Nov 27, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I always wanted to ask these grifters like Jon Herold and Derek Johnson. If we accept their gobbledeygook at face value as legit, then they should answer this: to what end is it their "theories" are being actually lived out? They both claim Trump is "still president" or is "CIC" - but where is that manifested, exactly? These two have been maintaining that Trump is still in charge of the Executive branch in some way. But we're at the end of 2023 now. When, exactly, is all this "Trump is still president" and "Trump is CIC" supposed to pay off? Why is it Trump himself is not pushing what these two claim is true? Do either of these grifters even grasp that there's an enormous disconnect between the grift they push and the reality that's actually unfolding each day? Do either of these grifters grasp the drastic consequences for Trump if their "theories" are correct? Do they expect Trump to say, "Yeah. I've actually been president this whole time. So all that inflation you've been living with - I could've stopped that, but didn't. All that money Congress authorized for Ukraine to bankrupt the USA - I let that happen. The invasion at the southern border for the last 3 years? Yeah, I let all of them come in and setup shop. Even flew them around on your dime to your towns and cities, and I'm giving them your tax dollars every month so they can live better than you. Not to mention all those who crossed the border that have committed crimes like rape and murder of you and yours - that's on my watch too. Oh and that botched withdrawal from Afghanistan? Yep - I did that too. And because I'm still CIC, I'm the one sending our troops over to Ukraine and Israel to fight wars that have nothing to do with us". If Trump is what they say he is, then all of these disasters are on him. Period. You can't have it both ways: Trump is still president but he has no power and no authority and therefore isn't responsible for all the disasters listed (along with all the others). These two fools being "correct" is the worst possible scenario for Trump. Which is the simplest way to explain how stupid their theories are.

Of the two, I nominate Herold as actually worse than Johnson. Little Jonny became so enamored with this "devolution" nonsense that his multiple installment series trying to 'splain it revealed just how ridiculous it was. I had gotten to the 4th of his articles when I fully grasped Herold's "theory" was totally bankrupt, and Herold had almost zero understanding of how the US Constitution works. He claimed in that 4th article that Trump actually "suspended the Constitution", failing to realize no such authority under any circumstances - wartime or otherwise - allows any President to simply dissolve the other two "separate-but-equal" branches of government. Congress could vote to dissolve itself, but no President can just liquidate the legislature and the judiciary on his own authority. Then Herold gets even more laughably ridiculous. He then claims that in 2020 during the lame duck session, Trump "suspended the electoral vote count". This alone shows us how numb Herold's mind is. Again, that pesky "separation-of-powers" thing Herold has trouble understanding rises up again. No executive can command or compel actions deigned only to a legislature. Moreover, Jonny apparently doesn't grasp that we do not have a national election in this country. We have 50 individual state elections. And the Constitution is explicitly clear when it comes to electors and the Electoral College: ONLY state legislature can author election law, and name presidential electors; and Congress oversees the Electoral College process by counting the electoral votes every January after a presidential election. So Herold's "devolution" nonsense says Trump just dissolved the other two branches of government because he said so (or something); then interceded into state politics by ordering them to stop counting their electoral votes. Somehow. That someone this intellectually uninformed has been able to grift for years knowing virtually nothing is what's astonishing. And you gotta love this. Herold took the moniker of "patel patriot" in honor of his "hero" Kash Patel. So imagine Jonny's heartbreak when Kash found out all this "devolution" nonsense Jonny was spewing under Kash's name, and Kash actually blocked him of Truth Social. Kash Patel couldn't run away fast enough and wanted nothing to do with this lunatic, taking the step of formally disconnecting from Little Jonny. It was obvious Herold had little understanding for much of anything, since he kept banning people from his platforms for failing to tow Herold's favorite insistence that Pence was - and is - truly a White Hat who is deeply committed to Trump as a devoted ally. Those of us with brains knew full well of the litany of Pence evils, not the least of which was being the catalyst who opened the door to the railroading of General Flynn. In summary, Herold knows absolutely nothing yet grifts as though his totally bankrupt "devolution" theory is the equivalent of the Sinai tablets. I nominate him as worse of the two because Herold and this other grifter - Patrick Gunnels - cooked up this media company called Badlands, designed to give other grifters a monetizing platform. So Herold and Gunnels - grifters both - are now grifting off the grift of other grifters. Yeesh.

