma in a wheel chair, but that wouldn't stop them from dragging me out in handcuffs and putting me in PRISON. These people we are fighting, they hold all the POWER and there is no one to save us if we are taken! Even President Trump hasn't tried to help those Patriots that fought for him! It's not laziness! It's TERROR.
I know and I understand. Everyone who is a true patriot brings something to the movement and I truly believe that. What I meant by that comment is there are many people who want an easy way out of the situation we are currently in so they jump on the bandwagon that the military is going to save us. The truth is, we got ourselves into this situation and we will need to get ourselves out.
I'm curious about something. What are you referring to when you said "Look at the January 6th Patriots who stood up and DID SOMETHING." What do you mean by DID SOMETHING?
This sums up the entire plan from DJT's inaugural address to the future of our country for me:
"We cannot be politically passive anymore."
Though it seems as if we are watching a movie, unlike a movie everything is not going to be wrapped up and fixed in a specific time.
IMHO we are not going to win by just posting memes and debating people on social media. We win using the same tactic the enemy used against us, infiltration. Being involved in local politics, running for office, being a poll worker, etc. are a key part.
But so is getting to know your neighbors, participating in HOA's, PTA's, fraternal and other social organizations so we have the opportunity to speak truth to lies, to support those who are like we once were, knowing something is amiss but can't put a finger on it and are afraid to speak up because of the real fact they will be beaten down.
This is a long haul and the only regret I have is I don't have my entire lifetime ahead of me to engage for however long it takes. But I will engage for as long as I have left here on earth.
Because it is worth any sacrifice that may come.
Thank you for these great articles and I pray you are able to keep them coming.
You are so correct, Rick. Thanks for your comment. It’s gorilla war time for the patriots! Our field of engagement is within our immediate families, (including church families), civic organizations, any place we see or hear despair amongst our citizens.
This has been my mission, and it comes with some criticizing and rebuking, but hey, I’m hitting my targets. : )
Yes indeed, and like the founders, losing or going back under the rule of the English Crown was never an option. It was liberty or death. I’m in that camp. Don’t know where the battle field will expand to, but I’ll see you guys there I suspect.
Absolutely awesome reply. I took am at a later stage in life. But will stand with my fellow Americans to dismantle the DS and educate the 3 generations of young ppl that have been dimmed, demoralized, and left angry and confused in order to Garner optimal control. Community is something that has been severed and we must reach out and take our community's back. My neighbor is not my enemy. The Administrative State is. We don't want and never as a ppl agreed to a King/President. Especially one who obviously has a disdain for a Constitutional Republic. Obama lied and continues to try to fundamentally change the landscape of America. We the ppl stand in the way . United Awakened population is their distruction.
I remember that night we heard that speech; we were both shocked that DJT was actually saying aloud what we had known for years. We couldn't believe it! I was so excited and thrilled! I kept thinking, "they are NOT going to let him Win!"
I had been actively involved in politics for many years and learned this the hard way. There was no way they were going to let Donald J. Trump win a Presidential Election.. But, we really wanted him to win.
And we were NEVER embarrassed by his "harsh" words or not acting "Presidential". I cheered his brashness and politically incorrect speech.
I will take this one step further than you have gone with the theory of reconstitution. It is my belief that as President, he watched the 2018 cheating along with the 2020 cheating, with the assistance of Space Force and his A-Team. Some independent (anonymous) journalists have touched on this and have their own theories.
Unlike them, I don't have any defined theories based on technology, etc., etc..
I am basing my belief on the research of DJT from long ago and understand how he operates.
That's all I need to know; he let them cheat and then he took steps to make it known publicly, and allow the people to organize, research and 'take back' their elections. He is supporting MAGA candidates for local elections as part of this strategy and they are being trained in election monitoring and election law. If we can win these elections (or the majority) as Kari Lake did in Arizona; strategy will work.
I also listen very carefully to what he is actually saying when he makes a speech or has a rally. He is definitely paying attention to those around him and specifically sending messages to we the people.
He is NOT a Liar, as many contend. He is NOT exaggerating, he is sending us a message every time he writes an article, or speaks directly to the people. I also pay very close attention to what he does; he is very strategic in his actions and his words.
Finally, I do agree it is up to the people to take back this Republic and it starts at the local level. I can attest to the fact that over the past decades the corruption is just as wide and deep at the local level as it is in Washington DC.
However, I do not believe that the people should even think about falling for another 'false-flag' event, as we witnessed, (and some of us suspected) on January 6, 2021. But, as time goes by and the Deep State pushes forward with their tyrannical moves against PDJT, his family, his associates, his attorneys, his businesses, his PACS, MORE are exposed because they are facing a world leader who has no fear of them or their tactics.
Finally, I am reading "Trump's World Geo Deus" by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch and Felipe Cuello. The forward is written by Matteo Salvini, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister of Italy.
Malloch and Cuello write about Nationalism, not just in the USA but Worldwide. They offer up the premise that PDJT, (even as a businessman), was a Nationalist and he is revered and respected in other countries who have found that Nationalism is the only way to govern and survive going forward.
