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Get prepared!! We cannot have a repeat of 2020!! Only We the People can Fix out elections!!
All the articles in one spot.
All the Plans, Checklists and Steps all in one spot!
We the People, The American Elections
Part 7a, Election Laws, Bylaws, and the Precinct Strategy
Part 7b, The Vote, Elected Positions and Autonomy
Part 7c, Elections, Influence, Power and Lines of Impact
The Citizen, Precinct, Influence and Power
In the grand tapestry of our nation, the United States, we function under the guiding principles of a constitutional republic. This means that we, the citizens, are the architects of our governance, electing representatives who then shape policy decisions on our behalf. It is a system that empowers us, the citizens, to sculpt the future of our country. But how does this process unfold? How do we, as ordinary citizens, influence the decisions that mold our communities and our lives? Let's delve into this through a hypothetical scenario.
Picture, if you will, a place called Liberty County, a vibrant tapestry that encompasses the Municipality of Freedom and the Township of Independence. While these names are fictional, the processes and situations they represent are as real as the air we breathe.
In Liberty County, we have a County Commissioner, Robert, a stalwart of the Democratic party. Robert was elected by us, the people, and his party, which emphasizes social welfare and affordable housing, won the majority in the county election. As County Commissioner, Robert wields the power to influence policies and budget allocations at the county level. He decides to prioritize affordable housing and allocates a significant portion of the county's budget to this issue. His decisions have a direct line of impact on the county's policies and budget, which in turn influence the state and federal governments' decisions regarding funding and legislation.
In the Municipality of Freedom, we have Mayor William, a proud Republican, also elected by us. William's campaign focused on tenant rights and affordable housing, which resonated with many voters in the municipality. As Mayor, William has the power to enact local ordinances and manage municipal services. He decides to implement rent control policies to keep housing affordable in Freedom. His decisions influence the municipality's policies and budget, which in turn influence the county, state, and federal governments.
In the Township of Independence, we have Township Supervisor Susan, an Independent, again elected by us. Susan's stance on encouraging private development through tax incentives appealed to many voters in the township. As Township Supervisor, Susan has the power to manage local services and set local policy directions. She decides to provide tax incentives to private developers to build more affordable housing units. Her decisions influence the township's policies and budget, which in turn influence the county, state, and federal governments.
Now, let's delve into the role of election precincts in this process. Jane, a citizen of Liberty County and a dedicated Democrat, serves as a precinct committeewoman. She played a crucial role in the election process, advocating for Robert to be on the ballot. Her influence was instrumental in shaping the voting pattern in her precinct. She organized community meetings, disseminated information about Robert's policies, and rallied her fellow Democrats to vote for him. Her efforts paid off when Robert was elected as the County Commissioner. Her influence extends beyond her precinct, impacting the county, state, and federal levels through the elected official she helped put in office.
John, a citizen from Freedom, is a committeeman and a staunch Republican. He too used his influence to ensure that William was on the ballot. John advocated for William's policies and initiatives that resonated with the people of Freedom. He held town hall meetings, engaged with the community on social media, and even went door-to-door to ensure that the citizens of Freedom knew about William and his policies. His efforts were rewarded when William was elected as the Mayor of Freedom. His influence also extends beyond his precinct, impacting the municipality, county, state, and federal levels.
Mary, a citizen of Independence, is new to the voting process. She decided to volunteer for Susan's campaign, eager to learn and contribute to the election process. She relied heavily on her local election precinct for information on how to vote and how to effectively advocate for Susan. The precinct provided her with valuable information about Susan, her policies, and how to cast her vote. Mary spent countless hours going door-to-door, talking to her neighbors about Susan and her plans for Independence. Her hard work paid off when Susan was elected as the Township Supervisor. Her influence, like Jane and John's, extends beyond her precinct, impacting the township, county, state, and federal levels.
The election process for the Mayor, Township Supervisor, and County Commissioner positions was a testament to the power of the precincts. They served as a vital source of information for voters, a platform for advocacy, and a mechanism to ensure that the voices of the citizens were heard and represented in the ballot. Through their efforts, Jane, John, and Mary were able to influence the outcome of the elections in their respective precincts, demonstrating the power of citizen engagement in a constitutional republic.
County Commissioner Robert's decision to prioritize affordable housing in Liberty County is a significant line of action that creates a line of influence within the local government structure. His policy decision prompts both the Municipality of Freedom and the Township of Independence to adjust their policies and budgets to align with the county's focus on affordable housing. This alignment is a clear demonstration of the influence that a county-level decision can have on the policies of the municipalities and townships within it.