Johnson seems unable to grasp the Constitution either. Here's yet another aspect of how insane this idea of "suspended constitution" is. The US Constitution came into existence for only one reason: to outline the limited powers of a federal government. That's it. The Constitution is what gives the federal government its authority. In order for the Constitution to grant that authority, 3/4 of the states had to ratify it. So the states gave the federal government its charter. You can make a case that with no Constitution, then there is no federal government. It has no other means of authority to do ANYTHING. Which is to say no state needs to bother with Washington DC anymore. Each sate would essentially become its own sovereign nation. There is NO such mechanism in place to permit the claptrap Johnson spews about the entire nation now being under some form military authority. Which would make the open invasion of the southern border even more treasonous if that was so. So Johnson is trying to tell us Trump leads the US military and a million or so federalized NG troops yet they decide to keep allowing illegal migrants to keep piling into the country. The level of insanity with that is off the charts.

These two megalomaniacs took their wounds from the 2020 theft and allowed those wounds to fester, creating a series of ridiculous conspiracies that only hurt Trump if they were true. Not to mention how absurd all this is that these two claim to know all of this, yet the suspended constitution is somehow being done in secret. As if Congress is totally clueless yet Jonny and Derek have it all figured out. Good on you that you're working to call them out. They deserve it.

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I am glad that someone is pushing back on some of the wilder theories which have sprung up in the wake of the 2020 coup d'état which installed an imposter in the White House instead of the presidential candidate who won the majority of the electoral college seats, as voted for by real, living, flesh and blood, American citizens.

Many of these theories, it seems to me, are founded in wishful thinking and they are derived from the feeling of shock at the outrageous election theft in 2020. That sense of shock is completely understandable. Equally understandable is the feeling that such an atrocity should not only never have been allowed to take place but also ought to have been at least anticipated and prepared for by extraordinary contingency plans.

Personally, I have not seen the slightest shred of evidence of the existence of a powerful group of brilliant and influential military or civil patriots with the power to fight back against the Deep State machinery from outside the system.

However, as far as the law and the Constitution goes, I am unconvinced by many of the arguments set out in the article above. Neither the Constitution nor the law are rigorously applied when it's politically inconvenient for whomsoever is in power.

Congress quickly ratified FDR's declaration of war against Japan in 1941 but how many times since then has the USA gone to war without a Congressional declaration?

How many judges at any level - local, state, federal or even SCOTUS - can be trusted to apply any law impartially and without prejudice? I despair every time that I hear that such and such a judge is a conservative or a liberal. The personal politics of a jurist should not matter at all but in practice it's the only thing that matters in many significant cases.

Lawyers are as fallible as everybody else, if not more so. Every time there is an adversarial court battle between a plaintiff and a defendant the only thing that you can bet on is that on of these legal experts representing the prosecution or the defense will lose the case, despite having presented the best legal argument that their erudition, scholarship and experience could muster. Sometimes neither side gets what they wanted. This tells us that the number of legal experts who get things right is a minority of those who practise law.

"The law is an ass." - Charles Dickens (Oliver Twist)

I have always felt that the meaning of that famous quote should be understood at a deeper level.

Firstly, in Britain the word "ass" is primarily a synonym for a donkey and, by extension, a stupid, dull creature which is generally slow to react or respond but can be eventually persuaded.

Secondly, while Americans use the word to describe somebody's hindquarters ("she has a beautiful ass"), the British would generally use the word "arse" rather than "ass".

Dickens, of course, was British. An ass, in Britain, is mostly understood as a beast of burden which is manipulated into doing the work of its owner, regardless of what the donkey itself wants to do.

The point is not that the law is an idiot or a fool. The ass in question is a workhorse which can be cajoled, bribed or whipped into performing the work which its master would prefer not to do himself.

But first, the master must be confident that he has enough control over the brute to bend it to his will.