I've always believed that PDJT is loved around the world; this also strikes at the heart of Globalists; and they were part of the 2020 steal.
Everyone that says this movement is not about Trump is not seeing things clearly. It’s about the values and principles that he represents. No one before him in the past 100 years has had these values so deeply engraved. Pure American values.
This statement is without a doubt the defining principle of the 17th SOG and of the entire Q movement, that:
--- "Returning power to a citizenry that did nothing to gain it back would be similar to a hand out. Is that what we expect? For the military to do all the work? This idea is very dangerous but not without precedent." ---
I could not agree more! The abundant ease of modern living and conveniences + a lifetime of mental conditioning by the dark side has largely turned our civilization from a robust and altruistic culture of service, to one of hard-heartedness and uncharitableness in pursuit of hand outs, bail outs, opt outs, and cop outs.
Freedom and self-governance are not free. They require great responsibility, and much work, mental as well as physical. The bright future we all long for must start with individual responsibility and honest work.
As history is now showing us loud and clear, once responsibility and work begin to decline, it takes no more than 3 generations (you, your children and your grand-children) for a civilization to be destroyed.
I'm keeping up with all of your articles--you provide very sound knowledge full of truth and it's very sensible. My biggest desire at this time is that the Lord will pour out His Spirit on all flesh (Acts), and that people would be THANKFUL for what God has done already--saved us from 1-world govt!! God's miraculous works are everywhere in the world!
Very nice. While I believe that God is relentless in His inspiration and guidance, I also believe that having given us Free Will, He would never rescind that gift…
Even God can only work through our willingness. His blessings are pouring out upon us as we unite in our Will of the people. What an amazing time to be on the earth!
My latest revelation of the week: the Federal Government is all based in Washington, DC. They keep yelling out: “Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy!” (I despise that phrase) We’re, after all, A Constitutional Republic. Ahhh now I see it clear as a summer sky . . . The democracy IS in DC. DC IS A FOREIGN TERRITORY !!!!! They aren’t even honoring Our Country and Our Constitution in DC. They don’t have to, it’s a total rogue government !!! They are “ruling” Our Nation from a foreign territory. Here we are out here in each of our Constitutional States & they are there under “their own” “rule of law” . . . What a scam !! Nothing makes sense about the Federal Government anymore. How long has DC been a foreign territory? I do not think we started out that way with General George Washington. When did it change? When the US government became a corporation?
I think it was High's Telegram channel that referred me here. I owe him a lot. He was publishing excellent info and advice about covid already in Jan/Feb20. He doesn't always get the details right, but his assessment of the big picture has been excellent for many years.
Suzanne YOU UNDERSTAND! What a wonderful summary of the situation. Thanks for sharing.
If the reports coming from people on the streets of DC are to be believed, then that "territory" is already shut down, which would explain why Biden has to use a movie studio with a fake White House, because the real one is shut down, along with many other buildings.
Now there's one important thing to understand about Washington DC. It has become a city state inside a city state (through a power sharing agreement between the Territorial and Municipal govts.). There is the larger Washington DC, which according to my understanding is about 10 square miles, which is owned and operated by the British Territorial govt. and is represented publicly by the Republican party (Trump). This city state, as far as I'm aware of is still open for business under Trump.
Then within this larger city state is a smaller city state of about 1 square mile, comprised mostly of the WH, the Mall, Smithsonian, and Capitol, which is owned and operated by the Roman Papal govt. and represented publicly by the Democrat party (Biden). Many good citizen reports over the past 2 years indicate that this smaller city state is fenced in and largely closed for business.
I have not been to DC in person in over 20 years, so I can't personally confirm these citizen reports. If anyone on here has better info, then feel free to share.
Also, this is clearly why the J6 prisoners have been held w/o bail ~ completely unconstitutionally stripped of all their rights inside the territory. It’s so evil !!!
You go Suzanne!!! Now you understand why Trump told everyone at the gathering on that faithful day to GO HOME ! He knew of the dangers inherent inside this city state. As long as everyone stayed together with Trump there was safety in numbers, but break away from your strong group and the wolves are quick to move in for the kill. "Divided we are weak, united we are strong" Q.
- that smaller MUNICIPAL city state within the larger Territorial one was operated by a CORPORATION.
- a CORPORATION is run by a charter and its by-laws.
- said CORPORATION was bankrupt therefore its charter and by-laws were no longer applicable.
- therefore anyone entering within the space of this bankrupt CORPORATION is now entering a LAWLESS zone where there are no rights, no reason to exist, no charter to operate, no corporate by-laws (aka laws).
And that is what the world witnessed on that faithful day of J6. The lawlessness of a bankrupt CORPORATION. People were imprisoned, murdered and no one answers for it because the laws within that MUNICIPAL city state were no longer applicable. Where LAWLESSNESS lives there are no courts and no trials.
