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You contradict yourself. When you say "We have proven without a doubt that not only is devolution not in play" that sounds like a firm position. Then you say "Lynn, I want to clarify that I wasn't making definitive claims", that's the opposite of what you just said. I think you are a wounded man suffering from alcoholism inspiring wrong-thinking and need a 12 Step program.
You contradict yourself. When you say "We have proven without a doubt that not only is devolution not in play" that sounds like a firm position. Then you say "Lynn, I want to clarify that I wasn't making definitive claims", that's the opposite of what you just said. I think you are a wounded man suffering from alcoholism inspiring wrong-thinking and need a 12 Step program.
Shika you poor thing. God bless you and I hope that your soul is healed. I guess because I’m a combat veteran you assume I’m an alcoholic right is that what it is? That’s awesome by the way thanks for that.
That was completed uncalled for. What have you done to better this Nation?