In my eyes, that is a perfect analogy for the current, sad state of the American legal system.

If you want to convict Trump, try him in Washington D.C. before a leftist, Democrat-appointed judge then turn over the verdict to a "jury of his peers" (from a district in which 96% of the votes in the last presidential election went for Trump's opponent).

You can argue points of law and legal niceties all day long, every day until you're blue in the face and you're too hoarse to say another word.

The bottom line is that the letter of the law is worthless when those who are authorised to apply it - judges, jury members, legislators - neither respect nor revere it and nobody else has the courage and the power to enforce it.

Even as we read this, Derek Chauvin is recovering from stab wounds inflicted upon him in a prison to which he would never have been sent if the jury of his peers had been brave enough to resist the intimidation of the baying mob outside the courthouse who were demanding a guilty verdict, regardless of the law. That jury, the backstop of the practise of just law, lacked the courage to do the right thing for fear of the immediate consequences.

The law of any nation might as well be written in pencil on toilet paper if it is not applied fairly and consistently. There is no evidence to justify relying upon the just application of the law in the United States today.

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Oh, this is not the end, this is just the beginning, there's more, but if you want to make excuses for Derek's lies and untruthfulness by blaming our government for being broken, I feel that's extremely irresponsible and probably why it's broken in the first place.

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I have no intention on making excuses for the deceptions which have been deployed by the various grifters who have tried to cash in on the "hopium" movement or the innumerable intelligence operatives who are deliberately trying to sow confusion and disunity. If I failed to make that clear, I apologize.

My point was merely that the law is being abused by political powers who "INTERPRET it for their friends and ENFORCE it for their enemies."

No example makes this clearer than the dozens of indictments which President Trump is facing while there has never been a single indictment against the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, etc.

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No, my appologies. I was only saying that theres more. You had great points.

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I didnt word that very well. Many are making axcusdes for Derek was my point to that reply.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Can you tell me a little bit more about your background constitutional republic? What role do you have presently? Thank you.

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I am a retired Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Warfare Specialist, Navy Special Operations. I got injured, 3 combat tours, retired in 2010, and since then I've been advising pretty much all over the world, in a nutshell.

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Thank you for your service. Thank you for your analysis. I will always continue to ask questions and dig deeper.

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Yes, man, that is a good thing. Digging is what I believe we lack right now. Here's why I'm speaking out against these theory's, especially Derek. And I'm not trying to beat a dead horse. But he's lying. And I'm going to tell you how. First, he claims that military law and civilian law were separated in accordance with the Military Justice Act. Well, they've always been separated. And every Military Justice Act, that's been written, because there's been more than one, even though Derek said the Supreme Court wrote it for the first time in our history, that was a lie, they always reinforce that fact that they are separate and always have been. So there's two things right off the bat. He says, and I have it on video, that the Supreme Court wrote the Military Justice Act. And that civilian and military law was separated in that Military Justice Act in 2016. That's not true. The second thing is that the President and the Commander-in-Chief are two separate roles, two separate duties, etc. Well that is true, however, it's fulfilled by one man, or one President, the President as the Commander-in-Chief, or the President is the Commander-in-Chief, Article 2. He was kind of word-playing that. The next thing is that Article 2, the Commander-in-Chief, and Article 3, the Federal Government, according to Derrick, was separated. This is the basis of his Commander-in-Chief theory. Well, I'm sure you know that Article 2 describes the executive branch, Article 3 is the judicial branch. They are already separate, separation of powers, balance of power. You see what I'm saying? Next, Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2, well, did you know, those are not military directives?, they're civilian. You can look that up too, man. Just that alone completely dismantles his theory, because from there, from the Federal Directives, he goes into Continuity of Government, which the military doesn't initiate at all, it's not even a part of it, that's Department of Homeland Security and FEMA. And then military occupancy, well, how? And then he says the Constitution is suspended, or paused, if you will, as he puts it. That's it. His whole theory is dismantled right there. And everything that he said up to that point is a lie. It's either intentional or negligent ignorance. And he's pulling people when they're vulnerable. And he's subverting the Constitution, that's what really pisses me off. And he treats veterans like shit.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