NOW, can you stretch your mind far enough to grok this? If that bankrupt and lawless MUNICIPAL CORPORATION just also happens to be the PARENT FRANCHISE for ALL the MUNICIPALITIES within the geographical boundaries of America, then by the system and processes of INCORPORATION, all child franchises of the parent become likewise bankrupt and lawless.
Can it be, can it possibly be that all the lawlessness that we have been witnessing all across America, all the incomprehensible crimes going unpunished and unstopped in recent years is all due to this one simple fact. That the parent MUNICIPAL franchise corporation and all its children sub-franchises are bankrupt and effectively lawless.
Can it also be that the average American has for his/her entire lifetime confused these MUNICIPAL corporate franchises for their actual government (Federal, State and local)?
If you can grok that simple fact, that simple lifelong error in understanding by the masses, then you can begin to understand the evil inherent in -- encroachment --, and why I dedicate an entire lesson to it on my planetary jurisdiction web site.
Check out my bankruptcy timeline to understand which CORPORATION went belly up and when.
I believe he told everyone to go home because it is a required part of the Insurrection act.
In order to invoke the Insurrection act, the president must conform to section 254 - Proclamation to disperse.
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 16, § 334; Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, § 1076(a)(2), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2405; Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title X, § 1068(a)(2), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 325; renumbered § 254, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)
So when DJT asked everyone to go home on Jan 6 I believe that was the statement that meets this requirement.
That's what I have been reading and hearing, also.
Last time I was there was during the Obama terror regime. I remember how dumpy the White House looked from the sidewalk, which was fenced in, as I recall.
It had to have been close to 20 years for me also.
That’s a great analysis of a complex and tricky problem. I’m not a lawyer and I don’t pretend to have answers; but (as I have posted before) I do see hidden aspects of the problem, which you do not mention: THE UNITED STATES does not have a constitution. THE UNITED STATES, INC, is a corporation created by The Act of 1871. It owns and operates Washington DC. Biden is President of this corporation (“POTUS”). He is not President of The United States of America, the nation, the Constitutional Republic, governed by the Constitution. That office has been vacant since 1871.
But it gets far more complicated. You will want to read “What Does ‘The Rule of Law’ Mean?” on Frances Leader’s Substack. Here’s an extract:
" The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the Crown Temple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. “
The monarch is not the Crown. That is yet another deception. You will probably also want to read Leader's blog “The Crown Is Not The Royal Family,” also on her Substack:
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that Article 1, Section 3, Clause 17 of the Constitution, establishes the District of Columbia as a democratic nation, ruled by Congress. So, when we hear Pelosi, Biden, Harris, MSM, clutching their pearls over "muh Democracy"; it is really DC that they are bemoaning over; and it's always the same ole line.
So, some history buffs/independent journalists believe that under PDJT that constitutional "error" will be corrected and is part of his strategy when he wins for a 3rd time.
I'm not the expert, however, I do enjoy listening, watching and reading about this subject.
Tirion and MT, I believe you are both correct, to the depth that you are reaching, and that's truly wonderful, but it goes deeper. The instant you mention something like District of Columbia you are dealing head on with a sovereign City State (ditto for Inner City of London, Vatican, Monaco, Singapore and a few others) and that is a matter of planetary jurisdiction, and successfully navigating at that level requires a whole new system of understanding because it is no longer about constitutions, democracies, politics and voting, which are merely the paint, trims and curtains of the house.
You are entering the domain of sovereignty, power, rights, and pattern, the actual framework and foundation of the house. It's a thrilling adventure if you care to take it.
Okay, this is really piqued my interest now. I'm going to have to dig deeper.
But now, (this is interesting for me) I suspect that since Putin is dealing in Gold and now that Queen Elizabeth is dead, with King Charles III as her successor, how will that impact the Bank of London? I have a suspicion that King Charles III will not hold onto that status and Putin will move in.
I'm only touching on an impulse from recent research; I could way off on my thinking.
However, I will research the link you have posted.
The Bank of London is controlled by the Crown, as in The Crown Temple (a CORPORATION). This is completely different from the Queen/King which are the Monarchy. Even though the Queen/King may wear -- a -- crown, he/she is not -- the Crown --.
The Bank of London will continue to be controlled by the BAR attorneys and bankers and other that make up -- the Crown --
It seems to me that the global balance of power has been shifting eastwards since Russia and China began buying more physical gold bullion (around 2008?). As they say, "He who has the gold makes the rules." From time to time in recent years, there have been reports that the West's vaults are running low on gold bullion. Right now, the silver bullion market seems to be on the verge of collapse.
Putin is creating a new gold bullion market which he hopes and expects will unseat the COMEX in NYC and the LBMA in London as the leading global provider of trading and vaulting. It looks to me like he will succeed. The BRICS/SCO countries are already planning to link their trade settlement arrangements to gold.
Right, I knew and understand the Putin Moves and the BRICS/SCO countries affiliation and motivation.
I also know that PDJT has been in communication with some, if not all, of those world leaders involved in the BRICS/SCO.
That is why I believe that it will be PDJT who makes the final moves to seal a deal involving the structure of the Nation State of the District of Columbia and moving back to GOLD.
