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DC is closed down and is being run by bureaucracies and a puppet government. The dollar is no longer backed by oil or gold. The three branches of government are no longer working under our constitution and the military is becoming inept. So many states are controlled by deep state plants. 48 of our 50 states have dominion voting machines…
DC is closed down and is being run by bureaucracies and a puppet government. The dollar is no longer backed by oil or gold. The three branches of government are no longer working under our constitution and the military is becoming inept. So many states are controlled by deep state plants. 48 of our 50 states have dominion voting machines so our elections are fixed. Our borders are open and we are open to invasion. Human trafficking is actively taking place everywhere. Our education system is a joke and only indoctrinates and perverts. We are allowing children to be castrated. The media are liars and pushing propaganda. We really don’t have a two party system, only controlled government by elites and demons. The tax system is illegal and so is the FED, which is the banking system which is manufacturing our money and interest rates. Weather is controlled too.
Christian churches are being destroyed from within. Morals and values are being thrown out, replaced by worship of self, feelings and satanic beliefs. Our food, water and air is being poisoned. There is no punishment for crimes and chaos reigns. Children and families are being destroyed through tv, music, politics and culture. We have a wonderful constitution that is being ignored and disavowed, just like God’s inspired word, the Bible is no longer read too.
Now examining all of the EOs President Trump wrote and other evidence of his meetings with leadership around the world, what plans did he put into motion to counter the nightmare we and the world find ourselves to be in presently?
We are in a storm, one planned to destroy our world and humanity. When the numbers are published 5 years from now of how many people died from vaccines and medications designed to kill off over half of the world’s population, the wailing will be heard around the world! We have not even mentioned 5G radiation either and it’s affect. Not to mention the possibility of the majority left will be sterile.
The lists of problems are enlist.
So start looking for ways to stop the madness in those documents because this is no game. I ask that every living person pray continually for God’s intervention and ask for strength, wisdom and forgiveness. If ever we needed Jesus Christ it is now.