I think it’s good that there are opposing viewpoints and it opens the discussion to further analyze things. I am also of the opinion that just siding Cornell’s research those three sections may not be enough. Can you cite other examples besides Cornell? Thank you.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Good job guys! The only thing the military is in control of is trannies, pronouns, and screwing things up!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Great work! Thank you for bringing logic, reason, and verified research to the fore in this massive Infodemic War. Continue de-bunking these paytriot ASSEtS faulty theories spoon fed to them by their handlers and employers. We see you….you can’t hide behind Q, Devolution, Re-Constitution, etc

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Your analysis is correct if you ignore Supreme court decisions since Section 50CFR was written. By doing so, you attack the truth with false accusations based on limited research. Derek Johnson specifically states the supreme court case, so without researching this, you are providing disinformation in the form of omission. This is exactly the information needed to make a logical decision who is telling the truth. You failed to sway me away from the claims of Derek Johnson, because you failed to deliver all the information. I now hold court that your group is a psyop and cannot be trusted. Prove me wrong by publishing ALL the truth.

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Jan 20Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Which Specific SCOTUS ruling do you refer ? btw , next time “Include receipts” for comments/Opinions !

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The ones Derrick espouses in his video. Look them up, do not take my word for it. I have not a clue what you mean by "include receipts"?

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Jan 23Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Precisely what you DID NOT DO .... ie... ilo giving me a "he said she said" BS reply give me the FACTS , rather the particular SCOTUS ruling on the matter... btw , I DON"T take your word and Damn sure will NEVER take Derek Johnsons word on anything... the Dude cut and ran instead of completing a measly 2 year hitch (which he signed up for NOT having to contend with a DRAFT which I remember well ) then have the audacity to berate those who actually served Honorably... THAT is known as stolen valour pal , a special place in hell awaits those as he ...

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Well said.

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DO you have any independent thoughts of your own? You sound like an echo chamber. You cant even site the original US Code you speak of....

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Oh, I can. But the points have been made and I don't need to.

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Yeah, thought so...

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I second your comment! I was all ready, set and go to cite examples on why Derek Johnson's claims are 100% truth, but you have already done so. One more point: why would 17th SOG's only internet citations be from law.cornell.edu? Why not from the actual federal government's website on US Code, https://uscode.house.gov/? And why not look at every Supreme Court case which has made us a non-constitutional government? Why not every Amendment to the Constitution as well, such as Amendment 14 which began to erode the Constitution along with the 10th Amendment, and granted more power to the Federal Government than the several states? Why not cite all the Executive Orders written and executed by President Trump that Faux Joe Biden has extended over the last 3 years? I propose a new name: 17th Special Operations Psy-Op Group.

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They are the same. Prove me wrong. Find the difference, If any, between law.cornell.edu and https://uscode.house.gov/, Ill wait......

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I know they are the same. However, it should come from the original source to carry maximum credibility. None of my other questions were addressed, however. And I stick to my valid points. Derek Johnson KNOWS what he's talking about and is educating those without eyes to see (like you).

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i suppose if one never took basic civ class PLUS tends to be Extremely Gullible , well , ole DeeReeKiez is ya boy

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Jan 20Liked by The Constitutional Republic

Can You please provide the SCOTUS Rulings ? my thoughts on the use of Cornell “He Provides RECEIPTS for what he puts forth” ... Clear Cohesive and simple to Follow. Much more than can be said for the “Circular Logic” , if it can even be called logic , that Johnson has imo Beguiled You and the others with ! Offense totally unintended But address my point if you would , or could ... Reciepts , without them you have Nothing !!!

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You have made even more valid points. It is really great to see others who can see the gas lighting going on here! Derek must be right otherwise he would not be under attack!

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Thats your mindset?? lol.... Good luck with that. But I tell you what, time will tell.... Youllsee.

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Exactly. You said it.