It's very important to remember the PDJT continues to this day to be an international dealmaker, who is loved and respected.
Well, we probably don't have long to wait to find out. The COMEX silver market broke in July. Difficult to see how a complete silver market collapse and price explosion can be avoided in the next few weeks.
Yes, that's my understanding, too; but I'm not an expert either. However, since that constitutional "error" was created by the Crown and very definitely not an error, how would PDJT or anyone else overcome the Crown's presumed objection? If anyone can, PDJT can.
That reminds me of a line in the movie Jupiter Ascending as they are rushing out of Chicago in a stolen car, "these people don't make those kinds of mistakes".
From what I have read and listened to; it is possible that during the period of the Nationalists taking over the Globalists in Great Britain, the EU, etc., that PDJT will be the one to make the deal, as we move back into a Gold back monetary system.
Just a theory, since it is projected that King Charles III will not be as forthright and strong as his Mother, Queen Elizabeth was.
There are definitely some strange and questionable things going on in DC, however, why haven't any former congressional or political leaders come out and declared that DC is its own country and controlled by British Territorial gov and also that the UNITED STATES, INC is a corporation created by The Act of 1871? Surely, one of them would have spilled this secret. I can tell you for a fact that neither of my parent's names are in capitals on their birth certificates and they were born in the US in the 1940's.
So, regarding the military, the Sec of Defense Austin IS actually a traitor? He just had a speech wherein he propagandized the American people with the false Ukraine BS, that we must continue to send Billions of aid money and Arms, to be wasted, destroyed or seized by Russia, in a failed attempt to prop up the deep state bio weapons, money laundering operation, and nazi regime of the global puppet Zelensky.
Bread and circuses have been used to numb the masses for too long. Stand up! Speak out! Take action! When my grandchildren ask me what I did during the greatest revolution I will have stories to tell of working beside great Patriots to restore The Republic under God for Freedom.
After the stolen election I first thought Trump would return to save us, then I thought the military would save us, now I finally realize we must save ourselves. But we can only do so with fair elections. That is why I am working as an election inspector in the upcoming election. I pray we can overcome the fraud and win BIG in the midterms.
So grateful to have found this substack! This is the education which I was longing for even though I couldn’t quite articulate exactly what I was looking for until I started reading your remarkably clear lectures. I am a student, still, in learning and understanding the very great importance of being politically informed (an education that started with 9/11 and found direction and deeper interest in 2016 with Trump’s campaign) and you 4 amazing minds are professors in my current favorite class.
We have all known/felt how Trump has been and is a remarkable leader…and I am still learning just how remarkable he really is! Thanks for bringing some of the more obscure parts and connections into the light of crystal clear insight. We the people have been favored with some very strong currents, an undertow of Truth in crossing our Delaware River ❤️🇺🇸
Having read through ALL of your articles, I am extremely certain that We the People are the plan. The great problem is that we are lazy. It takes a great deal to get us off of our butts. But I believe that God is moving through folks like you, plus allowing us to be dragged through relentless "suffering" like empty store shelves, extremely high gasoline prices, doubling of our utilities cost, relentless inflation, etc. to get our attention.
But, we must be more than angry, we must be educated, informed and inspired. That is where YOU ALL come in. And you are doing a MAJISTERIAL job. I have never learned so much so fast.
Thank you all so very much. May God bless you richly.
Wow, that is a comment to remember!!
AMEN to that brother!!!
All part of the Great Awakening. It couldn't happen in a short period of time. But after a "critical mass" of population awareness was reached, then that % of those who are aware and awake and know what has to be done, can then take the necessary actions to implement The Plan. Since WE are the plan, and many have come to realize that in recent months. And people have stepped up to show us actions that must be taken to prevent the rigging of elections, people like Gregg Phillips and Catherine Englebrecht, and the dozens of anons and researchers currently doing some heavy lifting.
Yes, Dave. I have been associated with Catherine since the summer of 2012 when I was president of Spirit of Virtue, a TEA Party group. Catherine is simply the most amazing woman I have ever known. She has a backbone of steel and a very high intellect. She has testified that she "was put here for such a time as this". Thank God for people like her and Gregg. Very humble, devoted people. I could not love them more.
"The great problem is that we are lazy." This is exactly why the deep state thought they would get away with their "plan", however, many people are now awake. I have seen it first hand for myself. Strangers are more open to discussing many political subjects, be it Trump, the COVID BS, masks, lock downs, Big Pharma, etc. We are waking up and the midterms will tell us which direction we are going in this fight. Thankfully, because of Trump it looks like it will be a MAGA landslide. Being lazy is also why many peole want to believe theories that the military is going to save us.
They thought they would get away with it because they thought we were stupid. And lazy. And who could blame them? After all...the American public took how many years to start asking questions about how two steel beamed buildings turned to powder caused by an airplane crash. There isn't an engineer on the planet who could see through it but nobody would listen to them. Even an 18 year old in the Army who was say....a fire support tech could have figured it out.