Mayor William's rent control policy in the Municipality of Freedom is another line of action that produces a line of influence within the local government structure. The policy influences Liberty County and the Township of Independence, prompting discussions about implementing similar rent control policies. This local policy consideration shows how a municipality's decisions can influence policy discussions at the county and township levels.
The Township Supervisor Susan's decision to provide tax incentives to developers in the Township of Independence is a line of action that generates a line of influence within the local government structure. This decision influences both Liberty County and the Municipality of Freedom. The county considers similar tax incentives, and the municipality debates whether such incentives could complement their rent control laws. This demonstrates how a township's decisions can influence policy considerations at the county and municipal levels.
In each of these instances, the lines of action taken by the elected officials in Liberty County, the Municipality of Freedom, and the Township of Independence create lines of influence that extend to each other. These lines of influence demonstrate the interplay and mutual influence among the county, municipality, and township.
But what about us, the citizens? How do we influence this complex web of decision-making? Let's consider Jane, a citizen from Liberty County, has several lines of action available to her. She can attend public meetings, write to elected officials, or even consider running for office.
These actions allow her to advocate for the Municipality of Freedom to consider tax incentives for developers, similar to those in Independence. Additionally, she can push for rent control policies in unincorporated areas of the county, similar to those in Freedom. These actions create lines of influence that can shape the policies and budgets at the local level.
John, a citizen from Freedom, can also exert influence on the Township of Independence and Liberty County. His lines of action include advocating for Independence to consider rent control policies and pushing for more budget allocation for affordable housing at the county level. These actions create lines of influence that can impact decisions at the local level.
Mary, a citizen from Liberty County, can influence the Municipality of Freedom and the Township of Independence. Her lines of action include advocating for both Freedom and Independence to align their policies more closely with the county's focus on affordable housing. She can also push for both entities to allocate more of their budgets to affordable housing. These actions create lines of influence that can shape local policies and budgets.
In each of their unique ways, Jane, John, and Mary are not just advocating for their causes, but they are rallying their communities, bringing awareness to the issues they care about, and showing their fellow citizens how they can influence the decision-making process. They are a testament to the power of citizen engagement.
The citizens of Liberty County, the Municipality of Freedom, and the Township of Independence, through their elected officials, can create lines of impact that reach beyond their local communities.
For instance, County Commissioner Robert's decision to prioritize affordable housing could have a significant impact at the state level. If his policy proves successful, it could influence state officials to adopt similar measures or allocate more funding for affordable housing. This could then have a ripple effect at the federal level, influencing national policy or legislation related to affordable housing.
Similarly, Mayor William's rent control policies in the Municipality of Freedom could also create a line of impact. If these policies effectively address the issue of affordable housing in Freedom, they could influence state-level policies. State officials might consider implementing similar rent control measures across the state. This could then influence federal policies, potentially leading to national legislation on rent control.
Township Supervisor Susan's decision to provide tax incentives to developers in the Township of Independence could also create a line of impact. If these incentives lead to a significant increase in affordable housing units, state officials might consider similar tax incentives. This could then influence federal tax policies, potentially leading to tax incentives for affordable housing development at the national level.
In each case, the actions of local officials, influenced by the citizens who elected them, could create a ripple effect that influences policy at the state and federal levels. This is the essence of lines of impact - local actions creating national impact. Through their votes, advocacy, and community organizing, citizens like Jane, John, and Mary can influence decision-making that affects their communities, their state, and their nation.
Let's say Robert's affordable housing initiative in Liberty County is a resounding success. It leads to a significant increase in affordable housing units, reduces homelessness, and improves the overall quality of life in the county. News of this success spreads, and other counties in the state begin to adopt similar initiatives.
As more and more counties implement similar policies and see similar success, state legislators take notice. They see the positive impact these policies are having on their constituents and decide to implement a statewide affordable housing initiative, using Robert's policy as a model.
This state-level initiative is also successful, leading to a significant increase in affordable housing across the state. The success of this initiative garners national attention. Other states begin to take notice and consider implementing similar initiatives.
At the federal level, lawmakers see the success of this policy at the state level and the positive impact it's having on citizens. They decide to draft legislation to provide federal funding for affordable housing initiatives, using the state's initiative as a model. This legislation, if passed, would provide funding to states to implement or expand their own affordable housing initiatives.