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Jan 23Liked by The Constitutional Republic

"exactly" well perhaps YOU can provide the specifics of this SCOTUS legislation (which DOES NOT EXIST btw )

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The only thing I question about all of this is the massive corruption in all of DC, including the congressional, executive branches and all of the unconstitutional bureaucratic offices. FBI and DOJ are demonstrably corrupt as is the Pentagon. I shared a while back that Chris’ articles on contingency plans are wonderfully accurate....but the agencies tasked with acting on the orders are corrupt. So, I still have questions about all of the articles and plans.... What is next when those tasked with protecting citizens are corrupt at the top?

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Who is this Derek Johnson guy?

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mustn't forget ole charlie and the others such as ole juan and that geannie coder something or another

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Obviously the facts are what you make them. Yes traitors are everywhere but sometimes redeem themselves. Why would I regurgitate what Derek already did, just proves you would rather be lazy instead of looking it up. At least he is honest and open about what he did, he also is alerting us of his view of what is happening from his perspective which is questioning our military leaders, as everyone should, including enlisted persons.

Kind of like everyone in the military that thinks they deserve accolades because they chose to serve. It was your choice to serve, don't forget to honor those who supported your efforts with tax dollars we worked hard for, don't forget who pays your retirement or the "others" that develop the equipment and tools you used as a war fighter. Obviously you do not honor your oath by protecting Americans from foreign invasion from within and without. I see all of you as traders because you don't stand up for our freedom while our Chinese owned & evil politicians sell us out. YOU TOOK AN OATH, either respect that and do something in support of that OATH or become the traitor you hate so much! YOUR HONORABLE SERVICE continues but your own actions show the falsity you are honorable. Like Derrick, you can fall on your sword and still Redeem yourself, of course that would require you to be honorable. Hell also awaits those that delay justice and ignore evil.

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Dude, you don’t read. It’s that simple. If you would spend as much time reading instead of complaining we as a nation wouldn’t be in this position. You attack the messenger instead of rebut the points I’ve made. And instead, you make excuses as to why you can’t, and blame me. lol. You’re a joke. Talk about hell? We shall see….. your the one following lies because of your weakness and addiction to hope. Yet, you still come back…. lol.

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This is a great series and a lot of people need to hear it. However, what people need MORE than information and deconstruction of other theories are practical steps they can take TOMORROW to reconstitute their governments. I'm a big fan of the "Precinct Strategy" spoken of at length by Steve Bannon for practical ways Republicans can get involved locally and make a huge difference.

I am rather well read so I may be an exception to the average reader, but you should should know I find myself "scanning" your written works. Yeah, it's great that there's another anonymous group of patriots who want to stick their necks out for the rest of us but I don't need a crash course in how government or military strategy works. I am an avid Sun Tzu reader/rereader and the operative principle in that famous treatise is the use of deception to win wars.

Teaser alert: This is a war and deception is part of the game. Mr. Poopy Pants in Residency at the White House isn't even the real Joe Biden. The Democrats' funding comes about 50% from China. The Intel Community is behind drugs and human trafficking. The crisis at the border is about institutionalizing this and raising an army of military aged men who are addicted to Democrat handouts. The people are beset on all sides by both conscious and unconscious deceptions that take root in the fertile soil of people's imaginations and hopes for their futures, their family's' and that of their country.

I don't need the problems to be endlessly defined and redefined for me by competing theories about "what's going on." I have two eyes and two ears. I'm a man of above average intelligence. Plus, I'm all about solutions. That said, I tend to operate on the legal theory that the scamdemic (willful intent to harm) combined with the stolen election (willful violation of own laws) and the extra porous membrane at our border voids the entire government's contract with We the People. Period. End of Story. They are all Traitors at BEST and a foreign invasion force, at worst. No lengthy treatise needed to understand that.

Yet, we are faced with the practical reality that there isn't enough American Made rope for them all so we have to triage. Prioritize. Pick our battles. Win on the turf that We the People own: the cognitive battlefield. The idea of "taking whole" is another concept in the Art of War. For the those who haven't read, that means "why destroy your enemies supply lines when you can add them to your own? Why kill your enemies foot soldiers when you can convert them for your own use? Why raze your enemies towns when you can add them to your empire?" Sun Tzu frequently acknowledges that the primary battlefield is the mind and only when the capable general recognize that, can they win the war before it's even started.