So once we are awake, lazy isn't really the issue. It's more about gullible because they have controlled the bullhorn and people have believed them. As mad as most of the public was that DJT would not shut the hell up about the media being such liars; it really is at the crux of why we have been so deceived. There is also the issue of getting so far away from God but that is an issue for another conversation.
17 Group: GREAT WORK! I look so forward to my Sundays with coffee and your articles. Don't stop. It has replaced the newspaper. Love you guys!
It's not just Laziness! To many of us it's FEAR of reprisal from the DEEP STATE! Look at the January 6th Patriots who stood up and DID SOMETHING. They are suffering and committing suicide in Prison! That is terrifying! I'm an old Grandma in a wheel chair, but that wouldn't stop them from dragging me out in handcuffs and putting me in PRISON. These people we are fighting, they hold all the POWER and there is no one to save us if we are taken! Even President Trump hasn't tried to help those Patriots that fought for him! It's not laziness! It's TERROR.
I know and I understand. Everyone who is a true patriot brings something to the movement and I truly believe that. What I meant by that comment is there are many people who want an easy way out of the situation we are currently in so they jump on the bandwagon that the military is going to save us. The truth is, we got ourselves into this situation and we will need to get ourselves out.
I totally agree with you about FEAR of reprisal.
I'm curious about something. What are you referring to when you said "Look at the January 6th Patriots who stood up and DID SOMETHING." What do you mean by DID SOMETHING?
This sums up the entire plan from DJT's inaugural address to the future of our country for me:
"We cannot be politically passive anymore."
Though it seems as if we are watching a movie, unlike a movie everything is not going to be wrapped up and fixed in a specific time.
IMHO we are not going to win by just posting memes and debating people on social media. We win using the same tactic the enemy used against us, infiltration. Being involved in local politics, running for office, being a poll worker, etc. are a key part.
But so is getting to know your neighbors, participating in HOA's, PTA's, fraternal and other social organizations so we have the opportunity to speak truth to lies, to support those who are like we once were, knowing something is amiss but can't put a finger on it and are afraid to speak up because of the real fact they will be beaten down.
This is a long haul and the only regret I have is I don't have my entire lifetime ahead of me to engage for however long it takes. But I will engage for as long as I have left here on earth.
Because it is worth any sacrifice that may come.
Thank you for these great articles and I pray you are able to keep them coming.
Well said patriot!!
Rick, what you just wrote is truly beautiful !
Thank you. Sometimes I get on a soapbox and sometimes it comes out ok.
You are so correct, Rick. Thanks for your comment. It’s gorilla war time for the patriots! Our field of engagement is within our immediate families, (including church families), civic organizations, any place we see or hear despair amongst our citizens.
This has been my mission, and it comes with some criticizing and rebuking, but hey, I’m hitting my targets. : )
I understand completely.
But we forget (or were never taught) the majority of colonists were not a part of the revolution.
And how long did it take after winning the war to finally establish a working government on the federal level?
This is the 2nd American Revolution and I anticipate it will take just as long if not longer.
Yes indeed, and like the founders, losing or going back under the rule of the English Crown was never an option. It was liberty or death. I’m in that camp. Don’t know where the battle field will expand to, but I’ll see you guys there I suspect.
Locked arms with you fren
We never know until we give it a try. (-8
Absolutely awesome reply. I took am at a later stage in life. But will stand with my fellow Americans to dismantle the DS and educate the 3 generations of young ppl that have been dimmed, demoralized, and left angry and confused in order to Garner optimal control. Community is something that has been severed and we must reach out and take our community's back. My neighbor is not my enemy. The Administrative State is. We don't want and never as a ppl agreed to a King/President. Especially one who obviously has a disdain for a Constitutional Republic. Obama lied and continues to try to fundamentally change the landscape of America. We the ppl stand in the way . United Awakened population is their distruction.
This is well researched and well written.
I remember that night we heard that speech; we were both shocked that DJT was actually saying aloud what we had known for years. We couldn't believe it! I was so excited and thrilled! I kept thinking, "they are NOT going to let him Win!"
I had been actively involved in politics for many years and learned this the hard way. There was no way they were going to let Donald J. Trump win a Presidential Election.. But, we really wanted him to win.
And we were NEVER embarrassed by his "harsh" words or not acting "Presidential". I cheered his brashness and politically incorrect speech.
I will take this one step further than you have gone with the theory of reconstitution. It is my belief that as President, he watched the 2018 cheating along with the 2020 cheating, with the assistance of Space Force and his A-Team. Some independent (anonymous) journalists have touched on this and have their own theories.
Unlike them, I don't have any defined theories based on technology, etc., etc..
I am basing my belief on the research of DJT from long ago and understand how he operates.
That's all I need to know; he let them cheat and then he took steps to make it known publicly, and allow the people to organize, research and 'take back' their elections. He is supporting MAGA candidates for local elections as part of this strategy and they are being trained in election monitoring and election law. If we can win these elections (or the majority) as Kari Lake did in Arizona; strategy will work.
I also listen very carefully to what he is actually saying when he makes a speech or has a rally. He is definitely paying attention to those around him and specifically sending messages to we the people.