In this way, a local policy implemented by County Commissioner Robert could have a ripple effect that influences national policy. This is a prime example of a line of impact - a local action leading to state and then national impact. Through their votes, advocacy, and community organizing, citizens like Jane, John, and Mary can influence decision-making that affects their communities, their state, and their nation.
Written by, SpartanAltsobaPatriot -17th SOG
Plans, Steps and Checklists
Political Action Planning Tasks
Course of Action Positions and Roles
Behold a Pale Horse,
Again, the good people of united America in unanimity honor for honor, long ago put to writ, offices in pure express civil service trust, profit and honor entitled "Novus Ordo Seclorum".
Now, if this trust is to stand as guaranteed, what remains of America's vibrancy and posterity must muster themselves as legions in grand array honor for honor and standing blazon at the ready, in restitution of all things thereon, in occupancy of the field of honor from Pole to Pole, eternal forevermore, as divine providence proclaimed. Whom speaks, doth so as blazon shield bearer "Sovereign Witness" of a united States of America, that was hand delivered by agency of government seal makers (United States Stamp & Seal) in 1996.
Purposes & function that, should America's Four-Corners Doctrine laid declaratory and unanimously in perpetual Union, ever find her institutions (founded orderly to preserve both for themselves, "their posterity") unable or unwilling to stand in good behavior, in accord with our anciently held spiritual beliefs constitutionally speaking, this seal bearer stands at ready for General Inspection as General Inspector that orderly muster special sessions of inspector general’s sitting in continental "Universalsea" for marshaling restitution in all things honor for honor upon our Westerly societies self-evident principles of divine providence, accredited as pledged by our sacred unanimity in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore. Take Note: all-fathers sovereign witness fearfully and wonderfully made godson, put to writ for all walks of life seeking good will everywhere, eternal forevermore, universal restitution in all things in service of honor for honor, by, for and with all good people of united America & elsewhere, that gives balance in Golden Rule & Castle Rule in Normal Law, that all seeking good will in service of honor for honor and sitting in good behavior under pains and penalties of perjury, in accord with universal principles of contract, guarantying to all, their just due in accord, will find all-fathers perfectly suited, standing in sovereignty uncontrovertibly.
As for what passes as "Voting" by secret ballot throughout the world via communistic party apparatus (now part of the communistic party (known as their "International Democrat Union"), whether by direct accountable affirmation or "black-box machine voting" will always lead to pointless, rigged pettifoggery that seeks to socially engineer you into waiving your unalienable Rights to those holding "office", which in reality, falsely claims to subjugate those Naughty naughty.
All-father is taking notice and has sent his sovereign witness whether you’re prepared for restitution or elsewise, your chose in action shall be known and reported upon our ensealing of our last breath brethren. Time is of the essence!
What passes as the good people of united America's & agency governance or what is meant...., respectfully speaking, is for all agencies to govern from what the good people of united America, constitutionally speaking, and for all agencies to take notice: both the sovereign joint tenants in the Sovereignty of America & eternal Creation govern themselves by Normal Law!!! Not by agency Common Law of the Land or Maritime Merchant Law of the Sea.
Our Eternal Law is "Normal Law" and heraldry...."Honor for Honor" and our demand of all agencies....."Death before Dishonor" (PERIOD).
Instead, Americans & elsewise, find themselves being murdered on the streets of America and elsewise, while their agency government officers & offices are being filled by foreigners…lol
Even Juries throughout America are being manned by foreigners (they will never tell you and law enforcement will hide it just as the judges and attorneys) ever since the adoption and compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
Here in Whitman County WA they are advertising a Superior Clerk of Court only hiring United States citizens, aliens authorized to work in the United States. Your Americans are being replaced by communist and foreigners who don't give a damn about America, only power!!!!
And remember whom speaks as author of an eternal Record in communication, setting aside formality, is just a simple common godson of all-father fearfully and wonderfully made for seeking eternal perfection in good will with all walks of life similarly minded.
And, the only Saints are those marching in service of honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
But, never forget that when simple common people/folk are culled in honor for honor in restitution of all things thereon, are the only Saints fearfully and wonderfully made by all-father in image & likeness, for eternal living or worth passing on, for the sake of future generations amply prepared by divine providence, for dominion throughout all-fathers grand eternal expanse.
Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and in thy day of testing all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, honor is thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.
Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur
Yes to this! WE THE PEOPLE must unite and fix our country and our selves!