I'll just get out with it. Your writings strike me as preaching to the choir. You need to refocus on the unconverted, the fence-sitters, the many who are reluctant to vote Republican or have a chip on their shoulder about Trump. On this front, the enemy has already done us many favors.

This government's incompetence couldn't be more naked if Joe Biden walked to Marine 1 in his birthday suit. The enemy is supplying us with all the ammunition we need to win on the cognitive battlefield. Endlessly say "the emperor has no clothes." Meme it and mean it. I know it seems hopeless sometimes, with all of our "liberal friends" but remember that you, yourself probably whiled away your days in ignorance once.

Nobody ever changed Parties without a crisis of conscience. Nothing ever built was done so without somebody first imagining it. Conversely, no war was ever won without somebody (or many people) vividly imagining the enemy's ultimate defeat. That is the power of the mind. And that is the battleground that We the People control.

This so-called Government retains only de facto authority as long as people keep mentally ascribing them that authority. If people were to, say, become so disgusted with the government at every level, enough to stop paying any taxes, stop seeking out government issued licenses (outside of passports), stop contracting with the Courts, stop being so darned governable... this shit-show would end without a drop of blood being spilled.

You might get the odd IRS agent at your door but when they are politely informed about the bead on their back - they won't be back. The notion of potential violence should not go beyond making friends with your local veterans and promising to have each others' six if shit goes down. We don't need to be preparing to go to battle with the warmachine--that's what they want--the real war is in the mind. If it wasn't obvious, the phony government is doing everything it can to incite a physical "civil war" because it would give them exactly the pretext they DESPARATELY NEED to cement their power and make people forget the legal FACT that they are operating with NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER.


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Well, I’m not sure which articles you’ve read, but I’ve written dozens from understanding local government fundamentally to problem-solving to planning and more. No matter how you think of it, This is war. As you’ve said, you are well-versed in strategy, I don’t know that for sure, or how in-depth, but I’ve been in combat as a combat veteran. This is not a physical war. We are not in the domain of sea land air. We are in the digital and informational domain.

But I do know this, in warfare you need to keep things simple, the battle space is your local community, no matter what. No matter who the enemy is , eventually they will either infiltrate or end up in your community. They are already there.. That’s the choke point, so fortify it spread, knowledge, train people, educate them, plan coordinate, organize, there’s no other way. There’s no secret potion. No secret remedy no secret formula. It is simple hard work, just aa any war is, that’s why I like to keep things simple.

You analyze your community, if you think you know, it know it more every detail, demographics, organizations, businesses, individuals, etc.

Know your local government if you think you know it, know it more, in detail names, contact information, social media accounts, collateral duties, etc.

Analyze the impact gov has on your community, identify problems, refined the problems, identify solutions, create courses of actions for those solutions initiate the course of action, feedback loop, repeat.

Understanding your election process. If you think you know it, know it more etc. This isn’t rocket science, combat in any warfare domain, It’s not rocket science. It’s that simple.

And you may be intelligent, and I mean no disrespect. But that intelligence goes as far as the team you’re part of. And if you’re not part of a team, then that intelligence goes no where.

And the precinct strategy should be implemented as you evaluate your community as I mentioned, because you want to evaluate every aspect of it to include your voting, district or precinct or whatever it’s called, depending upon your locality, should be a part of your plan of action.

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Mci x as A z

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I think the discussions in the thread are pretty remarkable. If you asked me, it opened your mind up to many things to think about and discuss. That’s a good thing.

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I think an open and robust discussion is good. And I am not dissing anyone’s opinions, but challenging those just to site more literature from other sources. That’s all. No dissing.

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This comment refers to the crendentialing agency's funding source shaping the paramaters of the orthodoxy it polices. It is not directed at you.

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No need to throw a hissy fit. When you offer public comments, you may expect the public to respond. In my case I simply critqued your critique. Call it peer review. And I have no idea what you're talking about accusations of making money. You have apparently confused or conflated me some other commenter.

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“ This ultimately always flows back to their funding sources.”

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