He is NOT a Liar, as many contend. He is NOT exaggerating, he is sending us a message every time he writes an article, or speaks directly to the people. I also pay very close attention to what he does; he is very strategic in his actions and his words.
Finally, I do agree it is up to the people to take back this Republic and it starts at the local level. I can attest to the fact that over the past decades the corruption is just as wide and deep at the local level as it is in Washington DC.
However, I do not believe that the people should even think about falling for another 'false-flag' event, as we witnessed, (and some of us suspected) on January 6, 2021. But, as time goes by and the Deep State pushes forward with their tyrannical moves against PDJT, his family, his associates, his attorneys, his businesses, his PACS, MORE are exposed because they are facing a world leader who has no fear of them or their tactics.
Finally, I am reading "Trump's World Geo Deus" by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch and Felipe Cuello. The forward is written by Matteo Salvini, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister of Italy.
Malloch and Cuello write about Nationalism, not just in the USA but Worldwide. They offer up the premise that PDJT, (even as a businessman), was a Nationalist and he is revered and respected in other countries who have found that Nationalism is the only way to govern and survive going forward.
I've always believed that PDJT is loved around the world; this also strikes at the heart of Globalists; and they were part of the 2020 steal.
Really loved reading your excellent comment! Thank You
Everyone that says this movement is not about Trump is not seeing things clearly. It’s about the values and principles that he represents. No one before him in the past 100 years has had these values so deeply engraved. Pure American values.
This one stuck with me...
This statement is without a doubt the defining principle of the 17th SOG and of the entire Q movement, that:
--- "Returning power to a citizenry that did nothing to gain it back would be similar to a hand out. Is that what we expect? For the military to do all the work? This idea is very dangerous but not without precedent." ---
I could not agree more! The abundant ease of modern living and conveniences + a lifetime of mental conditioning by the dark side has largely turned our civilization from a robust and altruistic culture of service, to one of hard-heartedness and uncharitableness in pursuit of hand outs, bail outs, opt outs, and cop outs.
Freedom and self-governance are not free. They require great responsibility, and much work, mental as well as physical. The bright future we all long for must start with individual responsibility and honest work.
As history is now showing us loud and clear, once responsibility and work begin to decline, it takes no more than 3 generations (you, your children and your grand-children) for a civilization to be destroyed.
Outstanding! You get it.
I'm keeping up with all of your articles--you provide very sound knowledge full of truth and it's very sensible. My biggest desire at this time is that the Lord will pour out His Spirit on all flesh (Acts), and that people would be THANKFUL for what God has done already--saved us from 1-world govt!! God's miraculous works are everywhere in the world!
Yep--Acts 2:17! And Joel 2:28.
I have some great news for you. It already happened on that first ever day of Pentecost, when the Spirit of Truth was poured out on all flesh!
Very nice. While I believe that God is relentless in His inspiration and guidance, I also believe that having given us Free Will, He would never rescind that gift…
Even God can only work through our willingness. His blessings are pouring out upon us as we unite in our Will of the people. What an amazing time to be on the earth!
Orders received Sir! Will continue to engage.
Once again...outstanding!
Lots of information to process . . .
My latest revelation of the week: the Federal Government is all based in Washington, DC. They keep yelling out: “Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy!” (I despise that phrase) We’re, after all, A Constitutional Republic. Ahhh now I see it clear as a summer sky . . . The democracy IS in DC. DC IS A FOREIGN TERRITORY !!!!! They aren’t even honoring Our Country and Our Constitution in DC. They don’t have to, it’s a total rogue government !!! They are “ruling” Our Nation from a foreign territory. Here we are out here in each of our Constitutional States & they are there under “their own” “rule of law” . . . What a scam !! Nothing makes sense about the Federal Government anymore. How long has DC been a foreign territory? I do not think we started out that way with General George Washington. When did it change? When the US government became a corporation?
How fast can we shut down that territory???
Since The Act of 1871 :(
You follow Clif High! So informative. Quite the character! I take it all in stride and love every minute, even if I don't quite agree.
Part of the SOC!
I think it was High's Telegram channel that referred me here. I owe him a lot. He was publishing excellent info and advice about covid already in Jan/Feb20. He doesn't always get the details right, but his assessment of the big picture has been excellent for many years.
Suzanne YOU UNDERSTAND! What a wonderful summary of the situation. Thanks for sharing.
If the reports coming from people on the streets of DC are to be believed, then that "territory" is already shut down, which would explain why Biden has to use a movie studio with a fake White House, because the real one is shut down, along with many other buildings.
Now there's one important thing to understand about Washington DC. It has become a city state inside a city state (through a power sharing agreement between the Territorial and Municipal govts.). There is the larger Washington DC, which according to my understanding is about 10 square miles, which is owned and operated by the British Territorial govt. and is represented publicly by the Republican party (Trump). This city state, as far as I'm aware of is still open for business under Trump.
Then within this larger city state is a smaller city state of about 1 square mile, comprised mostly of the WH, the Mall, Smithsonian, and Capitol, which is owned and operated by the Roman Papal govt. and represented publicly by the Democrat party (Biden). Many good citizen reports over the past 2 years indicate that this smaller city state is fenced in and largely closed for business.
I have not been to DC in person in over 20 years, so I can't personally confirm these citizen reports. If anyone on here has better info, then feel free to share.
Also, this is clearly why the J6 prisoners have been held w/o bail ~ completely unconstitutionally stripped of all their rights inside the territory. It’s so evil !!!
You go Suzanne!!! Now you understand why Trump told everyone at the gathering on that faithful day to GO HOME ! He knew of the dangers inherent inside this city state. As long as everyone stayed together with Trump there was safety in numbers, but break away from your strong group and the wolves are quick to move in for the kill. "Divided we are weak, united we are strong" Q.
- that smaller MUNICIPAL city state within the larger Territorial one was operated by a CORPORATION.
- a CORPORATION is run by a charter and its by-laws.
- said CORPORATION was bankrupt therefore its charter and by-laws were no longer applicable.
- therefore anyone entering within the space of this bankrupt CORPORATION is now entering a LAWLESS zone where there are no rights, no reason to exist, no charter to operate, no corporate by-laws (aka laws).
And that is what the world witnessed on that faithful day of J6. The lawlessness of a bankrupt CORPORATION. People were imprisoned, murdered and no one answers for it because the laws within that MUNICIPAL city state were no longer applicable. Where LAWLESSNESS lives there are no courts and no trials.
NOW, can you stretch your mind far enough to grok this? If that bankrupt and lawless MUNICIPAL CORPORATION just also happens to be the PARENT FRANCHISE for ALL the MUNICIPALITIES within the geographical boundaries of America, then by the system and processes of INCORPORATION, all child franchises of the parent become likewise bankrupt and lawless.
Can it be, can it possibly be that all the lawlessness that we have been witnessing all across America, all the incomprehensible crimes going unpunished and unstopped in recent years is all due to this one simple fact. That the parent MUNICIPAL franchise corporation and all its children sub-franchises are bankrupt and effectively lawless.
Can it also be that the average American has for his/her entire lifetime confused these MUNICIPAL corporate franchises for their actual government (Federal, State and local)?
If you can grok that simple fact, that simple lifelong error in understanding by the masses, then you can begin to understand the evil inherent in -- encroachment --, and why I dedicate an entire lesson to it on my planetary jurisdiction web site.
Check out my bankruptcy timeline to understand which CORPORATION went belly up and when.
If you want to truly understand how America and most of the world works then take my 10 lesson professionally designed course.
I believe he told everyone to go home because it is a required part of the Insurrection act.
In order to invoke the Insurrection act, the president must conform to section 254 - Proclamation to disperse.
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 16, § 334; Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, § 1076(a)(2), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2405; Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title X, § 1068(a)(2), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 325; renumbered § 254, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)
So when DJT asked everyone to go home on Jan 6 I believe that was the statement that meets this requirement.
That's what I have been reading and hearing, also.
Last time I was there was during the Obama terror regime. I remember how dumpy the White House looked from the sidewalk, which was fenced in, as I recall.
It had to have been close to 20 years for me also.
And the last time I rode on a Greyhound Bus!!
That’s a great analysis of a complex and tricky problem. I’m not a lawyer and I don’t pretend to have answers; but (as I have posted before) I do see hidden aspects of the problem, which you do not mention: THE UNITED STATES does not have a constitution. THE UNITED STATES, INC, is a corporation created by The Act of 1871. It owns and operates Washington DC. Biden is President of this corporation (“POTUS”). He is not President of The United States of America, the nation, the Constitutional Republic, governed by the Constitution. That office has been vacant since 1871.
But it gets far more complicated. You will want to read “What Does ‘The Rule of Law’ Mean?” on Frances Leader’s Substack. Here’s an extract:
" The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the Crown Temple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. “
The monarch is not the Crown. That is yet another deception. You will probably also want to read Leader's blog “The Crown Is Not The Royal Family,” also on her Substack:
I've read and studied the same.
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that Article 1, Section 3, Clause 17 of the Constitution, establishes the District of Columbia as a democratic nation, ruled by Congress. So, when we hear Pelosi, Biden, Harris, MSM, clutching their pearls over "muh Democracy"; it is really DC that they are bemoaning over; and it's always the same ole line.
So, some history buffs/independent journalists believe that under PDJT that constitutional "error" will be corrected and is part of his strategy when he wins for a 3rd time.
I'm not the expert, however, I do enjoy listening, watching and reading about this subject.
Tirion and MT, I believe you are both correct, to the depth that you are reaching, and that's truly wonderful, but it goes deeper. The instant you mention something like District of Columbia you are dealing head on with a sovereign City State (ditto for Inner City of London, Vatican, Monaco, Singapore and a few others) and that is a matter of planetary jurisdiction, and successfully navigating at that level requires a whole new system of understanding because it is no longer about constitutions, democracies, politics and voting, which are merely the paint, trims and curtains of the house.
You are entering the domain of sovereignty, power, rights, and pattern, the actual framework and foundation of the house. It's a thrilling adventure if you care to take it.
Yes, you make the point I was trying to make. Obviously, you did a much better job than I did! Thanks!
Okay, this is really piqued my interest now. I'm going to have to dig deeper.
But now, (this is interesting for me) I suspect that since Putin is dealing in Gold and now that Queen Elizabeth is dead, with King Charles III as her successor, how will that impact the Bank of London? I have a suspicion that King Charles III will not hold onto that status and Putin will move in.
I'm only touching on an impulse from recent research; I could way off on my thinking.
However, I will research the link you have posted.
Thank you.
The Bank of London is controlled by the Crown, as in The Crown Temple (a CORPORATION). This is completely different from the Queen/King which are the Monarchy. Even though the Queen/King may wear -- a -- crown, he/she is not -- the Crown --.
The Bank of London will continue to be controlled by the BAR attorneys and bankers and other that make up -- the Crown --
Lots of great info about the Crown here:
It seems to me that the global balance of power has been shifting eastwards since Russia and China began buying more physical gold bullion (around 2008?). As they say, "He who has the gold makes the rules." From time to time in recent years, there have been reports that the West's vaults are running low on gold bullion. Right now, the silver bullion market seems to be on the verge of collapse.
Putin is creating a new gold bullion market which he hopes and expects will unseat the COMEX in NYC and the LBMA in London as the leading global provider of trading and vaulting. It looks to me like he will succeed. The BRICS/SCO countries are already planning to link their trade settlement arrangements to gold.
This talk about gold reminds me of Q post 2619 December 17, 2018
Anonymous asked Q, Do we have the gold?
Q answered:
Gold shall destroy the FED
Right, I knew and understand the Putin Moves and the BRICS/SCO countries affiliation and motivation.
I also know that PDJT has been in communication with some, if not all, of those world leaders involved in the BRICS/SCO.
That is why I believe that it will be PDJT who makes the final moves to seal a deal involving the structure of the Nation State of the District of Columbia and moving back to GOLD.
It's very important to remember the PDJT continues to this day to be an international dealmaker, who is loved and respected.
Many countries want him back as Our President.
Well, we probably don't have long to wait to find out. The COMEX silver market broke in July. Difficult to see how a complete silver market collapse and price explosion can be avoided in the next few weeks.
Yes, that's my understanding, too; but I'm not an expert either. However, since that constitutional "error" was created by the Crown and very definitely not an error, how would PDJT or anyone else overcome the Crown's presumed objection? If anyone can, PDJT can.
That reminds me of a line in the movie Jupiter Ascending as they are rushing out of Chicago in a stolen car, "these people don't make those kinds of mistakes".
From what I have read and listened to; it is possible that during the period of the Nationalists taking over the Globalists in Great Britain, the EU, etc., that PDJT will be the one to make the deal, as we move back into a Gold back monetary system.
Just a theory, since it is projected that King Charles III will not be as forthright and strong as his Mother, Queen Elizabeth was.
Watch and wait, watch and wait ;)
There are definitely some strange and questionable things going on in DC, however, why haven't any former congressional or political leaders come out and declared that DC is its own country and controlled by British Territorial gov and also that the UNITED STATES, INC is a corporation created by The Act of 1871? Surely, one of them would have spilled this secret. I can tell you for a fact that neither of my parent's names are in capitals on their birth certificates and they were born in the US in the 1940's.
So, regarding the military, the Sec of Defense Austin IS actually a traitor? He just had a speech wherein he propagandized the American people with the false Ukraine BS, that we must continue to send Billions of aid money and Arms, to be wasted, destroyed or seized by Russia, in a failed attempt to prop up the deep state bio weapons, money laundering operation, and nazi regime of the global puppet Zelensky.
Read this guy's background; nobody special.
Very well stated.
Bread and circuses have been used to numb the masses for too long. Stand up! Speak out! Take action! When my grandchildren ask me what I did during the greatest revolution I will have stories to tell of working beside great Patriots to restore The Republic under God for Freedom.
After the stolen election I first thought Trump would return to save us, then I thought the military would save us, now I finally realize we must save ourselves. But we can only do so with fair elections. That is why I am working as an election inspector in the upcoming election. I pray we can overcome the fraud and win BIG in the midterms.
So grateful to have found this substack! This is the education which I was longing for even though I couldn’t quite articulate exactly what I was looking for until I started reading your remarkably clear lectures. I am a student, still, in learning and understanding the very great importance of being politically informed (an education that started with 9/11 and found direction and deeper interest in 2016 with Trump’s campaign) and you 4 amazing minds are professors in my current favorite class.
We have all known/felt how Trump has been and is a remarkable leader…and I am still learning just how remarkable he really is! Thanks for bringing some of the more obscure parts and connections into the light of crystal clear insight. We the people have been favored with some very strong currents, an undertow of Truth in crossing our Delaware River ❤️🇺🇸
I think these articles should read on Rumble!
Come discuss things with us on TG!!